diff --git a/notes/posts/How to perform geoqueries on Firestore (somewhat) efficiently.md b/notes/posts/How to perform geoqueries on Firestore (somewhat) efficiently.md index 85e2587..cc96e0b 100644 --- a/notes/posts/How to perform geoqueries on Firestore (somewhat) efficiently.md +++ b/notes/posts/How to perform geoqueries on Firestore (somewhat) efficiently.md @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ title: 'How to perform geoqueries on Firestore (somewhat) efficiently' description: 'Searching for documents in a gerographical range on Firestore always required workarounds, but not anymore.' pubDate: 'May 30, 2024' heroImage: 'https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1400/format:webp/1*teIrX51jyNYyyCajHGYthA.png' +alsoOn: ['https://medium.com/p/6c2f10fd285f'] --- A geoquery allows you to find points-of-interest that are within a certain range of a specific location. For example, say you have a list of all restaurants and their location: how do you find the ones that are within 5km of the user’s current location? diff --git a/src/components/AlsoOn.astro b/src/components/AlsoOn.astro index 3ea63c4..0b3776c 100644 --- a/src/components/AlsoOn.astro +++ b/src/components/AlsoOn.astro @@ -8,10 +8,12 @@ function getSocialLinkType(link) { if (new RegExp("https\://threads.net/").test(link)) return "threads"; if (new RegExp("https\://c.im/").test(link)) return "mastodon"; if (new RegExp("https\://linkedin.com/").test(link)) return "linkedin"; + if (new RegExp("https\://(www\.)?goodreads.com/").test(link)) return "goodreads"; + if (new RegExp("https\://(www\.)?medium.com/").test(link)) return "medium"; } --- { links?.length && ( -