All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
3.3.0 (2020-03-26)
- improve removal ux (027425c)
- parse lat lng query params to floats (9a664da)
- polyfill assign for IE11 (f085894)
- provide a stub resolver for an interface (f31f3d1)
- deps: update dependency downshift to v5.0.5 (9fb970f)
- deps: update dependency luxon to v1.22.2 (8d49b5f)
- add domestos use our loos logo (6c01526), closes #428
- allow geocoder through csp (fc9c684)
- api deps (39c7c34)
- clean up graphql dependencies (95bfd67)
- clear up after deprecating download (6c640aa)
- explorer search broken in many ways (bb628fe), closes #503
- minor dep updates (1881a90)
- minor dependency updates (e27765d)
- more api cleanup (5d6c8dc)
- observe deprecation (5e90292)
- open csp a little wider for auth0 (8d9b5c5)
- prevent unwanted logout (b54e068)
- remember map center when adding a toilet after auth (7d44f9a)
- update dependencies (7cb0671)
- use writeQuery not writeData (b38441c)
- deps: update dependency mongoose to v5.9.3 (858b86c)
- deps: update dependency query-string to v6.11.1 (dea9ec8)
- deps: update dependency react-leaflet to v2.6.3 (8939441)
- deps: update dependency react-router-ga to v1.2.3 (366264a)
- active link style styling (64acbac)
- allow login with csp (e2fbdc9)
- andriod platfom stuff (8b17a30)
- apply path to script (86382f4)
- better no-results message (5fb2c9a)
- correctly swap between hash routing and html5 routing (189485c)
- directions/map intents (fd20853)
- fix adaptive radius, build process (ca377a6)
- fix awkward overflow on map pages (320050e)
- fix cordova javascript in dev mode (456a900)
- improve dev docs and scripts for app dev (f3258bf)
- index.html meta tag[C (de670ce)
- index.html meta tagdsds (61af04a)
- invalidate map size when container resizes (b9fd3dc)
- make auth work in native flow (313b37e)
- no list view on desktop (453f15f)
- only allow the api through the allowed intents (5607bc8)
- overly strict content policy (141585a)
- partial fix for #233, just limit the query when we're in map view (630a56f)
- re-add security policy meta (ec46504)
- remove misguided homepage setting (e03e7f3)
- remove tracked config.xml (e6f1fe3)
- removed meta http-equiv (bb397c4)
- respect fee filter correctly (921c344), closes #473
- script to build config.xml prebuild (5e8d723)
- set arbitrary default for android (3776418)
- skip missing .env (16af087)
- solve contributors search (f01efd1), closes #474
- stop crashing in dev (378e3c3)
- update core-js (120bc73)
- update downshift (30d8aee)
- update hasha (c86ca1e)
- update leaflet (a3a27e0)
- update react (a6c6d89)
- update react-responsive (88b445c)
- upgrade material-ui (2fbed0c)
- upgrade react-router-dom (b80d30f)
- use cordova-plugin-geolocation (28d56cb)
- use env var for baked backend (a069cd7)
- use leaflet-control-geocoder from upstream (ae75de6)
- use new react refs (43e6153)
- use plugins and variables from package.json (3580c8b)
- use the correct prefix for react apps (343de02)
- add apollo link error (9ade5cf)
- add cordova plugins for phonegap (ec7efc6)
- add dev config xml for running the system locally (06588fc)
- add ios plugin (4632974)
- add phonegap bundler script (2c8ec66)
- add search control in more map views (566b055), closes #453 #478
- add uol logs to info pages (85d52b6)
- allow apolloDevTools in prod (d5658c4)
- app is working locally for domestos (df6efc5)
- forward to loos page with message after contribution (8c4fa12)
- graphQL migration (3acce12)
- hide sponsorship under on mobile by default (7203b0a)
- remove old rest services (a3f91ea)
- remove un-needed files from repo and stop linting (6a0ee8c)
- support api url prefix (e347413)
- update native app meta (37e5445)
- upgrade explorer to @apollo/client (1ba42ef)
- use a baked in backend configuration (052c30b)
- use cordova version of auth (1b718b1)
- use cpx to copy files (1f16175)
3.2.1 (2020-03-01)
- respect fee filter correctly (638ba82), closes #473
- wrong links on explorer homepage (8e76a0d), closes #472
3.2.0 (2019-11-28)
- add cross-env (1935f64)
- get history to fill some variables when the location changes (5a0a68f)
- put pagetitle in instead of pathname (fe5a6fe)
- disable save button when preferences haven't been changed (a49e293)
- track client-side pageViews (9518028)
3.1.0 (2019-11-28)
- add cross-env (1935f64)
- get history to fill some variables when the location changes (5a0a68f)
- put pagetitle in instead of pathname (fe5a6fe)
- disable save button when preferences haven't been changed (a49e293)
- track client-side pageViews (9518028)
3.0.0 (2019-10-14)
- access geometry correctly (76f040c)
- add attributions and text indexing (4d3f539)
- adjust router to new url (6922c95)
- allow introspection queries (838e139)
- apostrophe (6727301)
- apply config to tracking (9cbd152)
- apply config to tracking (5212713)
- better redirect (9481c54)
- call api context (cde4809)
- clean up envs (b96d126)
- close connection in new loo script (c5bbc5e)
- close the db connection upon finishing (4db1e2e)
- comment out broken JS (450222f)
- conv str to null value so field removed in mongoose (708f44d)
- correct 'in to' to 'into' (f91cc2c)
- correct proxy URL for local dev environment (afbf9ce)
- correct schema values (0802515)
- corrected lint warnings (dcc7e8b)
- correctly wire up tracking config (e43cffe)
- default value to null (3df23c9)
- dep updates (a2d07fd)
- dep updates (6bfd9d8)
- dependency updates (3f75a8c)
- dependency updates (3980464)
- deps (c5c3b71)
- deps (db634d6)
- deps (8e60716)
- deps up (da82142)
- ensure versions are exact (579b4db)
- import default correctly (12d035a)
- improve button styles (c0afbad)
- leaflet L global for adobe scripts (9c0a5c3)
- links (5a898f8)
- look for an existing ID, use generated as fallback (849d867)
- manage timestamps (0d1a96b)
- migrate statistics (d082303)
- move to axios to allow cypress testing (0be52a9)
- move to createIndex (61dbe88)
- no post report navigation till after refetch (e467467)
- only remove filler values when they're truly redundant (6a19b66)
- opt-in (47a4aa0)
- package updates (8fdab8e)
- package.json include api (7265d65)
- point to new schema correctly (efa2579)
- position the popup better and show a white overlay (90bdd8b)
- preserve timestamps and attributions (d8b3d54)
- QoL improvements for migration scripts (5ff1ef4)
- refactor code to use api-client (54e7482)
- refetch nearby loos after reporting (3fda105)
- reflect tristate values in form (d114af8)
- remove 'classes' (bc21f29)
- remove now unnecessary first
that we missed (2942604)
- remove unused div (53477d7)
- repair bad merge (21ffc7b)
- scroll to cookie message (e55a731)
- show unique contributors in search results (ebbedf5)
- update adobe script (c98b19c)
- update copy as per Gail's email (3b3fb64)
- update cypress tests to work with new site flow (a20dd69)
- update dependencies (dc0369e)
- update dependencies (c89240f)
- update deps (c6ae63e)
- update deps (5305a74)
- update deps (03dd42d)
- updated copy to be more accurate (6d3aab8)
- updeps (d283a31)
- updeps (d6a9107)
- add cookie copy and change ux options (6c1f4af)
- enable adobe tracking locally (4d14bbe)
- ensure warnings do not bypass precommit (4f3a9a8)
- #415: add initial tracking scripts and popup (7a3ef69), closes #415
- #415: remember tracking settings (17b12b5), closes #415
- #415: unobstruct user when presenting cookie choices (ec781d1), closes #415
- [WIP] move search to graphql interface (fdb1380)
- add 404 page (34fdf87)
- add a graphql search interface for the explorer search (ef815d0)
- add api-client files and fix switch/case rules (f846960)
- add auth and redaction for graphql (b1069f4)
- add auth to explorer (ac57930)
- add filter for active loos (9c55c1b)
- add loodb package for mongoose interfacing (7276d2b)
- add minimum length (non-empty) to freeform text fields (59e5d1c)
- add report id list to loo schema (baf063d)
- add start of migrate package to bring us to our new schemata (090f476)
- add the ability to generate loos based on new reports (5411fc2)
- add vestigial search entrypoint (73e8134)
- add voyager (c3e0460)
- added better validation for GeoJSON points (b876fc9)
- allow contributors to be queried through GraphQL (fbaad6f)
- attempt to tidy fee values (2810fe8)
- BREAKING! replace old schema imports with new (b9bfea8)
- chain new reports together into linked lists to show diff order (505edaa)
- cypress overhaul (cfd4456)
- deprecate area statistics REST API (1f66a4f)
- deprecate counters REST API (3929c8d)
- deprecate proportions REST API (09bc8cf)
- enable apollo engine monitoring (e154fcd)
- enable apollo engine monitoring (7061c62)
- explorer page placeholder layout and text (621108f)
- expose close method (c593ba1)
- get loo from report (22e8d7e)
- graphql+ts client (0d35ac1)
- implement mutation resolver for submitReport (7b4fa94)
- initial graphql implementation (071c2a5)
- link from loo to explorer (bdd3467)
- login before form-filling (eeb92b6)
- map tri state properties (5386d55)
- move admin to explorer (db4dded)
- move api client funcs into package (ef624dc)
- move area statistics to graphql API (fdd5c92)
- move explorer search to graphql interface (72df97b)
- move proportions to graphql API (517f390)
- move to new data structures (ab17e0e)
- open loo edit in new tab (4804b49)
- primitive diff minimisation (976153e)
- removal reports in graphql (5e763a0)
- remove redundant properties (00ef5bc)
- remove technical data from ui (f6d2537)
- send client details with operations (e390452)
- submitReport schema (00d73c9)
- support old api users for now (3b5e7df)
- supress contributor names in searches (fd52771)
- switch counters to graphql interface (4a27165)
- test adding loos (bf47c82)
- test map rendering correctly by matching snapshot to stored image (33418f1)
- trim and strip out all empty string values (5c2faca)
- use graphql for single loo view (cb006c8)
- validate minification and associated reports (7186f92)
- wip (fc56d3a)
- requires full database migration, see the migrate package
2.9.0 (2018-11-27)
- rerender edit page after fetch (14a52c7), closes #295
- spelling errors (569af20)
- update deps (b05e25f)
2.8.0 (2018-10-11)
2.7.0 (2018-09-08)
- add postinstall hook and private bool (09fc540)
- annoyingly fix linting eerrors for cra build (d459b63)
- check that state exists before access (3295195)
- display empty and set default for area (1b8f5ce)
- fix method & data used when deleting pending loos (699bc71)
- ignore leaflet-control-geocoder when running tests (9bb0d1f)
- improve pagination (fdf80ad)
- initialise all variables that inputs are bound to (adfee77)
- loo view tables, clean json render (8f900b4)
- paths following /admin change (123fc1a)
- remove bind (6777959)
- root path for admin on site (ad8c957)
- search logic checks for location.state (d71ff64)
- set default values on downshift autocompletes (c49f97c)
- stay on react-scripts@next (f593db3)
- tag commit which fixes evt propogation issue (7d59c13)
- tag commit which fixes evt propogation issue (a251ae4)
- update deps (7190702)
- use cleaner check for state (c1bb20d)
- use unique value for key (c4a926e)
- zero index table (6d260d1)
- add dropdown box for contributor search (e42e52e)
- clickable chips, include timeago.js (788aa4e)
- implement a loo detail page (a36e24e)
- improve search (03a8a4a)
- improve search controls (01f2956)
- order by updatedAt, filter by updatedAt (604a62b)
- paginated table (56b90f1)
- replace react-router with reach-router (5c131af)
2.6.0 (2018-08-24)
- clearly invite business owners (a910cc2)
- clearly invite business owners (16f9c48)
- issue 316 typo (6676a83)
- issue 316 typo (0e1abb4)
- no search box on toilet add page (c9092e7)
- shrink header on small viewports (c8be0a6)
- use mapControls rather than geolocation (89849f8), closes #301
- add points to full loolist (a18d445)
- allow linking to locations (ffa235f)
- join use our loos (fec82f2)
- say thank you nicely (69f47a7)
- say thank you nicely (067648e)
- thanks page 101 (759d9b4)
2.5.0 (2018-08-06)
- simple fallback in the event of geolocation failure (3f4cae6)
- domestos use-our-loos campaign (63a0341)
- redirect all traffic to (ef90d29)
2.4.0 (2018-08-02)
- package upgrades (be89ceb)
- add meta description (81e2cc3)
- add newrelic monitoring to the api (8c95a80)
- add robots.txt (c5d5643)
2.3.0 (2018-08-02)
- add array.prototype.find polyfill for IE support (0946da1)
- add viewBox attr to svg's (9d78354)
- arbitrate analytics key correctly (290a0a5)
- avoid overlapping IE11 sidebar text (5e7130c)
- be less specific about what a small viewport is (b71f8e0)
- bug where geometry was not regenerated (5c62ea5)
- bypass mongo's mandatory geonear limit (3d5af8c)
- change diffing and derivation citing (9160351)
- clear pin highlight when navigating away from the homepage (08c333a), closes #221
- correct bad merge (cbd80b8)
- correct tests in light of near endpoint changes (9916d96)
- disable submit button instead of doing nothing with no changes (3068811)
- display crosshair on add/edit (02c4644)
- don't humanize already human-readable values (b83ee98)
- don't pander to an edge case in our data (78564c1)
- fetch loos whenever NearestLooMap needs & key loo list items right (923b44a)
- fill remaining viewport with map (674fae7)
- handle sidebar overflow on FF (0208264)
- horrific fix for horrific z-index bug (9181c05)
- humanize access values (9eba606), closes #219
- humanize distances (0c4a3aa), closes #280
- include all non-blacklisted properties (f4e1acb)
- include object.entries polyfill for IE (c200f01)
- indentation style in CSS so we can build (e00d4eb)
- number loos on only the Home and About page (ad0f25e)
- opt-in to humanize instead of opt-out, with the right properties (6d1dd1d)
- pander to an edge case in our data (821f187)
- point PWAs to the right route (3dfd4d4)
- prioritise mobile user QOL by starting from their current loc (58a9726)
- re-add crosshair styling, implementing showCrosshair prop (e380604)
- remove buggy fullscreen feature (c565340)
- remove quantity and prefer fixed distance limit for nearby loos (0be93ae)
- show back button in PWA (36b2777)
- show newlines in loo property values (5aa44d2)
- stable per-loo key in list (ec2ac7e)
- styling of numbered markers on displays marked by leaflet as retina (01c89db)
- styling of PWA icons and niceties (3b72064)
- temporary fix for z-indexes in staging (4215a00)
- tidy up unnecessary bindings (b288edb)
- update center when we jump between loos (15228f5)
- use config to show/hide back nav (3277b5d), closes #230
- use loadingNearby state to show loading indicator (38bde0a)
- use metres instead of our incorrect angles in geo queries (298fa95)
- use refs in accordance to withRouter's docs (20e5caf)
- use word toilet instead of loo in text (90f4dc8)
- we don't fetch geohash for now, don't use it for comparisons (7ee9a0f)
- add a visible loading indicator for mobile users (31443ac)
- add analytics for page views (a88f806), closes #290
- add example.env file (8b344fb)
- add example.env file (05f7225)
- apply disabled button styles (df9032d)
- apply loo number styling (0c5c2e6)
- bg image for auth0 login widget (ba1164c)
- bg image for auth0 login widget (29816e2)
- connect to cross-app auth (fd74bc9)
- connect to cross-app auth (c23efac)
- crudely number nearest loos on map (0ff80c7)
- enable cors requests (87990d4)
- enable cors requests (049b9b8)
- link to directions on loo page (46a0491)
- prefer walking directions (cfaf3d4)
- publish a circular logo (4c32752)
- replace center marker circle with crosshair (a136572)
- scope panning and zooming abilities in a friendly & consistent way (f6c5ff0)
- show loading indicator when talking to the loo api (8ff8b5f)
- show loo numbers in list and small fixes (b995d1a)
- show nearest loos everywhere (f65a809), closes #228 #237
- update about page (b0fc8d0)
- update about page (1cbafc6)
- check geohashes for equality instead of deep checking geometry (4d9d215)
- only remove and add the markers we need to (b2ac95f)
- only submit novel data in loo reports (1c7cdf0)
- optimise svgs (bb58355), closes #254
- reduce Loo properties sent to front-end in near requests (d4a694c)
2.2.0 (2018-07-03)
- redirect to https in production (da86c96)
2.1.0 (2018-07-02)
- adjust z-index so crosshair is visible (903f03d), closes #180
- cleanup navigation (6be1eb8)
- fetch maptiles over https (da95531)
- fetch single loo data correctly (82daaa1)
- head add/edit page appropriately to action (69ccc74)
- keep language consistent (4daf63b)
- keep state between nearest/add/edit map views (bfca3d1), closes #201 #203 #183
- lightweight opening-hours (2ccfc3b), closes #182
- minor typo correction (2308177)
- nudge distance indicator z-index (501ac76)
- only submit viable properties (41902cf)
- path stats route correctly (ce6be86)
- polyfill Array.includes for IE11 (e2c52d1)
- polyfill String.repeat for IE11 (6f16c4c)
- remove donate and testing login buttons (1094365)
- remove possibility of deploying to prod/stage for now (52727ee)
- renable opening_hours in UI (64b8ba2)
- silly reversed ternary (5944660)
- suppress double request on app start (cfc7218), closes #181
- update mongoose (4b4eee9)
- auth0 (479344d)
- add docs and devData (196e64f)
- don't stack reports (c02cb50)
- favico and service worker (d081683)
- include admin ui (9db1036)
- initial docker build (8f2a550)
- pwa essentials (6643f93)
- react-router + auth0 (3a26cc2)
- no more UI