Create node cli with this user friendly boilerplate. Use this respository as template for your new npm command line interface project
This is a github template, you can fork it or use as template for start new project with this repository as hello-world. I hate start new project with empty template, often i missing correct configuration, readme instruction or i need of samples of code. Use this repository as template solve this problem.
This project is free, open source and I try to provide excellent free support. Why donate? I work on this project several hours in my spare time and try to keep it up to date and working. THANK YOU!
- 💡 Features
- 🚀 How to use
- 📚 Documentation
- 🔨 Developer Mode
- 🚀 Deploy
- 👨💻 Contributing
- 🐛 Known Bugs
- 🍻 Community:
Telegram (🇬🇧 English | 🇮🇹 Italian)
Discord (🇬🇧 English | 🇮🇹 Italian | 🇵🇱 Polish)
- [✔️] Easy to use
- [✔️] MIT License
- [✔️] Make CLI Package for npm
- [✔️] Friendly boilerplate + Github templates
- [✔️] Typescript + TSPaths preconfigured
- [✔️] Userfriendly folders tree
- [✔️] Prettiers and ESLint preconfigured
- [✔️] all-contributors-cli and all-shields-cli preconfigured
- [✔️] JEST Test preconfigured
- [✔️] Full async code
- [✔️] Github and Vscode dotfiles preconfigured
- [✔️] Translations: 🇬🇧 🇮🇹 🇵🇱 (Help me ❤️)
- Install cli package globally:
npm install @ptkdev/node-cli-boilerplate -g
- Run anywhere:
You can use npx, example: npx @ptkdev/node-cli-boilerplate
- Clone this repository or download nightly, beta or stable.
- Run
npm install
- Run
npm run dev
for watch mode
If you want to try cli locally:
- Run
npm run release
- Run
npm link
(on unix/mac usesudo npm link
) - Run
anywhere for execute command line tool
For uninstall it run npm unlink
(on unix/mac use sudo npm unlink
If you want replace all strings (example: package name, author, urls, etc...) in markdown file, source files and others files of this project you need edit setup.json
with correct values and run npm run setup
For create npm package:
- Run
npm run release
- Run
npm publish
Run npm run docs
Thanks to all our backers! 🙏 Donate 3$ or more on paypal, ko-fi or github and send me email with your avatar and url.
I ❤️ contributions! I will happily accept your pull request! (IMPORTANT: Only to nightly branch!) Translations, grammatical corrections (GrammarNazi you are welcome! Yes my English is bad, sorry), etc... Do not be afraid, if the code is not perfect we will work together 👯 and remember to insert your name in .all-contributorsrc
and package.json
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Patryk Rzucidło 💻 🌍 📖 🐛 |
💰 In the future, if the donations allow it, I would like to share some of the success with those who helped me the most. For me open source is share of code, share development knowledges and share donations!
- Code and Contributions have MIT License
- Images and logos have CC BY-NC 4.0 License
- Documentations and Translations have CC BY 4.0 License