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Firmware for Xanadu BMS : This is the source code for the Xanadu BMS, based on the Ennoid-BMS

Setup Prerequisites




  1. Open a Git terminal in the desired directory by selecting Git Bash Here
  2. Type git clone
  3. Change directory to the recently cloned repository
  4. Type git checkout origin/main
  5. Now open a Cygwin64 Terminal and change the working directory to the recently cloned repository :
    cd /cygdrive/c/...../Xanadu-BMS-Firmware/build_all Replace the ..... with your working directory path.
  6. Run the build script : ./

Upload Firmware BIN file to the BMS

Flash the bin file using an ST-Link v2 SWD Debugger

  • Flashing to a new board without a bootloader :
  1. Open STM32 ST-Link Utility, select the address as 0x08032000 and then connect to the Xanadu-BMS with the ST-Link.
  2. Open the bootloader file present in the build_all folder : generic_bootloader.bin and flash the bootloader.
  3. Disconnect, select the address as 0x08000000 and then reconnect to the Xanadu-BMS with the ST-Link.
  4. Open the recently built firmware bin file in the build_all/ XANADU_HV_EV folder and flash the firmware.
  • Flashing firmware to the board :
  1. Open STM32 ST-Link Utility.
  2. Select the address as 0x08000000 and then connect to the Xanadu-BMS with the ST-Link.
  3. Open the recently built firmware bin file in the build_all/ XANADU_HV_EV folder and flash the firmware.

Configuration for Xanadu-BMS

Hardware Configuration

  • In generalDefines.h in the Main folder, set XANADU_HV_EV macro as 1
  • Set the other macros under XANADU_HV_EV based on the hardware configuration
  • In modConfig.c in the Modules/Src folder, under modConfigLoadDefaultConfig, configure the following based on the battery pack :
  1. noOfCellsSeries : Total number of cells in series in the battery pack
  2. noOfCellsParallel : Number of cells in parallel per series string in the battery pack
  3. batteryCapacity : Battery Pack Capacity in Ah
  4. CANID : Set the CAN ID for the BMS (1-255)
  5. canBusSpeed : Set the Baud rate for CAN transmission
  6. noOfTempSensorPerModule : Total number of thermistors present which are being monitored per LTC681x AFE IC
  7. cellMonitorType : Set the type of AFE Cell Monitor IC used (LTC6811, LTC6812, LTC6813)
  8. cellMonitorICCount : Total number of AFE Cell Monitor ICs connected in the stack
  9. noOfCellsPerModule : Total number of cells being monitored per AFE Cell Monitor IC
  10. lastICNoOfCells : Number of cells being monitored by the last AFE Cell Monitor IC in the stack
  11. cellTypeUsed : Select the cell Type used in the battery pack to calculate initial SoC

Parameter Configuration

  • In modConfig.c in the Modules/Src folder, under modConfigLoadDefaultConfig, configure the following based on the battery pack :

UnderVoltage Limits

  1. cellHardUnderVoltage : Absolute minimum voltage(V) for the lowest cell voltage
  2. cellLCSoftUnderVoltage : Lower Cell voltage limit for the BMS to cut-off during operation

OverVoltage Limits

  1. cellHardOverVoltage: Absolute maximum voltage(V) for the highest cell voltage
  2. cellSoftOverVoltage : Upper Cell voltage limit for the BMS to cut-off during operation

Current Limits Configuration

  • Note : Positive Current is taken as Charging Current while Negative Current is taken as Discharging Current
  1. maxAllowedCurrent : Absolute maximum allowed current(A) through the BMS without triggering an error
  2. maxAllowedChargingCurrent : Current Limit for the BMS to cut-off during Charging. Set this limit based on the maximum recommended charging current for the cells used in the battery pack.
  3. maxAllowedDischargingCurrent : Current Limit for the BMS to cut-off during Discharging . Set this limit based on the load rating/ maximum recommended discharging current for the cells used in the battery pack. This value should have a negative sign.

Temperature Limits Configuration

  1. allowedTempBattDischargingMax : Maximum Battery Pack Temperature(degC) allowed during Discharging
  2. allowedTempBattDischargingMin : Minimum Battery Pack Temperature (degC)allowed during Discharging
  3. allowedTempBattChargingMax : Maximum Battery Pack Temperature(degC) allowed during Charging
  4. allowedTempBattChargingMin : Minimum Battery Pack Temperature(degC) allowed during Charging
  5. allowedTempBMSMax : Absolute Maximum temperature(degC) allowed for normal BMS operation
  6. allowedTempBMSMin : Absolute Minimum temperature(degC) allowed for normal BMS operation

Passive Cell Balancing Configuration

  1. cellBalanceStart : Start balancing above this cell voltage(V) during charging
  2. cellBalanceDifferenceThreshold : If the Cell Imbalance Voltage, i.e (Cell Voltage - Lowest Cell Voltage) is above this voltage limit, cell balancing will occur
  3. cellBalanceAllTime : Enable cell balancing under all operational states

Logging Interval

  • In modSDcard.h in the Modules/Inc folder,configure the following :
  1. LOGGING_INTERVAL : Set the SD card logging interval in milliseconds.

Project Directory Layout

  • Main folder contains the main application code
  • Modules folder contains the source and header files for the application layer
  • Libraries folder contains the source and header files for the external libraries used
  • Drivers folder contains drivers for the hardware and software peripherals, as well as the STM32 HAL drivers
  • GCC folder contains the startup code and linker script required for the controller
  • build_all folder contains the build scripts and firmware build files

Operational and Fault States

  • The integer values present in the SD card logging file correspond to the following operational and fault state enums respectively, present in Main/mainDataTypes.h
//Operational States
typedef enum {
	OP_STATE_INIT = 0,		     // 0
	OP_STATE_CHARGING,		     // 1
	OP_STATE_EXTERNAL,		     // 6
	OP_STATE_ERROR,			     // 7
	OP_STATE_CHARGED,		     // 10
	OP_STATE_FORCEON,	 	     // 11
} OperationalStateTypedef;

//Fault States
typedef enum {
	FAULT_CODE_NONE = 0,                    //0
	FAULT_CODE_OVER_CURRENT,                //13
	FAULT_CODE_OVER_TEMP_BMS,               //14
	FAULT_CODE_UNDER_TEMP_BMS,              //15
	FAULT_CODE_CHARGE_RETRY,                //22
} bms_fault_state;

Flash Memory Management

When flashing the application the start address should be: 0x08000000 When flashing the bootloader the start address should be: 0x08032000

The flash is formatted as follows (summary):

  • ((uint32_t)0x08000000) : Base @ of Page 0, 2 Kbytes // Startup Code - Main application
  • ((uint32_t)0x08000800) : Base @ of Page 1, 2 Kbytes // Page0 - EEPROM emulation
  • ((uint32_t)0x08001000) : Base @ of Page 2, 2 Kbytes // Page1 - EEPROM emulation
  • ((uint32_t)0x08001800) : Base @ of Page 3, 2 Kbytes // Remainder of the main application firmware stars from here.
  • ((uint32_t)0x08019000) : Base @ of Page 50, 2 Kbytes // New app firmware base addres
  • ((uint32_t)0x08032000) : Base @ of Page 100, 2 Kbytes // Bootloader base

See modFlash.h and modFlash.c for more info.