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Releases: project-fika/Fika-Plugin

Fika Release 0.9.8901.41347

15 May 21:01
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What's Changed

  • Dev > Main by @Lacyway in #45 (see full patch notes below)

Patch Notes

  • Fixed malfunctions throwing exceptions on other clients
  • Added the ability to spawn at different locations (change in Raid Settings)
  • Added stomach damage modifier (only affects yourself)
  • Added the ability to disable metabolism for bots
  • Using the Cancel button will now properly remove the raid
  • Separated bot and client healthcontrollers into separate classes
  • Notifications now show PMC name rather than scav names while playing as scav
  • Improved bot spawning coroutine
  • Fixed certain bots being invincible

Fika Release 0.9.8901.17455

15 May 07:55
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This release is for SPT 3.8.3

What's Changed

  • Change despawn mimimum distance's max value to 3000 by @DeadLeavez in #36
  • decouple despawnbot from spawning bots. by @DeadLeavez in #38
  • Change wording to be "raid server" rather than just "server" by @DeadLeavez in #40
  • Dev by @Lacyway in #44 (see full patch notes below)

Patch Notes

  • Fixed % HP bar setting not working
  • Changed despawn minimum distance's max value to 3000 from 750
  • Tweaked extract text when using modifier keys
  • Clarified certain error messages when joining a game
  • Added null check to prevent errors when joining a game
  • Improved ping check code to use less CPU
  • Added error checking when attempting to host with an incorrect IP address in 'Force IP'
  • Added error checking when attempting to host with an incorrect IP address in 'Force Bind IP'
  • You can now only use all your local IPs when binding your IP (EXPERIMENTAL)
  • Major Change: All inventory operations are now sent to the server before running them. They will only start once the server starts them, preventing people from using operations too fast, causing major desync in a session. This will most likely cause problems with several mods, please allow us time to adjust this code for more mod compatibility. This fixes #1.
  • Looting certain items, like boss items, no longer throws an error
  • Folding animation now plays on other players
  • Adding an attachment to a gun now plays the proper animation
  • Fixed airdrops not working randomly for clients and cleaned up airdrop code
  • Deleted old, unused patches
  • You can now disable metabolism in the raid settings
  • Bots that are disabled are no longer affected by gravity
  • Compass now properly shows when another player uses it
  • The InRaid property now properly returns true when in a CoopGame, resulting in better mod compatibility for mods that rely on it
  • You can now choose whether to show pings or not when aiming down an optics scope
  • Updated all bins to SPT 3.8.3
  • Minor restructure and optimization to game initialization
  • superFastMode is now 8x faster instead of 3x in the freecam (holding down CTRL), allowing easier debugging
  • Added code to mitigate bots falling through the ground after spawning
  • Cleaned up callbacks in the FikaClient

Fika Release 0.9.8892.36315

06 May 18:16
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This release is for SPT 3.8.1

Patch Notes

  • New nameplate settings
  • Increased nameplate performance
  • Fix friendly fire grenades and incorrect friendly fire logic
  • NetIds now verify that they are correct on launch
  • You can now ping when moving
  • Improved logging
  • Server is now pinged before joining, removing the infamous "Waiting for X players" issue

New Contributors

Fika Release 0.9.8890.36671

04 May 19:26
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This release is for SPT 3.8.1

Patch Notes

  • Host should no longer get MIA if extracted while clients go MIA because the timer ran out
  • Added new async RequestHandler, this should resolve freezes while pinging the backend server
  • Using Force Start is now logged, and while doing so all support is void for that session
  • Other players now flinch when shot
  • Replication now uses an int identifier instead of string, this cuts the average packet in size by 10, meaning a session now uses 10% of the bandwidth it used to (roughly)
  • Force IP no longer pops up when hosting, preventing doxxing
  • Free cam now disables culling on modern maps like Streets and Ground Zero as well
  • You can now configure which key is used to extract
  • You can now configure how long a ping is shown for
  • Shots are now more accurately replicated when hitting a target, giving more detailed info
  • Major Change: The host now owns all of the damage done to other player, rather than each client owning it (only bullets). This fixes the issue where player could simply strafe out of AI shots because of latency. This is a new and experimental change, and after hours of testing we've concluded that this is better and more precise, but we're still open to feedback.
  • You can now configure the P2P timeout in seconds. This can help when playing with someone on a very unstable connection
  • Added a new feature that despawns bots that are far away. Designed to be used with spawn mods to provide better performance without making a raid feel dead. See Performance Readme for more information.

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