Electronic Ledger API for Small Enterprises
This Repository contains all the Transactions and Wallet APIs. This repository is the backend part of the complete project of three repositories. The other two repositories are:
- Eledger User is for Backend of User Management.
- Eledger UI is for Frontend.
All these 3 projects are combined to make a single Project Eledger. So, Eledger API is a part of these repositories.
The main use of these APIs is to create a new Wallet(for a user), create a transaction, update wallet details, get list of wallets, get list of all transactions, get list of transactions for one wallet, get wallet by walletId. These are the APIs created in this project.
This is a Maven project. The REST APIs are created using Spring Boot, Java(version 13) And some other frameworks(mentioned in pom.xml file). This wiki will take you to every detailed steps of how to clone this project and start the server. Every API will be explained in detail in next pages.