Many teams use an API specification, such as OpenAPI, to describe the long-term relationship between an API producer and potential API consumers. They can then use the OpenAPI to generate user documentation in the form of a collection. And then keep their collection and specification up to date as their API grows.
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Internal - Internal API portals exist as part of legacy investment in API management solutions. They often needmore work and engagement to ensure they are keeping pace with the rate of change.
External - Publicly available API portals are becoming a common fixture of enterprise public websites. They provide a public doorway to digital resources and capabilities available for use in business operations.
Network - Networks provide an opportunity to connect your private, partner, and public APIs to a larger network of developers. That will help automate discovery not only of APIs, but of the mock servers, tests, and other aspects of API operations.
Documentation - Human-readable API documentation has become a staple of portals, providing HTML views of what is possible with APIs. Documentation describes how to use them, providing examples that demonstrate potential and speak to developers.
Onboarding - Portals are the doorway to API consumption. They show consumers what is possible and how to get started putting APIs to work as part of applications and integrations.
Community - One way to breathe more life into your API ecosystem is to build, attract, and cultivate community within your own API portal. You can also link g to other networks to engage with developers in the communities they frequent.
Support - Providing support to API consumers offers a rich opportunity for building trust and ensuring they successfully put your APIs to use.
Discovery - A well-maintained portal provides a rich opportunity for helping producers and consumers discover new APIs when they want to develop new APIs of their own, plan new applications and integrations, or put resources to work.
Experience - Portals aren’t just about providing documentation and support. They are about delivering meaningful and enjoyable experiences for consumers and making digital resources and capabilities more accessible for developers. null