An API-first landscape needs to be transformed into a visible landscape, taking every output available across all APIs, the infrastructure behind them, and the governance overlaid on top of them and including it as part of the overall feedback loop within each domain. This work is about testing each instance of an API, its surface area, and the infrastructure used to deliver it, using collections as the universal observability connector that allows you to see across API operations.
Domains - Provide observability into the domain, rolling up teamwork, workspaces, APIs, and every other element of operations into simple dashboards and reporting. That will help business and technology leaders understand the state of API operations domain by domain.
Teams - Offer insight into how teams are working and performing, considering the technical and the human aspects of API operations. Then you can understand which teams are effective and which need more assistance across the API life cycle.
APIs - Make testing, security, governance, and consumption of APIs observable using dashboards and reporting solutions, allowing observation of individual APIs, as well as observation at scale of other dimensions important to business.
Lifecycle - Provide observability for the define, design, develop, testing, secure, deploy, and observe stages of the API life cycle, helping teams and leaders observe the digital API factory floor and understand the state of operations.
Security - Provide observability into the security across APIs, making efforts to shift security left in the API life cycle. This will also allow teams to see the scanning, authentication, encryption, and other aspects of securing API operations.
Governance - Automate the observability of governance, helping quantify how discoverable, reliable, and consistent APIs are across teams. You will also be able to observe how well your teams understand (or don’t understand) the API life cycle and how it aligns with governance.
You can’t control the direction of the enterprise unless you observe the state of operations at scale. APIs give you the opportunity to define the value generated across the enterprise each day and see what is needed to move in the right direction. Your API platform should possess native reporting that helps you effectively “see” your API operations. However, you should also use your existing APM solution to provide the analytics and reporting you need to understand the state of your enterprise operations. Beyond your native and APM analytics and reporting, push your API life cycle vendors to provide you with the reporting capabilities you will need to understand each stop along your API life cycle. Better yet, push them to have APIs, so you can pipe results into your APM using collections.