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Documentation for e2ee.js

A WebCrypto based end-to-end encryption library for JS/TS. Works anywhere - Deno, Node, Cloudflare Workers and every modern browser.

Development is complete.

Done for learning purposes.

Cryptographic scheme used



  • Web-native WebCrypto API
  • 100% test coverage
  • No external dependencies
  • Tiny (995 bytes, minified and brotli)
  • TypeScript support
  • Supports streaming data - files, media, arbitrary fetch() requests and responses, etc, using the Web-native Streams API
  • Injectable implementations of WebCrypto and Streams for easy polyfilling
  • First-class support for persistence and serializing of all sorts
  • Configurable security parameters with sane defaults


The package is hosted at npm.

npm i e2ee.js
const { E2EE } = require("e2ee.js");
import { E2EE } from "e2ee.js";

You can also get it from the and unpkg CDNs. (Any other CDN with npm as their source works as well. e.g skypack)

import { E2EE } from "";
import { E2EE } from ""; //minified esm
import { E2EE } from ""; // un-minified esm

On Deno, pulling the library from also gives you full TypeScript support.

Also, The un-minified e2ee.esm.js and e2ee.cjs.js files are available on unpkg, and come with JSdoc comments.

You can also build it yourself. To do so, first clone the repo.

git clone
cd e2ee.js

Then, see here for build instructions.


const cat = new E2EE();
const dog = new E2EE();

await cat.generateKeyPair();
await dog.generateKeyPair();

const catPublicKey = await cat.exportPublicKey();
const dogPublicKey = await dog.exportPublicKey();

// now share the public keys across, e.g over a network
// as part of diffie-hellman
await cat.setRemotePublicKey(dogPublicKey);
await dog.setRemotePublicKey(catPublicKey);

// ecdh is now complete, and the two parties have arrived at a shared secret
// and can now communicate securely using aes-ctr encryption

const catSays = "Meow!";
const dogSays = "Woof!";

const encryptedCatSays = await cat.encrypt(catSays);
const encryptedDogSays = await dog.encrypt(dogSays);

const decryptedDogSays = await cat.decrypt(encryptedDogSays);
const decryptedCatSays = await dog.decrypt(encryptedCatSays);

catSays === decryptedCatSays; // true
dogSays === decryptedDogSays; // true

This library also supports streaming data, multicast communication, persistence, and more. Read on for the details.

Security parameters

  • counterLength: The length of the counter used in AES-CTR. The default is 64 bits, which is recommended for AES. The maximum is 128 bits.

  • namedCurve: The elliptic curve used in ECDH. The default is P-256. The other options are P-384 and P-521.

  • keyLength: The length of the key used in ECDH. The default is 256 bits. 128 bit and 192 bit keys are also supported.

Please see the known issues for information on various platforms' support for various values of these parameters.

That said, the defaults work perfectly on all platforms. So use them unless you have a good reason not to.

Make sure to use uniform values across all the parties involved in your system. Two parties initialised with different sets of parameters most likely will not be able to communicate with each other.



  1. Generate a key pair with generateKeyPair().
  2. Share the public key retrieved with exportPublicKey() with the remote party.
  3. Set the remote party's public key with setRemotePublicKey().
  4. Also set the local party's public key on the remote party.
  5. Encrypt a plaintext with encrypt().
  6. Send the ciphertext to the remote party.
  7. Decrypt the ciphertext with decrypt() on the remote party.


The encryptStream() method returns a TransformStream<Uint8Array, String> which you can use to encrypt a binary (specifically, Uint8Array) stream. Similarly, decryptStream() returns a TransformStream<String, Uint8Array> which can be used to decrypt a binary stream. See here for caveats.

Multi-cast communication

In the call to setRemotePublicKey(), you can optionally specify an identifier to distinguish between different remote parties. This allows you to communicate with multiple parties using the same instance of the class.

These identifiers can be used in the encrypt(), encryptStream(), decrypt() and decryptStream() calls to specify which remote party can decrypt the ciphertext.

If you don't specify any identifier, the default identifier is used.


The key pair and the initialisation parameters can be acquired in a persistable format with marshal(). Then, they can be used to restore a new instance of the class with the same key pair and parameters using unmarshal().

Remote users' public keys and the shared secrets with them are not persisted, and you must invoke setRemotePublicKey() again to restore them.

Where to persist

The marshal() call returns the key pair as a CryptoKey, and not as a serialised string.

This is because the private key should not readable at all from JavaScript for security reasons. So, just store the CryptoKey facade directly in IndexedDB.

However, if you really need to export the private key, e.g if you plan on storing the same identity in multiple devices, see here.


The class has optionally injectable dependencies in the deps option in the constructor:

  1. An implementation of the WebCrypto object. If it is not provided, an implementation needs to be available at globalThis.crypto.
  2. An implementation of the TransformStream class. If it is not provided, an implementation needs to be available at globalThis.TransformStream.

The provided implementation of WebCrypto needs to have the following:

  1. getRandomValues()
  2. A SubtleCrypto implementation, available at .subtle
  3. subtle.generateKey()
  4. subtle.deriveKey()
  5. subtle.encrypt()
  6. subtle.decrypt()
  7. subtle.importKey()
  8. subtle.exportKey()


On Deno version<1.35, you must pass in deriveBits as an additional usage for the key. See here for more details.

const horse = new E2EE();
await horse.generateKeyPair({ additionalUsages: ["deriveBits"] });


On Node versions that don't have the WebCrypto API available at globalThis.crypto or the TransformStream API available at globalThis.TransformStream you must provide the implementation from the standard library. See here for an example.


Key exchange over websockets

// machine A
const tiger = new E2EE();
io.emit("publicKey", await tiger.exportPublicKey());
io.on("publicKey", async publicKey => {
    await tiger.setRemotePublicKey(publicKey);

// machine B
const lion = new E2EE();
io.emit("publicKey", await lion.exportPublicKey());
io.on("publicKey", async publicKey => {
    await lion.setRemotePublicKey(publicKey);

In further examples, everything runs in the same machine for the sake of brevity.

Streaming example

const monkey = new E2EE();
const giraffe = new E2EE();
await monkey.generateKeyPair();
await giraffe.generateKeyPair();

await monkey.setRemotePublicKey(await giraffe.exportPublicKey());
await giraffe.setRemotePublicKey(await monkey.exportPublicKey());

// now monkey will encrypt a file and stream it to a server
const favoriteFood = new File(["banana"], "banana.txt", { type: "text/plain" });

await fetch("/upload", {
    method: "POST",
    headers: { "Content-Type": "text/plain" },

// now giraffe will stream the file and decrypt it
const response = await fetch("/download");
const decryptedStream = await response.body.pipeThrough(giraffe.decryptStream());
const decryptedBlob = await new Response(decryptedStream).blob();
const decryptedFile = new File([decryptedBlob], "banana.txt", { type: "text/plain" });

Multi-cast communication example

const goat = new E2EE();
const cat = new E2EE();
const dog = new E2EE();

await goat.generateKeyPair();
await cat.generateKeyPair();
await dog.generateKeyPair();

await goat.setRemotePublicKey(await cat.exportPublicKey(), "cat");
await goat.setRemotePublicKey(await dog.exportPublicKey(), "dog");
await cat.setRemotePublicKey(await goat.exportPublicKey(), "goat");
await cat.setRemotePublicKey(await dog.exportPublicKey(), "dog");
await dog.setRemotePublicKey(await goat.exportPublicKey(), "goat");
await dog.setRemotePublicKey(await cat.exportPublicKey(), "cat");

const goatSays = "ankara messi";

const encryptedGoatSaysOnlyToTheCat = await goat.encrypt(goatSays, "cat");
const decryptedGoatSaysOnlyToTheCat = await cat.decrypt(encryptedGoatSaysOnlyToTheCat, "goat");

// only the intended recipient can decrypt the message
console.assert(goatSays === decryptedGoatSaysOnlyToTheCat);
// others cannot
const decryptedGoatSaysByTheDog = await dog.decrypt(encryptedGoatSaysOnlyToTheCat, "goat");
console.assert(goatSays !== decryptedGoatSaysByTheDog);

Persistence example

const sheep = new E2EE();
const cow = new E2EE();
await sheep.generateKeyPair();
await cow.generateKeyPair();
await sheep.setRemotePublicKey(await cow.exportPublicKey());
await cow.setRemotePublicKey(await sheep.exportPublicKey());

const sheepSays = "baa";
const cowSays = "moo";

const encryptedSheepSays = await sheep.encrypt(sheepSays);
const encryptedCowSays = await cow.encrypt(cowSays);

const sheepMarshalled = sheep.marshal();
const cowMarshalled = cow.marshal();

const newSheep = E2EE.unmarshal({ marshalled: sheepMarshalled });
// If you're using custom implementations of WebCrypto or TransformStream, you need to provide them here as well
// if you don't, it defaults to globalThis.crypto and globalThis.TransformStream
const newCow = E2EE.unmarshal({ marshalled: cowMarshalled, deps: { crypto: myImpl } });

await newSheep.setRemotePublicKey(await newCow.exportPublicKey());
await newCow.setRemotePublicKey(await newSheep.exportPublicKey());

const decryptedCowSaysAfterPersistence = await newSheep.decrypt(encryptedCowSays);
const decryptedSheepSaysAfterPersistence = await newCow.decrypt(encryptedSheepSays);

console.assert(sheepSays === decryptedSheepSaysAfterPersistence);
console.assert(cowSays === decryptedCowSaysAfterPersistence);

Custom Dependencies

const deps = {
    crypto: require("node:crypto").webcrypto,
    TransformStream: require("node:stream/web").TransformStream,
const bull = new E2EE({ deps });
await bull.generateKeyPair();
// you need to provide them when unmarshalling as well
const bullMarshalled = bull.marshal();
const newBull = E2EE.unmarshal({ marshalled: bullMarshalled, deps });

Custom initialisation parameters

// you can provide any number of the parameters, and the rest will be filled with the defaults
const bear = new E2EE({ params: { counterLength: 128 } });

const donkey = new E2EE({
    deps: { crypto: require("node:crypto").webcrypto },
    params: { namedCurve: "P-384", counterLength: 128 },

Private key export

const pig = new E2EE();
await pig.generateKeyPair({ extractable: true });
const privateKey = await pig.exportPrivateKey();
const publicKey = await pig.exportPublicKey();
const parameters = pig.exportParams();

sendViaQRCode(JSON.stringify({ params, privateKey, publicKey }));

// in other device
const { params, privateKey, publicKey } = JSON.parse(receiveViaQRCode());
const alsoPig = new E2EE({ params });
await alsoPig.importKeyPair({ privateKey, publicKey });
// alsoPig is now equivalent to pig

Caveats with streaming

When streaming data, the stream methods may not work/be slow for the following reasons:

You're streaming it to a fetch request, while using HTTP/1.x

HTTP/1.x can stream data only through chunked transfer encoding, which is not supported by browsers in fetch() requests.

The data source is large, and the stream is ready to serve all of it, causing the encryptStream() Transform to receive all of the data at once

In preliminary testing, this seems to be a problem only in browsers, and not in Node/Deno.

The problem arises because browsers don't limit the size of the chunks they send from a fetch(), opting to send all the data that is available, leading to the encrypting transform receiving many megabytes of data in a single chunk! Now, the AES algorithm has a block size of 16 bytes, which means that it can only encrypt 16 bytes at once. If you pass 10MB of data, the WebCrypto API of course, efficiently uses the CPU by encrypting multiple blocks in parallel. However, since a single chunk is 10MB, it would process all 6,55,360 blocks before returning the entire encrypted chunk. This defeats the purpose of streaming.

Node was observed to be chunking the data into 32KB chunks, and Deno was observed to be chunking the data into 8KB chunks, both of which are acceptable.

To combat this problem, you may fit a passthrough transform with the ByteLengthQueuingStrategy into the stream before the encryption, which will appropriately chunk the data into smaller chunks.


  • Only apply this optimisation if you're actually facing performance issues.

API Reference

type Deps = {
    crypto: Crypto;
    TransformStream: TransformStream;

type Params = {
    counterLength: 64 | 128;
    namedCurve: "P-256" | "P-384" | "P-521";
    keyLength: 128 | 192 | 256;

type Options = { deps?: Deps; params?: Params };

type KeyGenOptions = {
    extractable?: boolean;
    additionalUsages?: KeyUsage[]; //type KeyUsage is from the WebCrypto type definitions

type Marshalled = { params: Params; keyPair: CryptoKeyPair };

type UnmarshalOptions = { marshalled: Marshalled; deps?: Deps };

class E2EE {
    constructor(options: Options = {
        deps: { crypto: globalThis.crypto, TransformStream: globalThis.TransformStream },
        params: {
            counterLength: 64,
            namedCurve: "P-256",
            keyLength: 256,

    async generateKeyPair({ extractable: boolean = false, additionalUsages: String[] = [] }: KeyGenOptions = {}): Promise<void>;

    async exportPublicKey(): Promise<string>;

    async setRemotePublicKey(publicKey: string, identifier?: string | symbol) :Promise<void>;

    async encrypt(plaintext: string, identifier?: string | symbol): Promise<string>;

    async decrypt(ciphertext: string, identifier?: string | symbol): Promise<string>;

    encryptStream(identifier?: string | symbol): TransformStream<Uint8Array, string>;

    decryptStream(identifier?: string | symbol): TransformStream<string, Uint8Array>;

    marshal(): Marshalled;

    static unmarshal(options: UnmarshalOptions): E2EE;

    async exportPrivateKey(): Promise<string>;

    exportParams(): Params;

    async importKeyPair({ privateKey, publicKey }: { privateKey: string; publicKey: string }): Promise<void>;


#all builds
npm run build
#only node
npm run build:cjs
#only deno
npm run build:esm
#only browser (minified)
npm run build:browser
#only types
npm run build:types

The built files will be placed in the dist folder.


First, build both cjs and esm versions. Then,

# both tests
npm test
# only node
npm run test:node
# only deno
npm run test:deno

To test in any browser, run

npm run --silent test:browser:gen

and paste the JS it generates into the browser's console. Wait for the promise to resolve, and you should see the test results.

Expected behaviour

  • All tests pass on Node.js.
  • All tests pass on Firefox.
  • Tests utilising the P-521 curve (6 of them, currently) fail on Deno. See here. Everything else passes.
  • Tests utilising 192 bit AES keys (6 of them, currently) fail on Chromium-based browsers. See here. Everything else passes.

Known issues