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Uwe Schindler edited this page Oct 12, 2019 · 25 revisions

Command Line Usage Instructions

(since version 1.1) You can call the forbidden API checker from the command line:

$ java -jar forbiddenapis-2.7.jar --help
usage: java -jar forbiddenapis-2.7.jar [options]
Scans a set of class files for forbidden API usage.
    --allowmissingclasses              don't fail if a referenced class is
                                       missing on classpath
    --allowunresolvablesignatures      don't fail if a signature is not
 -b,--bundledsignatures <name>         name of a bundled signatures
                                       definition (separated by commas or
                                       option can be given multiple times)
 -c,--classpath <path>                 class search path of directories
                                       and zip/jar files
 -d,--dir <directory>                  directory with class files to check
                                       for forbidden api usage; this
                                       directory is also added to
 -e,--excludes <pattern>               ANT-style pattern to exclude some
                                       files from checks (separated by
                                       commas or option can be given
                                       multiple times)
 -f,--signaturesfile <file>            path to a file containing
                                       signatures (option can be given
                                       multiple times)
 -h,--help                             print this help
 -i,--includes <pattern>               ANT-style pattern to select class
                                       files (separated by commas or
                                       option can be given multiple times,
                                       defaults to '**/*.class')
    --internalruntimeforbidden         DEPRECATED: forbids calls to
                                       non-portable runtime APIs; use
                                       bundled signatures
                                       'jdk-non-portable' instead
    --suppressannotation <classname>   class name or glob pattern of
                                       annotation that suppresses error
                                       reporting in classes/methods/fields
                                       (separated by commas or option can
                                       be given multiple times)
 -V,--version                          print product version and exit
Exit codes: 0 = SUCCESS, 1 = forbidden API detected, 2 = invalid command
line, 3 = unsupported JDK version, 4 = other error (I/O,...)

The command line parameters match those of the Ant Task.

The detailed documentation (based on nightly snapshots) can be found here:

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