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291 lines (217 loc) · 9.07 KB


This addon is deprecated due to the retirement of official addon-info.

Storybook now has an alternative addon, called Docs addon(addon-docs), which comes with native Vue.js support and automatically props/events/slots documentation powered by vue-docgen-api.

There will be no feature addition nor bug fixes to this repo. Please use Docs addon instead.

Migration to Docs

As described above, Docs addon uses vue-docgen-api via vue-docgen-loader. They are also the tools storybook-addon-vue-info uses internally. So the migration steps is quite simple.

docgen tools are no longer peerDependencies

Since the Docs addon specifies vue-docgen-api and vue-docgen-loader as direct dependency, you don't have to list them in your package.json.

 "dependencies": {
-  "vue-docgen-api": "x.x.x",
-  "vue-docgen-loader": "x.x.x"

Of course, you can keep them to controll which exact versions to use.

Explicitly specify which component to documentate

You need to set component field in your story metadata.

// foo.stories.js
import MyComponent from './my-component.vue'

export default {
  title: 'Components/MyComponent',
  component: MyComponent

export const story = () => ({
  components: { MyComponent },
  template: '<my-component/>'

Move summary inside a JSDoc comment or MDX

summary option equivalent in Docs addon is component comments or MDX. Docs addon reads a component comment and displays it as a description for the component.

// legacy.stories.js
export const myStory = () => ({
  /* ... */

myStory.story = {
  info: {
    summary: 'foo bar'
<!-- component -->
   * foo bar
  export default {
    /* ... */

Or you can use MDX for more complicated usage.


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A Storybook addon that shows Vue component's information.


  • @storybook/vue>=4.0.0

Getting started

First, install the addon.

npm install --save-dev storybook-addon-vue-info

# yarn add -D storybook-addon-vue-info

Then register in addons.js.

// .storybook/addons.js

// Don't forget "/lib/" !!
import 'storybook-addon-vue-info/lib/register'

And setup a webpack loader in order to extract component information with vue-docgen-api.

npm install --save-dev vue-docgen-loader vue-docgen-api

# yarn add -D vue-docgen-loader vue-docgen-api
// .storybook/webpack.config.js

// This example uses "Full control mode + default".
// If you are using other mode, add payload of `config.module.rules.push` to rules list.
module.exports = ({ config }) => {
    test: /\.vue$/,
    loader: 'vue-docgen-loader',
    enforce: 'post'

  return config


Add withInfo decorator then set info options to the story.

NOTE: info option is required for the addon. If you omit it, the addon does nothing.

import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/vue'

import { withInfo } from 'storybook-addon-vue-info'

storiesOf('MyComponent', module)
    () => ({
      components: { MyAwesomeComponent },
      template: '<my-awesome-component/>'
      info: {
        summary: 'Summary for MyComponent'

You can set the addon as global decorator.

// config.js
import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/vue'

import { withInfo } from 'storybook-addon-vue-info'


To set default options, use setDefaults.

// .storybook/config.js
import { setDefaults } from 'storybook-addon-vue-info'

  header: false

For more details, see live examples.


Name Data type Default value Description
header boolean true Whether to show header or not.
source boolean true Whether to show source(usage) or not.
wrapperComponent Component default wrapper Override inline docs component.
previewClassName string undefined Class name passed down to preview container.
previewStyle Style object undefined Style passed down to preview container.
summary string '' Summary for the story. Accepts Markdown.
components { [name: string]: Component }|null null Display info for these components. Same type as component's components property.
docsInPanel boolean true Whether to show docs in addon panel.
useDocgen boolean true Whether to use result of vue-docgen-api.
casing "kebab" | "camel" | "pascal" | undefined undefined Which case to use. For detailed usage, see below.

Valid casing options

  // Don't convert names
  casing: undefined

  // Show names in kebab-case
  casing 'kebab'

  // Show prop names in camelCase and
  // Show component names in PascalCase
  casing: 'camel' // or 'pascal'

  // Show prop names in camelCase and
  // Show component names in kebab-case
  casing: {
    props: 'camel',
    component: 'kebab'

In addition to addon options, we have a component option.

Set descriptions manually

With vue-docgen-api, the addon automatically shows descriptions and types extracted by docgen (see example in vue-docgen-api README). However, if you want to explicitly specify desciprion for component props, events or slots, add description option for your story component.

Assume <my-awesome-component> have props label and visible.

storiesOf('MyComponent', module)
    () => ({
      components: { MyAwesomeComponent },
      template: '<my-awesome-component/>',
      description: {
        MyAwesomeComponent: {
          props: {
            // These description will appear in `description` column in props table
            label: 'A label for my awesome component',
            visible: 'Whether component is visible or not'
          events: {
            click: 'Event for user clicking the component'
          slots: {
            default: 'Place text or icon here'
      info: true

For more detail, please take a look at live example.


For real example, see example directory.