- example theme as code
- explain how tokens inherit - specifically hsl
- Remove dark theme everything
- dark themes should be a theme like any other
- remove high-contrast theme - also a theme like any other
- Tokens
- use design tokens
- fix tokens so they are more conventional
- colors: 10–90, black is 0, 100 is white
- js generator of color vars - hsluv!
- better semantically named colors
- Theme creator app tool
- color
- font
- border radius
- spacing
- custom css in a code editor
- download and use the css file!
- add ToolTip to Sample
- Navigation
- search
- shortcut keys
- nav bar stays in sync with scroll position
- Custom theme editor in the app
- vars editing
- make a custom theme and export it
- js generator of color vars - hsluv!
- update from
(dart-sass) - https://sass-lang.com/blog/libsass-is-deprecated- tile importer?
? cssnano
- tile importer?
- CSS Build
- separate different packages on build - core, selection, table, etc...
- export a font file for each theme?
- look for undefined vars with: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/css-undefined-variable-ch/endbpplgeglmgihkpiapmaimegpkhhcn
- only output custom tokens in overrides
- 'custom-tokens.ext'
- cross reference original 'tokens.ext' to eliminate duplicates
- Themes are individually published packages - with font dependencies? - monorepo?
- Add a dependency on the core repo,
- Generate new style:
$ npm run new-style <style-name>
- build it and publish it under
- var(--style) / General
- remove most component tokens, make it more simple
- better focus for buttons?
- input-transition-shadow could to be broken into input shadow vars...
- math with calc() ?
- Common
- export common helpers as their own independent addons
- common-ellipsize-buttons text by default
- common-segmented-button-group like this
- v4
- dark white outlines: https://github.com/palantir/blueprint/wiki/4.x-Changelog#may-5-2022
- update _forms-controls.scss with new $values and others by comparing merge
- v3
- IBM Carbon
- Dialog Footer Buttons
- Toast Colors
- Google Material
- Catalyst
- Flat
- Flat Monochrome - intent primary color is grayscale - or all blue tint? - FERC and Starfish
- Flat Colorful - buttons have a colorful gradient?
- ant.design aka 'antd'
- dark theme
- BUG: disabled form states are all wacky
- BUG: has wrong hover states
- minimal intent none button-group
- buttons in toast
- BUG: icon color in input? or something like that
- button group with active could be slightly different - see original
- disabled button in button group could have a border?
- Microsoft Fluent
- Theme Designer
- Colors
- BUG: single icon button should not be blue?
- BUG: default primary blue is wrong: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/fluentui#/controls/web/button
- BUG: text color in button:hover is wrong color
- BUG: fluent Segoe UI font maybe doesn't work right (on mac, windows has a default)?
- slider style
- dark theme
- PNNL v2 & PNNL v3
- level 6 colors are missing
- Shopify Polaris v5 & v6
- Serberus - Burgundy Theme
- Adobe Spectrum
- Amazon AWS
- Apple HMI
- Wordpress?
- REI Cedar
- Kaizen
- Maybe themes that are just colors and fonts?
- something fancy? serif fonts and such...