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643 lines (496 loc) · 23.6 KB

Calisti Deployment on Kind

Task 0. Allow multi-cluster

It could be required to run the following to add capacity if you need to install multiple cluster:

sudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288
sudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_instances=512

Task 1. Install Docker

As Kind is using Docker we need to install it on the host.

Please run the following

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y

You should have an output similar to:

Hit:1 jammy InRelease
Get:2 jammy-updates InRelease [114 kB]
No VM guests are running outdated hypervisor (qemu) binaries on this host.

Allow the user ubuntu to run docker:

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER && newgrp docker

and restart the web terminal demon to take changes into account for all terminal sessions:

sudo service ttyd restart

You should notice the web terminal is restarted.

Task 2. Install Kind

Run the following commands to install Kind:

curl -Lo ./kind
chmod +x ./kind
sudo mv ./kind /usr/bin/kind

You should have an output similar to:

  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100    97  100    97    0     0    509      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   510
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100 6716k  100 6716k    0     0  6658k      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:-- 26.6M

Task 3. Install Kubectl

Kubernetes provides a command line tool named kubectl for communicating with a Kubernetes cluster's control plane, using the Kubernetes API. For more information please refer to

Run the following to install kubectl:

sudo snap install kubectl --classic

You should have an output similar to:

kubectl 1.25.1 from Canonical✓ installed

Task 4. Install Kind cluster

Prepare cluster configuration file:

tee kind-config.yaml <<EOF                           
kind: Cluster
- role: control-plane
- role: worker
- role: worker

In this lab we install a Kind cluster with Kubernetes v1.23, run the following command to deploy the cluster:

kind create cluster --name demo --config kind-config.yaml --image="kindest/node:v1.23.10@sha256:f047448af6a656fae7bc909e2fab360c18c487ef3edc93f06d78cdfd864b2d12"

You should have an output similar to:

Creating cluster "demo" ...
 ✓ Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1.23.10) 🖼 
 ✓ Preparing nodes 📦 📦 📦  
 ✓ Writing configuration 📜 
 ✓ Starting control-plane 🕹️ 
 ✓ Installing CNI 🔌 
 ✓ Installing StorageClass 💾 
 ✓ Joining worker nodes 🚜 
Set kubectl context to "kind-demo"
You can now use your cluster with:

kubectl cluster-info --context kind-demo

Not sure what to do next? 😅  Check out

Task 5. Install SMM CLI

To deploy Calisti SMM you need to download SMM CLI. Download the SMM CLI binary from

Then move the binary file in a folder included in your PATH:

tar -xvf smm_1.10.0_linux_amd64.tar
chmod +x ./smm

and restart the web terminal demon to take changes into account for all terminal sessions:

sudo service ttyd restart

Task 6. Check SMM CLI is installed

./smm --version
Service Mesh Manager CLI version 1.10.0 (1d17b3310) built on 2022-08-04T20:15:29Z

Task 7. Activate SMM with registry password

You need to activate SMM with the registration key/password generated on Calisti Download center at:

--prefix=smm \

You should have an output similar to:

? Are you sure to use the following context? kind-demo (API Server: Yes
✓ validate-kubeconfig ❯ checking cluster reachability...
✓ Configuring docker image access for Service Mesh Manager.
✓ If you want to change these settings later, please use the 'registry' and 'activate' commands

Task 8. Install SMM on Cluster

We will install SMM with Dashboard WebUI, prepare the configuration file:

tee enable-dashboard-expose.yaml <<EOF
        enabled: true
      forceUnsecureCookies: true
      mode: anonymous

Install SMM on the cluster with the config file for the Dashboard:

./smm --non-interactive install -a --additional-cp-settings ./enable-dashboard-expose.yaml --cluster-name kind-demo

Check the installation with:

./smm istio cluster status

You should have an output similar to:

? Are you sure to use the following context? kind-demo (API Server: (Y/n
? Are you sure to use the following context? kind-demo (API Server: Yes
✓ validate-kubeconfig ❯ checking cluster reachability...
logged in as kubernetes-admin
Name       Type   Provider  Regions  Version   Distribution  Status  Message  
kind-demo  Local  kind      []       v1.23.10  KIND          Ready            

Cluster    Name                   Version  Trust Domain     Pods                                             Proxies  
kind-demo  cp-v113x.istio-system  1.13.5   [cluster.local]  [istiod-cp-v113x-6db79d7d4d-lwsqk.istio-system]  22/22 

Task 9. Install MetalLb loadbalancer

Since version 0.13.0, MetalLB is configured via CRs and the original way of configuring it via a ConfigMap based configuration is not working anymore. Run the following command to install MetalLb:

kubectl apply -f

Task 10. Setup MetalLb loadbalancer

We will setup MetalLb using layer2 protocol. We need to provide MetalLb a range of IP addresses it controls. We want this range to be on the docker kind network.

docker network inspect -f '{{.IPAM.Config}}' kind

You should have an output similar to:

[{ map[]} {fc00:f853:ccd:e793::/64   map[]}]

We notice the CIDR used by Docker is so we can allocate to MetalLb the following range

Let's create the config file with the following command:

tee metallb-l2.yaml <<EOF
kind: IPAddressPool
  name: default
  namespace: metallb-system
kind: L2Advertisement
  name: default
  namespace: metallb-system

Then apply the configuration:

kubectl apply -f metallb-l2.yaml

Task 11. Install Caddy

sudo apt install -y debian-keyring debian-archive-keyring apt-transport-https
curl -1sLf '' | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/caddy-stable-archive-keyring.gpg
curl -1sLf '' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/caddy-stable.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install caddy

Task 12. Configure Caddy reverse proxy

Prepare the variable ingressip equals to the smm-ingressgateway-external EXTERNAL-IP address:

ingressip=$(kubectl get svc smm-ingressgateway-external -n smm-system -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")
echo $ingressip

Configure the reverse proxy:

caddy reverse-proxy --from :8083 --to ${ingressip}:80 & 

You should have an output similar to:

eti-lab> 2022/09/24 09:40:15.349        WARN    admin   admin endpoint disabled
2022/09/24 09:40:15.350 INFO    tls.cache.maintenance   started background certificate maintenance      {"cache": "0xc00033e9a0"}
2022/09/24 09:40:15.350 INFO    tls     cleaning storage unit   {"description": "FileStorage:/home/ubuntu/.local/share/caddy"}
2022/09/24 09:40:15.350 INFO    tls     finished cleaning storage units
2022/09/24 09:40:15.350 INFO    http.log        server running  {"name": "proxy", "protocols": ["h1", "h2", "h3"]}
Caddy proxying http://:8083 ->

We have now a proxy configured between port 8083 and port 80 on load balancer IP address.

Task 13. Check Calisti SMM Dashboard

You can open the browser at dashboard

Use the token generated by the following command:

./smm login

Task 14. Install the demo app

./smm demoapp install

Task 15. Adding VM to mesh

kubectl get istiocontrolplanes -A
istio-system   cp-v113x   ACTIVE   network1   Available   true             [""]           16m

Istio is using the network1 network name, so set the WorkloadGroup’s network setting to network1, too.

Tear down the analytics-v1 Pods:

kubectl scale deployment -n smm-demo analytics-v1 --replicas=0

Check there is no more analytics-v1 Pods:

kubectl get pods -n smm-demo | grep analytics

Create the workload group definition with network1:

tee workload-analytics.yaml <<EOF
  kind: WorkloadGroup
      app: analytics
      version: v0
    name: analytics-v0
    namespace: smm-demo
        app: analytics
        version: v0
        path: /
        port: 8080
        scheme: HTTP
      network: network1
        http: 8080
        grpc: 8082
        tcp: 8083
      serviceAccount: default

Deploy the workload group:

kubectl apply -f workload-analytics.yaml created

mTLS settings

tee permissive-mtls.yaml <<EOF
kind: PeerAuthentication
  name: analytics
  namespace: smm-demo
    mode: PERMISSIVE
      app: analytics
      version: v0

Apply mTLS peer authentication:

kubectl apply -f permissive-mtls.yaml 

Check mTLS peer authentication: created

Run systemd ubuntu container as simulated "VM":

docker run -d --rm --privileged --cgroupns=host --name systemd-ubuntu --network=kind --tmpfs /tmp --tmpfs /run --tmpfs /run/lock -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup jrei/systemd-ubuntu 
docker exec -t systemd-ubuntu bash -c "apt-get -y update && apt-get install -y curl iptables iproute2 sudo"

Open a bash session on the simulated "VM":

docker exec -it ${VM_NAME} bash

Start fake analytics services inside the "VM":

# inside container
mkdir /empty_dir
cat <<EOF > /lib/systemd/system/smm-demo-analytics.service
Description=SMM demo app - analytics

ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash -c "cd /empty_dir && /usr/bin/python3 -m http.server 8080"

ln -s /lib/systemd/system/smm-demo-analytics.service /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl start smm-demo-analytics.service

Ensure the pkg download cache is in the same filesystem as the target

# still inside container
mkdir /tmp/smm-agent
rm -rf /var/cache/smm-agent
ln -s /tmp/smm-agent /var/cache/smm-agent

Get the container's IP on the docker network

NODEIP=$(docker exec -t ${VM_NAME} bash -c "ip a show dev eth0" | awk '$1 == "inet" {gsub(/\/.*$/, "", $2); print $2}')
echo $NODEIP

Get the ingress-gateway IP for Calisti

INGRESS_IP=$(kubectl get svc smm-ingressgateway-external -n smm-system -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')

Get the bearer token for the smm-demo namespace's service-account

SA_SECRET_NAME=$(kubectl get serviceaccount $SA_SERVICEACCOUNT -n $SA_NAMESPACE -o json | jq -r '.secrets[0].name')
BEARER_TOKEN=$(kubectl get secret -n $SA_NAMESPACE ${SA_SECRET_NAME} -o json | jq -r '.data.token | @base64d')

Get the smm-agent in the VM

docker exec -t ${VM_NAME} bash -c "curl http://${INGRESS_IP}/get/smm-agent | bash"

Do the setup of the smm-agent

docker exec -t ${VM_NAME} bash -c "smm-agent set workload-group smm-demo analytics-v0"
docker exec -t ${VM_NAME} bash -c "smm-agent set node-ip ${NODEIP}"
docker exec -t ${VM_NAME} bash -c "smm-agent set bearer-token ${BEARER_TOKEN}"

Start the smm-agent

docker exec -t ${VM_NAME} bash -c "smm-agent reconcile"
eti-lab> docker exec -t ${VM_NAME} bash -c "smm-agent reconcile"
✓ reconciling host operating system
✓ uuid not present in config file, new uuid is generated uuid=0327b100-a008-4364-a2b3-7d1777bb5b9a
✓ configuration loaded config=/etc/smm/agent.yaml
✓ install-pilot-agent ❯ downloading and installing OS package component=pilot-agent, platform={linux amd64 deb 0xc000116630}
✓ install-pilot-agent ❯ downloader reconciles with exponential backoff downloader={pilot-agent {linux amd64 deb 0xc000116630} true  0xc000694850}
✓ install-pilot-agent/download-pilot-agent/download-cache-dir ❯ create directory path=/var/cache/smm-agent/downloads, mode=0
✓ install-pilot-agent/download-pilot-agent ❯ downloading package from SMM component=pilot-agent, platform={linux amd64 deb 0xc000116630}
✓ install-pilot-agent/install-os-package ❯ installing debian package package=/tmp/smm-agent.2724887957
✓ install-pilot-agent/install-os-package/dpkg ❯ executing command command=dpkg, args=[-i /tmp/smm-agent.2724887957], timeout=5m0s
✓ install-pilot-agent/install-os-package/dpkg ❯ command executed successfully command=dpkg, args=[-i /tmp/smm-agent.2724887957], stdout=Selecting previously unselected package istio-sidecar.
(Reading database ... 9289 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack /tmp/smm-agent.2724887957 ...
Unpacking istio-sidecar (1.13.5) ...
Setting up istio-sidecar (1.13.5) ...
, stderr=
✓ update-host-files ❯ updating host files gateway_addresses=map[istiod.istio-system.svc:[]]
✓ update-host-files/file ❯ checking content changes filename=/etc/hosts
✓ update-host-files/file ❯ checking file stats changes mode=420, user_name=root, group_name=root
✓ update-host-files/file ❯ comparing to existing file's stats existing_mode=420, existing_user=root, existing_group=root
✓ update-host-files/file ❯ replacing target file with temp file temp_filename=/etc/.smm-agent-temp.82718693, target_filename=/etc/hosts
✗ update-host-files/file ❯ replacing target file with temp file: rename /etc/.smm-agent-temp.82718693 /etc/hosts: device or resource busy temp_filename=/etc/.smm-agent-temp.82718693, target_filename=/etc/hosts
✓ update-host-files/file ❯ Attempting direct file write target_filename=/etc/hosts, content=   localhost
::1     localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters      70c83c449172
fc00:f853:ccd:e793::5   70c83c449172 istiod.istio-system.svc 70c83c449172

✓ update-host-files/file ❯ file is updated successfully filename=/etc/hosts
✓ update-cluster-env/cluster-env-dir ❯ create directory path=/var/lib/istio/envoy, mode=0
✓ update-cluster-env/file ❯ checking content changes filename=/var/lib/istio/envoy/cluster.env
✓ update-cluster-env/file ❯ checking file stats changes mode=420, user_name=root, group_name=root
✓ update-cluster-env/file ❯ replacing target file with temp file temp_filename=/var/lib/istio/envoy/.smm-agent-temp.1795122235, target_filename=/var/lib/istio/envoy/cluster.env
✓ update-cluster-env/file ❯ file is updated successfully filename=/var/lib/istio/envoy/cluster.env
✓ update-root-cert/root-cert-dir ❯ create directory path=/etc/certs, mode=0
✓ update-root-cert/file ❯ checking content changes filename=/etc/certs/root-cert.pem
✓ update-root-cert/file ❯ checking file stats changes mode=420, user_name=istio-proxy, group_name=istio-proxy
✓ update-root-cert/file ❯ replacing target file with temp file temp_filename=/etc/certs/.smm-agent-temp.2198813229, target_filename=/etc/certs/root-cert.pem
✓ update-root-cert/file ❯ file is updated successfully filename=/etc/certs/root-cert.pem
✓ update-mesh-config/mesh-config-dir ❯ create directory path=/etc/istio/config, mode=0
✓ update-mesh-config/file ❯ checking content changes filename=/etc/istio/config/mesh
✓ update-mesh-config/file ❯ checking file stats changes mode=420, user_name=istio-proxy, group_name=istio-proxy
✓ update-mesh-config/file ❯ comparing to existing file's stats existing_mode=420, existing_user=istio-proxy, existing_group=istio-proxy
✓ update-mesh-config/file ❯ replacing target file with temp file temp_filename=/etc/istio/config/.smm-agent-temp.63478690, target_filename=/etc/istio/config/mesh
✓ update-mesh-config/file ❯ file is updated successfully filename=/etc/istio/config/mesh
✓ update-bearer-token/bearer-token-dir ❯ create directory path=/var/run/secrets/, mode=0
✓ update-bearer-token/file ❯ checking content changes filename=/var/run/secrets/
✓ update-bearer-token/file ❯ checking file stats changes mode=420, user_name=istio-proxy, group_name=istio-proxy
✓ update-bearer-token/file ❯ replacing target file with temp file temp_filename=/var/run/secrets/, target_filename=/var/run/secrets/
✓ update-bearer-token/file ❯ file is updated successfully filename=/var/run/secrets/
✓ systemd-ensure-node-exporter-running/systemctl/show ❯ showing current service state args=[show -p SubState --value smm-node-exporter]
✓ systemd-ensure-node-exporter-running/systemctl/show ❯ showing current service state args=[show -p ActiveState --value smm-node-exporter]
✓ systemd-ensure-node-exporter-running/systemctl/is-enabled ❯ checking if the service is enabled args=[is-enabled smm-node-exporter]
✓ systemd-ensure-node-exporter-running ❯ current service states sub_state=dead, active_state=inactive, is_enabled=disabled
✓ systemd-ensure-node-exporter-running/systemctl ❯ enabling service args=[smm-node-exporter]
✓ systemd-ensure-node-exporter-running/systemctl/enable ❯ executing command command=systemctl, args=[enable smm-node-exporter], timeout=5m0s
✓ systemd-ensure-node-exporter-running/systemctl/enable ❯ command executed successfully command=systemctl, args=[enable smm-node-exporter], stdout=, stderr=Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ -> /lib/systemd/system/smm-node-exporter.service.

✓ systemd-ensure-node-exporter-running/systemctl ❯ starting service args=[smm-node-exporter]
✓ systemd-ensure-node-exporter-running/systemctl/start ❯ executing command command=systemctl, args=[start smm-node-exporter], timeout=5m0s
✓ systemd-ensure-node-exporter-running/systemctl/start ❯ command executed successfully command=systemctl, args=[start smm-node-exporter], stdout=, stderr=
✓ install-smm-agent ❯ downloading and installing OS package component=smm-agent, platform={linux amd64 deb 0xc000116630}
✓ install-smm-agent ❯ downloader reconciles with exponential backoff downloader={smm-agent {linux amd64 deb 0xc000116630} true  0xc000128f10}
✓ install-smm-agent/download-smm-agent/download-cache-dir ❯ create directory path=/var/cache/smm-agent/downloads, mode=0
✓ install-smm-agent/download-smm-agent ❯ downloading package from SMM component=smm-agent, platform={linux amd64 deb 0xc000116630}
✓ install-smm-agent/install-os-package ❯ installing debian package package=/tmp/smm-agent.804078050
✓ install-smm-agent/install-os-package/dpkg ❯ executing command command=dpkg, args=[-i /tmp/smm-agent.804078050], timeout=5m0s
✓ install-smm-agent/install-os-package/dpkg ❯ command executed successfully command=dpkg, args=[-i /tmp/smm-agent.804078050], stdout=(Reading database ... 9306 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack /tmp/smm-agent.804078050 ...
Unpacking smm-agent (1.10.0~snapshot.202208041444-SNAPSHOT-1d17b3310) over (1.10.0~snapshot.202208041444-SNAPSHOT-1d17b3310) ...
Setting up smm-agent (1.10.0~snapshot.202208041444-SNAPSHOT-1d17b3310) ...
, stderr=
✓ restart-after-smm-agent-upgrade/systemctl ❯ restarting service args=[smm-agent]
✓ restart-after-smm-agent-upgrade/systemctl/restart ❯ executing command command=systemctl, args=[restart smm-agent], timeout=5m0s
✓ restart-after-smm-agent-upgrade/systemctl/restart ❯ command executed successfully command=systemctl, args=[restart smm-agent], stdout=, stderr=
✓ systemd-ensure-smm-agent-running/systemctl/show ❯ showing current service state args=[show -p SubState --value smm-agent]
✓ systemd-ensure-smm-agent-running/systemctl/show ❯ showing current service state args=[show -p ActiveState --value smm-agent]
✓ systemd-ensure-smm-agent-running/systemctl/is-enabled ❯ checking if the service is enabled args=[is-enabled smm-agent]
✓ systemd-ensure-smm-agent-running ❯ current service states sub_state=running, active_state=active, is_enabled=enabled
✓ systemd-ensure-istio-running/systemctl/show ❯ showing current service state args=[show -p SubState --value istio]
✓ systemd-ensure-istio-running/systemctl/show ❯ showing current service state args=[show -p ActiveState --value istio]
✓ systemd-ensure-istio-running/systemctl/is-enabled ❯ checking if the service is enabled args=[is-enabled istio]
✓ systemd-ensure-istio-running ❯ current service states sub_state=dead, active_state=inactive, is_enabled=disabled
✓ systemd-ensure-istio-running/systemctl ❯ enabling service args=[istio]
✓ systemd-ensure-istio-running/systemctl/enable ❯ executing command command=systemctl, args=[enable istio], timeout=5m0s
✓ systemd-ensure-istio-running/systemctl/enable ❯ command executed successfully command=systemctl, args=[enable istio], stdout=, stderr=Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ -> /lib/systemd/system/istio.service.

✓ systemd-ensure-istio-running/systemctl ❯ starting service args=[istio]
✓ systemd-ensure-istio-running/systemctl/start ❯ executing command command=systemctl, args=[start istio], timeout=5m0s
✓ systemd-ensure-istio-running/systemctl/start ❯ command executed successfully command=systemctl, args=[start istio], stdout=, stderr=
✓ wait-for-registration ❯ waiting for workloadentry to be registered timeout=300, interval=5
✓ wait-for-registration ❯ health check fails, waiting for workloadentry to be successfully registered...
✓ wait-for-registration ❯ workloadentry is registered successfully
✓ changes were made to the host operating system
✓ reconciled host operating system

Check on Calisti dashboard:

Terminate the "VM":

docker stop ${VM_NAME}

Check on Calisti dashboard:


  • On RHEL:
[root@b8700f04bbc0 /]# systemctl start smm-demo-analytics.service
Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory
  • On Ubuntu:
docker container exits ! if not using flag --cgroupns=host and allow rw on volume /sys/fs/cgroup