From cde4f94dc77595cb596248d68ab97d1e2c16ee89 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: pm3310
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2016 14:38:12 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Harris and Brown/Szeliski corner detection algorithms
corner_detection/ | 0
corner_detection/ | 103 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 103 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 corner_detection/
create mode 100644 corner_detection/
diff --git a/corner_detection/ b/corner_detection/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/corner_detection/ b/corner_detection/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebbd5bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corner_detection/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+import numpy
+from PIL import Image
+from pylab import *
+from scipy import signal, array
+from kernels.kernels import gauss_derivatives, gauss_kernel
+def compute_harris_response(image, a):
+ """ compute the Harris corner detector response function
+ for each pixel in the image"""
+ imx, imy = gauss_derivatives(image, 3)
+ gauss = gauss_kernel(3)
+ w_xx = signal.convolve(imx * imx, gauss, mode='same')
+ w_xy = signal.convolve(imx * imy, gauss, mode='same')
+ w_yy = signal.convolve(imy * imy, gauss, mode='same')
+ w_det = w_xx * w_yy - w_xy ** 2
+ w_tr = w_xx + w_yy
+ return w_det - a * w_tr
+def compute_brown_szeliski_winder_response(image, a):
+ """ compute the Harris corner detector response function
+ for each pixel in the image"""
+ imx, imy = gauss_derivatives(image, 3)
+ gauss = gauss_kernel(3)
+ w_xx = signal.convolve(imx * imx, gauss, mode='same')
+ w_xy = signal.convolve(imx * imy, gauss, mode='same')
+ w_yy = signal.convolve(imy * imy, gauss, mode='same')
+ w_det = w_xx * w_yy - w_xy ** 2
+ w_tr = w_xx + w_yy
+ return w_det / w_tr
+def get_harris_points(harrisim, min_distance=10, threshold=0.1):
+ """ return corners from a Harris response image
+ min_distance is the minimum nbr of pixels separating
+ corners and image boundary"""
+ # find top corner candidates above a threshold
+ corner_threshold = max(harrisim.ravel()) * threshold
+ harrisim_t = (harrisim > corner_threshold) * 1
+ # get coordinates of candidates
+ candidates = harrisim_t.nonzero()
+ coords = [(candidates[0][c], candidates[1][c]) for c in range(len(candidates[0]))]
+ # ...and their values
+ candidate_values = [harrisim[c[0]][c[1]] for c in coords]
+ # sort candidates
+ index = numpy.argsort(candidate_values)
+ # store allowed point locations in array
+ allowed_locations = numpy.zeros(harrisim.shape)
+ allowed_locations[min_distance: -min_distance, min_distance: -min_distance] = 1
+ # select the best points taking min_distance into account
+ filtered_coordinates = []
+ for i in index:
+ if allowed_locations[coords[i][0]][coords[i][1]] == 1:
+ filtered_coordinates.append(coords[i])
+ allowed_locations[
+ (coords[i][0] - min_distance):(coords[i][0] + min_distance),
+ (coords[i][1] - min_distance):(coords[i][1] + min_distance)
+ ] = 0
+ return filtered_coordinates
+def plot_harris_points(image, filtered_coords):
+ """ plots corners found in image"""
+ figure()
+ gray()
+ imshow(image)
+ plot([p[1] for p in filtered_coords], [p[0] for p in filtered_coords], '*')
+ axis('off')
+ show()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Load image and convert it to greyscale
+ im = array(
+ )
+ # Compute the Harris responses
+ harrisim = compute_harris_response(im, 0.04)
+ # Find the coordinates of 'best' corner points
+ filtered_coordinates = get_harris_points(harrisim, 6)
+ plot_harris_points(im, filtered_coordinates)