Navigation: DEDIS :: Cothority :: Apps :: E-voting
Our e-voting system is inspired by the first version of Helios where the encrypted ballots are shuffled and anonymized before they are decrypted. Instead of the shuffle used in Helios, we implemented a Neff shuffle which is much faster than the original Helios shuffle.
To further reduce single points of failure we introduce the cothority and store all the votes on a skipchain, so that they can be publicly verified by a third party.
As this system is to be used in an EPFL election, we added an authentication to the Gaspar/Tequila service.
The evoting service has the following features:
- Distributed setup by election overseers
- Authentication through Tequila
- Anonymity of the votes through encryption on the client’s machine
- Tamper-proof storage of all votes on a blockchain
- Verifiable distributed shuffling using Neff-shuffles
- Shared decryption once the election is over
- Verifiability of the process by external verifiers
EPFL conducts elections across different departments and associations every year. In fall, 2017, the DEDIS Lab at EPFL started working on implementing an evoting systems to be used for Elections in May, 2018. The voting system aims to be tamper-proof, auditable and decentralised.
The evoting system runs on a set of nodes, which collectively perform all the operations. The nodes, called conodes ( make extensive use of a custom blockchain implementation by the DEDIS Lab, called Skipchains. Skipchains can be thought of as a distributed tamper resistant datastore (as long as 2/3rds of the participating nodes are not malicious). Addition of new data "blocks" to the chain must be ratified by 2/3rd majority of participating nodes. We use skipchains to store information pertaining to elections in the following way:
We have two levels of indirection - the master skipchain and a per election skipchain. The first block of the master skipchain holds configuration common to all elections like the list of participating nodes in evoting, public key of authorization server to verify signatures (refer to Identification section below), IDs of administrators who’re allowed to setup new elections. Further blocks hold a reference to the first block of an election specific skipchain and they’re added when an election administrator proposes a new election.
The per-election skipchain’s first block contains information about the particular information, such as the list of candidate IDs and eligible voter IDs. The election creation protocol results in each node calculating a secret which it keeps to itself (Distributed Key Generation). This secret is then used to construct an aggregate public key for the election that is used to encrypt every voters ballot for the election. The distribution of secret allows us to decentralise the shuffling and voting process which is described later in the text.
We rely on using EPFL’s authentication service, called Tequila to identify a user. The identification process requires a central server that interacts with tequila and generates a signature on successful authorization. The signature is held on the web client in a cookie, and provided to the server with each operation. The lead conode checks this signature. If it is valid, it proposes a new block to the followers of the skipchain, seeking their approval. It signs the block to certify that the user information in the transaction was seen and checked by the lead conode.
This identification system is not decentralised. The lead conode is operated by the same organisation that operates the authentication system (VPSI, the central IT authority of the university). Once a transaction is proposed to the non-leader conodes, the system is decentralised; it is up to each conode to check (1) that the leader certified the user info, and (2) that the invariants of a fair election are respected.
The evoting web application allows an administrator to set up a "choose M of N" type of election. A voter may select his/her choice(s).
Before submitting the ballot to a conode, the web application encrypts the ballot using the election's aggregate public key. The submission of an encrypted ballot results in the addition of a new block to the skipchain. The block contains the ID of the user who cast his/her vote and their vote in encrypted format. We therefore notice that at this point, the evoting system prevents an adversary from figuring out who a particular voter voted for but it doesn’t stop the adversary from figuring out if they have voted or not voted at all. It should also be noted that the current implementation does not allow a voter to verify if their vote was cast as intended, i.e. if the encrypted ballot is not changed while being transfered to the conode by a malware on their device. The voter can however, verify if their vote is indeed stored or not in the skipchain.
In order to preserve anonymity of votes, we need to remove voter information from the encrypted ballots and permute and store them such that no adversary can determine a vote from the shuffled permutation. At the same time, it is essential that an auditor should be able to verify if the shuffling has been done correctly and the nodes themselves have not acted maliciously. Neff Shuffles are well suited for this task and provide a proof that allows auditors to verify that the shuffles have been performed correctly.
After the shuffling phase, the ballots are anonymized but still encrypted. On receiving a decryption request, every conode decrypts the ballot using their share of the secret. These partial decryptions can then be used to reconstruct the fully decrypted ballots (as long as a configurable threshold of nodes are able to verify the shuffle and partially decrypt the ballots). The distribution in decryption phase gives no single node full control over the decryption of ballots and to act maliciously. Finally, the decrypted anonymised ballots are stored in the skipchain and they can be used to aggregate the vote counts for each candidate.
Run the conodes according to the instructions in the conode directory.
The evoting-admin
tool provides a way to manage the master skipchain for evoting.
See the in that directory.
- Student Project: EPFL e-voting:
- Paper: Verifiable Mixing (Shuffling) of ElGamal Pairs; C. Andrew Neff, 2004
- Paper: Helios: Web-based Open-Audit Voting; Ben Adida, 2008
- Paper: Decentralizing authorities into scalable strongest-link cothorities: Ford et. al., 2015
- Paper: Secure distributed key generation for discrete-log based cryptosystems; Gennaro et. al., 1999