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Tao enables two-way data binding between edn and browser history.

Tao is a thin wrapper on top of secretary. Although it was designed with Om in mind, but can be used in any system with edn i/o.


Add tao to your project.clj :dependencies vector:

[pleasetrythisathome/tao "0.1.5"]

The Way

Routes are created using the deftao [route opts] macro. Opts is a map containing a channel into which state translated from browser history is pushed, and a params map containing the params matched in the route, their path within the resulting state, and :->state and :->route translation functions.

Tao is essentially a system for defining a functional transformations from state->history and history->state.

This simple example that follows will print the route id and the generated state on navigation.

(ns examples.basic.core
  (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]]
                   [tao.core :refer [deftao]])
  (:require [tao.core :as tao :include-macros true])))

(def nav-chan (chan))

(deftao section "/:section"
  {:chan nav-chan
   :params {:section {:path []
                     :->state keyword
                     :->route name}}})

 (while true
   (let [[route state] (<! nav-chan)]
     (print route state))))

(tao/init-history {:push-state false})

This is the history->state component. Underneath the hood, navigation events dispatch secretary routes, and the matched parameters are passed into the :->state transformation functions and then merged into a map at their :path and push into :chan as [:name state].

Edn can be transformed into browser history using

(tao/update-history new-state)

Tao will map over all routes defined using deftao, find the params in state and then apply their :->route functions. Tao will then match the last defined route where all translated params are non-nil.

For example, adding

(tao/update-history {:new-state {:section :main}})

to the above example will set the browser history to /#/main

You can define custom validator function that takes a hashmap params. If the validator returns true, the route will be considered a potential match. The last valid route is always matched.

The default validator:

(fn [params]
  (every? identity (vals params)))

Query and Constants

Query parameters can be defined arbitarily from route params.

(deftao section "/:active"
  {:chan nav-chan
   :params {:active {:path []
                     :->state keyword
                     :->route name}}
   :query-params {:search {:path []
                           :->state identity
                           :->route identity}}})

Updates to query params do not add to the history stack, and are thus a good way of separating which changes in application state should be treated as steps in navigation.

Constants are additional peices of state that allow you to define additional information associated with a route.

(deftao section "/:active"
  {:chan nav-chan
   :params {:active {:path []
                     :->state keyword
                     :->route name}}
   :constants {:status {:path []
                        :->state (constantly nil)}}})

Any navigation will result in :status being set to nil


Integrating with Om is extremely simple

setting tao/update-history as the tx-listen callback in om/root will update history on all state changes

;; channel passed into deftao routes
(def nav-chan (chan))

(om/root app-view app-state
         {:target (.getElementById js/document "app")
          :shared {:navigation nav-chan}
          :tx-listen tao/update-history})

in app-view

(defn app-view
  [app owner]
    (will-mount [this]
       (while true
         (let [[route state] (<! (om/get-shared owner :navigation))]
           ;; deep-merge navigation state with app-state
           (om/transact! app [] #(tao.utils/deep-merge-with merge % state) :silent)))))
    (render [_]
      ;; render you app here

Transactions tagged :silent are ignored by update-history.


To build and run the examples (basic, om)

cd tao
lein cljsbuild once *example*
cd examples/*example*
python -m SimpleHTTPServer

Point your browser to localhost:8000.

Clicking the links will update app state. Changes in app state are synced the browser history. Navigating with the back button (or reloading the page) will cause corresponding changes in state.


The code above and the examples use

(tao/init-history {:push-state false})

With enables hash-bang routes out of convenience and in the interest of keeping the examples simple.

Setting :push-state true (the default value) will use html5 push-state instead of hash-bang routes. This is the prefered choice and requires pushing matching routes from the server to the front end to correctly serve the app on page load. There are all sorts of reasons not to use hash-bang, but if you like, the option is there for you.


Tao is very much alpha software. Thoughts, comments, feature, and pull requests welcome.


Copyright © 2014 Dylan Butman

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.