diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index ab186b0bc..408a1b135 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0
 ## [Unreleased]
+- While composing a note, a space is now automatically inserted after any mention of a user or note to ensure it’s formatted correctly.
 - Fixed an issue where tapping the Feed tab did not scroll to the top of the Feed.
 - Fixed an issue where tapping the Profile tab did not scroll to the top of the Profile.
 - Search now starts automatically after entering three characters instead of one.
diff --git a/Nos/Models/EditableNoteText.swift b/Nos/Models/EditableNoteText.swift
index fd4ba2ac6..c32ea8e5b 100644
--- a/Nos/Models/EditableNoteText.swift
+++ b/Nos/Models/EditableNoteText.swift
@@ -84,37 +84,42 @@ struct EditableNoteText: Equatable {
-        let mention = AttributedString(
+        var mention = AttributedString(
             attributes: defaultAttributes.merging(
                 AttributeContainer([NSAttributedString.Key.link: url.absoluteString])
+        mention.append(AttributedString(stringLiteral: " "))
         attributedString.replaceSubrange((attributedString.index(beforeCharacter: index))..<index, with: mention)
     /// Inserts the mention of an author as a link at the given index of the string. The `index` should be the index
     /// after a `@` character, which this function will replace.
     mutating func insertMention(npub: String, at range: Range<AttributedString.Index>) {
-        let mention = AttributedString(
+        var mention = AttributedString(
             attributes: defaultAttributes.merging(
                 AttributeContainer([NSAttributedString.Key.link: "nostr:\(npub)"])
+        mention.append(AttributedString(stringLiteral: " "))
         attributedString.replaceSubrange(range, with: mention)
     /// Inserts the mention of an author as a link at the given index of the string. The `index` should be the index
     /// after a `@` character, which this function will replace.
     mutating func insertMention(note: String, at range: Range<AttributedString.Index>) {
-        let mention = AttributedString(
+        var mention = AttributedString(
             attributes: defaultAttributes.merging(
                 AttributeContainer([NSAttributedString.Key.link: "nostr:\(note)"])
+        mention.append(AttributedString(stringLiteral: " "))
         attributedString.replaceSubrange(range, with: mention)