A Bugzilla client library, written in C#.
- A generic JSON-RPC client (though the bits are all there, more or less).
- CookieClient (a modified WebClient that exposes and stores cookies).
- Bugzilla's JSON-RPC interface (http://bugzilla.yourcompany.com/jsonrpc.cgi).
- JSON serialization and deserialization by the simple, hackable Hyena.Json (http://git.gnome.org/browse/Hyena).
- Everything is async and task-driven. No synchronous API here.
A .NET 4.0/C# 4.0 runtime/compiler. Mono 2.8.x or later will do.
Why not! Bugzilla API clients are hard to come by.
using CodeRinseRepeat.Bugzilla;
var client = new BugzillaClient ("http://bugzilla.yourcompany.com/jsonrpc.cgi");
await client.LoginAsync ("username", "password");
var bug = await client.GetBugAsync (1234);
- Add more BZ API coverage.
- Make the code better.