- are we going to add allocations as deployment params similar to flt/Vesting.sol?
- are the amounts dynamic? e.g. the contract owner can allocate both 1M FLT or 1B FLT?
- what is the usage from the owner perspecive, example of how the contract is going to be used?
- should we allow public view of
? - should we allow multiple allocations that vest at given intervals?
- if it is past unlock time and there is an allocation locked for say 1 year at the 5 year mark, the tokens can get retrieved by owner, shall the lock time be for each of the balances? after 1 year user can retrieve, after 5 years owner can retrieve?
addTokenAllocation(bob, 1000)
addTokenAllocation(bob, 1000)
tokenAllocations[bob] => 2000
- get some data from a moonshot like SIF/USD, analyze the tx distribution
- similar to helius, see if can get 'reputation' score and try to snipe new launches, something like dextools.io real time launches