diff --git a/releases/release-6.5.0.md b/releases/release-6.5.0.md index ec133ae1a9efe..836a5481a447b 100644 --- a/releases/release-6.5.0.md +++ b/releases/release-6.5.0.md @@ -323,6 +323,7 @@ Compared with TiDB [6.4.0-DMR](/releases/release-6.4.0.md), TiDB 6.5.0 introduce | [`password_reuse_interval`](/system-variables.md#password_reuse_interval-new-in-v650) | Newly added | This variable is used to establish a password reuse policy that allows TiDB to limit password reuse based on time elapsed. The default value `0` means disabling the password reuse policy based on time elapsed. | | [`tidb_auto_build_stats_concurrency`](/system-variables.md#tidb_auto_build_stats_concurrency-new-in-v650) | Newly added | This variable is used to set the concurrency of executing the automatic update of statistics. The default value is `1`. | | [`tidb_cdc_write_source`](/system-variables.md#tidb_cdc_write_source-new-in-v650) | Newly added | When this variable is set to a value other than 0, data written in this session is considered to be written by TiCDC. This variable can only be modified by TiCDC. Do not manually modify this variable in any case. | +| [`tidb_enable_plan_replayer_capture`](/system-variables.md#tidb_enable_plan_replayer_capture) | Newly added | The feature controlled by this variable is not fully functional in TiDB v6.5.0. Do not change the default value. | | [`tidb_index_merge_intersection_concurrency`](/system-variables.md#tidb_index_merge_intersection_concurrency-new-in-v650) | Newly added | Sets the maximum concurrency for the intersection operations that index merge performs. It is effective only when TiDB accesses partitioned tables in the dynamic pruning mode. | | [`tidb_source_id`](/system-variables.md#tidb_source_id-new-in-v650) | Newly added | This variable is used to configure the different cluster IDs in a [bi-directional replication](/ticdc/ticdc-bidirectional-replication.md) cluster.| | [`tidb_sysproc_scan_concurrency`](/system-variables.md#tidb_sysproc_scan_concurrency-new-in-v650) | Newly added | This variable is used to set the concurrency of scan operations performed when TiDB executes internal SQL statements (such as an automatic update of statistics). The default value is `1`. | diff --git a/releases/release-6.6.0.md b/releases/release-6.6.0.md index d9ce0c9baeac0..45552ed64cb38 100644 --- a/releases/release-6.6.0.md +++ b/releases/release-6.6.0.md @@ -356,6 +356,7 @@ In v6.6.0-DMR, the key new features and improvements are as follows: | [`tidb_enable_foreign_key`](/system-variables.md#tidb_enable_foreign_key-new-in-v630) | Modified | This variable controls whether to enable the foreign key feature. The default value changes from `OFF` to `ON`, which means enabling foreign key by default. | | `tidb_enable_general_plan_cache` | Modified | This variable controls whether to enable General Plan Cache. Starting from v6.6.0, this variable is renamed to [`tidb_enable_non_prepared_plan_cache`](/system-variables.md#tidb_enable_non_prepared_plan_cache). | | [`tidb_enable_historical_stats`](/system-variables.md#tidb_enable_historical_stats) | Modified | This variable controls whether to enable historical statistics. The default value changes from `OFF` to `ON`, which means that historical statistics are enabled by default. | +| [`tidb_enable_plan_replayer_capture`](/system-variables.md#tidb_enable_plan_replayer_capture) | Modified | This variable takes effect starting from v6.6.0 and controls whether to enable the [`PLAN REPLAYER CAPTURE` feature](/sql-plan-replayer.md#use-plan-replayer-capture-to-capture-target-plans). The default value changes from `OFF` to `ON`, which means that the `PLAN REPLAYER CAPTURE` feature is enabled by default. | | [`tidb_enable_telemetry`](/system-variables.md#tidb_enable_telemetry-new-in-v402-and-deprecated-in-v810) | Modified | The default value changes from `ON` to `OFF`, which means that telemetry is disabled by default in TiDB. | | `tidb_general_plan_cache_size` | Modified | This variable controls the maximum number of execution plans that can be cached by General Plan Cache. Starting from v6.6.0, this variable is renamed to [`tidb_non_prepared_plan_cache_size`](/system-variables.md#tidb_non_prepared_plan_cache_size). | | [`tidb_replica_read`](/system-variables.md#tidb_replica_read-new-in-v40) | Modified | A new value option `learner` is added for this variable to specify the learner replicas with which TiDB reads data from read-only nodes. | @@ -366,7 +367,6 @@ In v6.6.0-DMR, the key new features and improvements are as follows: | [`tidb_ddl_distribute_reorg`](https://docs.pingcap.com/tidb/v6.6/system-variables#tidb_ddl_distribute_reorg-new-in-v660) | Newly added | This variable controls whether to enable distributed execution of the DDL reorg phase to accelerate this phase. The default value `OFF` means not to enable distributed execution of the DDL reorg phase by default. Currently, this variable takes effect only for `ADD INDEX`. | | [`tidb_enable_historical_stats_for_capture`](/system-variables.md#tidb_enable_historical_stats_for_capture) | Newly added | This variable controls whether the information captured by `PLAN REPLAYER CAPTURE` includes historical statistics by default. The default value `OFF` means that historical statistics are not included by default. | | [`tidb_enable_plan_cache_for_param_limit`](/system-variables.md#tidb_enable_plan_cache_for_param_limit-new-in-v660) | Newly added | This variable controls whether Prepared Plan Cache caches execution plans that contain `COUNT` after `Limit`. The default value is `ON`, which means Prepared Plan Cache supports caching such execution plans. Note that Prepared Plan Cache does not support caching execution plans with a `COUNT` condition that counts a number greater than 10000. | -| [`tidb_enable_plan_replayer_capture`](/system-variables.md#tidb_enable_plan_replayer_capture) | Newly added | This variable controls whether to enable the [`PLAN REPLAYER CAPTURE` feature](/sql-plan-replayer.md#use-plan-replayer-capture-to-capture-target-plans). The default value `OFF` means to disable the `PLAN REPLAYER CAPTURE` feature. | | [`tidb_enable_resource_control`](/system-variables.md#tidb_enable_resource_control-new-in-v660) | Newly added | This variable controls whether to enable the resource control feature. The default value is `OFF`. When this variable is set to `ON`, the TiDB cluster supports resource isolation of applications based on resource groups. | | [`tidb_historical_stats_duration`](/system-variables.md#tidb_historical_stats_duration-new-in-v660) | Newly added | This variable controls how long the historical statistics are retained in storage. The default value is 7 days. | | [`tidb_index_join_double_read_penalty_cost_rate`](/system-variables.md#tidb_index_join_double_read_penalty_cost_rate-new-in-v660) | Newly added | This variable controls whether to add some penalty cost to the selection of index join. The default value `0` means that this feature is disabled by default. |