Starting with this release the changelogs will be generated by GitHub and you can find them in the Releases section.
- "New command: Reset Input" !997
- "Add SetStaticProperty Command" !926
- "Change websocket.dll to avoid conflict with other projects" !998
- "InputSystem: Incorrect execution of coroutines for pressKey and other commands" !1008
- "[New Input System] Double execution for EndTouch, BeginTouch, KeyUp and KeyDown commands" !985
- "Change AltUnityCommands and AltUnityNotification names" !990
- "GetScreenshot has duplicated code" !992
- Gombos Kriszta @GombosKriszta
- Robert Dezmerean @robert-dezmerean
- Iuliana Todoran @iuliana.todoran
- Robert Poienar @robert_poienar
- Edvin Reich @ReichEdvin
- Ru Cindrea @ru.cindrea
- Sandrina-Emanuela Sere @sandrina.sere
- "Create xml report when running tests from Editor/Command line" !756
- "Create a method to enable/disable AltUnityDriver logging" !742
- "Tests not shown in Tests List if created inside AltUnityTester folder" !755
- "Hovering mouse over button does not show tooltip" !748
- "Set_text() doesn't work for Unity Input Field" !759
- "[Python] move_touch send wrong parameters" !765
- "Change method that uses reflection to have assembly as required parameters" !925
- "[Advanced Usage] [Upgrade Guides] Invalid syntax for some C# examples" !763
- "[AltUnity Tester Editor] Add Section for "Test run Settings" and replace screenshots" !761
- "Some tests fail if Input System v >= 1.4.0" !766
- "[Docs] Upgrade guide has C# examples in Python section" !758
- Gombos Kriszta @GombosKriszta
- Robert Dezmerean @robert-dezmerean
- Iuliana Todoran @iuliana.todoran
- Robert Poienar @robert_poienar
- Edvin Reich @ReichEdvin
- Ru Cindrea @ru.cindrea
- Sandrina-Emanuela Sere @sandrina.sere
- Diana Serb @diana.serb
- Andrei-Mihai Onica @andrei.onica
- "Multiple keypress with NIS" !721
- "Add input visualizer for NIS" !716
- "Moveable AltUnity logo in Inspector" !730
- "CallComponentMethod does not call private methods" !715
- "[AltUnity Tester Editor > Build Settings] Delete note" !731
- "[Get Started - Run your game in Unity...] Adapt admonition for Unity 2021" !735
- "[API > AltUnityDriver > Input Actions] Add section for PressKeys() command" !737
- "Fix documentation inconsistency" !728
- "[AltUnity Tester Editor > Tests List] Document the use of Refresh button feature" !726
- "Refactor the GetServerVersion command" !720
- "[Inspector - Samplescenes] Click/Press action not working for creating stars" !718
- Gombos Kriszta @GombosKriszta
- Andra Cardas @andra.cardas
- Robert Dezmerean @robert-dezmerean
- Iuliana Todoran @iuliana.todoran
- Robert Poienar @robert_poienar
- Edvin Reich @ReichEdvin
- Ru Cindrea @ru.cindrea
- "New commands FindObjectAtCoordinates" !650
- "Documentation on how to add references to newinputsystem and newtonsoft json" !662
- "Add option for multiple key pressing simultaneously" !646
- "Logic for both input system to work together" #768
- "Click with new input system" !639
- "Scroll with new input system" !691
- "MoveMouse with new input system" !688
- "Key up and down with new input system" !685
- "Press key with new input system" !765
- "Add way to set a delay after each altUnity command" !684
- "Add logic for BeginTouch, MoveTouch and EndTouch to support NIS" !704
- "Tap with new input system" !656
- "Swipe with new input system" !707
- "Change server port from the game" !689
- "Tilt with new input system" !712
- "Updates for New Input System" !703
- "Not connecting to Android with PortForwarding on a different port" !652
- "Multiple precompiled assemblies with the same name Newtonsoft.json" !654
- "Fix issue in the python driver where WebsocketConnection class does not check the messageId" !653
- "[API - AltUnityObject] List all commands under main section and remove Object Commands subsection" !670
- "[Examples] Only one list expanded item in table of contents" !672
- "Instrumented build does not connect to AltUnity Inspector/tests" #818
- "[Get Started] "AltUnity Tester Window" or "AltUnity Tester" instead of "AltUnity Tester Editor"" !674
- "SetText with submit true does not trigger the validation event that is triggered by enter" !673
- "[License] Commands typos" !680
- "[SampleScenes-Apk] UI elements not showing" !658
- "Add examples to AltUnityPortForwarding section" !677
- "Add clarifications to the license file" !681
- "[Mac] iOS Player Settings button not functional" #780
- "Logger should be used with full NLog.Logger name" !694
- "AUT Editor Windows slow" !690
- "Compressing the screenshot triggers app block after connecting with Inspector" !695
- "Swipe should not tap elements that are dragged" !705
- "Tests for API commands sometimes fail when Active Input Handling is set to "Input System Package (New)"" !710
- "Instrumented game with AltUnity Tester 1.7.0 hangs in Bluestacks" !702
- "[AltUnityRunnerPrefab] Text elements inconsistencies for Port change feature" !711
- "[Get/SetDelayAfterCommand] Typo in description" !708
- "Connecting Issue with il2cpp builds" !701
- "Fix error thrown when only old input system is used" !706
- Dorin Oltean @dorinaltom
- Gombos Kriszta @GombosKriszta
- Andra Cardas @andra.cardas
- Robert Dezmerean @robert-dezmerean
- Iuliana Todoran @iuliana.todoran
- Robert Poienar @robert_poienar
- Edvin Reich @ReichEdvin
- "Set a global command timeout for commands" !567
- "Communication protocol" !419
- "Communication protocol - Python" !440
- "Java Communication Protocol" !512
- "CallComponentMehtod and CallStaticMethod definitions" !492
- "[Get started] Add a note in "Instrument your game with AltUnity Server" section" !494
- "Invoke input Events such as OnValueChange or OnSubmit on PressKey and SetText" !495
- "Communication protocol - Improve error handling" !498
- "Find a more suggestive name for "API Documentation" !500
- "From the unity editor, users should have all the info for getting started" !501
- "Improve the parameter validation in python" !507
- "rewrite CreateAltunityPrefab" !511
- "ALTUNITYTESTER scripting symbol not visible in instrumented game - Unity 2020" !513
- "Update websocket-sharp" !514
- "[API] Insert missing commands in documentation" !521
- "Add option in AUT editor window to keep ALTUNITYTESTER define when apps are not in playmode" !522
- "[Tests list] Tests checkboxes alignment inconsistency" !523
- "[API methods] [Docs - API] Change param names of "cameraName" and "cameraPath" in "cameraValue"" !524
- "Fix AltUnitySetTextCommand.cs error" !525
- "[Command] Add a new command to retrieve static properties and fields" !527
- "Add event when scene is loaded" !528
- "Double clicking a test should open the test file at the line where the test is" !531
- "[Run tests] Incorrect failed tests number" !532
- "Handle WaitTimeOutException during Connect" !534
- "Fix connection timeout error for Python" !535
- "Logging documentation update" !536
- "Standardize AltUnityDriver constructor" !538
- "remove reconnect button from instrumented game" !540
- "Add documentation for SetTimeScale" !543
- "Input visualizer not assigned when option is checked in Build Settings" !547
- "Disconnecting before handshake throws error in Java" !548
- "[AltUnity Runner prefab popup] Rearange texts to be centered" !550
- "GetComponentProperty fails when value is null." !552
- "LoadScene throws null reference exception if name of the scene is not found" !553
- "Add info about setting Run in Background" !558
- "The table with Parameters for GetComponentProperty is not entirely visible in docs" !559
- "Test are not opened and error is thrown in console when class name is different with file name" !561
- "Remove Duplicate AltUnityId components in Sample Scenes" !562
- "Popup reappears after every 5 seconds" !564
- "Set a global command timeout for commands" !567
- "Error handling - log stacktrace from instrumented game" !568
- "Namespaces for AUT Instrumentation side" !572
- "[AUT logs] Replace "Server" with "Tester"" !574
- "Rename AltElement to AltUnityObject in python for consistency" !575
- "[Python] Modify AltUnityObject to have world coordinate as float instead of int" !576
- "UI issues while "Play on Editor" when InvalidOperationException error" !577
- "Include Samplescenes project package in Examples" !578
- "Change the command GetPNGScreenshot to use ScreenCapture.CaptureScreenshot" !580
- "Refactor wait commands to use callback pattern" !586
- "CommandResponseTimeoutException is raised even if the driver is disconnected" !593
- "Add AUT+UTF example in the docs" !595
- "[API - BY-Selector] Update screenshot for AltId" !596
- "Tester dev documentation" !598
- "websocket server inside AltUnity Tester" !600
- "Strong type return message on AltUnityObject commands" !603
- "Update java dependencies" !604
- "[Java] forwardIos not working" !605
- "[AltUnityRunnerPrefab] Incorrect message when another process is listening on the same port" !607
- "Docs for GetComponentProperty / SetComponentProperty" !609
- "Include Samplescenes project package in Examples" !610
- "Add known issue about portforwarding ios in mono" !611
- "CreateProperties and unhandled exception" !612
- "Update docstrings for the public methods" !613
- "Add "Tester" in error message when Inspector cannot connect" !614
- "[Port Forwarding] [Windows] UI issues when port forwarding starts from AUT Editor" !615
- "Modify GetScreenshot to send screenshot information as a png image" !617
- "Fix connection issue for python bindings" !616
- "[AltUnityRunnerPrefab] Wrong Tester version in popup when communication protocol is initiated" !618
- "[Overview - How it works] Remove the Previous and Next buttons from screenshot" !619
- "Review java Driver library for consistency of api" !622
- "Add information about code stripping in documentation" !623
- "Update newtonsoft to v.10.0.1 netstandard1.3" !626
- "Fix connection issue for python bindings" !628
- Dorin Oltean @dorinaltom
- Gombos Kriszta @GombosKriszta
- Andra Cardas @andra.cardas
- Robert Dezmerean @robert-dezmerean
- Iuliana Todoran @iuliana.todoran
- Robert Poienar @robert_poienar
- "Input Handle Mouse events every frame" !467
- "Add CameraNotFound error handler" !477
- "Drag/Drop events for KeyUp / KeyDown" !483
- "[Tests list] Case when Assembly-CSharp_editor.dll displays an extra number of selected tests and passed test icon" !482
- "[Unity - Game] Large AUT popup and icon for the Asset Store package" !481
- "Make menu item and window name for AUT editor the same" !471
- "Tests list missing for cloned game project from Gitlab" !479
- "Click method is not working" !476
- "Change the Selectors name with name used in syntax" !478
- "Eliminate note from "Write and execute first test" section" !475
- "Preselected build location path deleted after canceling to change it" !473
- "Fix inconsistencies in documentation" !472
- "SetComponentProperty doesn't set value for properties in a struct" !469
- "Add an x button to altunity popup, so it's more intuitive that it can be closed" !470
- "Problems with maven release job" !466
- "Pressing x button on the test report pop-up makes the pop-up reopen" !468
- Dorin Oltean @dorinaltom
- Gombos Kriszta @GombosKriszta
- Andra Cardas @andra.cardas
- Robert Dezmerean @robert-dezmerean
- Iuliana Todoran @iuliana.todoran
- Robert Poienar @robert_poienar
- "Add new input press key command" #454
- "Add new input commands: begintouch, touchmove, endtouch" #564
- "simplify click & tap commands" #549
- "Update API Documentation's examples using changed method signature" #552
- "Unity 2021 throws warning there are 2 eventSystems in the scene" #559
- "PointerEventData.pointerPressRaycast.gameObject missing when doing tap from tests" #503
- "Input action and show input are not finished when timescale is 0" #560
- "Scroll/ScrollAndWait method not working" #555
- "KeyDownLifeCycle does not raise events for Mouse1" #525
- "[Unity Editor - AltUnity Tools menu] UI issues in the AltUnity Inspector window" #511
- "Add license file to the Unity Asset Store" #568
- "Warnings in console after "Play in Editor"" #570
- "[AUT Editor] Display issues" #565
- "Move test list in a separate container" #539
- "[Swipe/SwipeAndWait] Object swiped only for value that exits the window border" #556
- "Swipe/SwipeAndWait method results into swiping always the same direction" #505
- "Make pressKey command in java and python consistent with c#" #508
- "update parameter names for python example in portforwarding" #546
- "AltUnityMockUpPointerInputModule monobehaviour instantiated with new" #519
- "[TesterEditorPage] Test cases are not selected in the test list when selecting test that uses TestCase" #528
- "[TesterEditorPage] Test name is not fully displayed when using test case" #529
- "Update python example with the latest port forwarding method" #541
- "Add CI job for linting python code" #506
- "UI issues on dropdowns in Editor" #543
- "Display Number of selected tests in AltUnityTesterEditor Test List" #540
- "[Editor] Add menu item to add and remove AltId from current loaded scene" #517
- "[Editor] Allow only one AltId per object" #518
- "[AltUnity Tester Editor] Misalignment of some UI elements" #548
- "Issue with Button.ClickEvent()" #163
- "Screenshot aspect ratio is not respected when entering larger size than the screenshot itself" #536
- "Check for an existing Assets/Resources directory before creating, to prevent creating an 'Assets/Resources 1' duplicate path." !424
- "Resolve deprecation warning on UnityWebRequest.isNetworkError, which was introduced in Unity 2020.2." !423
- Dorin Oltean @dorinaltom
- Gombos Kriszta @GombosKriszta
- Andra Cardas @andra.cardas
- Robert Dezmerean @robert-dezmerean
- Iuliana Todoran @iuliana.todoran
- Robert Poienar @robert_poienar
- Frank Hickman @fhickman
- "Path selector parsing and error handling" !408
- "Fix the python bindings packaging script" !409
- "FindObjects indexer does not take into account enabled false flag" !406
- "move mouse does not move to the right position" !412
- "fix for moving whole delta in last frame" !402
- Dorin Oltean @dorinaltom
- Gombos Kriszta @GombosKriszta
- Andra Cardas @andra.cardas
- Robert Dezmerean @robert-dezmerean
- Iuliana Todoran @iuliana.todoran
- Robert Poienar @robert_poienar
- Andy @effalumper
- "Add Find By.ID support with ID component" !359
- "New command: unload scene" !373
- "Add possibility to have multiple selectors for an object in the path" !382
- "Add ability to set log level or turn logs off" !383
- "Selector By.Path Select N-th element" !358
- "Add AltUnityPortHandler to Nuget package" !367
- "GetScreenshot command fails in Android Emulator" !392
- "Change WaitForObjectWithText to use the @text selector in the path" !387
- "document By.PATH with more examples" !376
- "CallComponentMethod with Optional Parameters methods does not work well when passing empty string" !388
- "AltUnityPortForwarding.ForwardIOS not working with no device id specified" !384
- "Python altElement transformId is misspelled 'tranformId' and its value is always 0" !379
- "Get object's coordinates without dedicated camera" !378
- "Add @text selector to be used in finding objects by path" !369
- "[Editor] Move/Add output field closer to build location" !375
- "Set logs limit from AltUnity editor window." !365
- "[Editor] Open build location once build is complete" !374
- "[Documentation] Update LoadScene Java example to use builder" !372
- "Remove AltPopIconDrag.cs from repository" !371
- "AltUnity Tester bug: EndLayoutGroup: BeginLayoutGroup must be called first" !368
- "Add namespace to AltUnity.Editor scripts" !353
- fix log overflow !364
- "Refactor Input LifeCycle methods" !362
- "Append tester version to the name of the unity package" !360
- "Add explanation in documentation about unity package download" !361
- "Make input script valid when ALTUNITYTESTER is not defined" !357
- "Implement GetAllActiveCameras" !354
- "Add example project for writing tests with C# nuget package" !352
- Dorin Oltean @dorinaltom
- Gombos Kriszta @GombosKriszta
- Andra Cardas @andra.cardas
- Robert Dezmerean @robert-dezmerean
- Iuliana Todoran @iuliana.todoran
- Robert Poienar @robert_poienar
- Ochir Darmaev @ochirdarmaev
- "Publish altUnity on nuget" !328
- "3D object disappears when highlighted for screenshot" !349
- "Add possibility to call a method from an object inside an gameObject" !348
- "parentId is wrong for canvas objects" !341
- "Click event is not triggered when swipe is moving but remains on the same object" !347
- "Wrong shaders are assigned to materials after object is highlighted" !346
- "call CreateJsonFileForInputMappingOfAxis during build from commandline" !343
- "Return value for CallStaticMethod is wrong in documentation" !342
- "Handle case when there is no camera selecting object from screenshot" !318
- "Keypress moves the character 2 positions instead of 1" !337
- "Remove tests requiring moq.dll from unitypackage" !340
- "AltElement repr does not conform to the standard in python" !339
- "Add flag to make sure AltUnity Tester can be added only to dev builds" !335
- "Add a note to documentation regarding that only dev builds should have AltUnity Tester" !334
- "Spelling mistake in AltUnityTester UI and documentation." !333
- "Add an overview to License section, so users are not confused what restrictions they have" !332
- "Port forwarding text has different color in dark theme than other text" !329
- "Iterate enabled cameras on HightlightObjectFromCoordinatesCommand" !330
- "Fix inspector documentation link" !326
- "Add documentation for selecting scenes when building the game"!325
- "Update AltUnity Tester documentation structure" !324
- Dorin Oltean @dorinaltom
- Gombos Kriszta @GombosKriszta
- Robert Poienar @robert_poienar
- Solved memory problems cause by Get/SetPixels !320
- Removed annoying Debug.LogError() !317
- Fixed logging exceptions !316
- Added link to AltUnityInspector !321
- Dorin Oltean @dorinaltom
- Robert Poienar @robert_poienar
- "Remove deprecated methods" !301
- "Fix AltUnitySyncCommand to receive until message id matches" !311
- AltUnityTapCommand. Add clickTime !288
- "GetAllLoadedScenesCommand return scene by build index and not by loaded scenes" !309
- Fix bug in GetAllLoadedScene !291
- "String is not considerate a primitive" !307
- "swipe and wait does not wait the expected duration because of float conversion" !306
- "add message id to driver server communication" !303
- "Input actions are not finished when timeScale is 0" !302
- "Wrong scale difference/original size of screenshot is sent" !300
- "Change AltUnityProperty and AltUnityField to be the same and add type field" !297
- "Add more control what fields should return get_all_fields" !267
- "Pressing mouse button doesn't click on buttons" !296
- "Display an error message If the port AltUnityServer listens to is used by another process" !295
- "If no size value is given for screenshot command then it should return full size screenshot" !294
- "Method to GetAllElements with minimal information" !293
- "GetComponentProperty sends errorNullRefferenceMessage instead of errorComponentNotFoundMessage" !292
- "Add try catch when transforming game object to altunityobject" !287
- "GetMemberForObjectComponent doesn't recognize all properties or fields" !286
- "Change command name from FindObjectWhichContains to FindObjectWhichContain" !264
- "Update retry logging in unity in AltUnityDriver" !275
- "Update gitignore to ignore more files that do not need to be in the repo" !284
- Update documentation
- Dorin Oltean @dorinaltom
- Ru Cindrea @ru.cindrea
- pusoktimea @pusoktimea
- Alexandru Rotaru @alex.rotaru
- Raluca Vaida @raluca.vaida
- Gombos Kriszta @GombosKriszta
- Andra Cardas @andra.cardas
- Robert Poienar @robert_poienar
- SivanYakir @SivanYakir
- Ka3u6y6a @ka3u6y6a
- "Remove null checker to make compatible with .net 3.x" !268
- "GetVersion should return server version when there is a mismatch" !266
- "Load scene additive" !265
- "AltUnityDriver python does not display warnings by default" !263
- Update documentation
- Dorin Oltean @dorinaltom
- Ru Cindrea @ru.cindrea
- pusoktimea @pusoktimea
- Alexandru Rotaru @alex.rotaru
- Dorel @doreln
- Bogdan Birnicu @bogdan.birnicu
- Raluca Vaida @raluca.vaida
- Gombos Kriszta @GombosKriszta
- Andra Cardas @andra.cardas
- Robert Poienar @robert_poienar
- "Make "Drag" and "Drop" command deprecated" !259
- "Make AltUnityDriver interface consistent across all language clients" !257
- "Add option to specific camera other than name in find objects commands" !207
- "Python - iOS - exception still thrown if we try to connect but server is not yet running" !255
- "click_element() not working in python" !254
- "Multiple warning messages displayed when using the editor" !252
- "Update documentation for overview and get started" !251
- "Test List doesn't appear when configuration page is created" !250
- "Double clicking on a test in AltUnity Tester window doesn't open the test file in IDE" !249
- "Make the Android / iOS options under Platform more clear" !248
- "Tilt command not working" !247
- Exposing the AltBaseSettings to support users to write custom commands. !253
- "AltElement in Python doesn't have parentId property" !238
- "Class name is checked although not all tests under it are checked (in the Tests list)" !237
- "Scroll command not functioning" !246
- "No relevant error message and build is not made when having empty "Output path"" !244
- "General Method to run c# test in command line" !242
- "Examples are missing from unity package that is in documentation" !239
- "Continuous error triggered when making changes to the test file while the game is running" !245
- ""NullReferenceException" displayed as info message after running tests" !243
- "Finding parent by path gives "failedToParseMethodArguments"" !228
- "Finding object by component should accept component name just like other methods" !241
- "Handle null exception in case object has null components(invalid scripts)" !208
- Added get_all_fields_of() for Python along with Typing help !232
- Test List Improvements !240
- Added get_all_components() for Python along with Typing help !231
- "AltUnityTesterEditorSettings should not appear in the project files" !236
- "Update example tests in order to avoid possible naming conflicts" !233
- "Rename some of the server commands all to respect the same pattern" !235
- "Move "Run tests" section below "Build" and "Run" sections" !234
- "Add example in documentation for function that are missing" !209
- Changed all the is to the ==, where python complained !230
- Robert Poienar @robert_poienar
- Dorin Oltean @dorinaltom
- Ru Cindrea @ru.cindrea
- pusoktimea @pusoktimea
- Alexandru Rotaru @alex.rotaru
- Dorel @doreln
- Bogdan Birnicu @bogdan.birnicu
- Raluca Vaida @raluca.vaida
- Mike Talalaevskiy @Day0Dreamer
- Miguel Ibero @miguel.ibero
- dcole-gsn @dcole-gsn
- "Create in sample scene a button that load other scene and test it" !221
- "Add a way to control the amount of output" !222
- "Add option to set port in BuildGame Method and move to Awake runner instantiation settings" !213
- "Compile errors after adding 'ALTUNITYTESTER' in scripting define symbols" !210
- "Add Text and TextMeshPro Text component to SetText" !220
- "Add favicon to" !223
- "If the server is not started when calling getServerVersion, it's stuck" !217
- "Add license information in documentation" !219
- "Add google groups links in documentation" !215
- "Move Bindings folder from BindingAndExample Folder" !214
- Robert Poienar @robert_poienar
- Ru Cindrea @ru.cindrea
- pusoktimea @pusoktimea
- Alexandru Rotaru @alex.rotaru
- Mike Talalaevskiy @Day0Dreamer
- Double tap method for AltUnityObject !190
- Add TapCustom command !194
- "Add AltUnity to Maven" !204
- "C# receive method adds additional characters in the response" !206
- "Some elements to be highlighted are not found" !205
- "Screenshot with object highlighted not working for camera" !196
- "Return the object with the screenshot when given x y coordinates" !201
- "Add Tank Sample to documentation" !191
- "Change function name in python from click_Event to click_event" !200
- "Error when uploading to pypi the latest version" !193
- "Modify check version for earlier version that don't have the command to not throw an error" !199
- "Sort better the order how method are returned from getAllMethods command" !198
- "Make input visualizer pulsate when clicking" !189
- "Add information about communication between server and driver" !197
- "Add a note to Documentation about not having to rebuild the game when tests are changed" !192
- "Are there similar methods for HoldButton , HoldButtonAndWait and Send_keys in Python binding?" !184
- "Add javadoc to AltUnity tester" !203
- Robert Poienar @robert_poienar
- Ru Cindrea @ru.cindrea
- Ka3u6y6a @ka3u6y6a
- Andrei Ionut Benyi @ionut.benyi
- pusoktimea @pusoktimea
- Alexandru Rotaru @alex.rotaru
- Add methods for swipe by more then two points !173
- Server needs GetVersion() command" !172
- Move tests that search for multiple object to another scene" !185
- Update ReadMe from project" !186
- Add java package in pages and bindings" !183
- Test in Python doesn't run at all" !177
- Error thrown for object name when Encoding/Decoding" !178
- Implement static
methods so that they don't remove all other existing ports that are forwarded" !167 - Add link to java examples documentation" !182
- adb path should be configurable on windows and should be part of Android (not iOS) Settings" !179
- Python bindings: missed install requirement - "deprecated" package" !180
- Add documentation for port forwarding for iOS and Android" !160
- Change class names to have prefix alt|altunity" !176
- If extension is not define in output path it will be set automatically !156
- AltUnityPopCanvas set to be in front and option to deactivate" !175
- Input axis not working if it not set all four values" !174
- Bug: null reference returned for object where parent is canvas with world space and no camera set" !169
- Update appium tests" !170
- Python bindings - port forwarding cannot be done if Appium is not used" !159
- HighlightSelectedObjectCommand should return "Ok" not "null"" !168
- Refresh port forwarding throws error" !166
- SetText doesn’t work for TextMeshPro components" !164
- DeviceId overlapping with Local Port Id" !165
- Robert Poienar @robert_poienar
- Ru Cindrea @ru.cindrea
- Ka3u6y6a @ka3u6y6a
- Andrei Ionut Benyi @ionut.benyi
- pusoktimea @pusoktimea
- Alexandru Rotaru @alex.rotaru
- Add option to activate input visualizer from AltUnityTester GUI !145
- Add options to disable pop-up from GUI !154
- Screenshot functionality for all 3 drivers !140
- Find Objects doesn't find all objects !144
- ALTUNITYTESTER define symbol is not inserted at the right platform when playing in editor !155
- Add theme to documentation !147
- Error on python 2.7: TypeError super() takes at least 1 argument (0 given) !146
- Made IP change to accept all incoming connections to AltUnityServer, at... !151
- Add gitter link to documentation !152
- Fix java Wait for object not be present !150
- Fix click at coordinates on python !149
- wait_for_object fails !142
- Fix documentation title and broken links
- Robert Poienar @robert_poienar
- Ru Cindrea @ru.cindrea
- Thejus Krishna
- Ka3u6y6a @ka3u6y6a
- Raluca Vaida @raluca.vaida
- pusoktimea @pusoktimea
- Alexandru Rotaru @alex.rotaru
- Modify C# driver not to depend on Unity !131
- Project refactoring: Server !108
- Project refactoring: AltDriver(python) !113
- Project refactoring: AltDriver(Java) !115
- Add pop-up to AltUnityPrefab !106
- Add clicks visualization !122
- Add set text command !125
- Open file test when clicking on a test from window editor !118
- Create documentation in form of a wiki !128
- Get Server output !107
- Divide editor window to see better the content !119
- The method callComponentMethod was constructing an AltUnityObjectAction with...!109
- Server throw more generic error for getComponent than it used to !130
- Add test for Java method to callComponentMethod with assembly name too !111
- Correct obsolete texts in c# driver !123
- Update readme with correct url to download latest Unity package !116
- AltUnityTester - Create new AltUnity Test doesn't do anything !110
- Add command for getting text from ui text and text mesh pro !120
- Missing tests for getAllElement in python !134
- Missing tests for FindObjectWhichContains!135
- Add test for "inspector" commands c# !137
- Change tests to be independent of the screen resolution !129
- Missing command in c# driver: WaitForObjectWhichContains !124
- Robert Poienar @robert_poienar
- Ru Cindrea @ru.cindrea
- Ka3u6y6a @ka3u6y6a
- ricardo larrahondo @ricardorlg
- Add keyboard input simulation !98
- Joystick controls !102
- Modify the project to use AssemblyQualifiedName instead of just class name" !97
- Make "Play in Editor" to open the first scene or to put the AltUnityTester in the active scene !100
- Fix AltUnityTestWindow when using AssemblyDefinitionFiles !99
- Add timeout to get_current_scene call during socket setup !94
- "setup_port_forwarding" method in file from python bindings is throwing an exception !95
- Set adbFileName in linux !93
- Fix ClickOnScreenAtXy !92
- driver.findElement is unable to find some elements in ver 1.3.0 !91
- Robert Poienar @robert_poienar
- Ru Cindrea @ru.cindrea
- Arthur @LordStuart
- Connected devices and port forwarding status are shown in UI, more than one device can be used at a time - !81
- Command separator is configurable (from code and UI) - !79
- More build options - !77
- Improvements to test running finish dialog - !75, !82
- Ability to run tests in Editor - !55
- Added documentation and example for running on AWS Device Farm - !20
- Fixed issue with port fowarding on iOS Python client that caused problems with running in Bitbar and AWS cloud - !76
- Split AltUnityTesterEditor and provide an interface for building a game with AltUnityTester on different platforms - !71
- Java refactoring and improvements - !60, !58
- Create deployment to pages - !66
- Create AltUnityTester package for every branch via CI pipeline - !65
- WaitForElementToNotBePresent doesn't work correctly - !89
- IdProject is not created when Assets is not parent for AltUnityTester folder - !87
- Change appium methods duration variable name to be suggestive - !83
- NullREferenceException is returned when calling tapScreen twice - !74
- AltUnityRunnerPrefab is not removed when Run in Editor - !73
- Tester should work without any camera in the scene - !72
- Run failed test or selected will run all the test - !69
- Driver froze when the information receive is a certain size - !70
- Disable objects not found by FindObjects - !68
- Make AltUnityTester work with Unity 2017.x - !64
- Fix links in Java bindings readme - !62
- Update for Python Bindings - !61
- (C# only) GetScreenshot command - !86, !78, !56, !54
- Add way to find elements that are not enabled - !50
- Add GetAllObjects(), GetAllMethods(), GetAllComponents, GetAllScenes(), GetAllProperties() commands, add way to find objects by IDs - !63, !59, !53, !51
- Add command to set Time.timeline - !85
- Robert Poienar @robert_poienar
- Ru Cindrea @ru.cindrea
- Kamil @kaszarek
- Nikita Ershov @ershov1
- Napster @napstr