diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index af6a16906..09bdc7a4a 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ With [Upptime](https://upptime.js.org), you can get your own unlimited and free | URL | Status | History | Response Time | Uptime | | --- | ------ | ------- | ------------- | ------ | -| [phpBB.com](https://www.phpbb.com) | 🟩 Up | [php-bb-com.yml](https://github.com/phpbb/status-site/commits/HEAD/history/php-bb-com.yml) |
Response time graph 2199ms
Response time 1109
24-hour response time 3983
7-day response time 2199
30-day response time 1225
1-year response time 1329
99.92%All-time uptime 99.93%
24-hour uptime 99.65%
7-day uptime 99.92%
30-day uptime 99.97%
1-year uptime 99.92%
-| [Area51](https://area51.phpbb.com) | 🟩 Up | [area51.yml](https://github.com/phpbb/status-site/commits/HEAD/history/area51.yml) |
Response time graph 254ms
Response time 309
24-hour response time 271
7-day response time 254
30-day response time 214
1-year response time 313
100.00%All-time uptime 99.96%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 100.00%
30-day uptime 99.96%
1-year uptime 99.96%
-| [Tracker](https://tracker.phpbb.com) | 🟩 Up | [tracker.yml](https://github.com/phpbb/status-site/commits/HEAD/history/tracker.yml) |
Response time graph 430ms
Response time 459
24-hour response time 487
7-day response time 430
30-day response time 553
1-year response time 468
100.00%All-time uptime 99.98%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 100.00%
30-day uptime 99.92%
1-year uptime 99.99%
-| [Versioncheck](https://version.phpbb.com) | 🟩 Up | [versioncheck.yml](https://github.com/phpbb/status-site/commits/HEAD/history/versioncheck.yml) |
Response time graph 204ms
Response time 216
24-hour response time 194
7-day response time 204
30-day response time 200
1-year response time 216
100.00%All-time uptime 99.99%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 100.00%
30-day uptime 99.97%
1-year uptime 100.00%
-| [Blog](https://blog.phpbb.com) | 🟩 Up | [blog.yml](https://github.com/phpbb/status-site/commits/HEAD/history/blog.yml) |
Response time graph 622ms
Response time 2367
24-hour response time 563
7-day response time 622
30-day response time 590
1-year response time 2103
99.95%All-time uptime 99.94%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 99.95%
30-day uptime 99.96%
1-year uptime 99.95%
-| [Downloads](https://download.phpbb.com) | 🟩 Up | [downloads.yml](https://github.com/phpbb/status-site/commits/HEAD/history/downloads.yml) |
Response time graph 233ms
Response time 212
24-hour response time 206
7-day response time 233
30-day response time 220
1-year response time 214
100.00%All-time uptime 99.99%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 100.00%
30-day uptime 100.00%
1-year uptime 100.00%
-| Demo | 🟩 Up | [demo.yml](https://github.com/phpbb/status-site/commits/HEAD/history/demo.yml) |
Response time graph 373ms
Response time 558
24-hour response time 857
7-day response time 373
30-day response time 453
1-year response time 567
100.00%All-time uptime 99.96%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 100.00%
30-day uptime 99.97%
1-year uptime 99.94%
+| [phpBB.com](https://www.phpbb.com) | 🟩 Up | [php-bb-com.yml](https://github.com/phpbb/status-site/commits/HEAD/history/php-bb-com.yml) |
Response time graph 1645ms
Response time 1109
24-hour response time 4026
7-day response time 1645
30-day response time 1227
1-year response time 1330
99.94%All-time uptime 99.93%
24-hour uptime 99.65%
7-day uptime 99.94%
30-day uptime 99.97%
1-year uptime 99.92%
+| [Area51](https://area51.phpbb.com) | 🟩 Up | [area51.yml](https://github.com/phpbb/status-site/commits/HEAD/history/area51.yml) |
Response time graph 251ms
Response time 309
24-hour response time 332
7-day response time 251
30-day response time 217
1-year response time 313
100.00%All-time uptime 99.96%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 100.00%
30-day uptime 99.96%
1-year uptime 99.96%
+| [Tracker](https://tracker.phpbb.com) | 🟩 Up | [tracker.yml](https://github.com/phpbb/status-site/commits/HEAD/history/tracker.yml) |
Response time graph 426ms
Response time 459
24-hour response time 462
7-day response time 426
30-day response time 556
1-year response time 467
100.00%All-time uptime 99.98%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 100.00%
30-day uptime 99.92%
1-year uptime 99.99%
+| [Versioncheck](https://version.phpbb.com) | 🟩 Up | [versioncheck.yml](https://github.com/phpbb/status-site/commits/HEAD/history/versioncheck.yml) |
Response time graph 210ms
Response time 216
24-hour response time 315
7-day response time 210
30-day response time 202
1-year response time 216
100.00%All-time uptime 99.99%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 100.00%
30-day uptime 99.97%
1-year uptime 100.00%
+| [Blog](https://blog.phpbb.com) | 🟩 Up | [blog.yml](https://github.com/phpbb/status-site/commits/HEAD/history/blog.yml) |
Response time graph 607ms
Response time 2364
24-hour response time 615
7-day response time 607
30-day response time 593
1-year response time 2099
99.95%All-time uptime 99.94%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 99.95%
30-day uptime 99.96%
1-year uptime 99.95%
+| [Downloads](https://download.phpbb.com) | 🟩 Up | [downloads.yml](https://github.com/phpbb/status-site/commits/HEAD/history/downloads.yml) |
Response time graph 224ms
Response time 212
24-hour response time 298
7-day response time 224
30-day response time 223
1-year response time 214
100.00%All-time uptime 99.99%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 100.00%
30-day uptime 100.00%
1-year uptime 100.00%
+| Demo | 🟩 Up | [demo.yml](https://github.com/phpbb/status-site/commits/HEAD/history/demo.yml) |
Response time graph 467ms
Response time 560
24-hour response time 905
7-day response time 467
30-day response time 475
1-year response time 567
100.00%All-time uptime 99.96%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 100.00%
30-day uptime 99.97%
1-year uptime 99.94%