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Unused param not sent for hidden inputs in LV 1.0 #3620
Not sending |
Could I ask if a revert of #3244 would be accepted. This blocks us from upgrading to v1.0. |
@cw789 I don't think simply reverting is the way to go.
Even if we reverted that and sent _unused for hidden inputs, because it's a hidden field, it would never be marked as used, only on submit. I guess with phx-feedback-for, the correct feedback name was set on the library generated input? If only showing errors on submit is fine, another solution here would to not rely on <.input type="my-special-date-input" errors={@submitted? && form[:date].errors || []}> and then adjust the input component to use If someone can provide an up to date example script that shows such an integration, that could also help move this forward.
Note that we provide the phx-feedback-for shim exactly for such cases where a migration to used_input might be problematic. So until we find a good solution here, why not use the shim instead? |
Okay, it seems not to be that simple. Thanks for your details.
My issues does not concern the mentioned library. It concerns the following code of the Petal Components library: But also an custom hook we use to format numbers where the value is submitted on a hidden input. In both cases there is no I will try to provide a minimal example script. |
Very minimal example using the Petal Components library. # sample.exs
Application.put_env(:sample, Example.Endpoint,
http: [ip: {127, 0, 0, 1}, port: 5001],
server: true,
live_view: [signing_salt: "aaaaaaaa"],
secret_key_base: String.duplicate("a", 64)
{:plug_cowboy, "~> 2.5"},
{:jason, "~> 1.0"},
{:phoenix, "~> 1.7"},
github: "phoenixframework/phoenix_live_view", branch: "main", override: true},
{:petal_components, "~> 2.8"},
{:heroicons, github: "tailwindlabs/heroicons", tag: "v2.2.0", app: false, compile: false, sparse: "optimized"}
defmodule Example.HomeLive do
use Phoenix.LiveView, layout: {__MODULE__, :live}
use PetalComponents
@impl true
def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
changeset = build_changeset()
{:ok, assign_form(socket, changeset)}
@impl true
def handle_event("validate", %{"object" => object_params}, socket) do
changeset =
|> build_changeset()
|> Map.put(:action, :validate)
{:noreply, assign_form(socket, changeset)}
@impl true
def handle_event("submit", %{"object" => object_params}, socket) do
changeset = build_changeset(object_params)
case validate_changeset(changeset) do
{:ok, _object} ->
socket =
|> put_flash(:success, "Object successfully created")
|> assign_form(build_changeset())
{:noreply, socket}
{:error, changeset} ->
socket =
|> put_flash(:error, inspect(changeset.errors))
{:noreply, assign_form(socket, changeset)}
defp assign_form(socket, changeset) do
assign(socket, form: to_form(changeset, as: :object))
defp build_changeset(params \\ %{}) do
data = %{}
types = %{
text: :string,
checkbox_group: {:array, :string},
{data, types}
|> Ecto.Changeset.cast(params, Map.keys(types))
|> Ecto.Changeset.validate_required([:text, :checkbox_group])
|> Ecto.Changeset.validate_length(:text, min: 3, max: 50)
defp validate_changeset(changeset) do
Ecto.Changeset.apply_action(changeset, :validate)
def render("live.html", assigns) do
<script src="/assets/phoenix/phoenix.js">
<script src="/assets/phoenix_live_view/phoenix_live_view.js">
<%!-- <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script> --%>
let liveSocket = new window.LiveView.LiveSocket("/live", window.Phoenix.Socket)
* { font-size: 1.1em; }
def render(assigns) do
<.container max_width="md" class="mx-auto my-20">
<.h2>Simple form</.h2>
<.form for={@form} phx-submit="submit" phx-change="validate">
options={[{"Option 1", "1"}, {"Option 2", "2"}, {"Option 3", "3"}]}
options={[{"Option 1", "1"}, {"Option 2", "2"}, {"Option 3", "3"}]}
<div class="flex justify-end">
defmodule Example.Router do
use Phoenix.Router
import Phoenix.LiveView.Router
pipeline :browser do
plug(:accepts, ["html"])
scope "/", Example do
live("/", HomeLive, :index)
defmodule Example.Endpoint do
use Phoenix.Endpoint, otp_app: :sample
socket("/live", Phoenix.LiveView.Socket)
plug Plug.Static, from: {:phoenix, "priv/static"}, at: "/assets/phoenix"
plug Plug.Static, from: {:phoenix_live_view, "priv/static"}, at: "/assets/phoenix_live_view"
{:ok, _} = Supervisor.start_link([Example.Endpoint], strategy: :one_for_one)
Process.sleep(:infinity) |
@cw789 this can be fixed in petal: diff --git a/lib/petal_components/field.ex b/lib/petal_components/field.ex
index 1034f54..c9142dc 100644
--- a/lib/petal_components/field.ex
+++ b/lib/petal_components/field.ex
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ defmodule PetalComponents.Field do
<.field_label required={@required} class={@label_class}>
- <input type="hidden" name={@name} value="" />
+ <input type="hidden" name={@name <> "[]"} value="" />
<div class={[
@group_layout == "row" && "pc-checkbox-group--row", _unused works just fine if there is at least one non-hidden input with the same name. This is basically the same problem as #3577. So I'd suggest to open up an issue in petal_components. Note that you need to filter the empty value on the server (which Ecto does by default iirc). |
Thank you for putting me on the right track. Really appreciate your work. |
Actual behavior
After moving to LiveView 1.0 I encountered the following problem. We integrate flatpickr for date inputs using clients hooks (e.g. phx-hook).
This library dynamically generates an alternative form input element that allows interaction and hides the original input element (using the type="hidden" attribute).
After changing to the new way to track used inputs I noticed that inputs with this hook are never marked as unused. This makes the input immediately seem used after a handle_event cycle. In cases where the input is validated as required for example, this makes the input show up with its error markup and validation error, even though an unrelated input has triggered the validation while the date input is untouched.
I guess there are more JS libraries that use a similar pattern (adding an alternative input field, hide the original, and keep them in sync). All libraries using a similar pattern should see this change in behaviour with LV 1.0.
I see that hidden fields don’t get a companion parameter with the unused prefix by design: see here. There is also some reasoning about not sending the unused-parameters for hidden fields in this PR: #3244.
For an example integration see this gist of @mcrumm (which would also break with LV 1.0):
Expected behavior
Consider also adding the unused companion param for hidden inputs to allow this type of JS integration without breaking tracking of unused inputs.
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