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The Lightweight Dialogue Game framework


If you're completely new to this, it might make sense to look at two Jupyter notebooks that we provide here, which explain how to set up new games a bit more from scratch:

  • How to Prototype Games explains how to use our backends to make first tests of prompts with a variety of LLMs easy to do, and then how to prototype your game loop.
  • How to Add Games takes this further and shows how you get from the prototype to an implementation that can use all the clembench infrastructure for running the game repeatedly with different instances and models.


The benchmark is run for a particular game -- for example the taboo game -- using the follow command:

python3 scripts/ run -g taboo -m gpt-3.5-turbo-1106

Note: when only a single model for a 2-player game is given, then clem will use this model for both players!

As taboo is a game of two players (a clue giver and a guesser) we could theoretically also let two different models play the game which would look like:

python3 scripts/ run -g taboo -m gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 gpt-4-0613

GameBenchmark class

When the command is executed then the run routine in will determine the game code that needs to be invoked. For this the benchmark code loads all subclasses of type GameBenchmark and calls setup() on them. The setup method already loads the game instances (self.load_json("in/instances.json")). After this each game benchmark subclass is asked if it applies to the given game name, here taboo.

Therefore, such a subclass has to be provided with a specific game name for each game to be run in the benchmark, for example for taboo:

class TabooGameBenchmark(GameBenchmark):

    def __init__(self):

    def get_description(self):
        return "Taboo game between two agents where one has to describe a word for the other to guess."

    def create_game_master(self, experiment: Dict, player_backends: List[str]) -> GameMaster:
        return Taboo(experiment, player_backends)
    def is_single_player(self) -> bool:
        return False

The respective subclass simply provides the GAME_NAME=taboo and the GameBenchmark super class is taking care of most of the necessary plumbing and executes the main logic for a benchmark run (calling the game master, loading files etc.).

Aside: The return value of get_description is shown for the python3 scripts/ ls command.

Then the benchmark code checks if your game is single or multiplayer game (the default is multi-player), so that the -m gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 option is properly handled. Then the run(dialog_pair,temperature) method is called which is already implemented by GameBenchmark. This is when the GameMaster becomes relevant (which should be returned by your create_game_master() factory method).

GameMaster class

Now for each experiment in the instances.json -- that has been loaded on_setup() -- the game benchmark code applies the given dialog pair (or if not given tries to determine the dialogue pair from the instance information).

Aside: There is also the option to provide multiple dialogue pairings in the experiments in instances.json. Therefore, the code must check again, if these pairing align to the nature of the game (single or multiplayer).

Each experiment represents a specific condition for the game, for example the assumed difficulty of the game instances and holds the actual game instances themselves. Then for each game instance a GameMaster is created by using the self.create_game_master() method of the GameBenchmark. The GameMaster is in charge of actually playing a single instance of the game. For taboo this would be a target word to be guessed and the words that are not allowed to be said. The relevant code looks as follows:

   game_master = self.create_game_master(experiment_config, dialogue_pair)
   game_master.store_records(game_id, game_record_dir)
except Exception:  # continue with other episodes if something goes wrong
   self.logger.exception(f"{}: Exception for episode {game_id} (but continue)")

We see that game master receives the game instance information on setup(). Then coordinates the play() of the actual game. And finally calls store_records to stores the interactions between the players and the game master during the turns in the game_record_dir (this directory is prepared by the GameBenchmark).


These are the important classes and methods to be implemented for your own game.

AMyGameBenchmark that extends GameBenchmark and implements:

  • def __init__(self) with call to super().__init__(GAME_NAME)
  • def get_description(self) that returns a description
  • def is_single_player(self) -> bool that determines if one player is sufficient
  • def create_game_master(self, experiment: Dict, player_backends: List[str]) -> GameMaster that returns MyGameMaster for my game

AMyGameMaster that extends GameMaster and implements:

  • def __init__(self, name: str, experiment: Dict, player_backends: List[str] = None): that receives the experiment information and the players that play the game. These can be simply delegated to super().
  • def setup(self, **game_instance) which sets the information you specify in instances.json
  • def play(self) that executes the game logic and performs the turns in the game
  • def compute_scores(self, episode_interactions: Dict) that is called later when the user executes the python3 scripts/ score taboo command

Note that the store_records method is already implemented by GameRecorder and every GameMaster extends that class. This means that the method must not be implemented.


Now we can see that MyGameMaster has all the freedom to implement play() which might be in some cases a nice thing. In other cases we already know that the gameplay will be executed in turns of for example two players. For these cases you can extend from DialogueGameMaster a more conrete subclass of GameMaster.

The dialogue game master defines a play routine that is as follows:

 def play(self) -> None:
     while self._does_game_proceed():
         self.log_next_turn()  # not sure if we want to do this always here (or add to _on_before_turn)
         self._on_before_turn(self.current_turn)"{}: %s turn: %d",, self.current_turn)
         for player in self.__player_sequence():
             if not self._does_game_proceed():
                 break  # potentially stop in between player turns
             # GM -> Player
             history = self.messages_by_names[player.descriptor]
             assert history, f"messages history must not be empty for {player.descriptor}"

             last_entry = history[-1]
             assert last_entry["role"] != "assistant", "Last entry should not be assistant " \
                                                       "b.c. this would be the role of the current player"
             message = last_entry["content"]

             action = {'type': 'send message', 'content': message}
             self.log_event(from_='GM', to=player.descriptor, action=action)

             _prompt, _response, response_message = player(history, self.current_turn)

             # Player -> GM
             action = {'type': 'get message', 'content': response_message}
             self.log_event(from_=player.descriptor, to="GM", action=action, call=(_prompt, _response))

             # GM -> GM
             self.__validate_parse_and_add_player_response(player, response_message)
         self.current_turn += 1

Let's have a look on this routine. As long as the game proceeds (_does_game_proceed()):

GM -> Player. At a player's turn, the player receives its view on the history of messages (messages_by_names) and the last messages is logged (log_event) as a GM->Player event in the interactions log. Then player is asked to create a response based on the history and the current turn index.

Player -> GM. The player response is received and logged as a Player->GM event in the interactions log.

GM -> GM. The game master received the player response and validates its content. When the validation is successful then the response is added to all player's history and the next player's turn is performed with the same procedure.

This shows that the logging is already done systematically when using the DialogueGameMaster. Still, there are several hooks for you to customize the gameplay:

  • def _on_setup(self, **kwargs) which must be implemented. Use add_player() here to add the players.
  • def _does_game_proceed(self) -> bool which must be implemented. Decides if the game can continue.
  • def _validate_player_response(self, player: Player, utterance: str) -> bool to decide if an utterance should be added. This is also the place to check for game end conditions.
  • def _on_parse_response(self, player: Player, utterance: str) -> Tuple[str, bool] to decide if a response utterance should be modified. If not simply return the utterance. When a modified utterance and a true value is returned, then a 'parse' event is logged.
  • def _after_add_player_response(self, player: Player, utterance: str) to add the utterance to other player's history, if necessary. To do this use the method add_user_message(other_player,utterance).
  • the general game hooks _on_before_game() and _on_before_game()
  • the general turn hooks _on_before_turn(turn_idx) and _on_after_turn(turn_idx)

Overall the game master acts here as a moderator between the players and the players actually never directly talk to each other.

For the taboo game we use the setup hook to set instance specific values and to setup the WordDescriber and WordGuesser which are the Player for the game. The player could also be LLMs defined by the player_backends descriptor string.

 def _on_setup(self, **game_instance):"_on_setup")
     self.game_instance = game_instance

     self.describer = WordDescriber(self.player_backends[0], self.max_turns)
     self.guesser = WordGuesser(self.player_backends[1])


We use the general game hook to set the initial prompts for both players

def _on_before_game(self):
  self.add_user_message(self.describer, self.describer_initial_prompt)
  self.add_user_message(self.guesser, self.guesser_initial_prompt)

Then we must decide if the guessing should continue like

 def _does_game_proceed(self):
     if self.invalid_response:
         self.log_to_self("invalid format", "abort game")
         return False
     if self.clue_error is not None:
         return False 
     if self.current_turn >= self.max_turns:
         self.log_to_self("max turns reached", str(self.max_turns))
         return False
     return True

And we have to check if the player response is actually in the valid format:

def _validate_player_response(self, player, utterance: str) -> bool:
  if player == self.guesser:
      if not utterance.startswith("GUESS:"):
          self.invalid_response = True
          return False
  if player == self.describer:
      if not utterance.startswith("CLUE:"):
          self.invalid_response = True
          return False
      errors = check_clue(utterance, self.target_word, self.related_words)
      if errors:
          error = errors[0]
          self.clue_error = error
          return False
  self.log_to_self("valid format", "continue")
  return True

We see that this is also the place to potentially detect violations of the game rules. Now we can also modify the message and for example log the responses without the prefixes.

def _on_parse_response(self, player, utterance: str) -> Tuple[str, bool]:
  if player == self.guesser:
      utterance = utterance.replace("GUESS:", "")
      self.guess_word = utterance.lower()
      self.log_to_self("guess", self.guess_word)
  if player == self.describer:
      utterance = utterance.replace("CLUE:", "")
      self.log_to_self("clue", utterance)
  return utterance, False

The (possibly modified) response is then automatically added the player's history which is acting. Still, for two-player games we have to add the response to the history of the other player as well.

def _after_add_player_response(self, player, utterance: str):
    if player == self.describer:
        utterance = f"CLUE: {utterance}."
        self.add_user_message(self.guesser, utterance)
    if player == self.guesser:
        if self.guess_word != self.target_word:
            utterance = f"GUESS: {self.guess_word}."
            self.add_user_message(self.describer, utterance)

Finally, we need to use the general turn method to additionally log the initial prompt for the second player and not only the most recent one (as automatically done by the DialogueGameMaster).

def _on_before_turn(self, turn_idx: int):
    if turn_idx == 0:
        self.log_message_to(self.guesser, self.guesser_initial_prompt)

GameResourceLocator class

Note that the game masters are subclasses of the game resource locator. This class provides methods to access, load and store files from within the game directory.

You should access resource only via the game resource locator! The locator knows how to refer to them. For example use: gm.load_json("my_file") which is located directly at your game directory game/my_file.json. You can access subdirectories by giving gm.load_json("sub/my_file") in game/sub/my_file.json.

The expected game folder structure would be as follows:

  │     ├── in
  │     │   └── instances.json
  │     ├── resources
  │     │   └── initial_prompt.template
  │     ├──
  │     └──

The resource locator tries to load files from the respective mygame directory in the games folder.

Player class

A Player object receives messages and returns a textual response. A player generates this response either as a _api_response() (calling a deployed cLLM) or by implemented behavior in _custom_response().

For example, the taboo game guesser agent can be implemented as a player that can be a cLLM with a static response that always guesses the word "pear":

from clemgame.clemgame import Player

class WordGuesser(Player):

   def __init__(self, model_name):

   def _custom_response(self, messages, turn_idx):
      # mock response
      return f'Pear'

GameInstanceGenerator class

In order to let agents play a game, you need a description that instantiate single episodes. For example, in the taboo game, each episode is played with a specific target word that also comes with a list of other, related and forbidden words.

The clemgame framework provides a GameInstanceGenerator class that you can use to generate full instances that also include initial prompts for the models and other meta information for running experiments.

For example, in the taboo game, we

  • use word lists of 3 different frequency levels low/medium/high
  • want to test 3 LLMs (taboo is played between 2 cLLMs)
  • we fix the maximum number of turns to N_GUESSES
  • we generate a fixed number of instances, N_INSTANCES
from clemgame.clemgame import GameInstanceGenerator

N_INSTANCES = 20  # how many different target words; zero means "all"
N_GUESSES = 3  # how many tries the guesser will have

class TabooGameInstanceGenerator(GameInstanceGenerator):

    def __init__(self):

    def on_generate(self):
        player_assignments = list(itertools.permutations([OpenAI.MODEL_GPT_35, Anthropic.MODEL_CLAUDE_13]))
        for difficulty in ["low", "medium", "high"]:

            # first choose target words based on the difficultly
            fp = f"resources/target_words/{LANGUAGE}/{difficulty}_freq_100"
            target_words = self.load_file(file_name=fp, file_ending=".txt").split('\n')
            if N_INSTANCES > 0:
                assert len(target_words) >= N_INSTANCES, \
                    f'Fewer words available ({len(target_words)}) than requested ({N_INSTANCES}).'
                target_words = random.sample(target_words, k=N_INSTANCES)

            # use the same target_words for the different player assignments
            experiment = self.add_experiment(f"{difficulty}_{LANGUAGE}", dialogue_partners=player_assignments)
            experiment["max_turns"] = N_GUESSES

            describer_prompt = self.load_template("resources/initial_prompts/initial_describer")
            guesser_prompt = self.load_template("resources/initial_prompts/initial_guesser")
            experiment["describer_initial_prompt"] = describer_prompt
            experiment["guesser_initial_prompt"] = guesser_prompt

            for game_id in tqdm(range(len(target_words))):
                target = target_words[game_id]

                game_instance = self.add_game_instance(experiment, game_id)
                game_instance["target_word"] = target
                game_instance["related_word"] = []

                if len(game_instance["related_word"]) < N_REATED_WORDS:
                    print(f"Found less than {N_REATED_WORDS} related words for: {target}")

This will then generate game instances as a json file at games/taboo/in/instances.json

Adding your own game

To add your own game, create a submodule in games with the name of your game, for example games.hellogame.

Add to the module a that implements the GameMaster.

Running experiments with your game

python3 scripts/ run -g hellogame -m gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 [-e greet_en]

Note: With -e you can specify specific experiments to run.

This will create a results folder in the project root as follows:

└── gpt-3.5-turbo-1106-t0.0--gpt-3.5-turbo-1106-t0.0
    └── hellogame
        └── 0_greet_en
            ├── episode_0
            │ ├── instance.json
            │ ├── interaction.json
            │ └── transcript.html
            ├── episode_1
            │ ├── instance.json
            │ ├── interaction.json
            │ └── transcript.html
            │ ...
            └── experiment_greet_en.json

The top level is results followed by directories that mention the involved model (pairings).

The model (pairing) sub-folders will contain a directory structure for each experiment and the experiments episodes (game plays).

The episodes are defined by the game instances (from the instances.json) and contain the instance parameters instance.json, an interaction.json and a nice human-viewable transcript.html.

The experiment folder also contains a experiment_name.json that contains the run parameters.


AssertionError: messages history must not be empty for Player

When using the DialogueGameMaster, then here the framework prevents a call to the remote API with an empty message history.

  1. Maybe you forgot to add the initial prompt to the players messages in _on_before_game(). For this use self.add_user_message(<player>, prompt)

  2. You forgot to add the response of the preceding player to the message history of the current player in _after_add_player_response(other_player, utt). For this use self.add_user_message(current_player, utt)