Releases: pharo-spec/Spec
Releases · pharo-spec/Spec
Integration 07082019
New features
- Add a widget to select a Method (ed1e7be)
Bug fixes
- ModalWindowPresenter Does not allow to expand dropList (b768ad2)
- Do a pass on the API to improve its coherency
- Use the direction strategy instead of performs in paned layout (73dc7c1)
- SpObservableSlot should not depend on ValueHolder (944734e)
- Migrate new value holders to observable slot step 2 (e792b87)
- Adapters bindings default fonts methods are not used (b77f753)
- Deprecate SearchableList in favor of list filtering (c5543d7)
- Migrate more layouts to executable layouts (2beb04a)
- Reduce references to theme singleton (b6f8de2)
- addAllwithSpec is dead code (235ab64)
- Clean EyeInspector (6e60302)
- Remove deprecated examples (3b1ea77)
Version 2.0.0
- Add #addSpacer to SpecLayout (298eb26)
- Add labelled presenter (bf76234)
- Do not force users to have getters for their presenters (f24bd7f)
- Now presenters have a special icon in Calypso (5c47a63)
- Add ComposablePresenter>>#iconNamed: (d8ce2e2)
- Layouts now understand
instead ofmodel
(7a78375) - It is now possible to add menus, status bar and menu bars to window presenters (ee0acf6)
- Add NumberPresenter with its Morphic adapter (88792da)
- Refactor dialog presenter to be more flexible (e835558)
- New presenter: URL prensenter (49f941f)
- Introduction of real modals: Those modals will stop the workflow of the user to force the interaction. Like everymodal everywhere else. (27289a8)
- New presenter: NotebookPresenter (cdaf8a1)
Bug fixes
- #additionalKeybindings is not a value holder (547d5f0)
- Entire review of List selection (with tests)
- Adding tests for basic presenters and adapters (Button, Checkbox, Label, TextInput)
- Rename composable presenter (f29cf68)
- Remove WindowPresenter title variable (6a311e1)
- Cut cyclic dependencies between Layouts and Core (4953967)
- Remove deadcode (50b2a8c)
- Move all tests to tests packages (bae8f4c)
- Better about title managment (9d91152)
- Clean the interpreter (a509654 and 6587836)
- Clean tests (073ed26)
- Remove SpecLayout>>selector (7e1d283)
- Ensure presenter are not directly linked to MorphcAdapters (bc63f1c)
- Deprecate instantiateModels: for instantiatePresenters: (8bd78cc)
- Layouts now stores objects instead of arrays (2b35bc4)
- Remove Spec table layout since Spec layout has the same behavior (103a827)
- Remove references to
Smalltalk ui theme
(b37dd2a) - Remove Object>>isSpecAdaptor (1664920)
- Rename #ghostText into #placeholder (639e7e5)
- Clean windows/dialogs opening mechanism (39ce96a)