OWASP OWTF was initially conceived and started from August 2011 by Abraham Aranguren, as a personal project. The project was first presented publicly at the BerlinSides conference in December 2011 and was released, as an open source project, one week later in January 2012. It was named as OWTF then became OWASP OWTF after being accepted as an OWASP project in August 2012.
- Abraham Aranguren @7a_ - http://7-a.org
And here is an incomplete list of contributors who have submitted patches, reported bugs, provided ideas, helped answer questions, and generally made OWASP OWTF much better:
- Adi Mutu @an_animal / @am06
- Alessandro Fanio Gonzalez @alessandrofg
- Alexandra Sandulescu
- Amit Gupta
- Anant Shrivastava @anantshri
- Andrés Riancho @w3af - http://www.bonsai-sec.com
- Anirudh Anand @f_0x7r0t
- Ankush Jindal @ankushjindal278
- Anshul Singhal
- Assem Chelli @assem-ch
- Arun Sori
- Ayush Singh
- Bharadwaj Machiraju @tunnelshade_ - http://blog.tunnelshade.in
- Chema Alonso @chemaalonso - http://www.elladodelmal.com
- Chris John Riley @ChrisJohnRiley - http://blog.c22.cc
- Christian Mehlmauer @FireFart
- Cornel Punga
- Cornel du Preez
- @C0smos
- Deep Shah @dscarson1
- Dhruv Agarwal
- Doug Morato
- Gorantla Sai Krishna
- John Herrlin
- José Carlos Luna @dreyercito - http://int3pids.blogspot.com/
- Karan Desai
- Krzysztof Kotowicz @kkotowicz - http://blog.kotowicz.net
- Marc Wickenden @marcwickenden - http://offensivecoder.com
- Mario Heiderich @0x6D6172696F - http://cure53.de
- Marios Kourtesis
- Mennouchi Islam Azeddine @islamoc
- Michael Fitzpatrick
- Michael Kohl @citizen428
- @nlfox
- Nicolas Gégoire @Agarri_FR - http://www.agarri.com
- Nishaanth Gunasekaran
- Parth Oberoi
- Pau Ferrer Cid
- @notracecc
- Rahul Pratap Singh
- Robert Hansen @RSNake
- Sachin Kamath @iamskamath - https://sachinwrites.xyz
- Sandro Gauci @sandrogauci - http://www.enablesecurity.com
- Shadab Zafar
- @sharad1126
- Tapan Sharma
- Tao Sauvage - https://depier.re/
- Viyat Bhalodia @viyat - http://viyatb.in
- Xavier Mertens @xme - http://blog.rootshell.be
A big THANK YOU goes to:
The fabolous OWASP community who took OWTF onboard, helped out in general and also provided the platform to further assist OWASP OWTF through the Google Summer of Code program - https://www.owasp.org
Google for offering sponsoring for many opensource projects, such as OWASP OWTF, under the umbrella of the Google Summer of Code - https://google-melange.appspot.com
Brucon for kindly giving away funds to support open-source initiatives such as OWASP OWTF - http://brucon.org http://blog.brucon.org/2013/02/the-5by5-race-is-on.html