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function.rst standard

cvvergara edited this page Oct 18, 2013 · 31 revisions

<function>.rst for the pgRouting functions are located on

  • src/<section>/doc/<function>.rst
  • src/<section>/doc/<subdivision>/<function>.rst (when applicable)

The following is the standard of the structure for the <function>.rst files (including examples for the links and or code).

You can copy/paste an change things acordingly.

pgRouting Manual
Copyright(c) pgRouting Contributors

This documentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share
Alike 3.0 License:

.. _pgr_function_name:


.. index::
    single: pgr_functionName( list of [parameter type])
    module: <module name>


``pgr_functionName`` - <Same One line description as in index.rst>


Description of the Function which may include:
how to setup data for the inputs
expected results


.. code-block:: sql

    type pgr_functionName( list of: [parameter type])

.. rubric:: Parameters

The function accepts the following parameters:

:parameter: ``type`` <One line description as in the examples bellow>.
:point: ``geometry`` A point geometry object in the same SRID as ``edges``.
:tol: ``float8`` The maximum search distance for an edge.

The function returns:

  - ``type`` Description of the return value.

:parameterName: ``type`` <One line description as in the examples bellow>.
:point: ``geometry`` A point geometry object in the same SRID as ``edges``.
:tol: ``float8`` The maximum search distance for an edge.

.. warning::

If no edge is within tol distance then return -1

The ``edges`` table must have the following columns:

    * ``source``
    * ``target``
    * ``the_geom``

.. rubric:: History

* New in version 2.1.0


.. code-block:: sql

    select pgr_pointtoedgenode('edge_table', 'POINT(2 0)'::geometry, 0.02);
    (1 row)

The example uses the :ref:`sampledata` network.

See Also

* :ref:`pgr_points_to_vids` - convert an array of point geometries into vertex ids.


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