- button-padding: 16px; padding for major elments is upon your choices
- btn-primary-color:#00ead3
- main-headers-color: black (#000)
- text-fill-color (paragraphs, instructions, etc): #52575d -text-fill-fontSize: 18px
- text-fill-highlight (emphasis on some text):#0091E7
- font weights are specified as the following: headers (700), highlight-text-fill(600), text-fill(400)
- specify font weight directly as bootstrap can sometimes override font weights specified indirectly
- use bootstrap class 'shadow' for buttons and cards instead of using a custom box-shadow style
- use react-bootstrap button component to have a pre-defined margin for your buttons
- try using one UI kit from react-icons to stay uniform accross the pages. For example (FontAwesome, Material Desgin, bootstrap Icons, etc.)
- utilize react-bootstrap whenever possible instead of re-inventing the wheel
- Display Responsive styles are a must
- Most importantly, have fun gentlemen