diff --git a/ada_feeding/CMakeLists.txt b/ada_feeding/CMakeLists.txt
index ed5e6277..5db4f1b1 100644
--- a/ada_feeding/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/ada_feeding/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -62,13 +62,17 @@ install(DIRECTORY
find_package(ament_cmake_pytest REQUIRED)
+ tests/__init__.py # not technically a test, but necessary for other tests
+ tests/helpers.py # not technically a test, but necessary for other tests
+ tests/test_eventually_swiss.py
+ tests/test_scoped_behavior.py
# Add other test files here
foreach(_test_path ${_pytest_tests})
get_filename_component(_test_name ${_test_path} NAME_WE)
ament_add_pytest_test(${_test_name} ${_test_path}
diff --git a/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/behaviors/move_to.py b/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/behaviors/move_to.py
index 9fdea0e1..8ace09d9 100644
--- a/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/behaviors/move_to.py
+++ b/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/behaviors/move_to.py
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ def terminate(self, new_status: py_trees.common.Status) -> None:
# A termination request has not succeeded until the MoveIt2 action server is IDLE
with self.moveit2_lock:
while self.moveit2.query_state() != MoveIt2State.IDLE:
- self.node.logger.info(
+ self.logger.info(
f"MoveTo Update MoveIt2State not Idle {time.time()} {terminate_requested_time} "
diff --git a/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/decorators/__init__.py b/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/decorators/__init__.py
index 3a4f9236..077755fa 100644
--- a/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/decorators/__init__.py
+++ b/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/decorators/__init__.py
@@ -22,3 +22,6 @@
from .set_joint_path_constraint import SetJointPathConstraint
from .set_position_path_constraint import SetPositionPathConstraint
from .set_orientation_path_constraint import SetOrientationPathConstraint
+# On Preempt
+from .on_preempt import OnPreempt
diff --git a/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/decorators/on_preempt.py b/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/decorators/on_preempt.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..508183b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/decorators/on_preempt.py
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+NOTE: This is a multi-tick version of the decorator discussed in
+https://github.com/splintered-reality/py_trees/pull/427 . Once a
+multi-tick version of that decorator is merged into py_trees, this
+decorator should be removed in favor of the main py_trees one.
+import time
+import typing
+from py_trees import behaviour, common
+from py_trees.decorators import Decorator
+class OnPreempt(Decorator):
+ """
+ Behaves identically to :class:`~py_trees.decorators.PassThrough` except
+ that if it gets preempted (i.e., `terminate(INVALID)` is called on it)
+ while its status is :data:`~py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING`, it will
+ tick `on_preempt` either: (a) for a single tick; or (b) until `on_preempt`
+ reaches a status other than :data:`~py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING` or
+ times out. Note that `on_preempt` may be a behavior that exists elsewhere
+ in the tree, or it may be a separate behavior.
+ This is useful to cleanup, restore a context switch or to
+ implement a finally-like behaviour.
+ .. seealso:: :meth:`py_trees.idioms.eventually`, :meth:`py_trees.idioms.eventually_swiss`
+ """
+ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+ # This is acceptable, to give users maximum control over how this decorator
+ # behaves.
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ name: str,
+ child: behaviour.Behaviour,
+ on_preempt: behaviour.Behaviour,
+ single_tick: bool = True,
+ period_ms: int = 0,
+ timeout: typing.Optional[float] = None,
+ ):
+ """
+ Initialise with the standard decorator arguments.
+ Args:
+ name: the decorator name
+ child: the child to be decorated
+ on_preempt: the behaviour or subtree to tick on preemption
+ single_tick: if True, tick the child once on preemption. Else,
+ tick the child until it reaches a status other than
+ :data:`~py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING`.
+ period_ms: how long to sleep between ticks (in milliseconds)
+ if `single_tick` is False. If 0, then do not sleep.
+ timeout: how long (sec) to wait for the child to reach a status
+ other than :data:`~py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING` if
+ `single_tick` is False. If None, then do not timeout.
+ """
+ super().__init__(name=name, child=child)
+ self.on_preempt = on_preempt
+ self.single_tick = single_tick
+ self.period_ms = period_ms
+ self.timeout = timeout
+ def update(self) -> common.Status:
+ """
+ Just reflect the child status.
+ Returns:
+ the behaviour's new status :class:`~py_trees.common.Status`
+ """
+ return self.decorated.status
+ def stop(self, new_status: common.Status) -> None:
+ """
+ Check if the child is running (dangling) and stop it if that is the case.
+ This function departs from the standard :meth:`~py_trees.decorators.Decorator.stop`
+ in that it *first* stops the child, and *then* stops the decorator.
+ Args:
+ new_status (:class:`~py_trees.common.Status`): the behaviour is transitioning
+ to this new status
+ """
+ self.logger.debug(f"{self.__class__.__name__}.stop({new_status})")
+ # priority interrupt handling
+ if new_status == common.Status.INVALID:
+ self.decorated.stop(new_status)
+ # if the decorator returns SUCCESS/FAILURE and should stop the child
+ if self.decorated.status == common.Status.RUNNING:
+ self.decorated.stop(common.Status.INVALID)
+ self.terminate(new_status)
+ self.status = new_status
+ def terminate(self, new_status: common.Status) -> None:
+ """Tick the child behaviour once."""
+ self.logger.debug(
+ f"{self.__class__.__name__}.terminate({self.status}->{new_status})"
+ )
+ if new_status == common.Status.INVALID and self.status == common.Status.RUNNING:
+ terminate_start_s = time.monotonic()
+ # Tick the child once
+ self.on_preempt.tick_once()
+ # If specified, tick until the child reaches a non-RUNNING status
+ if not self.single_tick:
+ while self.on_preempt.status == common.Status.RUNNING and (
+ self.timeout is None
+ or time.monotonic() - terminate_start_s < self.timeout
+ ):
+ if self.period_ms > 0:
+ time.sleep(self.period_ms / 1000.0)
+ self.on_preempt.tick_once()
+ # Do not need to stop the child here - this method
+ # is only called by Decorator.stop() which will handle
+ # that responsibility immediately after this method returns.
diff --git a/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/idioms/__init__.py b/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/idioms/__init__.py
index 0d841124..db6e1b7e 100644
--- a/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/idioms/__init__.py
+++ b/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/idioms/__init__.py
@@ -3,5 +3,7 @@
from .add_pose_path_constraints import add_pose_path_constraints
+from .eventually_swiss import eventually_swiss
from .pre_moveto_config import pre_moveto_config
from .retry_call_ros_service import retry_call_ros_service
+from .scoped_behavior import scoped_behavior
diff --git a/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/idioms/eventually_swiss.py b/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/idioms/eventually_swiss.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bbbba6a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/idioms/eventually_swiss.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+NOTE: This is a preempt-handling version of the idiom discussed in
+https://github.com/splintered-reality/py_trees/pull/427 . Once a
+preempt-handling version of that idiom is merged into py_trees, this
+idiom should be removed in favor of the main py_trees one.
+import typing
+from py_trees import behaviour, behaviours, composites
+from ada_feeding.decorators import OnPreempt
+def eventually_swiss(
+ name: str,
+ workers: typing.List[behaviour.Behaviour],
+ on_failure: behaviour.Behaviour,
+ on_success: behaviour.Behaviour,
+ on_preempt: behaviour.Behaviour,
+ on_preempt_single_tick: bool = True,
+ on_preempt_period_ms: int = 0,
+ on_preempt_timeout: typing.Optional[float] = None,
+ return_on_success_status: bool = True,
+) -> behaviour.Behaviour:
+ """
+ Implement a multi-tick, general purpose 'try-except-else'-like pattern.
+ This is a swiss knife version of the eventually idiom
+ that facilitates a multi-tick response for specialised
+ handling work sequence's completion status. Specifically, this idiom
+ guarentees the following:
+ 1. The on_success behaviour is ticked only if the workers all return SUCCESS.
+ 2. The on_failure behaviour is ticked only if at least one worker returns FAILURE.
+ 3. The on_preempt behaviour is ticked only if `stop(INVALID)` is called on the
+ root behaviour returned from this idiom while the root behaviour's status is
+ :data:`~py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING`.
+ The return status of this idiom in non-preemption cases is:
+ - If the workers all return SUCCESS:
+ - If `return_on_success_status` is True, then the status of the root behaviour
+ returned from this idiom is status of `on_success`.
+ - If `return_on_success_status` is False, then the status of the root behaviour
+ returned from this idiom is :data:`~py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS`.
+ - If at least one worker returns FAILURE, return :data:`~py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE`.
+ .. graphviz:: dot/eventually-swiss.dot
+ Args:
+ name: the name to use for the idiom root
+ workers: the worker behaviours or subtrees
+ on_success: the behaviour or subtree to tick on work success
+ on_failure: the behaviour or subtree to tick on work failure
+ on_preempt: the behaviour or subtree to tick on work preemption
+ on_preempt_single_tick: if True, tick the on_preempt behaviour once
+ on preemption. Else, tick the on_preempt behaviour until it
+ reaches a status other than :data:`~py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING`.
+ on_preempt_period_ms: how long to sleep between ticks (in milliseconds)
+ if `on_preempt_single_tick` is False. If 0, then do not sleep.
+ on_preempt_timeout: how long (sec) to wait for the on_preempt behaviour
+ to reach a status other than :data:`~py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING`
+ if `on_preempt_single_tick` is False. If None, then do not timeout.
+ return_on_success_status: if True, pass the `on_success` status to the
+ root, else return :data:`~py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS`.
+ Returns:
+ :class:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour`: the root of the eventually_swiss subtree
+ .. seealso:: :meth:`py_trees.idioms.eventually`, :ref:`py-trees-demo-eventually-swiss-program`
+ """
+ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals
+ # This is acceptable, to give users maximum control over how this swiss-knife
+ # idiom behaves.
+ # pylint: disable=abstract-class-instantiated
+ # behaviours.Failure and behaviours.Success are valid instantiations
+ workers_sequence = composites.Sequence(
+ name="Workers",
+ memory=True,
+ children=workers,
+ )
+ on_failure_return_status = composites.Sequence(
+ name="On Failure Return Failure",
+ memory=True,
+ children=[on_failure, behaviours.Failure(name="Failure")],
+ )
+ on_failure_subtree = composites.Selector(
+ name="On Failure",
+ memory=True,
+ children=[workers_sequence, on_failure_return_status],
+ )
+ if return_on_success_status:
+ on_success_return_status = on_success
+ else:
+ on_success_return_status = composites.Selector(
+ name="On Success Return Success",
+ memory=True,
+ children=[on_success, behaviours.Success(name="Success")],
+ )
+ on_success_subtree = composites.Sequence(
+ name="On Success",
+ memory=True,
+ children=[on_failure_subtree, on_success_return_status],
+ )
+ root = OnPreempt(
+ name=name,
+ child=on_success_subtree,
+ on_preempt=on_preempt,
+ single_tick=on_preempt_single_tick,
+ period_ms=on_preempt_period_ms,
+ timeout=on_preempt_timeout,
+ )
+ return root
diff --git a/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/idioms/scoped_behavior.py b/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/idioms/scoped_behavior.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94d666a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/idioms/scoped_behavior.py
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+This module defines the `scoped_behavior` idiom, which is a way to run a main
+behavior within the scope of a pre and post behavior.
+In expected usage, the pre behavior will open or create a resources, the main
+behavior will use those resources, and the post behavior will close or delete the
+resources. The idiom guarentees the following:
+ 1. The main behavior will not be ticked unless the pre behavior returns
+ 2. The behavior returned by this idiom will not reach a terminal (non-RUNNING)
+ status until the post behavior has been ticked to a terminal status. In
+ other words, regardless of whether the main behavior returns SUCCESS,
+ FAILURE, or if the idiom is preempted (e.g., had `stop(INVALID)` called
+ on it), the post behavior will still be ticked till a terminal status.
+ 3. The root behavior's terminal status will be FAILURE if the pre behavior
+ returns FAILURE, else it will be the main behavior's terminal status.
+Note the following nuances:
+ 1. If the main behaviour reaches SUCCESS or FAILURE, the post behaviour will
+ be ticked asynchronously during the standard `tick()` of the tree. However,
+ if the idiom is preempted, the post behaviour will be ticked synchronously,
+ as part of the `stop(INVALID)` code of the tree, e.g., progression of
+ the `stop(INVALID)` code will be blocked until the post behaviour reaches
+ a terminal status.
+ 2. It is possible that the post behavior will be ticked to completion multiple
+ times. For example, consider the case where the main behavior succeeds,
+ the post behavior succeeds, and then the idiom is preempted. Therefore,
+ the post behavior should be designed in a way that it can be run to completion
+ multiple times sequentially, without negative side effects.
+# Standard imports
+from typing import List, Optional
+# Third-party imports
+import py_trees
+from py_trees.behaviours import BlackboardToStatus, UnsetBlackboardVariable
+from py_trees.decorators import (
+ FailureIsSuccess,
+ StatusToBlackboard,
+# Local imports
+from ada_feeding.decorators import OnPreempt
+# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+# One over is fine.
+def scoped_behavior(
+ name: str,
+ pre_behavior: py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour,
+ workers: List[py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour],
+ post_behavior: py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour,
+ on_preempt_period_ms: int = 0,
+ on_preempt_timeout: Optional[float] = None,
+ status_blackboard_key: Optional[str] = None,
+) -> py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour:
+ """
+ Returns a behavior that runs the main behavior within the scope of the pre
+ and post behaviors. See the module docstring for more details.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ name: The name to associate with this behavior.
+ pre_behavior: The behavior to run before the main behavior.
+ workers: The behaviors to run in the middle.
+ post_behavior: The behavior to run after the main behavior.
+ on_preempt_period_ms: How long to sleep between ticks (in milliseconds)
+ if the behavior gets preempted. If 0, then do not sleep.
+ on_preempt_timeout: How long (sec) to wait for the behavior to reach a
+ terminal status if the behavior gets preempted. If None, then do not
+ timeout.
+ status_blackboard_key: The blackboard key to use to store the status of
+ the behavior. If None, use `/{name}/scoped_behavior_status`.
+ """
+ if status_blackboard_key is None:
+ status_blackboard_key = f"/{name}/scoped_behavior_status"
+ main_sequence = py_trees.composites.Sequence(
+ name="Scoped Behavior",
+ memory=True,
+ )
+ # First, unset the status variable.
+ unset_status = UnsetBlackboardVariable(
+ name="Unset Status", key=status_blackboard_key
+ )
+ main_sequence.children.append(unset_status)
+ # Then, execute the pre behavior and the workers
+ pre_and_workers_sequence = py_trees.composites.Sequence(
+ name="Pre & Workers",
+ children=[pre_behavior] + workers,
+ memory=True,
+ )
+ write_workers_status = StatusToBlackboard(
+ name="Write Pre & Workers Status",
+ child=pre_and_workers_sequence,
+ variable_name=status_blackboard_key,
+ )
+ workers_branch = FailureIsSuccess(
+ name="Pre & Workers Branch",
+ child=write_workers_status,
+ )
+ main_sequence.children.append(workers_branch)
+ # Then, execute the post behavior
+ post_branch = FailureIsSuccess(
+ name="Post Branch",
+ child=post_behavior,
+ )
+ main_sequence.children.append(post_branch)
+ # Finally, write the status of the main behavior to the blackboard.
+ write_status = BlackboardToStatus(
+ name="Write Status",
+ variable_name=status_blackboard_key,
+ )
+ main_sequence.children.append(write_status)
+ # To handle preemptions, we place the main behavior into an OnPreempt
+ # decorator, with `post` as the preemption behavior.
+ root = OnPreempt(
+ name=name,
+ child=main_sequence,
+ on_preempt=post_behavior,
+ single_tick=False,
+ period_ms=on_preempt_period_ms,
+ timeout=on_preempt_timeout,
+ )
+ return root
diff --git a/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/trees/move_from_mouth_tree.py b/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/trees/move_from_mouth_tree.py
index 54a1e296..f307734b 100644
--- a/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/trees/move_from_mouth_tree.py
+++ b/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/trees/move_from_mouth_tree.py
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
# Local imports
from ada_feeding.behaviors import ModifyCollisionObject, ModifyCollisionObjectOperation
-from ada_feeding.idioms import pre_moveto_config
+from ada_feeding.idioms import pre_moveto_config, scoped_behavior
from ada_feeding.idioms.bite_transfer import (
@@ -352,45 +352,24 @@ def gen_remove_in_front_of_wheelchair_wall() -> None:
return retval
# Link all the behaviours together in a sequence with memory
- move_from_mouth = py_trees.composites.Sequence(
+ root = py_trees.composites.Sequence(
name=name + " Main",
# For now, we only re-tare the F/T sensor once, since no large forces
# are expected during transfer.
- allow_wheelchair_collision,
- move_to_staging_configuration,
- gen_disallow_wheelchair_collision(),
- add_in_front_of_wheelchair_wall,
- move_to_end_configuration,
- gen_remove_in_front_of_wheelchair_wall(),
- ],
- )
- move_from_mouth.logger = logger
- # Create a cleanup branch for the behaviors that should get executed if
- # the main tree has a failure
- cleanup_tree = py_trees.composites.Sequence(
- name=name + " Cleanup",
- memory=True,
- children=[
- gen_disallow_wheelchair_collision(),
- gen_remove_in_front_of_wheelchair_wall(),
- ],
- )
- # If move_from_mouth fails, we still want to do some cleanup (e.g., turn
- # face detection off).
- root = py_trees.composites.Selector(
- name=name,
- memory=True,
- children=[
- move_from_mouth,
- # Even though we are cleaning up the tree, it should still
- # pass the failure up.
- py_trees.decorators.SuccessIsFailure(
- name + " Cleanup Root", cleanup_tree
+ scoped_behavior(
+ name=name + " AllowWheelchairCollisionScope",
+ pre_behavior=allow_wheelchair_collision,
+ main_behaviors=[move_to_staging_configuration],
+ post_behavior_fn=gen_disallow_wheelchair_collision,
+ ),
+ scoped_behavior(
+ name=name + " AddInFrontOfWheelchairWallScope",
+ pre_behavior=add_in_front_of_wheelchair_wall,
+ main_behaviors=[move_to_end_configuration],
+ post_behavior_fn=gen_remove_in_front_of_wheelchair_wall,
diff --git a/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/trees/move_to_configuration_with_ft_thresholds_tree.py b/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/trees/move_to_configuration_with_ft_thresholds_tree.py
index 85c45b40..0a7daa89 100644
--- a/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/trees/move_to_configuration_with_ft_thresholds_tree.py
+++ b/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/trees/move_to_configuration_with_ft_thresholds_tree.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
# Standard imports
+from functools import partial
import logging
from typing import List, Set
@@ -14,7 +15,7 @@
from rclpy.node import Node
# Local imports
-from ada_feeding.idioms import pre_moveto_config
+from ada_feeding.idioms import pre_moveto_config, scoped_behavior
from ada_feeding.idioms.bite_transfer import get_toggle_watchdog_listener_behavior
from ada_feeding.trees import MoveToTree, MoveToConfigurationTree
@@ -23,6 +24,9 @@ class MoveToConfigurationWithFTThresholdsTree(MoveToTree):
A behavior tree that moves the robot to a specified configuration, after
re-taring the FT sensor and setting specific FT thresholds.
+ TODO: Add the ability to pass force-torque thresholds to revert after the
+ motion, and then set the force-torque thresholds in the scoped behavior.
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes, too-many-arguments
@@ -182,46 +186,35 @@ def create_move_to_tree(
- # Combine them in a sequence with memory
- main_tree = py_trees.composites.Sequence(
- name=name,
- memory=True,
- children=[pre_moveto_behavior, move_to_configuration_root],
- )
- main_tree.logger = logger
if self.toggle_watchdog_listener:
# If there was a failure in the main tree, we want to ensure to turn
# the watchdog listener back on
# pylint: disable=duplicate-code
# This is similar to any other tree that needs to cleanup pre_moveto_config
- turn_watchdog_listener_on = get_toggle_watchdog_listener_behavior(
+ turn_watchdog_listener_on_fn = partial(
+ get_toggle_watchdog_listener_behavior,
- # Create a cleanup branch for the behaviors that should get executed if
- # the main tree has a failure
- cleanup_tree = turn_watchdog_listener_on
- # If main_tree fails, we still want to do some cleanup.
- root = py_trees.composites.Selector(
+ # Create the main tree
+ root = scoped_behavior(
+ name=name + " ToggleWatchdogListenerOffScope",
+ pre_behavior=pre_moveto_behavior,
+ main_behaviors=[move_to_configuration_root],
+ post_behavior_fn=turn_watchdog_listener_on_fn,
+ )
+ root.logger = logger
+ else:
+ # Combine them in a sequence with memory
+ root = py_trees.composites.Sequence(
- children=[
- main_tree,
- # Even though we are cleaning up the tree, it should still
- # pass the failure up.
- py_trees.decorators.SuccessIsFailure(
- name + " Cleanup Root", cleanup_tree
- ),
- ],
+ children=[pre_moveto_behavior, move_to_configuration_root],
root.logger = logger
- else:
- root = main_tree
tree = py_trees.trees.BehaviourTree(root)
return tree
diff --git a/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/trees/move_to_mouth_tree.py b/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/trees/move_to_mouth_tree.py
index c18bf6bb..f467d5cb 100644
--- a/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/trees/move_to_mouth_tree.py
+++ b/ada_feeding/ada_feeding/trees/move_to_mouth_tree.py
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
from ada_feeding.helpers import (
-from ada_feeding.idioms import pre_moveto_config
+from ada_feeding.idioms import pre_moveto_config, scoped_behavior
from ada_feeding.idioms.bite_transfer import (
@@ -440,48 +440,27 @@ def create_move_to_tree(
# Link all the behaviours together in a sequence with memory
- move_to_mouth = py_trees.composites.Sequence(
+ root = py_trees.composites.Sequence(
name=name + " Main",
- turn_face_detection_on,
# For now, we only re-tare the F/T sensor once, since no large forces
# are expected during transfer.
- detect_face,
+ scoped_behavior(
+ name=name + " FaceDetectionOnScope",
+ pre_behavior=turn_face_detection_on,
+ main_behaviors=[detect_face],
+ post_behavior_fn=gen_turn_face_detection_off,
+ ),
- allow_wheelchair_collision,
- move_to_target_pose,
- gen_disallow_wheelchair_collision(),
- gen_turn_face_detection_off(),
- ],
- )
- move_to_mouth.logger = logger
- # Create a cleanup branch for the behaviors that should get executed if
- # the main tree has a failure
- cleanup_tree = py_trees.composites.Sequence(
- name=name + " Cleanup",
- memory=True,
- children=[
- gen_disallow_wheelchair_collision(),
- gen_turn_face_detection_off(),
- ],
- )
- # If move_to_mouth fails, we still want to do some cleanup (e.g., turn
- # face detection off).
- root = py_trees.composites.Selector(
- name=name,
- memory=True,
- children=[
- move_to_mouth,
- # Even though we are cleaning up the tree, it should still
- # pass the failure up.
- py_trees.decorators.SuccessIsFailure(
- name + " Cleanup Root", cleanup_tree
+ scoped_behavior(
+ name=name + " AllowWheelchairCollisionScope",
+ pre_behavior=allow_wheelchair_collision,
+ main_behaviors=[move_to_target_pose],
+ post_behavior_fn=gen_disallow_wheelchair_collision,
diff --git a/ada_feeding/package.xml b/ada_feeding/package.xml
index b59a917f..134946f4 100644
--- a/ada_feeding/package.xml
+++ b/ada_feeding/package.xml
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
+ ament_cmake_pytest
diff --git a/ada_feeding/tests/__init__.py b/ada_feeding/tests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
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index 00000000..b7545f2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ada_feeding/tests/helpers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+This module defines unit tests for the eventually_swiss idiom.
+# Standard imports
+import time
+from typing import List, Optional, Union
+# Third-party imports
+import py_trees
+from py_trees.blackboard import Blackboard
+class TickCounterWithTerminateTimestamp(py_trees.behaviours.TickCounter):
+ """
+ This class is identical to TickCounter, except that it also stores the
+ timestamp when the behavior terminated.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ name: str,
+ duration: int,
+ completion_status: py_trees.common.Status,
+ ns: str = "/",
+ ):
+ """
+ Initialise the behavior.
+ """
+ super().__init__(
+ name=name, duration=duration, completion_status=completion_status
+ )
+ self.termination_new_status = None
+ self.termination_timestamp = None
+ self.num_times_ticked_to_non_running_status = 0
+ # Create a blackboard client to store this behavior's status,
+ # counter, termination_new_status, and termination_timestamp.
+ self.blackboard = self.attach_blackboard_client(name=name, namespace=ns)
+ self.blackboard.register_key(key="status", access=py_trees.common.Access.WRITE)
+ self.blackboard.register_key(key="counter", access=py_trees.common.Access.WRITE)
+ self.blackboard.register_key(
+ key="num_times_ticked_to_non_running_status",
+ access=py_trees.common.Access.WRITE,
+ )
+ self.blackboard.register_key(
+ key="termination_new_status", access=py_trees.common.Access.WRITE
+ )
+ self.blackboard.register_key(
+ key="termination_timestamp", access=py_trees.common.Access.WRITE
+ )
+ # Initialize the blackboard
+ self.blackboard.status = py_trees.common.Status.INVALID
+ self.blackboard.counter = 0
+ self.blackboard.termination_new_status = self.termination_new_status
+ self.blackboard.termination_timestamp = self.termination_timestamp
+ def initialise(self) -> None:
+ """Reset the tick counter."""
+ self.counter = 0
+ # Update the blackboard.
+ self.blackboard.status = self.status
+ self.blackboard.counter = self.counter
+ self.blackboard.termination_new_status = self.termination_new_status
+ self.blackboard.termination_timestamp = self.termination_timestamp
+ def update(self) -> py_trees.common.Status:
+ """
+ Update the behavior.
+ """
+ new_status = super().update()
+ if new_status != py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING:
+ self.num_times_ticked_to_non_running_status += 1
+ # Update the blackboard.
+ self.blackboard.status = new_status
+ self.blackboard.counter = self.counter
+ self.blackboard.num_times_ticked_to_non_running_status = (
+ self.num_times_ticked_to_non_running_status
+ )
+ return new_status
+ def terminate(self, new_status: py_trees.common.Status) -> None:
+ """
+ Terminate the behavior.
+ """
+ self.termination_new_status = new_status
+ self.termination_timestamp = time.time()
+ # Update the blackboard.
+ self.blackboard.termination_new_status = self.termination_new_status
+ self.blackboard.termination_timestamp = self.termination_timestamp
+ # Although self.status will be set in the `stop` method that called
+ # this, it won't set on the blackboard. So we set that here.
+ self.blackboard.status = new_status
+def check_count_status(
+ behaviors: List[Union[TickCounterWithTerminateTimestamp, str]],
+ counts: List[int],
+ statuses: List[py_trees.common.Status],
+ num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses: List[int],
+ descriptor: str = "",
+) -> None:
+ """
+ Takes in a list of TickCounter behaviors and checks that their counts and
+ statuses are correct.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ behaviors: The list of behaviors to check. The values are either behaviors,
+ in which case the attributes of the behavior will directly be checked,
+ or strings, which is the blackboard namespace where the behavior has
+ stored its attributes.
+ counts: The expected counts for each behavior.
+ statuses: The expected statuses for each behavior.
+ num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses: The expected number of times each
+ behavior had a tick resulting in a non-running status.
+ """
+ assert (
+ len(behaviors) == len(counts) == len(statuses)
+ ), "lengths of behaviors, counts, and statuses must be equal"
+ for i, behavior in enumerate(behaviors):
+ # Get the actual count and status
+ if isinstance(behavior, str):
+ name = behavior
+ actual_count = Blackboard().get(
+ Blackboard.separator.join([behavior, "counter"])
+ )
+ actual_status = Blackboard().get(
+ Blackboard.separator.join([behavior, "status"])
+ )
+ actual_num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses = Blackboard().get(
+ Blackboard.separator.join(
+ [behavior, "num_times_ticked_to_non_running_status"]
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ name = behavior.name
+ actual_count = behavior.counter
+ actual_status = behavior.status
+ actual_num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses = (
+ behavior.num_times_ticked_to_non_running_status
+ )
+ # Check the actual count and status against the expected ones
+ assert actual_count == counts[i], (
+ f"behavior '{name}' actual count {actual_count}, "
+ f"expected count {counts[i]}, "
+ f"{descriptor}"
+ )
+ assert actual_status == statuses[i], (
+ f"behavior '{name}' actual status {actual_status}, "
+ f"expected status {statuses[i]}, "
+ f"{descriptor}"
+ )
+ assert (
+ actual_num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses
+ == num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses[i]
+ ), (
+ f"behavior '{name}' actual num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses "
+ f"{actual_num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses}, "
+ f"expected num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses "
+ f"{num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses[i]}, "
+ f"{descriptor}"
+ )
+def check_termination_new_statuses(
+ behaviors: List[Union[TickCounterWithTerminateTimestamp, str]],
+ statuses: List[Optional[py_trees.common.Status]],
+ descriptor: str = "",
+) -> None:
+ """
+ Checkes that `terminate` either has not been called on the behavior, or
+ that it has been called with the correct new status.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ behaviors: The list of behaviors to check. The values are either behaviors,
+ in which case the attributes of the behavior will directly be checked,
+ or strings, which is the blackboard namespace where the behavior has
+ stored its attributes.
+ statuses: The expected new statuses for each behavior when `terminate` was
+ called, or `None` if `terminate` was not expected to be called.
+ """
+ assert len(behaviors) == len(
+ statuses
+ ), "lengths of behaviors and statuses must be equal"
+ for i, behavior in enumerate(behaviors):
+ # Get the actual termination_new_status
+ if isinstance(behavior, str):
+ name = behavior
+ actual_termination_new_status = Blackboard().get(
+ Blackboard.separator.join([behavior, "termination_new_status"])
+ )
+ else:
+ name = behavior.name
+ actual_termination_new_status = behavior.termination_new_status
+ # Check the actual termination_new_status against the expected one
+ if statuses[i] is None:
+ assert actual_termination_new_status is None, (
+ f"behavior '{name}' expected termination_new_status None, actual "
+ f"termination_new_status {actual_termination_new_status}, "
+ f"{descriptor}"
+ )
+ else:
+ assert actual_termination_new_status == statuses[i], (
+ f"behavior '{name}' actual termination_new_status "
+ f"{actual_termination_new_status}, expected termination_new_status "
+ f"{statuses[i]}, {descriptor}"
+ )
+def check_termination_order(
+ behaviors: List[Union[TickCounterWithTerminateTimestamp, str]],
+ descriptor: str = "",
+) -> None:
+ """
+ Checks that the behaviors terminated in the correct order.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ behaviors: The list of behaviors to check, in the order that `terminate`
+ should have been called on them. The values are either behaviors, in
+ which case the attributes of the behavior will directly be checked, or
+ strings, which is the blackboard namespace where the behavior has stored
+ its attributes.
+ """
+ for i in range(len(behaviors) - 1):
+ # Get the actual termination_timestamp
+ if isinstance(behaviors[i], str):
+ curr_name = behaviors[i]
+ actual_curr_termination_timestamp = Blackboard().get(
+ Blackboard.separator.join([behaviors[i], "termination_timestamp"])
+ )
+ else:
+ curr_name = behaviors[i].name
+ actual_curr_termination_timestamp = behaviors[i].termination_timestamp
+ if isinstance(behaviors[i + 1], str):
+ next_name = behaviors[i + 1]
+ actual_next_termination_timestamp = Blackboard().get(
+ Blackboard.separator.join([behaviors[i + 1], "termination_timestamp"])
+ )
+ else:
+ next_name = behaviors[i + 1].name
+ actual_next_termination_timestamp = behaviors[i + 1].termination_timestamp
+ # Check the actual termination_timestamp against the expected one
+ assert actual_curr_termination_timestamp <= actual_next_termination_timestamp, (
+ f"behavior '{curr_name}' terminated after behavior "
+ f"'{next_name}', when it should have terminated before, "
+ f"{descriptor}"
+ )
diff --git a/ada_feeding/tests/test_eventually_swiss.py b/ada_feeding/tests/test_eventually_swiss.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b5a5e8c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ada_feeding/tests/test_eventually_swiss.py
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+This module defines unit tests for the eventually_swiss idiom.
+# Standard imports
+from enum import Enum
+from functools import partial
+from typing import List
+# Third-party imports
+import py_trees
+# Local imports
+from ada_feeding.idioms import eventually_swiss
+from .helpers import (
+ TickCounterWithTerminateTimestamp,
+ check_count_status,
+ check_termination_new_statuses,
+ check_termination_order,
+# pylint: disable=duplicate-code
+# `test_scoped_behavior` and `test_eventually_swiss` have similar code because
+# they are similar idioms. That is okay.
+# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
+# When generating tests, we use global variables with the same names as
+# variables in the functions. That is okay, since the functions don't need
+# access to the global variables.
+class ExecutionCase(Enum):
+ """
+ Tree execution can broadly fall into one of the below cases.
+ """
+ NONE = 0
+def generate_test(
+ worker_duration: int,
+ worker_completion_status: py_trees.common.Status,
+ on_success_duration: int,
+ on_success_completion_status: py_trees.common.Status,
+ on_failure_duration: int,
+ on_failure_completion_status: py_trees.common.Status,
+ on_preempt_duration: int,
+ on_preempt_completion_status: py_trees.common.Status,
+ return_on_success_status: bool,
+ """
+ Generates a worker, on_success, on_failure, and on_preempt behavior with the
+ specified durations and completion statuses.
+ Note that this always generates the multi-tick version of eventually_swiss.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ worker_duration: The number of ticks it takes for the worker to terminate.
+ worker_completion_status: The completion status of the worker.
+ on_success_duration: The number of ticks it takes for `on_success` to terminate.
+ on_success_completion_status: The completion status of `on_success`.
+ on_failure_duration: The number of ticks it takes for `on_failure` to terminate.
+ on_failure_completion_status: The completion status of `on_failure`.
+ on_preempt_duration: The number of ticks it takes for `on_preempt` to terminate.
+ on_preempt_completion_status: The completion status of `on_preempt`.
+ return_on_success_status: If True, return `on_success` status. Else, return
+ """
+ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+ # Necessary to create a versatile test generation function.
+ # Setup the test
+ worker = TickCounterWithTerminateTimestamp(
+ name="Worker",
+ duration=worker_duration,
+ completion_status=worker_completion_status,
+ ns="/worker",
+ )
+ on_success = TickCounterWithTerminateTimestamp(
+ name="On Success",
+ duration=on_success_duration,
+ completion_status=on_success_completion_status,
+ ns="/on_success",
+ )
+ on_failure = TickCounterWithTerminateTimestamp(
+ name="On Failure",
+ duration=on_failure_duration,
+ completion_status=on_failure_completion_status,
+ ns="/on_failure",
+ )
+ on_preempt = TickCounterWithTerminateTimestamp(
+ name="On Preempt",
+ duration=on_preempt_duration,
+ completion_status=on_preempt_completion_status,
+ ns="/on_preempt",
+ )
+ root = eventually_swiss(
+ name="Eventually Swiss",
+ workers=[worker],
+ on_success=on_success,
+ on_failure=on_failure,
+ on_preempt=on_preempt,
+ on_preempt_single_tick=False,
+ return_on_success_status=return_on_success_status,
+ )
+ return root, worker, on_success, on_failure, on_preempt
+def combined_test(
+ worker_completion_status: py_trees.common.Status,
+ callback_completion_status: py_trees.common.Status,
+ global_num_cycles: int = 2,
+ preempt_times: List[ExecutionCase] = [ExecutionCase.NONE, ExecutionCase.NONE],
+ return_on_success_status: bool = True,
+) -> None:
+ """
+ This function ticks the root to completion `global_num_cycles` times and checks
+ the following three cases:
+ - While the worker is RUNNING, `on_success`, `on_failure`, and `on_preempt`
+ should not be ticked, none of the functions should be terminated, and the
+ root should be running.
+ When the worker succeeds:
+ - While `on_success` is RUNNING, `on_failure` and `on_preempt` should
+ not be ticked, none of the functions should be terminated, and the
+ root should be running.
+ - When `on_success` returns `callback_completion_status`, `on_failure`
+ and `on_preempt` should not be ticked, none of the functions should
+ be terminated, and the root should return `callback_completion_status`.
+ When the worker fails:
+ - While `on_failure` is RUNNING, `on_success` and `on_preempt` should
+ not be ticked, none of the functions should be terminated, and the
+ root should be running.
+ - When `on_failure` returns `callback_completion_status`, `on_success`
+ and `on_preempt` should not be ticked, none of the functions should
+ be terminated, and the root should return FAILURE.
+ Additionally, this function can terminate the tree up to once per cycle.
+ For cycle i, this function will terminate the tree depending on the value of
+ `preempt_times[i]`:
+ - None: Don't terminate this cycle.
+ - WORKER_RUNNING: Terminate the tree after the first tick when the worker
+ - WORKER_TERMINATED_CALLBACK_RUNNING: Terminate the tree after the first
+ tick when the worker has terminated and the callback is RUNNING.
+ - TREE_TERMINATED: Terminate the tree after the tick
+ when the worker has terminated and the callback has terminated (i.e., after
+ the tick where the root returns a non-RUNNING status).
+ After terminating the tree, in the first two cases, this function checks that
+ the tree has not ticked `worker`, `on_success`, or `on_failure` any more, but
+ has ticked `on_preempt` to completion. It also checks that the tree has
+ terminated in the correct order: `worker` -> `on_success`/`on_failure` -> `on_preempt`.
+ In the third case, since the tree has already reached a non-RUNNING status,
+ `on_preempt` should not be run, and this function verifies that.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ worker_completion_status: The completion status of the worker.
+ callback_completion_status: The completion status of the callback.
+ global_num_cycles: The number of times to tick the root to completion.
+ preempt_times: A list of ExecutionCase values, one for each cycle. If None,
+ don't preempt the tree during that cycle.
+ """
+ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-branches, too-many-statements
+ # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks, too-many-arguments
+ # This is where the bulk of the work to test eventually_swiss is done, so
+ # it's hard to reduce the number of locals, branches, and statements.
+ # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
+ # A default value of a list is fine in this case.
+ assert len(preempt_times) >= global_num_cycles, "Malformed test case."
+ # Setup the test
+ worker_duration = 2
+ callback_duration = 3
+ other_callbacks_completion_status = py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS
+ root, worker, on_success, on_failure, on_preempt = generate_test(
+ worker_duration=worker_duration,
+ worker_completion_status=worker_completion_status,
+ on_success_duration=callback_duration,
+ on_success_completion_status=(
+ callback_completion_status
+ if worker_completion_status == py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS
+ else other_callbacks_completion_status
+ ),
+ on_failure_duration=callback_duration,
+ on_failure_completion_status=(
+ callback_completion_status
+ if worker_completion_status == py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE
+ else other_callbacks_completion_status
+ ),
+ on_preempt_duration=callback_duration,
+ on_preempt_completion_status=other_callbacks_completion_status,
+ return_on_success_status=return_on_success_status,
+ )
+ # Get the number of ticks it should take to terminate this tree.
+ num_ticks_to_terminate = worker_duration + callback_duration + 1
+ # Initialize the expected counts, statuses, termination_new_statuses, and
+ # root status for the tests
+ behaviors = [worker, on_success, on_failure, on_preempt]
+ expected_counts = [0, 0, 0, 0]
+ expected_statuses = [
+ py_trees.common.Status.INVALID,
+ py_trees.common.Status.INVALID,
+ py_trees.common.Status.INVALID,
+ py_trees.common.Status.INVALID,
+ ]
+ expected_num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses = [0, 0, 0, 0]
+ expected_termination_new_statuses = [None, None, None, None]
+ # Tick the tree
+ for num_cycles in range(global_num_cycles):
+ execution_case = ExecutionCase.HASNT_STARTED
+ for num_ticks in range(1, num_ticks_to_terminate + 2):
+ descriptor = f"num_ticks {num_ticks}, num_cycles {num_cycles}"
+ # Preempt if requested
+ if preempt_times[num_cycles] == execution_case:
+ root.stop(py_trees.common.Status.INVALID)
+ descriptor += " after preemption"
+ # Update the expected termination of all behaviors but `on_preempt`
+ termination_order_on_success = []
+ termination_order_on_failure = []
+ for i in range(3):
+ if expected_statuses[i] != py_trees.common.Status.INVALID:
+ expected_statuses[i] = py_trees.common.Status.INVALID
+ expected_termination_new_statuses[
+ i
+ ] = py_trees.common.Status.INVALID
+ if i == 1:
+ termination_order_on_success.append(behaviors[i])
+ elif i == 2:
+ termination_order_on_failure.append(behaviors[i])
+ else:
+ termination_order_on_success.append(behaviors[i])
+ termination_order_on_failure.append(behaviors[i])
+ root_expected_status = py_trees.common.Status.INVALID
+ # `on_preempt` should only get ticked if the worker/callback
+ # have not yet terminated. If they have terminated, the root
+ # is considered complete and there is no reason to run `on_preempt`.
+ if execution_case in [
+ ExecutionCase.WORKER_RUNNING,
+ ]:
+ # `on_preempt` should get ticked to completion
+ expected_counts[3] = callback_duration + 1
+ expected_num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses[3] += 1
+ # Because `on_preempt` is not officially a part of the tree,
+ # it won't get called as part of the preemption. So it's
+ # status will be its terminal status.
+ expected_statuses[3] = other_callbacks_completion_status
+ expected_termination_new_statuses[
+ 3
+ ] = other_callbacks_completion_status
+ termination_order_on_success.append(behaviors[3])
+ termination_order_on_failure.append(behaviors[3])
+ # Run the preemption tests
+ check_count_status(
+ behaviors=behaviors,
+ counts=expected_counts,
+ statuses=expected_statuses,
+ num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses=(
+ expected_num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses
+ ),
+ descriptor=descriptor,
+ )
+ check_termination_new_statuses(
+ behaviors=behaviors,
+ statuses=expected_termination_new_statuses,
+ descriptor=descriptor,
+ )
+ check_termination_order(termination_order_on_success, descriptor)
+ check_termination_order(termination_order_on_failure, descriptor)
+ assert (
+ root.status == root_expected_status
+ ), f"root status {root.status} is not {root_expected_status}, {descriptor}"
+ # End this cycle
+ break
+ if num_ticks == num_ticks_to_terminate + 1:
+ # End this cycle. We only go past the ticks to terminate in case
+ # the tree is preempted after termination.
+ break
+ if num_ticks == 1:
+ # The worker's count gets re-initialized at the beginning of every cycle.
+ expected_counts[0] = 0
+ # The worker, on_success, and on_failure get reset to INVALID at the
+ # beginning of every cycle.
+ if num_cycles > 0:
+ if expected_statuses[0] != py_trees.common.Status.INVALID:
+ expected_statuses[0] = py_trees.common.Status.INVALID
+ expected_termination_new_statuses[
+ 0
+ ] = py_trees.common.Status.INVALID
+ if (
+ worker_completion_status == py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS
+ and expected_statuses[1] != py_trees.common.Status.INVALID
+ ):
+ expected_termination_new_statuses[
+ 1
+ ] = py_trees.common.Status.INVALID
+ expected_statuses[1] = py_trees.common.Status.INVALID
+ if (
+ worker_completion_status == py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE
+ and expected_statuses[2] != py_trees.common.Status.INVALID
+ ):
+ expected_termination_new_statuses[
+ 2
+ ] = py_trees.common.Status.INVALID
+ expected_statuses[2] = py_trees.common.Status.INVALID
+ # Tick the tree
+ root.tick_once()
+ # Get the expected counts, statuses, termination_new_statuses, and
+ # root status.
+ # The worker is still running. WORKER_RUNNING case.
+ if num_ticks <= worker_duration:
+ execution_case = ExecutionCase.WORKER_RUNNING
+ expected_counts[0] += 1 # The worker should have gotten ticked.
+ expected_statuses[0] = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING
+ root_expected_status = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING
+ # The worker has terminated, but the success/failure callback is still running.
+ elif num_ticks <= worker_duration + callback_duration:
+ execution_case = ExecutionCase.WORKER_TERMINATED_CALLBACK_RUNNING
+ if num_ticks == worker_duration + 1:
+ # The worker terminates on the first tick after `worker_duration`
+ expected_counts[0] += 1
+ expected_num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses[0] += 1
+ # on_success and on_failure only gets reinitialized after the
+ # worker terminates.
+ expected_counts[1] = 0
+ expected_counts[2] = 0
+ # The worker status gets set
+ expected_statuses[0] = worker_completion_status
+ expected_termination_new_statuses[0] = worker_completion_status
+ elif worker_completion_status == py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE:
+ # The Selector with memory unnecessarily sets previous children to
+ # INVALID the tick after they fail, hence the below switch.
+ # https://github.com/splintered-reality/py_trees/blob/0d5b39f2f6333c504406d8a63052c456c6bd1ce5/py_trees/composites.py#L427
+ expected_statuses[0] = py_trees.common.Status.INVALID
+ expected_termination_new_statuses[
+ 0
+ ] = py_trees.common.Status.INVALID
+ if worker_completion_status == py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS:
+ expected_counts[1] += 1
+ expected_statuses[1] = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING
+ elif worker_completion_status == py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE:
+ expected_counts[2] += 1
+ expected_statuses[2] = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING
+ else:
+ assert (
+ False
+ ), f"Unexpected worker_completion_status {worker_completion_status}."
+ root_expected_status = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING
+ # The success/failure callback has terminated.
+ elif num_ticks == num_ticks_to_terminate:
+ execution_case = ExecutionCase.TREE_TERMINATED
+ if worker_completion_status == py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS:
+ expected_counts[1] += 1
+ expected_statuses[1] = callback_completion_status
+ expected_num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses[1] += 1
+ expected_termination_new_statuses[1] = callback_completion_status
+ elif worker_completion_status == py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE:
+ expected_counts[2] += 1
+ expected_statuses[2] = callback_completion_status
+ expected_num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses[2] += 1
+ expected_termination_new_statuses[2] = callback_completion_status
+ else:
+ assert (
+ False
+ ), f"Unexpected worker_completion_status {worker_completion_status}."
+ if worker_completion_status == py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS:
+ if return_on_success_status:
+ root_expected_status = callback_completion_status
+ else:
+ root_expected_status = py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS
+ elif worker_completion_status == py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE:
+ root_expected_status = py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE
+ else:
+ assert (
+ False
+ ), f"Unexpected worker_completion_status {worker_completion_status}."
+ else:
+ assert False, (
+ f"Should not get here, num_ticks {num_ticks}, "
+ f"num_cycles {num_cycles}"
+ )
+ # Run the tests
+ check_count_status(
+ behaviors=behaviors,
+ counts=expected_counts,
+ statuses=expected_statuses,
+ num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses=(
+ expected_num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses
+ ),
+ descriptor=descriptor,
+ )
+ check_termination_new_statuses(
+ behaviors=behaviors,
+ statuses=expected_termination_new_statuses,
+ descriptor=descriptor,
+ )
+ assert (
+ root.status == root_expected_status
+ ), f"root status {root.status} is not {root_expected_status}, {descriptor}"
+# Generate all tests with 2 cycles
+# Set the cases to iterate over
+status_cases = [
+ py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS,
+ py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE,
+preempt_cases = [
+ ExecutionCase.NONE,
+ ExecutionCase.HASNT_STARTED,
+ ExecutionCase.WORKER_RUNNING,
+ ExecutionCase.TREE_TERMINATED,
+for worker_completion_status in status_cases:
+ for callback_completion_status in status_cases:
+ for return_on_success_status in [True, False]:
+ for first_preempt in preempt_cases:
+ for second_preempt in preempt_cases:
+ test_name = (
+ f"test_worker_{worker_completion_status.name}_callback_"
+ f"{callback_completion_status.name}_ret_succ_"
+ f"{return_on_success_status}_"
+ f"first_preempt_{first_preempt.name}_second_preempt_"
+ f"{second_preempt.name}"
+ )
+ globals()[test_name] = partial(
+ combined_test,
+ worker_completion_status=worker_completion_status,
+ callback_completion_status=callback_completion_status,
+ preempt_times=[first_preempt, second_preempt],
+ return_on_success_status=return_on_success_status,
+ )
diff --git a/ada_feeding/tests/test_scoped_behavior.py b/ada_feeding/tests/test_scoped_behavior.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..131629a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ada_feeding/tests/test_scoped_behavior.py
@@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+This module defines unit tests for the scoped_behaviour idiom.
+# Standard imports
+from enum import Enum
+from functools import partial
+from typing import List, Optional
+# Third-party imports
+import py_trees
+# Local imports
+from ada_feeding.idioms import scoped_behavior
+from .helpers import (
+ TickCounterWithTerminateTimestamp,
+ check_count_status,
+ check_termination_new_statuses,
+ check_termination_order,
+# pylint: disable=duplicate-code
+# `test_scoped_behavior` and `test_eventually_swiss` have similar code because
+# they are similar idioms. That is okay.
+# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
+# When generating tests, we use global variables with the same names as
+# variables in the functions. That is okay, since the functions don't need
+# access to the global variables.
+class ExecutionCase(Enum):
+ """
+ Tree execution can broadly fall into one of the below cases.
+ """
+ NONE = 0
+def generate_test(
+ pre_duration: int,
+ pre_completion_status: py_trees.common.Status,
+ worker_duration: int,
+ worker_completion_status: py_trees.common.Status,
+ post_duration: int,
+ post_completion_status: py_trees.common.Status,
+ worker_override: Optional[py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour] = None,
+ suffix: str = ",",
+ """
+ Generates a worker, pre, and post behavior with the
+ specified durations and completion statuses.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ pre_duration: The duration of the pre behavior.
+ pre_completion_status: The completion status of the pre behavior.
+ worker_duration: The duration of the worker behavior.
+ worker_completion_status: The completion status of the worker behavior.
+ post_duration: The duration of the post behavior.
+ post_completion_status: The completion status of the post behavior.
+ worker_override: If not None, this behavior will be used instead of the
+ default worker behavior.
+ """
+ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+ # Necessary to create a versatile test generation function.
+ # Setup the test
+ pre = TickCounterWithTerminateTimestamp(
+ name="Pre" + suffix,
+ duration=pre_duration,
+ completion_status=pre_completion_status,
+ ns="/pre" + suffix,
+ )
+ if worker_override is None:
+ worker = TickCounterWithTerminateTimestamp(
+ name="Worker" + suffix,
+ duration=worker_duration,
+ completion_status=worker_completion_status,
+ ns="/worker" + suffix,
+ )
+ else:
+ worker = worker_override
+ post = TickCounterWithTerminateTimestamp(
+ name="Post" + suffix,
+ duration=post_duration,
+ completion_status=post_completion_status,
+ ns="/post" + suffix,
+ )
+ root = scoped_behavior(
+ name="Root" + suffix,
+ pre_behavior=pre,
+ workers=[worker],
+ post_behavior=post,
+ )
+ return root, pre, worker, post
+def combined_test(
+ pre_completion_status: py_trees.common.Status,
+ worker_completion_status: py_trees.common.Status,
+ post_completion_status: py_trees.common.Status,
+ global_num_cycles: int = 2,
+ preempt_times: List[ExecutionCase] = [ExecutionCase.NONE, ExecutionCase.NONE],
+) -> None:
+ """
+ This function ticks the root to completion `global_num_cycles` times and checks
+ the following three cases:
+ - While `pre` is RUNNING, `worker` and `post` should not be ticked, none of
+ the functions should be terminated, and the root should be running.
+ - While `worker` is RUNNING, `post` should not be ticked, only `pre` should be
+ terminated, and the root should be running.
+ - While `post` is RUNNING, only `pre` and `worker` should be terminated, and
+ the root should be running.
+ - When the root returns a non-RUNNING status, `pre`, `worker`, and `post`
+ should be terminated, and the root should return the correct status.
+ Additionally, this function can terminate the tree up to once per cycle.
+ For cycle i, this function will terminate the tree depending on the value of
+ `preempt_times[i]`:
+ - None: Don't terminate this cycle.
+ - PRE_RUNNING: Terminate the tree after the first tick when the pre is
+ - WORKERS_RUNNING: Terminate the tree after the first tick when the worker
+ - POST_RUNNING: Terminate the tree after the first tick when the post is
+ - TREE_TERMINATED: Terminate the tree after the tick when the root returns
+ a non-RUNNING status.
+ After terminating the tree, in the first three cases, this function checks that
+ the tree has not ticked `pre` or `worker` any more, but
+ has ticked `post` to completion. It also checks that the tree has
+ terminated in the correct order: `pre` -> `worker` -> `pose`.
+ In the third case, since the tree has already reached a non-RUNNING status,
+ nothing should change other than the statuses of the behaviors.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ pre_completion_status: The completion status of the pre behavior.
+ worker_completion_status: The completion status of the worker behavior.
+ post_completion_status: The completion status of the post behavior.
+ global_num_cycles: The number of times to tick the tree to completion.
+ preempt_times: A list of ExecutionCase enums, one for each cycle.
+ """
+ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-branches, too-many-statements
+ # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks
+ # This is where the bulk of the work to test eventually_swiss is done, so
+ # it's hard to reduce the number of locals, branches, and statements.
+ # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
+ # A default value of a list is fine in this case.
+ assert len(preempt_times) >= global_num_cycles, "Malformed test case."
+ # Setup the test
+ pre_duration = 3
+ worker_duration = 2
+ post_duration = 6
+ root, pre, worker, post = generate_test(
+ pre_duration=pre_duration,
+ pre_completion_status=pre_completion_status,
+ worker_duration=worker_duration,
+ worker_completion_status=worker_completion_status,
+ post_duration=post_duration,
+ post_completion_status=post_completion_status,
+ )
+ # Get the number of ticks it should take to terminate this tree.
+ num_ticks_to_terminate = (
+ pre_duration
+ + (
+ worker_duration
+ if pre_completion_status == py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS
+ else 0
+ )
+ + post_duration
+ + 1
+ )
+ # Initialize the expected counts, statuses, termination_new_statuses, and
+ # root status for the tests
+ behaviors = [pre, worker, post]
+ expected_counts = [0, 0, 0]
+ expected_statuses = [
+ py_trees.common.Status.INVALID,
+ py_trees.common.Status.INVALID,
+ py_trees.common.Status.INVALID,
+ ]
+ expected_num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses = [0, 0, 0]
+ expected_termination_new_statuses = [None, None, None]
+ # Tick the tree
+ preempted_in_previous_cycle = False
+ for num_cycles in range(global_num_cycles):
+ execution_case = ExecutionCase.HASNT_STARTED
+ for num_ticks in range(1, num_ticks_to_terminate + 2):
+ descriptor = f"num_ticks {num_ticks}, num_cycles {num_cycles}"
+ # Preempt if requested
+ if preempt_times[num_cycles] == execution_case:
+ root.stop(py_trees.common.Status.INVALID)
+ descriptor += " after preemption"
+ # Update the expected termination of all behaviors but `post`
+ termination_order = []
+ for i in range(2):
+ if expected_statuses[i] != py_trees.common.Status.INVALID:
+ expected_statuses[i] = py_trees.common.Status.INVALID
+ expected_termination_new_statuses[
+ i
+ ] = py_trees.common.Status.INVALID
+ termination_order.append(behaviors[i])
+ root_expected_status = py_trees.common.Status.INVALID
+ # `post` should only get ticked on preemption if the worker/callback
+ # have not yet terminated. If they have terminated, the root
+ # is considered complete and there is no reason to run `post` again.
+ if execution_case == ExecutionCase.HASNT_STARTED:
+ # In this cases, `post` should not get ticked as part of
+ # preemption. Its status will only be set to INVALID if neither
+ # it nor its parent is INVALID. The only case where `post` is
+ # not INVALID but its parent is is if the tree was preempted
+ # in the previous cycle.
+ if (
+ expected_statuses[2] != py_trees.common.Status.INVALID
+ and not preempted_in_previous_cycle
+ ):
+ expected_statuses[2] = py_trees.common.Status.INVALID
+ expected_termination_new_statuses[
+ 2
+ ] = py_trees.common.Status.INVALID
+ preempted_in_previous_cycle = False
+ elif execution_case == ExecutionCase.TREE_TERMINATED:
+ # In this cases, `post` should not get ticked as part of
+ # preemption. Its status will be set to INVALID through the
+ # normal termination process.
+ expected_statuses[2] = py_trees.common.Status.INVALID
+ expected_termination_new_statuses[
+ 2
+ ] = py_trees.common.Status.INVALID
+ else:
+ preempted_in_previous_cycle = True
+ # `post` should get ticked to completion
+ expected_counts[2] = post_duration + 1
+ # Because `post` is not officially a part of the tree,
+ # it won't get called as part of the preemption. So it's
+ # status will be its terminal status.
+ expected_statuses[2] = post_completion_status
+ expected_num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses[2] += 1
+ expected_termination_new_statuses[2] = post_completion_status
+ termination_order.append(behaviors[2])
+ # Run the preemption tests
+ check_count_status(
+ behaviors=behaviors,
+ counts=expected_counts,
+ statuses=expected_statuses,
+ num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses=(
+ expected_num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses
+ ),
+ descriptor=descriptor,
+ )
+ check_termination_new_statuses(
+ behaviors=behaviors,
+ statuses=expected_termination_new_statuses,
+ descriptor=descriptor,
+ )
+ check_termination_order(termination_order, descriptor)
+ assert (
+ root.status == root_expected_status
+ ), f"root status {root.status} is not {root_expected_status}, {descriptor}"
+ # End this cycle
+ break
+ if num_ticks == num_ticks_to_terminate + 1:
+ # End this cycle. We only go past the ticks to terminate in case
+ # the tree is preempted after termination.
+ preempted_in_previous_cycle = False
+ break
+ if num_ticks == 1:
+ # The pre's count gets re-initialized at the beginning of every cycle.
+ expected_counts[0] = 0
+ # The pre and worker get reset to INVALID at the
+ # beginning of every cycle. Post gets reset to INVALID only if the
+ # last cycle was not preempted.
+ if num_cycles > 0:
+ for i in range(3):
+ if i < 2 or preempt_times[num_cycles - 1] == ExecutionCase.NONE:
+ expected_statuses[i] = py_trees.common.Status.INVALID
+ if expected_termination_new_statuses[i] is not None:
+ expected_termination_new_statuses[
+ i
+ ] = py_trees.common.Status.INVALID
+ # Tick the tree
+ root.tick_once()
+ # Get the expected counts, statuses, termination_new_statuses, and
+ # root status.
+ # The pre is still running. PRE_RUNNING case.
+ if num_ticks <= pre_duration:
+ execution_case = ExecutionCase.PRE_RUNNING
+ expected_counts[0] += 1 # The pre should have gotten ticked.
+ expected_statuses[0] = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING
+ root_expected_status = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING
+ # The pre succeeded, but the worker is still running.
+ elif (
+ pre_completion_status == py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS
+ and num_ticks <= pre_duration + worker_duration
+ ):
+ execution_case = ExecutionCase.WORKERS_RUNNING
+ if num_ticks == pre_duration + 1:
+ # The pre terminates on the first tick after `pre_duration`
+ expected_counts[0] += 1
+ # The worker only gets re-initialized after the pre terminates.
+ expected_counts[1] = 0
+ # The pre's status gets set
+ expected_statuses[0] = pre_completion_status
+ expected_num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses[0] += 1
+ expected_termination_new_statuses[0] = pre_completion_status
+ expected_counts[1] += 1
+ expected_statuses[1] = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING
+ root_expected_status = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING
+ # The pre succeeded and the worker has terminated.
+ # POST_RUNNING case.
+ elif (
+ pre_completion_status == py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS
+ and num_ticks <= pre_duration + worker_duration + post_duration
+ ):
+ execution_case = ExecutionCase.POST_RUNNING
+ if num_ticks == pre_duration + worker_duration + 1:
+ # The worker terminates on the first tick after `worker_duration`
+ expected_counts[1] += 1
+ # Post only gets reinitialized after the worker terminates.
+ expected_counts[2] = 0
+ # The worker status gets set
+ expected_statuses[1] = worker_completion_status
+ expected_num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses[1] += 1
+ expected_termination_new_statuses[1] = worker_completion_status
+ expected_counts[2] += 1
+ expected_statuses[2] = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING
+ root_expected_status = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING
+ # The pre failed, but the post is still running.
+ # POST_RUNNING case.
+ elif (
+ pre_completion_status == py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE
+ and num_ticks <= pre_duration + post_duration
+ ):
+ execution_case = ExecutionCase.POST_RUNNING
+ if num_ticks == pre_duration + 1:
+ # The pre terminates on the first tick after `pre_duration`
+ expected_counts[0] += 1
+ # Post only gets reinitialized after the worker terminates.
+ expected_counts[2] = 0
+ # The pre's status gets set
+ expected_statuses[0] = pre_completion_status
+ expected_num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses[0] += 1
+ expected_termination_new_statuses[0] = pre_completion_status
+ expected_counts[2] += 1
+ expected_statuses[2] = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING
+ root_expected_status = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING
+ # The post has terminated. TREE_TERMINATED case.
+ elif num_ticks == num_ticks_to_terminate:
+ execution_case = ExecutionCase.TREE_TERMINATED
+ expected_counts[2] += 1
+ expected_statuses[2] = post_completion_status
+ expected_num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses[2] += 1
+ expected_termination_new_statuses[2] = post_completion_status
+ root_expected_status = (
+ py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE
+ if pre_completion_status == py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE
+ else worker_completion_status
+ )
+ else:
+ assert False, (
+ f"Should not get here, num_ticks {num_ticks}, "
+ f"num_cycles {num_cycles}"
+ )
+ # Run the tests
+ check_count_status(
+ behaviors=behaviors,
+ counts=expected_counts,
+ statuses=expected_statuses,
+ num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses=(
+ expected_num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses
+ ),
+ descriptor=descriptor,
+ )
+ check_termination_new_statuses(
+ behaviors=behaviors,
+ statuses=expected_termination_new_statuses,
+ descriptor=descriptor,
+ )
+ assert (
+ root.status == root_expected_status
+ ), f"root status {root.status} is not {root_expected_status}, {descriptor}"
+# Generate all tests with 2 cycles
+# Set the status cases to iterate over
+status_cases = [py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS, py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE]
+for pre_completion_status in status_cases:
+ # Set the preempt cases to iterate over
+ preempt_cases = [
+ ExecutionCase.NONE,
+ ExecutionCase.HASNT_STARTED,
+ ExecutionCase.PRE_RUNNING,
+ ]
+ if pre_completion_status == py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS:
+ preempt_cases.append(ExecutionCase.WORKERS_RUNNING)
+ preempt_cases += [ExecutionCase.POST_RUNNING, ExecutionCase.TREE_TERMINATED]
+ for worker_completion_status in status_cases:
+ for post_completion_status in status_cases:
+ for first_preempt in preempt_cases:
+ for second_preempt in preempt_cases:
+ test_name = (
+ f"test_pre_{pre_completion_status.name}_worker_"
+ f"{worker_completion_status.name}_post_{post_completion_status.name}_"
+ f"first_preempt_{first_preempt.name}_second_preempt_{second_preempt.name}"
+ )
+ globals()[test_name] = partial(
+ combined_test,
+ pre_completion_status=pre_completion_status,
+ worker_completion_status=worker_completion_status,
+ post_completion_status=post_completion_status,
+ preempt_times=[first_preempt, second_preempt],
+ )
+# Test Nested Scoped Behaviors
+class NestedExecutionCase(Enum):
+ """
+ With a single nested sequence, execution can broadly fall into one of the
+ below cases.
+ """
+ NONE = 0
+def nested_behavior_tests(
+ preempt_time: NestedExecutionCase,
+ """
+ In the test of nested scope, we will assume all behaviors succeed, because
+ success/failure was already tested above. We will also only tick the tree
+ for one cycle, because multiple cycles were tested above. The main goal of
+ this test is to ensure the following:
+ - NONE: If the tree is not preempted, both post-behaviors should be ticked
+ to completion.
+ - PRE1_RUNNING: If the tree is preempted while pre1 is running, post1 should
+ be ticked to completion, and post2 should not be ticked.
+ these cases, post1 and post2 should be ticked to completion.
+ - TREE_TERMINATED: If the tree is preempted after the tree has terminated,
+ post1 and post2 should not be ticked.
+ """
+ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-statements
+ # Necessary to test all the cases
+ pre1_duration = 3
+ pre2_duration = 2
+ worker_duration = 2
+ post1_duration = 6
+ post2_duration = 4
+ worker_override, pre2, worker, post2 = generate_test(
+ pre_duration=pre2_duration,
+ pre_completion_status=py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS,
+ worker_duration=worker_duration,
+ worker_completion_status=py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS,
+ post_duration=post2_duration,
+ post_completion_status=py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS,
+ suffix="2",
+ )
+ root, pre1, _, post1 = generate_test(
+ pre_duration=pre1_duration,
+ pre_completion_status=py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS,
+ worker_duration=0,
+ worker_completion_status=py_trees.common.Status.INVALID,
+ post_duration=post1_duration,
+ post_completion_status=py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS,
+ worker_override=worker_override,
+ suffix="1",
+ )
+ behaviors = [pre1, pre2, worker, post2, post1]
+ # Get the number of ticks to terminate the tree
+ num_ticks_to_terminate = (
+ pre1_duration
+ + pre2_duration
+ + worker_duration
+ + post1_duration
+ + post2_duration
+ + 1
+ )
+ if preempt_time == NestedExecutionCase.NONE:
+ for _ in range(num_ticks_to_terminate):
+ root.tick_once()
+ check_count_status(
+ behaviors=behaviors,
+ counts=[
+ pre1_duration + 1,
+ pre2_duration + 1,
+ worker_duration + 1,
+ post2_duration + 1,
+ post1_duration + 1,
+ ],
+ statuses=[py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS] * 5,
+ num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses=[1] * 5,
+ )
+ check_termination_new_statuses(
+ behaviors=behaviors,
+ statuses=[py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS] * 5,
+ )
+ check_termination_order(behaviors)
+ assert (
+ root.status == py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS
+ ), f"root status {root.status} is not SUCCESS"
+ elif preempt_time == NestedExecutionCase.HASNT_STARTED:
+ root.stop(py_trees.common.Status.INVALID)
+ check_count_status(
+ behaviors=behaviors,
+ counts=[0] * 5,
+ statuses=[py_trees.common.Status.INVALID] * 5,
+ num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses=[0] * 5,
+ )
+ check_termination_new_statuses(
+ behaviors=behaviors,
+ statuses=[None] * 5,
+ )
+ elif preempt_time == NestedExecutionCase.PRE1_RUNNING:
+ for _ in range(1):
+ root.tick_once()
+ root.stop(py_trees.common.Status.INVALID)
+ check_count_status(
+ behaviors=behaviors,
+ counts=[1, 0, 0, 0, post1_duration + 1],
+ statuses=[py_trees.common.Status.INVALID] * 4
+ + [py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS],
+ num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses=[0] * 4 + [1],
+ )
+ check_termination_new_statuses(
+ behaviors=behaviors,
+ statuses=[py_trees.common.Status.INVALID]
+ + [None] * 3
+ + [py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS],
+ )
+ check_termination_order([pre1, post1])
+ elif preempt_time == NestedExecutionCase.PRE2_RUNNING:
+ for _ in range(pre1_duration + 1):
+ root.tick_once()
+ root.stop(py_trees.common.Status.INVALID)
+ check_count_status(
+ behaviors=behaviors,
+ counts=[pre1_duration + 1, 1, 0, post2_duration + 1, post1_duration + 1],
+ statuses=[py_trees.common.Status.INVALID] * 3
+ + [py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS] * 2,
+ num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses=[1] + [0] * 2 + [1] * 2,
+ )
+ check_termination_new_statuses(
+ behaviors=behaviors,
+ statuses=[py_trees.common.Status.INVALID] * 2
+ + [None]
+ + [py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS] * 2,
+ )
+ check_termination_order([pre2, post2, post1])
+ elif preempt_time == NestedExecutionCase.WORKERS_RUNNING:
+ for _ in range(pre1_duration + pre2_duration + 1):
+ root.tick_once()
+ root.stop(py_trees.common.Status.INVALID)
+ check_count_status(
+ behaviors=behaviors,
+ counts=[
+ pre1_duration + 1,
+ pre2_duration + 1,
+ 1,
+ post2_duration + 1,
+ post1_duration + 1,
+ ],
+ statuses=[py_trees.common.Status.INVALID] * 3
+ + [py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS] * 2,
+ num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses=[1] * 2 + [0] + [1] * 2,
+ )
+ check_termination_new_statuses(
+ behaviors=behaviors,
+ statuses=[py_trees.common.Status.INVALID] * 3
+ + [py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS] * 2,
+ )
+ check_termination_order([pre1, pre2, worker, post2, post1])
+ elif preempt_time == NestedExecutionCase.POST2_RUNNING:
+ for _ in range(pre1_duration + pre2_duration + worker_duration + 1):
+ root.tick_once()
+ root.stop(py_trees.common.Status.INVALID)
+ check_count_status(
+ behaviors=behaviors,
+ counts=[
+ pre1_duration + 1,
+ pre2_duration + 1,
+ worker_duration + 1,
+ post2_duration + 1,
+ post1_duration + 1,
+ ],
+ statuses=[py_trees.common.Status.INVALID] * 3
+ + [py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS] * 2,
+ num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses=[1] * 3 + [1] * 2,
+ )
+ check_termination_new_statuses(
+ behaviors=behaviors,
+ statuses=[py_trees.common.Status.INVALID] * 3
+ + [py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS] * 2,
+ )
+ check_termination_order([pre1, pre2, worker, post2, post1])
+ elif preempt_time == NestedExecutionCase.POST1_RUNNING:
+ for _ in range(
+ pre1_duration + pre2_duration + worker_duration + post2_duration + 1
+ ):
+ root.tick_once()
+ root.stop(py_trees.common.Status.INVALID)
+ check_count_status(
+ behaviors=behaviors,
+ counts=[
+ pre1_duration + 1,
+ pre2_duration + 1,
+ worker_duration + 1,
+ post2_duration + 1,
+ post1_duration + 1,
+ ],
+ # This is crucial -- POST2 should get terminated through the standard means,
+ # not through OnPreempt.
+ statuses=[py_trees.common.Status.INVALID] * 4
+ + [py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS],
+ # This is crucial -- POST2 should only get ticked to completion once.
+ num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses=[1] * 5,
+ )
+ check_termination_new_statuses(
+ behaviors=behaviors,
+ statuses=[py_trees.common.Status.INVALID] * 4
+ + [py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS],
+ )
+ check_termination_order([pre1, pre2, worker, post2, post1])
+ elif preempt_time == NestedExecutionCase.TREE_TERMINATED:
+ for _ in range(num_ticks_to_terminate):
+ root.tick_once()
+ root.stop(py_trees.common.Status.INVALID)
+ check_count_status(
+ behaviors=behaviors,
+ counts=[
+ pre1_duration + 1,
+ pre2_duration + 1,
+ worker_duration + 1,
+ post2_duration + 1,
+ post1_duration + 1,
+ ],
+ statuses=[py_trees.common.Status.INVALID] * 5,
+ num_times_ticked_to_non_running_statuses=[1] * 5,
+ )
+ check_termination_new_statuses(
+ behaviors=behaviors,
+ statuses=[py_trees.common.Status.INVALID] * 5,
+ )
+ check_termination_order([pre1, pre2, worker, post2, post1])
+for preempt_time in NestedExecutionCase:
+ test_name = f"test_nested_{preempt_time.name}"
+ globals()[test_name] = partial(
+ nested_behavior_tests,
+ preempt_time=preempt_time,
+ )