layout default Getting Started What is Neatline? What makes it different? Neatline Project Examples Neatline Architecture Omeka: Standards-compliant Metadata Neatline: Interactive Map-making Environment Geoserver: High-performance Map Server Installing Neatline Before you start Installing Omeka Installing Neatline NEW for Neatline 2.5.2 Configuring the Neatline Plugin (for version 2.5.2) Installing Geoserver Upgrading Neatline to 2.0 What’s new What’s different Upgrading Working with Exhibits Exhibits Overview Exhibits Overview Creating New Exhibits Exhibit Settings Title URL Slug Narrative Accessible Alternative URL Widgets Enabled Spatial Layers Default Spatial Layer Image Layer Zoom Levels WMS Address and Layers Spatial Querying Public Map-based Exhibits Using the Provided Spatial Layers Using a Custom Map Default Layer Image-based Exhibits Creating an Image-based Exhibit Spatial Layers Method 1: Using a Static Image Method 2: Using WMS Layers Managing Exhibits Exhibit Title Public View Fullscreen View Exhibit Settings Import Items Duplicate Delete Managing User Permissions User Levels and Access Working with User “Groups” Publishing Exhibits Working with Neatline Plugins SIMILE Timeline Definition Enabling SIMILE Timeline for an Exhibit Plugin Settings Default Date Interval Unit Interval Pixels Track Height Tape Height Adding an Item Record to the Timeline Dates Start and End Dates After and Before Dates Date Formatting CE Dates BCE Dates Removing a Neatline Item from the Timeline Disabling SIMILE Timeline for an Exhibit Waypoints Definition Enabling Waypoints for an Exhibit Adding a Waypoint For a Record Removing a Waypoint For a Record Waypoint Settings Disabling Waypoints for an Exhibit Neatline Text Definition Installation Usage Step 1: Create the Neatline records Step 2: Create the Narrative Editing a Shorter Text within the Built-in Editor Editing Longer Texts with a Text Editor Theming Working with the Neatline Editor Editor Overview Records Tab Styles Tab Plugins Tab Exhibit Styles Tab Stylesheet Overview Default Map Focus Default Map Zoom Restricted Map Extent Minimum Map Zoom Maximum Map Zoom Using Neatline Stylesheets Quick reference Rationale: Why use stylesheets? Getting started with stylesheets Auto-updating stylesheet values Records Records Overview Creating New Records Importing Omeka Items Searching Records Editing Neatline Records Text Tab Adding Text Content Map Tab Drawing Vector Annotations Editing Vector Annotations Importing SVG Documents Style Tab Editing Groups Editing Colors Editing Opacities Editing Dimensions Editing Dates Editing Imagery Editing Visibility