diff --git a/games/arma3/entrypoint.sh b/games/arma3/entrypoint.sh
index 62496bda1..8ee17dc06 100644
--- a/games/arma3/entrypoint.sh
+++ b/games/arma3/entrypoint.sh
@@ -54,8 +54,9 @@ function RunSteamCMD { #[Input: int server=0 mod=1 optional_mod=2; int id]
         # Error checking for SteamCMD
-        loggedErrors=$(grep -i "error\|failed" "${STEAMCMD_LOG}" | grep -iv "setlocal\|SDL\|steamservice\|thread")
-        if [[ -n ${loggedErrors} ]]; then # Catch errors (ignore setlocale, SDL, steamservice, and thread priority warnings)
+        # Catch errors (ignore setlocale, SDL, steamservice, thread priority, and libcurl warnings)
+        loggedErrors=$(grep -i "error\|failed" "${STEAMCMD_LOG}" | grep -iv "setlocal\|SDL\|steamservice\|thread\|libcurl")
+        if [[ -n ${loggedErrors} ]]; then
             # Soft errors
             if [[ -n $(grep -i "Timeout downloading item" "${STEAMCMD_LOG}") ]]; then # Mod download timeout
                 echo -e "\n${YELLOW}[UPDATE]: ${NC}Timeout downloading Steam Workshop mod: \"${CYAN}${modName}${NC}\" (${CYAN}${2}${NC})"
diff --git a/games/dayz/entrypoint.sh b/games/dayz/entrypoint.sh
index 889e6c2d4..18f0854a1 100644
--- a/games/dayz/entrypoint.sh
+++ b/games/dayz/entrypoint.sh
@@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ function RunSteamCMD { #[Input: int server=0 mod=1; int id]
         # Error checking for SteamCMD
-        if [[ -n $(grep -i "error\|failed" "${STEAMCMD_LOG}" | grep -iv "setlocal\|SDL\|thread") ]]; then # Catch errors (ignore setlocale, SDL, and thread priority warnings)
+        # Catch errors (ignore setlocale, SDL, steamservice, thread priority, and libcurl warnings)
+        loggedErrors=$(grep -i "error\|failed" "${STEAMCMD_LOG}" | grep -iv "setlocal\|SDL\|steamservice\|thread\|libcurl")
+        if [[ -n ${loggedErrors} ]]; then
             # Soft errors
             if [[ -n $(grep -i "Timeout downloading item" "${STEAMCMD_LOG}") ]]; then # Mod download timeout
                 echo -e "\n${YELLOW}[UPDATE]: ${NC}Timeout downloading Steam Workshop mod: \"${CYAN}${modName}${NC}\" (${CYAN}${2}${NC})"