diff --git a/src/components/extractFields.js b/src/components/extractFields.js
index 1b2c1bea..7692f735 100644
--- a/src/components/extractFields.js
+++ b/src/components/extractFields.js
@@ -179,6 +179,40 @@ function getHierarchies(id, properties) {
+// https://github.com/whosonfirst/whosonfirst-properties/blob/main/properties/wof/concordances.json
+function getConcordances(properties) {
+  let concordances = {};
+  // validate types, map 'wof:concordances'
+  let con = _.get(properties, 'wof:concordances');
+  if (_.isPlainObject(con)) {
+    _.each(con, (v, k) => {
+      if (!_.isString(k) || !(_.isString(v) || _.isInteger(v))) { return; }
+      if (_.isString(v)) { v = v.trim(); }
+      if (_.isInteger(v) && v < 1){ return; }
+      concordances[k.trim()] = v;
+    });
+  }
+  // map other concordances which may exist with the 'qs_pg' prefix
+  // but only when not present in 'wof:concordances'.
+  // note: take care with underscore vs. colon delimiters
+  _.each({
+    'qs_pg:gn_id': 'gn:id',
+    'qs_pg:qs_id': 'qs:id'
+  }, (k, prop) => {
+    if (!_.has(concordances, k)) {
+      let v = _.get(properties, prop);
+      if (!_.isString(v) && !_.isInteger(v)) { return; }
+      if (_.isString(v)) { v = v.trim(); }
+      if (_.isInteger(v) && v < 1) { return; }
+      concordances[k] = v;
+    }
+  });
+  return concordances;
   This function extracts the fields from the json_object that we're interested
   in for creating Pelias Document objects.  If there is no hierarchy then a
@@ -200,7 +234,8 @@ module.exports.create = function map_fields_stream() {
       bounding_box: getBoundingBox(json_object.properties),
       population: getPopulation(json_object.properties),
       popularity: json_object.properties['misc:photo_sum'],
-      hierarchies: getHierarchies(json_object.id, json_object.properties)
+      hierarchies: getHierarchies(json_object.id, json_object.properties),
+      concordances: getConcordances(json_object.properties)
     // use the QS altname if US county and available
diff --git a/src/peliasDocGenerators.js b/src/peliasDocGenerators.js
index 3cc9ac62..51f63cef 100644
--- a/src/peliasDocGenerators.js
+++ b/src/peliasDocGenerators.js
@@ -142,6 +142,11 @@ function setupDocument(record, hierarchy) {
     assignField(record, wofDoc);
+  // store the concordances in the addendum (where available)
+  if (_.isPlainObject(record.concordances) && !_.isEmpty(record.concordances)) {
+    wofDoc.setAddendum('concordances', record.concordances);
+  }
   return wofDoc;
diff --git a/test/components/extractFieldsTest.js b/test/components/extractFieldsTest.js
index 067d1ae5..2128f652 100644
--- a/test/components/extractFieldsTest.js
+++ b/test/components/extractFieldsTest.js
@@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ tape('readStreamComponents', function(test) {
             'country_id': 23456
-        ]
+        ],
+        concordances: {}
@@ -101,7 +102,8 @@ tape('readStreamComponents', function(test) {
         popularity: undefined,
         abbreviation: undefined,
         bounding_box: undefined,
-        hierarchies: []
+        hierarchies: [],
+        concordances: {}
@@ -144,7 +146,8 @@ tape('readStreamComponents', function(test) {
             'place type 1_id': 12345
-        ]
+        ],
+        concordances: {}
@@ -1081,4 +1084,120 @@ tape('multi-lang index test', (test) => {
\ No newline at end of file
+tape('concordances', (test) => {
+  test.test('missing concordances', function (t) {
+    var input = [{
+      id: 54321,
+      properties: {}
+    }];
+    test_stream(input, extractFields.create(), function (err, actual) {
+      t.deepEqual(actual[0].concordances, {}, 'no-op');
+      t.end();
+    });
+  });
+  test.test('empty concordances', function (t) {
+    var input = [{
+      id: 54321,
+      properties: {
+        'wof:concordances': {}
+      }
+    }];
+    test_stream(input, extractFields.create(), function (err, actual) {
+      t.deepEqual(actual[0].concordances, {}, 'no-op');
+      t.end();
+    });
+  });
+  test.test('wrong type concordances', function (t) {
+    var input = [{
+      id: 54321,
+      properties: {
+        'wof:concordances': 'string'
+      }
+    }];
+    test_stream(input, extractFields.create(), function (err, actual) {
+      t.deepEqual(actual[0].concordances, {}, 'no-op');
+      t.end();
+    });
+  });
+  test.test('map valid concordances', function (t) {
+    var input = [{
+      id: 54321,
+      properties: {
+        'wof:concordances': {
+          'alpha': 'bar',
+          'beta': 2,
+          'gamma': null,
+          'delta': undefined,
+          'epsilon': [{ 'foo': 'bar' }],
+          'zeta': [ 'foo', 'bar' ],
+          'eta': 2.2,
+          'theta': 0
+        }
+      }
+    }];
+    test_stream(input, extractFields.create(), function (err, actual) {
+      t.deepEqual(actual[0].concordances, { alpha: 'bar', beta: 2 }, 'mapped valid values');
+      t.end();
+    });
+  });
+  test.test('trim concordances', function (t) {
+    var input = [{
+      id: 54321,
+      properties: {
+        'wof:concordances': {
+          ' alpha ': ' bar '
+        }
+      }
+    }];
+    test_stream(input, extractFields.create(), function (err, actual) {
+      t.deepEqual(actual[0].concordances, { alpha: 'bar' }, 'trim keys/values');
+      t.end();
+    });
+  });
+  test.test('qs_pg prefixed concordances', function (t) {
+    var input = [{
+      id: 54321,
+      properties: {
+        'qs_pg:gn_id': ' bar ',
+        'qs_pg:qs_id': 100,
+        'qs_pg:qs_nn': ' bat '
+      }
+    }];
+    test_stream(input, extractFields.create(), function (err, actual) {
+      t.deepEqual(actual[0].concordances, { 'gn:id': 'bar', 'qs:id': 100 }, 'map qs_pg props');
+      t.end();
+    });
+  });
+  test.test('qs_pg prefer wof:concordances', function (t) {
+    var input = [{
+      id: 54321,
+      properties: {
+        'qs_pg:qs_id': 100,
+        'wof:concordances': {
+          'qs:id': 200
+        }
+      }
+    }];
+    test_stream(input, extractFields.create(), function (err, actual) {
+      t.deepEqual(actual[0].concordances, { 'qs:id': 200 }, 'prefer wof:concordances');
+      t.end();
+    });
+  });
+  test.end();
diff --git a/test/peliasDocGeneratorsTest.js b/test/peliasDocGeneratorsTest.js
index f8f63628..199e4807 100644
--- a/test/peliasDocGeneratorsTest.js
+++ b/test/peliasDocGeneratorsTest.js
@@ -723,6 +723,51 @@ tape('create', function(test) {
+  test.test('addendum.concordances empty by default', function (t) {
+    const input = {
+      id: 1,
+      name: 'Example',
+      name_aliases: [],
+      lat: 12.121212,
+      lon: 21.212121,
+      place_type: 'country'
+    };
+    test_stream([input], peliasDocGenerators.create(() => [[input]]), function (err, actual) {
+      t.false(err);
+      t.false(
+        actual[0].getAddendum('concordances'),
+        'addendum.concordances not set'
+      );
+      t.end();
+    });
+  });
+  test.test('addendum.concordances should be set where available', function (t) {
+    const input = {
+      id: 1,
+      name: 'Example',
+      name_aliases: [],
+      lat: 12.121212,
+      lon: 21.212121,
+      place_type: 'country',
+      concordances: {
+        'alpha': 'alpha',
+        'beta': 100
+      }
+    };
+    test_stream([input], peliasDocGenerators.create(() => [[input]]), function (err, actual) {
+      t.false(err);
+      t.deepEqual(
+        actual[0].getAddendum('concordances'),
+        input.concordances,
+        'addendum.concordances correctly set'
+      );
+      t.end();
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/test/readStreamTest.js b/test/readStreamTest.js
index 4d034605..8aec9a84 100644
--- a/test/readStreamTest.js
+++ b/test/readStreamTest.js
@@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ tape('readStream', (test) => {
             popularity: 87654,
             hierarchies: [
               { 'region_id': 123 }
-            ]
+            ],
+            concordances: {}
           '456': {
             id: 456,
@@ -110,7 +111,8 @@ tape('readStream', (test) => {
             popularity: undefined,
             hierarchies: [
               { 'localadmin_id': 456 }
-            ]
+            ],
+            concordances: {}
@@ -192,7 +194,8 @@ tape('readStream', (test) => {
               bounding_box: undefined,
               population: undefined,
               popularity: undefined,
-              hierarchies: [ { 'region_id': 421302191 } ]
+              hierarchies: [ { 'region_id': 421302191 } ],
+              concordances: {}
           t.deepEqual(logger.getDebugMessages().length, 17);