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Fixed-Width Values |
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Design Patterns |
/patterns/split-fwv |
Consider a tree structure representing a hierarchical system of categories to be stored in a relational database. While the classical relational model does not mesh well with hierarchical data, there are several approaches to marrying these concepts (see References for further information). In the Materialized/Enumerated Paths, each node record in the nodes table stores information about its absolute path. There are several approaches to encoding this path, which may or may not include the node itself. Let us assume that each node is assigned an ID consisting of eight randomly selected alphanumeric ASCII characters. An analog of file system path constructed from a sequence of ancestor IDs can act as the node path. Furthermore, because node ID has a fixed length, a "path separator" is not necessary, for example:
{"BE0A8514": "afc2e40a40CF97B4704BA7F4F4CE4D5BF5A2A524"}
where the key term is node ASCII ID, and the value term is node path/prefix, not including the node itself. The task is to convert the latter to a sequence of ancestor IDs.
The following query is context-specific, but the notes below should help adapt it to other needs.
prefixes(ascii_id, prefix) AS (
('0FDAF2C8', 'afc2e40a40CF97B482A35587'),
('BE0A8514', 'afc2e40a40CF97B4704BA7F4F4CE4D5BF5A2A524')
id_sizes AS (SELECT length(ascii_id) AS id_size FROM prefixes LIMIT 1),
positions AS (
ascii_id, prefix, "key" * id_size + 1 AS position
id_sizes, prefixes,
json_each('[' || replace(hex(zeroblob(length(prefix)/id_size - 1)), '00', '0,') || '0]')
ascii_ids AS (
SELECT ps.*, substr(prefix, position, id_size) AS asc_ascii_id
FROM positions AS ps, id_sizes
ORDER BY ascii_id, position
json_prefixes AS (
SELECT ascii_id, prefix, json_group_array(asc_ascii_id) AS prefix_json
FROM ascii_ids
GROUP BY ascii_id
SELECT * FROM json_prefixes;
- ID length is necessary to split the prefix. This value may be provided via a dedicated query parameter or hardcoded. id_sizes uses a third option: because this query expects both node id and prefix, it grabs node ID from the first input pair and takes its length.
- positions query is possibly a bit over-engineered way of creating a table containing offsets of different prefix components to be used by the substr function. To start, the query determines length(prefix) / length(node ID) = IDs_in_prefix ratio used to produce a dummy JSON array of the same length. First, the hex and zeroblob functions produce a zero-field string template. Then, the replace function inserts JSON element separators (commas) into the template. Because the hex/zeroblob pair produces a doubled length string, replace swaps every two zeros with a single zero. There is no comma after the last "0", so IDs_in_prefix is reduced by one, and the last zero prefixes the closing bracket. Finally, the json_each table-valued function splits this template and returns a table with the "key" column containing the offsets of JSON array elements, and "key" x id_size + 1 can be used as offsets for substr.
- ascii_ids uses substr to generate rows containing prefix elements labeled with both node ID and the element position in the original string.
- json_prefixes collapses rows belonging to the same node ID (the ascii_ids is sorted on ascii_id and position), yielding the final result.
Query output:
ascii_id | prefix | prefix_json |
0FDAF2C8 | afc2e40a40CF97B482A35587 | ["afc2e40a","40CF97B4","82A35587"] |
BE0A8514 | afc2e40a40CF97B4704BA7F4F4CE4D5BF5A2A524 | ["afc2e40a","40CF97B4","704BA7F4","F4CE4D5B","F5A2A524"] |
The prefixes query, as before, defines mock input data and can be extended
prefixes AS (
SELECT "key" AS ascii_id, value AS prefix FROM json_each(
'{' ||
'"0FDAF2C8": "afc2e40a40CF97B482A35587",' ||
'"BE0A8514": "afc2e40a40CF97B4704BA7F4F4CE4D5BF5A2A524"' ||
to switch to the JSON-based input format:
{"ascii_id_1": "prefix_1", "ascii_id_2": "prefix_2",...}