- VHDL source: psi_fix_complex_addsub
- Testbench source: psi_fix_complex_addsub_tb.vhd
The block performs addition/subtraction on a complex number pair (Inphase & Quadrature, inputs of the block), let two complex numbers be:
The Addition result comes:
The Addition result comes:
The total pipeline delay of the block is 2 clock cycles if no pipeline activation is set through generics, otherwise the pipeline is doubled.
Name | type | Description |
generic(rst_pol_g | std_logic | set reset polarity |
pipeline_g | boolean | when false 3 pipes stages, when false 6 pipes (increase fmax) $$ export=true $$ |
in_a_fmt_g | psi_fix_fmt_t | input a fixed point format |
in_b_fmt_g | psi_fix_fmt_t | input b fixed point format |
out_fmt_g | psi_fix_fmt_t | output fixed point format |
round_g | psi_fix_rnd_t | round or trunc |
sat_g | psi_fix_sat_t | adder or subtracter |
add_sub_g | string | True Add; False Sub; Select to use the block in adder or subtraction mode |
Name | In/Out | Length | Description |
clk_i | i | 1 | clk |
rst_i | i | 1 | sync. rst |
dat_ina_inp_i | i | in_a_fmt_g) | inphase input of signal a |
dat_ina_qua_i | i | in_a_fmt_g) | quadrature input of signal a |
dat_inb_inp_i | i | in_b_fmt_g) | inphase input of signal b |
dat_inb_qua_i | i | in_b_fmt_g) | quadrature input of signal b |
vld_i | i | 1 | strobe input |
dat_out_inp_o | o | out_fmt_g) | data output i |
dat_out_qua_o | o | out_fmt_g) | data output q |
vld_o | o | 1 | strobe output |