This file is used in the How to Use Konabess guide.
Link: KonaBess config (.txt)
Filename: "konabess.config-by.luki2411-for.pocof4gt.txt"
Original filename: "konabess-0630180044.txt"
Author: "A4b6 1.8t" @Luki2411
Date: 2022.06.30
Via: "Grofor" @grofor, "Matt" @astronomy216
Source: Telegram: Adreno GPUs & Konabess Support Group
Original comment by Matt in the source post:
( konabess-0630180044.txt )
Snapdragon 8G1 OC + UV Config 831MHz-150MHz Max Undervolt and lowest 150MHz for best battery possible.
Frequency table was optimaze for better performance and less throttling and less performance drop and battery SOT as well.
It is All in One Config for Gaming and battery health as well.
Thanks @Luki2411 for working on this voltages.
Power consumption -37% and performance increase +5% on 831MHz.
Use Konabess app to import txt