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How-to MariaDB

How-to for importing historical energy/water data from external datasources into the Home Assistant MariaDB database so that it can be used in the Energy Dashboard.

Getting Started


Importing historical energy data into Home Assistant is not simple and requires some technical knowledge. It alters the database of Home Assistant so be sure that you always have a recent backup of your Home Assistant data!


Source data preparation


Home Assistant preparation

  • Create a backup of the Home Assistant database
    • Disable recorder while making the backup -> Developer tools/Actions/Action: Recorder:disable
  • Stop the Home Assistant core
    • Developer tools/Actions/Action: Home Assistant Core Integration: Stop

Import the data

  • Start HeidiSQL
  • On first run configure the database connection
    • Network type: MariaDB or MySQL (TCP/IP)
    • Hostname/IP: hostname/ip-number of your MariaDB machine
      • In case MariaDB runs on the same machine as Home Assistant this is the same hostname/ip-number of your Home Assistant instance
    • User/password: database user and password
      • The database user and password can be found in the connection string in the configuration.yaml
            db_url: mysql://<user>:<password>@core-mariadb/homeassistant?charset=utf8mb4
      • Port: 3306 (default)
  • EXTRA SAFETY STEP: Create a copy of your existing Home Assistant database so that it is possible to quickly move back to the original database.
    • Right click in the left most window and select Create new -> database
      • Name: homeassistant backup
      • Collation: utf8mb4_unicode_ci
    • Right click the homeassistant database and select Export database as SQL
    • Press Export to copy the homeassistant database to the homeassistant backup database
      • Settings:
        • Database(s): not selected Drop, selected Create
        • Table(s): not selected Drop, selected Create
        • Data: Insert
        • Output: Database
        • Database: homeassistant backup
    • In case something goes wrong you can remove the homeassistant database and rename the homeassistant backup database to the homeassistant database.
      • Right click the homeassistant database and select Drop
      • Right click the homeassistant backup database and select Edit and change the name into homeassistant and press Ok
  • Load SQL file Import Energy data into Home Assistant.sql from the MariaDB directory (File -> Load SQL file - Yes on auto-detect file encoding)
  • Validate the schema version of the database (Select table: schema_changes and select the data tab on the right and scroll down to the bottom)
    • The script has been tested with schema version 43. With higher versions you should validate if the structure of the statistics and short_term_statistics tables have changed.
      • Used fields in table statistics: metadata_id, state, sum, start_ts, created_ts
      • Used fields in table short_term_statistics: sum
  • Import, one at a time, all the created CSV data elec*, gas* and water* files (Tools -> Import CSV file...)
    • Settings:
      • Filename: select the CSV file to be imported
      • Ignore first: 0
      • REPLACE (duplicates)
      • Fields terminated by: ,
      • Lines terminated by: \n
      • Table: scroll down and select <new table>
      • Use the below column definitions and press Ok, create table. Only the column definition has to be changed the name of the table is already filled in.
        CREATE TABLE `homeassistant test`.<table name> (
          `field1` DOUBLE PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
          `field2` DOUBLE NOT NULL
      • Press Import and after successfull completion the logwindow will show how many rows were imported.
    • It is possible to load data from multiple CSV's with the same name. The data of the second import is than added to the existing tables. This can be used in case there are multiple energy source providers for different timeperiods. In this case you first import the files from the first energy provider and than then second etc. The <new table> step can be skipped in this case because the table already exists. Instead of selecting <new table> select the right table in which the data should be imported.
  • Lookup in the statistics_meta table the IDs of the sensors (Select table: statistics_meta and select the data tab on the right. You can use filter to find the ID of the sensor, For instance: statistic_id LIKE '%sensor.gas_meter%')
    • The names of the sensors can be looked up in the Home Assistant Energy dashboard (Settings -> Dashboards -> Energy).
          id  statistic_id                                source      unit_of_measurement
          6   sensor.gas_meter                            recorder    m³
          7   sensor.electricity_meter_feed_in_tariff_1   recorder    kWh
          8   sensor.electricity_meter_feed_in_tariff_2   recorder    kWh
          9   sensor.electricity_meter_feed_out_tariff_1  recorder    kWh
          10  sensor.electricity_meter_feed_out_tariff_2  recorder    kWh
          352 sensor.solar_energy_produced_today          recorder    kWh
          653 sensor.watermeter_quantity_m3               recorder    m³
  • Change the script and remove/comment out the lines of the sensors that are not needed. They can be found at the top of the script by looking up the lines where /* Change */ has been added in the SQL statement.
  • Change the script and update the IDs according to the found IDs in the statistics_meta table. They can be found at the top of the script by looking up the lines where /* Change */ has been added in the SQL statement.
    • Determine the correction value based on the unit_of_measurement of the sensor and the used datasource. The unit of measurement of the datasource can be found in the readme of the datasource. The different corrections are described in the script.
    • Determine the cutoff_new_meter and cutoff_invalid_value values based on the unit of measurement of the target sensor. The different cutoffs are described in the script.
  • Execute the SQL and wait for it to complete. (Please be patient because this can take some time!)
    • For the first run the COMMIT statement at the end of the script can be commented out so that the changes are not written to the database. This makes it possible to test the script and see whether it completes without errors.
    • In case of an error correct the error and execute the script again. The script will automatically rollback any changes before trying again.

Restart Home Assistant

  • Restart/reboot Home Assistant (physically reboot Home Assistant or login using PUTTY-SSH and execute the reboot command)
  • Validate the imported data in the Energy Dashboard
    • After validation the homeassistant backup database can be removed. Right click on homeassistant backup and select Drop (HeidiSQL).
  • Enjoy :-)

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