The machine can be found in TryHackme Link
I have used Nmap to find the open ports and found the port 22(SSH) and 80 (http) open.
Once i found the http open port i have visited the link the IP Address it refered to & found a username saying meliodas
I have used Dirsearch to find the hidden directories and found the name rockyou
in the robots.txt
file which seems to be a clue to Brute Force.
maybe the wordlist to be used can be rockyou.txt
dirsearch -u targetIPaddress
I just assumed the username for SSH to be meliodas and started hydra over it.
hydra -l meliodas -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt ssh:// | tee password.txt
The above command will bruteforce the username password and prints it to console and also the file.
I have logged into the ssh and i got access to the meliodas
user and got the user flag.
In the home directory i found 2 files user.txt
-> user flag &
-> seems to be a backup code.
We need to have sudo privileges to directly execute the
sudo -l
will return with the set of commands the user can execute using the sudo previlages.
Here in this case we have permission to execute /usr/bin/python
with sudo privileges this can be checked by,
sudo -l
The directories with NOPASSWORD
mentioned can be accessible by meliodas hence running directly
will not be accessed but can be executed using the following command
will have result
now we can modify
using echo to bringup the shell by,
echo 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/sh")' >
Now we can execute
using the same command
sudo /usr/bin/python
And can get the root shell.
Explore how to add the user to limit the user to execute the commands with sudo privileges.
Add the /usr/share/python
to your current user to execute python files with sudo privileges.