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matu1261;Matukar;-4.91;145.78;;Danielle Barth;;;Austronesian;x;;
watu1246;Watut;-6.64;146.22;Cousin terminology depends on birth order of linking parent.;;;;Austronesian;x;;
hawa1245;Hawaiian;19.63;-155.43;;Everett, Daniel, Language: The Cultural Tool;;;Austronesian;x;;
gilb1244;Gilbertise (Kingsmill Island);0.64;173.22;pronouns my or mine: suffix u;Morgan, Lewis Henry. Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family, Smithonian Institute 1871;;;Austronesian;x;;gil
kosr1238;Kosraean (Kusaien);5.50;163.00;pronouns my or mine: suffix uk or ik;Morgan, Lewis Henry. Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family, Smithonian Institute 1871;;;Austronesian;x;;
hawa124x;Hawaiian (Morgan);19.63;-155.43;pronouns my or mine: kǔ-ǔ and ko´ǔ;Morgan, Lewis Henry. Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family, Smithonian Institute 1871;;;Austronesian;x;;
maor1246;Maori;-38.29;176.54;pronouns my or mine: ta´-ku(sing.), a´-ku(pl.);Morgan, Lewis Henry. Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family, Smithonian Institute 1871;;;Austronesian;x;;
sout2856;Nafsan;-17.70;168.38;Nafsan informants Marinette Kalpram, Joel Kalpram. Note, the labial-velar is officially written with a tilde over a ‘p’ but I don’t have that keyboard function so am using ‘kp’.;;;;Austronesian;x;;
toab1237;Toqabaqita;-8.42;160.58;;Lichtenberk, Frantisek. 2008. A dictionary of Toqabaqita. (Pacific Linguistics, 592.) Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. 407pp.;20161125;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/476792;Austronesian;x;;
dupa1235;Dupaningan Agta;17.37;122.19;;Robinson, Laura C. 2011. Dupaningan Agta: Grammar, vocabulary, and texts. (Pacific Linguistics, 635.) Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. 334pp.;20161128;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/477695;Austronesian;x;;
taku1257;Takuu;-4.80;157.08;;Richard M. Moyle. 2011. Takuu grammar and dictionary: a Polynesian language of the South Pacific. (Pacific Linguistics, 632.) Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. 344pp.;20161128;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/303863;Austronesian;x;;
mere1242;Merei;-15.28;166.91;;Chung, Ying Shing Anthony. 2005. A descriptive grammar of Merei (Vanuatu). (Pacific Linguistics, 573.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xii+74pp. (Also as 1998 MA Northern Territory U, Darwin.);20161130;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/43178;Austronesian;x;;
tial1239;Tiale;-15.23;166.84;;Chung, Ying Shing Anthony. 2005. A descriptive grammar of Merei (Vanuatu). (Pacific Linguistics, 573.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xii+74pp. (Also as 1998 MA Northern Territory U, Darwin.);20161130;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/43178;Austronesian;x;;
lameXXXX;Lametin;-15.26;166.88;;Chung, Ying Shing Anthony. 2005. A descriptive grammar of Merei (Vanuatu). (Pacific Linguistics, 573.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xii+74pp. (Also as 1998 MA Northern Territory U, Darwin.);20161130;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/43178;Austronesian;x;;
kipu1237;Kiput;4.17;114.37;;Robert Blust. 2003. A short morphology, phonology and vocabulary of Kiput, Sarawak. (Pacific Linguistics, 546.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. vii+102pp.;20161202;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/115492;Austronesian;x;;
arak1252;Araki;-15.63;166.94;;Alexandre François. 2002. Araki: A disappearing language of Vanuatu. (Pacific Linguistics, 522.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xviii+353pp.;20161205;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/97023;Austronesian;x;;
anei1239;Anejom;-20.19;169.82;;Lynch, John and Tepahae, Philip. 2001. Anejom dictionary Diksonari blong Anejom. (Pacific Linguistics, 510.) Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. 450pp.;20161207;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/139817;Austronesian;x;;
bala1314;Balaesang;-0.06;119.69;;Himmelmann, Nikolaus P. 2001. Sourcebook on Tomini-Tolitoli languages: general information and word lists. (Pacific Linguistics, 511.) Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies. ANU. xxii+436pp.;20161207;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/141699;Austronesian;x;;
damp1237;Dampelas;0.70;120.22;;Himmelmann, Nikolaus P. 2001. Sourcebook on Tomini-Tolitoli languages: general information and word lists. (Pacific Linguistics, 511.) Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies. ANU. xxii+436pp.;20161207;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/141699;Austronesian;x;;
taje1237a;Petapa Taje;-0.73;120.08;;Himmelmann, Nikolaus P. 2001. Sourcebook on Tomini-Tolitoli languages: general information and word lists. (Pacific Linguistics, 511.) Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies. ANU. xxii+436pp.;20161207;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/141699;Austronesian;x;;
taje1237b;Tanampedagi Taje;-0.49;119.99;;Himmelmann, Nikolaus P. 2001. Sourcebook on Tomini-Tolitoli languages: general information and word lists. (Pacific Linguistics, 511.) Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies. ANU. xxii+436pp.;20161207;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/141699;Austronesian;x;;
pend1242;Pendau;-0.11;119.86;;Himmelmann, Nikolaus P. 2001. Sourcebook on Tomini-Tolitoli languages: general information and word lists. (Pacific Linguistics, 511.) Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies. ANU. xxii+436pp.;20161207;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/141699;Austronesian;x;;
taji1246;Tajio;-0.32;120.01;;Himmelmann, Nikolaus P. 2001. Sourcebook on Tomini-Tolitoli languages: general information and word lists. (Pacific Linguistics, 511.) Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies. ANU. xxii+436pp.;20161207;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/141699;Austronesian;x;;
ampi1237;Ampibabo Lauje;-0.38;119.99;;Himmelmann, Nikolaus P. 2001. Sourcebook on Tomini-Tolitoli languages: general information and word lists. (Pacific Linguistics, 511.) Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies. ANU. xxii+436pp.;20161207;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/141699;Austronesian;x;;
lauj1238;Lauje;0.51;120.26;;Himmelmann, Nikolaus P. 2001. Sourcebook on Tomini-Tolitoli languages: general information and word lists. (Pacific Linguistics, 511.) Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies. ANU. xxii+436pp.;20161207;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/141699;Austronesian;x;;
tomi1243;Tialo (Tomini);0.43;120.89;;Himmelmann, Nikolaus P. 2001. Sourcebook on Tomini-Tolitoli languages: general information and word lists. (Pacific Linguistics, 511.) Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies. ANU. xxii+436pp.;20161207;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/141699;Austronesian;x;;
dond1249;Dondo;0.80;120.71;;Himmelmann, Nikolaus P. 2001. Sourcebook on Tomini-Tolitoli languages: general information and word lists. (Pacific Linguistics, 511.) Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies. ANU. xxii+436pp.;20161207;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/141699;Austronesian;x;;
toto1304;Totoli;1.15;120.88;;Himmelmann, Nikolaus P. 2001. Sourcebook on Tomini-Tolitoli languages: general information and word lists. (Pacific Linguistics, 511.) Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies. ANU. xxii+436pp.;20161207;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/141699;Austronesian;x;;
boan1243;Boano (Sulawesi);0.51;120.99;;Himmelmann, Nikolaus P. 2001. Sourcebook on Tomini-Tolitoli languages: general information and word lists. (Pacific Linguistics, 511.) Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies. ANU. xxii+436pp.;20161207;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/141699;Austronesian;x;;
siee1239;Sie (Sye);-18.82;169.17;;Crowley, Terry. 2000. An Erromangan (Sye) dictionary. (Pacific Linguistics, 508.) Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. xxxi+250pp.;20161208;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/41979;Austronesian;x;;
moro1287;Moronene;-4.62;121.82;;David E. Mead. 1999. The Bungku-Tolaki Languages of South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+188pp.;20161209;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/161612;Austronesian;x;;
kaba1285;Tokotu'a (Kabaena);-5.27;121.79;;David E. Mead. 1999. The Bungku-Tolaki Languages of South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+188pp.;20161209;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/161612;Austronesian;x;;
tola1247;Tolaki;-4.04;121.89;;David E. Mead. 1999. The Bungku-Tolaki Languages of South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+188pp.;20161209;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/161612;Austronesian;x;;
kuli1254;Kulisusu;-4.58;123.05;;David E. Mead. 1999. The Bungku-Tolaki Languages of South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+188pp.;20161209;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/161612;Austronesian;x;;
koro1311;Koroni;-2.64;121.98;;David E. Mead. 1999. The Bungku-Tolaki Languages of South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+188pp.;20161209;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/161612;Austronesian;x;;
wawo1239;Wawonii;-4.14;123.10;;David E. Mead. 1999. The Bungku-Tolaki Languages of South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+188pp.;20161209;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/161612;Austronesian;x;;
menu1237;Menui;-3.59;123.11;;David E. Mead. 1999. The Bungku-Tolaki Languages of South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+188pp.;20161209;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/161612;Austronesian;x;;
land1259;Landawe;-3.01;122.22;;David E. Mead. 1999. The Bungku-Tolaki Languages of South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+188pp.;20161209;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/161612;Austronesian;x;;
tula1253;Tulambatu;-3.05;122.28;;David E. Mead. 1999. The Bungku-Tolaki Languages of South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+188pp.;20161209;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/161612;Austronesian;x;;
waia1242;Waia;-3.08;122.32;;David E. Mead. 1999. The Bungku-Tolaki Languages of South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+188pp.;20161209;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/161612;Austronesian;x;;
tore1237;Torete;-3.01;122.24;;David E. Mead. 1999. The Bungku-Tolaki Languages of South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+188pp.;20161209;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/161612;Austronesian;x;;
bung1269;Bungku;-3.22;122.21;;David E. Mead. 1999. The Bungku-Tolaki Languages of South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+188pp.;20161209;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/161612;Austronesian;x;;
rout1237;Routa;-2.87;121.60;;David E. Mead. 1999. The Bungku-Tolaki Languages of South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+188pp.;20161209;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/161612;Austronesian;x;;
baho1237;Bahonsuai;-2.23;121.71;;David E. Mead. 1999. The Bungku-Tolaki Languages of South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+188pp.;20161209;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/161612;Austronesian;x;;
mori1268;Mori Bawah;-2.56;121.37;;David E. Mead. 1999. The Bungku-Tolaki Languages of South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+188pp.;20161209;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/161612;Austronesian;x;;
pado1242;Padoe;-2.61;121.24;;David E. Mead. 1999. The Bungku-Tolaki Languages of South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+188pp.;20161209;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/161612;Austronesian;x;;
mori1269;Mori Atas;-2.26;121.03;;David E. Mead. 1999. The Bungku-Tolaki Languages of South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+188pp.;20161209;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/161612;Austronesian;x;;
toma1248;Tomadino;-2.56;121.94;;David E. Mead. 1999. The Bungku-Tolaki Languages of South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+188pp.;20161209;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/161612;Austronesian;x;;
waru1266;Waru;-3.41;122.06;;David E. Mead. 1999. The Bungku-Tolaki Languages of South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+188pp.;20161209;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/161612;Austronesian;x;;
lalo1239;Lalomerui;-3.47;122.00;;David E. Mead. 1999. The Bungku-Tolaki Languages of South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+188pp.;20161209;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/161612;Austronesian;x;;
wiwi1237;Wiwirano;-4.47;121.62;;David E. Mead. 1999. The Bungku-Tolaki Languages of South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+188pp.;20161209;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/161612;Austronesian;x;;
aser1237;Asera;-5.06;121.90;;David E. Mead. 1999. The Bungku-Tolaki Languages of South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+188pp.;20161209;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/161612;Austronesian;x;;
kona1243;Konawe;-4.09;122.28;;David E. Mead. 1999. The Bungku-Tolaki Languages of South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+188pp.;20161209;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/161612;Austronesian;x;;
meko1237;Mekongga;-4.04;121.58;;David E. Mead. 1999. The Bungku-Tolaki Languages of South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+188pp.;20161209;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/161612;Austronesian;x;;
laiw1239;Laiwui;-3.63;121.54;;David E. Mead. 1999. The Bungku-Tolaki Languages of South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+188pp.;20161209;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/161612;Austronesian;x;;
raha1237;Rahambuu;-3.25;121.06;;David E. Mead. 1999. The Bungku-Tolaki Languages of South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+188pp.;20161209;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/161612;Austronesian;x;;
kode1237;Kodeoha;-3.40;120.94;;David E. Mead. 1999. The Bungku-Tolaki Languages of South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+188pp.;20161209;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/161612;Austronesian;x;;
urav1235;Ura;-18.67;169.08;;Crowley, Terry. 1999. Ura: a disappearing language of Southern Vanuatu. (Pacific Linguistics: Series C, 156.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xiii+226pp.;20170105;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/62308;Austronesian;x;;
meke1243a;Mekeo (North-West);-8.24;146.59;;Alan A. Jones. 1998. Towards a Lexicogrammar of Mekeo (An Austronesian Language of West Central Papua). (Pacific Linguistics: Series C, 138.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xx+601pp. (Publication of PhD ANU 1994.);20170109;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/31843;Austronesian;x;;
meke1243b;Mekeo (West);-8.24;146.59;;Alan A. Jones. 1998. Towards a Lexicogrammar of Mekeo (An Austronesian Language of West Central Papua). (Pacific Linguistics: Series C, 138.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xx+601pp. (Publication of PhD ANU 1994.);20170109;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/31843;Austronesian;x;;
meke1243c;Mekeo (North);-8.24;146.59;;Alan A. Jones. 1998. Towards a Lexicogrammar of Mekeo (An Austronesian Language of West Central Papua). (Pacific Linguistics: Series C, 138.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xx+601pp. (Publication of PhD ANU 1994.);20170109;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/31843;Austronesian;x;;
meke1243d;Mekeo (East);-8.24;146.59;;Alan A. Jones. 1998. Towards a Lexicogrammar of Mekeo (An Austronesian Language of West Central Papua). (Pacific Linguistics: Series C, 138.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xx+601pp. (Publication of PhD ANU 1994.);20170109;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/31843;Austronesian;x;;
mouk1240;Mouk;-5.71;149.16;;Ross, Malcolm D. (ed.) 1996. Studies in languages of New Britain and New Ireland,: 1:Austronesian languages of the North New Guinea Cluster in Northwestern New Britain. (Pacific Linguistics : Series C, Books, 135.) Canberra: Australian National Univ. ix+392pp.;20170109;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/51042;Austronesian;x;;
mouk1240a;Aria (Mouk-Aria);-5.71;149.16;;Ross, Malcolm D. (ed.) 1996. Studies in languages of New Britain and New Ireland,: 1:Austronesian languages of the North New Guinea Cluster in Northwestern New Britain. (Pacific Linguistics : Series C, Books, 135.) Canberra: Australian National Univ. ix+392pp.;20170109;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/51042;Austronesian;x;;
lamo1244;Lamogai (Mouk-Aria);-5.87;149.32;;Ross, Malcolm D. (ed.) 1996. Studies in languages of New Britain and New Ireland,: 1:Austronesian languages of the North New Guinea Cluster in Northwestern New Britain. (Pacific Linguistics : Series C, Books, 135.) Canberra: Australian National Univ. ix+392pp.;20170110;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/51042;Austronesian;x;;
sout2856a;South Efate (Nafsan);-17.70;168.38;;Nicholas A. Thieberger. 2004. Topics in the Grammar and Documentation of South Efate, an Oceanic language of Central Vanuatu. University of Melbourne. Melbourne: Univ. xxviii+508pp. (Doctoral dissertation).;20170127;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/35280;Austronesian;x;;
umaj1240;Uma Juman (Kayan) ;2.72 ;114.17 ;;Blust, R.A. "Sketches of the Morphology and Phonology of Bornean Languages 1: Uma Juman (Kayan)". In Court, C., Blust, R. and Watuseke, F. editors, Papers in Western Austronesian Linguistics No. 2. A-33:8-122. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1977.;20170325;DOI:10.15144/PL-A33.8 ;Austronesian;x;;
lubu1242;Luburua (Kara);-2.82 ;151.11 ;; E. W. Pearson Chinnery, Studies of the Native Population of the East Coast of New Ireland;20170325;;Austronesian;x;;
nali1244;Nalik (Lukuramau);-2.94;151.33 ;; E. W. Pearson Chinnery, Studies of the Native Population of the East Coast of New Ireland;20170326;;Austronesian;x;;nal
nali1244b;Nalik (Madina);-2.94;151.33 ;; E. W. Pearson Chinnery, Studies of the Native Population of the East Coast of New Ireland;20170326;;Austronesian;x;;
mada1284;Madak (Konnos);-3.34;151.97 ;; E. W. Pearson Chinnery, Studies of the Native Population of the East Coast of New Ireland;20170326;;Austronesian;x;;
lava1239;Lavatbura-Lamusong (Konobin);-3.22;151.73 ;; E. W. Pearson Chinnery, Studies of the Native Population of the East Coast of New Ireland;20170326;;Austronesian;x;;
baro1253;Barok (Karu);-3.48;152.19 ;; E. W. Pearson Chinnery, Studies of the Native Population of the East Coast of New Ireland;20170326;;Austronesian;x;;
casi1235;Casiguran Dumagat Agta;16.22;121.88 ;;Thomas N. Headland and Alan Healey. 1974. Grammatical Sketch of Casiguran Dumagat. In Papers in Philippine Linguistics 6, 1-54. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. ;20170327;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/18380;Austronesian;x;;
pulu1242;Puluwatese (Puluwat);6.70 ;149.31 ;;Samuel H. Elbert. 1974. Puluwat Grammar. (Pacific Linguistics: Series B, 29.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. v+137pp. ;20170401;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/68013;Austronesian;x;;
tiga1245;Tigak;-2.71;150.89 ;Kinship nouns always have a possessive suffix. ;Clive H. Beaumont. 1979. The Tigak Language of New Ireland. (Pacific Linguistics: Series B, 58.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xi+163pp. (A revision of the authors thesis, Australian National University Bibliography: p. 159-163). ;20170401;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/301176;Austronesian;x;;
gayo1244;Gayo;4.37;97.35 ;;Eades, Domenyk. 2005. A grammar of Gayo: a language of Aceh, Sumatra. (Pacific Linguistics, 567.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xxii+350pp. ;20170402;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/129547;Austronesian;x;;
chuu1238;Chuukese (Trukese);7.34;151.60 ;;Goodenough, W. H. and Sugita, H. 1990. Trukese-English dictionary (Pwpwuken Tettenin Fóós: Chuuk-Ingenes). Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society. 573pp. ;;n;Austronesian;x;;
mono1273;Mono-Alu;-7.05;155.76 ;;Fagan, Joel L. 1986. A Grammatical Analysis of Mono-Alu (Bougainville Straits, Solomon Islands). (Pacific Linguistics: Series B, 96.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. vii+158pp. (Also as MA, 1979 University of Hawaii.) ;20170402;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/129384;Austronesian;x;;
xara1244;Xârâcùù (Canala);-21.70;166.00;;Grace, George William. 1975. Canala dictionary (New Caledonia). (Pacific linguistics: Series C, 2.) Canberra: Dept. of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University. viii+128pp. ;20170404;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/106213;Austronesian;x;;
dehu1237;Dehu;-20.89;167.23 ;;Tryon, D. T. 1967. English-Dehu dictionary. (Pacific Linguistics: Series C, 7.) Pacific Linguistics Series C, No. Canberra:: The Australian National University: Canberra: Australian National University. 165pp.;20170404;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/132965;Austronesian;x;;
neng1238;Nengone;-21.53;167.96 ;;Tryon, Darrell T. and Dubois, Marie-Joseph. 1969. Nengone dictionary. (Pacific Linguistics: Series C, 9.) Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. 390pp. (part 1 is pdf - please ask library staff for CD-ROM "Pacific linguistics C+D"). ;20170404;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/143939;Austronesian;x;;
aros1241;Arosi;-10.24;161.43 ;;Fox, C. E. 1970. Arosi-English dictionary. (Pacific Linguistics: Series C, 11.) Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. iii+406pp. ;20170404;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/163659;Austronesian;x;;
tiri1258;Tiri-Mea (Grand Couli);-21.49;165.77 ;;Grace, George William. 1976. Grand Couli dictionary (New Caledonia). (Pacific linguistics Series C, 12.) Canberra: Department of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University. vii+113pp. (English, Tīrī, and Mea). ;20170404;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/44453;Austronesian;x;;
ibal1244;Ibaloi (Nabaloi);16.43 ;120.69 ;;Kroeber, A. L. Kinship in the Philippines. Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History. Vol. XIX, Part III.;20170406;;Austronesian;x;;
kank1243;Kankanaey (Kankanai);16.85;120.69 ;;Kroeber, A. L. Kinship in the Philippines. Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History. Vol. XIX, Part III.;20170406;;Austronesian;x;;
bont1247;;17.09;121.03 ;;Kroeber, A. L. Kinship in the Philippines. Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History. Vol. XIX, Part III.;20170406;;Austronesian;x;;
ifug1247;Ifugaw (Ifugao);16.90;121.04 ;;Kroeber, A. L. Kinship in the Philippines. Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History. Vol. XIX, Part III.;20170406;;Austronesian;x;;
cent2089;Central Subanen (Subanung);8.13 ;123.02 ;;Kroeber, A. L. Kinship in the Philippines. Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History. Vol. XIX, Part III.;20170406;;Austronesian;x;;
mara1404;Maranao? (Lanao Moro);7.79;124.17 ;;Kroeber, A. L. Kinship in the Philippines. Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History. Vol. XIX, Part III.;20170406;;Austronesian;x;;
magu1243;Maguindanao (Magindonao Moro);6.95 ;124.51 ;;Kroeber, A. L. Kinship in the Philippines. Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History. Vol. XIX, Part III.;20170406;;Austronesian;x;;
taus1251;Tausug? (Sulu Moro);5.12 ;118.88 ;;Kroeber, A. L. Kinship in the Philippines. Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History. Vol. XIX, Part III.;20170406;;Austronesian;x;;
taga1270;Tagalog;14.06;121.75 ;;Kroeber, A. L. Kinship in the Philippines. Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History. Vol. XIX, Part III.;20170406;;Austronesian;x;;
saba1263;Brunei-Sabah Malay? (Malay);4.65 ;117.02 ;;Kroeber, A. L. Kinship in the Philippines. Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History. Vol. XIX, Part III.;20170406;;Austronesian;x;;
area1240;'Are'are;-9.21;161.16 ;;Geerts, P. 1970. 'Are'are dictionary. (Pacific Linguistics: Series C, 14.) Canberra: The Australian National University. 185pp. ;20170407;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/58868;Austronesian;x;;
sout2859;Southeast Ambrym;-16.17;168.14 ;;Parker, G.J. 1970. Southeast Ambrym dictionary. Canberra: The Australian National University. xiii+60pp. ;;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/26034;Austronesian;x;;tvk
lauu1247;Lau;-8.51;160.87 ;;Fox, Charles Elliot. 1974. Lau dictionary: with English index. (Pacific linguistics : Series C, Books, 25.) Canberra: Dept. of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian Natl. Univ. vi+260pp. (Bibliography: p. vi.) ;;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/34741;Austronesian;x;;llu
kwai1243;Kwaio;-8.94;160.97 ;;Keesing, Roger M. 1975. Kwaio dictionary. (Pacific linguistics: Series C, 35.) Canberra: Dept. of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, The Australian Natl. Univ. xxxiv+296pp. (p. 287 + 288 missing Bibliography: p. xxxiv.) ;;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/127160;Austronesian;x;;
geda1237;Gedaged;-5.18;145.78 ;;Mager, John F. 1952. Gedaged-English dictionary. Columbus, Ohio: American Lutheran Church, Board of Foreign Missions. 350pp. ;;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/134622;Austronesian;x;;
fiji1243;Fijian;-18.00;178.33 ;;Nayacakalou, R. R. The Fijian system of kinship and marriage. Part II. Journal of the Polynesian Society. Volume 66, Auckland, 1957. ;;;Austronesian;x;;
niue1239;Niue;-19.06;-169.86 ;;Loeb (1926:60-66), McEwen (1970);;;Austronesian;x;;
tong1325;Tonga (Tonga Islands);-21.17;-175.25 ;;Gifford (1929:17-29), Beaglehole and Beaglehole (1941:72-78), Aoyagi (1966), Decktor Korn (1974, 1978), Rogers (1977), Churchward (1959);;;Austronesian;x;;
wall1257;Wallisian;-13.29;-176.21 ;;Burrows (1937:62-66), Rensch (1984), Bataillon (1932);;;Austronesian;x;;
east2447;East Futuna;-19.54;170.22 ;;Burrows (1936:71-76), Moyse-Faurie (1993);;;Austronesian;x;;
puka1242;Pukapuka;-10.91;-165.83 ;;Beaglehole and Beaglehole 1938:220-263, Hecht 1977, 1979, Mataola, Tutai and Borofsky 1981, Beaglehole and Beaglehole 1991;;;Austronesian;x;;
anut1237;Anuta;-11.61;169.85 ;;Feinberg 1979a, Feinberg 1973, 1977, 1983(1979b), Kaeppler 1973;;;Austronesian;x;;
tiko1237;Tikopia;-12.28;168.82 ;;Firth (1963), Firth (1985);;;Austronesian;x;;
mung1270;Mungiki (Bellona);-11.62;160.26 ;;Monberg (1976);;;Austronesian;x;;
mung1271;Munggava (Rennell);-11.62;160.26 ;hai- prefix to most of the basic kinship terms indicating a reciprocal relationship between the base and closely associate kin (reciprocate);Hogbin (1931a), Birket-Smith (1956), Elbert (1975);20170511;;Austronesian;x;rel;
west2515;West Futuna;-19.53 ;170.22 ;;Dougherty (1983), Capell (1960), (1984);20170511;;Austronesian;x;;
aniw1237;Aniwa;-19.53 ;170.22 ;;Guiart (1961);20170514;;Austronesian;x;;
taum1237;Taumako;-10.17;166.25 ;;Davenport (1968:161-166);20170515;;Austronesian;x;;
samo1305;Samoan;-13.92;-171.83 ;;Mead (1930:126-146), Shore (1976), Pratt (1984(1893)), Milner (1993(1966));20170515;;Austronesian;x;;
sout2865;South Tuvaluan (Vaitupu);-8.52;179.20 ;;Kennedy (1931), Besnier (1996);20170516;;Austronesian;x;;
onto1237;Luangiua (Ontong Java);-5.49;159.70 ;;Hogbin (1931b);20170516;;Austronesian;x;;
kapi1249;Kapingamarangi;1.04;154.80 ;;Emory (1965:111-118);20170516;;Austronesian;x;;
toke1240;Tokelau;-9.23 ;-171.78 ;;Macgregor (1937:45-47), Huntsman (1971 (H.), 1979 (H. - ‘79)), Huntsman and Hooper (1975 (H&H - ‘75), 1976(H&H - ‘76)), Simona (1986);20170516;;Austronesian;x;;
rapa1244;Rapanui (Easter Island);-27.11;-109.34 ;;Métraux (1940:98-101), Churchill (1912), Englert (1938), Fuentes (1960);20170517;;Austronesian;x;;
marq1246;Marquesas;-9.76;-138.98 ;;Handy (1923:67-71), Kirkpatrick (1983), Dordillion (1932);20170517;;Austronesian;x;;
mang1401;Mangareva;-23.11;-134.97 ;;Hiroa (1938:130-140), Tregear (1899), Rensch (1991);20170517;;Austronesian;x;;
tahi1242;Tahitian;-17.65;-149.45 ;;Oliver (1974:688-748, 828-830), Handy (1930:22-24), Hooper (1970, 1976), Andrews (1944), LeMaitre (1973);20170518;;Austronesian;x;;
tuam1242;Rangiora (N. W. Tuamotus);-16.17;-146.32 ;;(Stimson 1964);20170518;;Austronesian;x;;
tubu1240;Tubuai;-23.38;-149.46 ;;Aitken (1930:26-29);20170518;;Austronesian;x;;
rapa1245;Old Rapa (Rapa);-27.63;-144.34 ;;(Hanson 1970);20170518;;Austronesian;x;;
mang1402;Mangaia;-21.23;-159.78 ;;(Hiroa 1934);20170518;;Austronesian;x;;
penr1237;Penrhyn (Tongareva);-9.08;-157.92 ;;(Hiroa 1932a:17-30);20170518;;Austronesian;x;;
raka1237;Rakahanga-Manihiki;-10.03;-161.09 ;;(Hiroa 1932b:29-36);;;Austronesian;x;;
east2443;East Ambae;-15.35;167.89;;Darrell T. Tryon. 1976. New Hebrides Languages: An Internal Classification. (Pacific Linguistics: Series C, 50.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. v+545pp. (Bibliography: p. 541-545.) ;;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/52375;Austronesian;x;;
indo1317;Indonesian Bajau;-3.69;122.25 ;;Jilis A. J. Verheijen. 1986. The Sama/Bajau Language in the Lesser Sunda Islands. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 70.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. viii+209pp. (Materials in languages of Indonesia No.~32). ;;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/31209;Austronesian;x;;
lena1238;Lenakel;-19.48;169.26 ;;Lynch, John. 1977. Lenakel dictionary. (Pacific linguistics: Series C, 55.) Pacific Linguistics Series C No. Canberra: The Australian National University: Canberra: Department of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University. vii+167pp ;20170530;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/47029;Austronesian;x;;
futu1245;Futuna-Aniwa;-19.53 ;170.22 ;;Capell, Arthur. 1984. Futuna-Aniwa dictionary, with grammatical introduction. (Pacific linguistics: Series C, 56.) Canberra: Dept. of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian Natl. Univ. iv+252pp.;20170530;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/68637;Austronesian;x;;
rade1240;Rade (Rhade);12.98;108.41 ;;Tharp, James A. and Y-Bham ?uôn-ya. 1980. A Rhade-English dictionary with English - Rhade finderlist. (Pacific Linguistics : Series C, Books, 58.) Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. ix+271pp. ;20170530;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/541124;Austronesian;x;;
tuva1244;Tuvalu (Nanumea);-8.52;179.20;;Ranby, Peter. 1980. A Nanumea lexicon. (Pacific Linguistics: Series C, 65.) Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. x+243pp. ;20170531;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/29903;Austronesian;x;;tvl
yabe1254;Yabem;-6.67;147.81 ;;Streicher, J. F. 1982. Jabêm-English dicrionary. (Pacific Linguistics: Series C, 68.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. 706pp. ;20170531;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/98847;Austronesian;x;;
tetu1245;Tetum (Tetun);-9.11;125.53 ;;Morris, Cliff. 1984. Tetun - English Dictionary. Pacific Linguistics, Series C-83. Canberra: ANU. ;20170531;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/125654;Austronesian;x;;
kwam1252;Kwamera;-19.60;169.44 ;;Lindstrom, Lamont. 1986. Kwamera dictionary: Nikukua sai nagkiariien nininife. (Pacific Linguistics: Series C, 95.) Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. ix+195pp. ;20170531;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/47028;Austronesian;x;;
chek1238;Cheke Holo;-8.27;159.62 ;;White, Geoffrey M. and Francis Kokhonigita and Hugo Pulomana. 1988. Cheke Holo (Maringe/Hograno) dictionary. (Pacific Linguistics : Series C, Books, 97.) Canberra: Dept. of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University. xliii+285pp. ;20170531;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/143714;Austronesian;x;;
loni1238;Loniu;-2.06;147.35 ;;Hamel, Patricia J. 1994. A Grammar and Lexicon of Loniu, Papua New Guinea. Pacific Linguistics, Series C-103. Canberra: Australian National University. ;20170601;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/12680;Austronesian;x;;
urak1238;Urak Lawoi;7.53;99.08 ;;Hogan, David W. and Pattemore, Stephen W. 1988. Urak Lawoi': basic structures and a dictionary. (Pacific Linguistics : Series C, Books, 109.) Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. vii+211pp. ;20170601;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/87810;Austronesian;x;;
pama1238;Pama (Paamese);-16.48;168.24 ;;Crowley, Terry. 1992. A dictionary of Paamese. (Pacific linguistics: Series C, 121.) Canberra: Dept. of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University. xxi+256pp. (Includes bibliographical references (p. xx)). ;20170601;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/106886;Austronesian;x;;pma
raro1241;Rarotongan (Cook Islands Maori);-21.23;-159.78 ;;Buse, Jasper and Taringa, Raututi. 1996. Cook Islands Maori dictionary with English-Cook Islands Maori finderlist. (Pacific Linguistics: Series C, 123.) Canberra: Australian National University. viii+712pp.;20170602;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/71051;Austronesian;x;;
atch1238;Atchin;-16.01;167.35 ;;Arthur Capell and J. Layard. 1980. Materials in Atchin, Malekula: Grammar, Vocabulary and Texts. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 20.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. v+260pp. (Bibliography: p. 93-94). ;20170602;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/311166;Austronesian;x;;
tali1262;Talibabu;-1.80;124.87 ;Data incomplete and source word list requires interpretation ;Stokhof, W. A. L. and Saleh-Bronkhorst, Lia. 1980. Holle lists: vocabularies in languages of Indonesia Vol.2: Sula and Bacan islands, North Halmahera, South and East Halmahera. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 28.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University.;20170608;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/13534;Austronesian;x;;
kada1286;Kadai;-1.75;125.14 ;Data incomplete and source word list requires interpretation ;Stokhof, W. A. L. and Saleh-Bronkhorst, Lia. 1980. Holle lists: vocabularies in languages of Indonesia Vol.2: Sula and Bacan islands, North Halmahera, South and East Halmahera. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 28.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University.;20170608;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/13534;Austronesian;x;;
mang1407;Mangei (Sobjo) ;-1.80;124.87 ;Data incomplete and source word list requires interpretation ;Stokhof, W. A. L. and Saleh-Bronkhorst, Lia. 1980. Holle lists: vocabularies in languages of Indonesia Vol.2: Sula and Bacan islands, North Halmahera, South and East Halmahera. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 28.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University.;20170608;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/13534;Austronesian;x;;
mang1408;Sula Mangoli;-1.88 ;125.82 ;Data incomplete and source word list requires interpretation ;Stokhof, W. A. L. and Saleh-Bronkhorst, Lia. 1980. Holle lists: vocabularies in languages of Indonesia Vol.2: Sula and Bacan islands, North Halmahera, South and East Halmahera. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 28.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University.;20170608;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/13534;Austronesian;x;;
sula1245;Sula Fagudu;-2.31;125.97 ;Data incomplete and source word list requires interpretation ;Stokhof, W. A. L. and Saleh-Bronkhorst, Lia. 1980. Holle lists: vocabularies in languages of Indonesia Vol.2: Sula and Bacan islands, North Halmahera, South and East Halmahera. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 28.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University.;20170608;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/13534;Austronesian;x;;
baca1243;Bacanese Malay (Bacan);-0.62;127.49 ;Data incomplete and source word list requires interpretation ;Stokhof, W. A. L. and Saleh-Bronkhorst, Lia. 1980. Holle lists: vocabularies in languages of Indonesia Vol.2: Sula and Bacan islands, North Halmahera, South and East Halmahera. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 28.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University.;20170608;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/13534;Austronesian;x;;
glot0048;Galeia A;1.83;127.83;Data incomplete and source word list requires interpretation ;Stokhof, W. A. L. and Saleh-Bronkhorst, Lia. 1980. Holle lists: vocabularies in languages of Indonesia Vol.2: Sula and Bacan islands, North Halmahera, South and East Halmahera. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 28.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University.;20170612;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/13534;Austronesian;x;;
glot0049;Galeia B;1.83;127.83;Data incomplete and source word list requires interpretation ;Stokhof, W. A. L. and Saleh-Bronkhorst, Lia. 1980. Holle lists: vocabularies in languages of Indonesia Vol.2: Sula and Bacan islands, North Halmahera, South and East Halmahera. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 28.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University.;20170612;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/13534;Austronesian;x;;
lolo1264;Loloda-Laba (Loda);1.95 ;127.77 ;Data incomplete and source word list requires interpretation ;Stokhof, W. A. L. and Saleh-Bronkhorst, Lia. 1980. Holle lists: vocabularies in languages of Indonesia Vol.2: Sula and Bacan islands, North Halmahera, South and East Halmahera. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 28.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University.;20170612;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/13534;Austronesian;x;;
pagu1249;Pagu;1.21;127.78 ;Data incomplete and source word list requires interpretation ;Stokhof, W. A. L. and Saleh-Bronkhorst, Lia. 1980. Holle lists: vocabularies in languages of Indonesia Vol.2: Sula and Bacan islands, North Halmahera, South and East Halmahera. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 28.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University.;20170612;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/13534;Austronesian;x;;
weda1240;Weda;0.51 ;128.09 ;Data incomplete and source word list requires interpretation ;Stokhof, W. A. L. and Saleh-Bronkhorst, Lia. 1980. Holle lists: vocabularies in languages of Indonesia Vol.2: Sula and Bacan islands, North Halmahera, South and East Halmahera. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 28.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University.;20170612;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/13534;Austronesian;x;;
buli1256;Buli;1.00 ;128.44 ;Data incomplete and source word list requires interpretation ;Stokhof, W. A. L. and Saleh-Bronkhorst, Lia. 1980. Holle lists: vocabularies in languages of Indonesia Vol.2: Sula and Bacan islands, North Halmahera, South and East Halmahera. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 28.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University.;20170612;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/13534;Austronesian;x;;
sawa1247;Sawai;0.51;128.09 ;Data incomplete and source word list requires interpretation ;Stokhof, W. A. L. and Saleh-Bronkhorst, Lia. 1980. Holle lists: vocabularies in languages of Indonesia Vol.2: Sula and Bacan islands, North Halmahera, South and East Halmahera. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 28.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University.;20170612;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/13534;Austronesian;x;;
pata1260;Patani;0.34 ;128.63 ;Data incomplete and source word list requires interpretation ;Stokhof, W. A. L. and Saleh-Bronkhorst, Lia. 1980. Holle lists: vocabularies in languages of Indonesia Vol.2: Sula and Bacan islands, North Halmahera, South and East Halmahera. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 28.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University.;20170612;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/13534;Austronesian;x;;
maba1278;Maba (Indonesia);0.59;128.42 ;Data incomplete and source word list requires interpretation ;Stokhof, W. A. L. and Saleh-Bronkhorst, Lia. 1980. Holle lists: vocabularies in languages of Indonesia Vol.2: Sula and Bacan islands, North Halmahera, South and East Halmahera. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 28.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University.;20170612;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/13534;Austronesian;x;;
gane1237;Gane (Gimán);-0.43 ;127.98 ;Data incomplete and source word list requires interpretation ;Stokhof, W. A. L. and Saleh-Bronkhorst, Lia. 1980. Holle lists: vocabularies in languages of Indonesia Vol.2: Sula and Bacan islands, North Halmahera, South and East Halmahera. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 28.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University.;20170612;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/13534;Austronesian;x;;
akla1241;Aklanon;11.55;122.35 ;;Salas Reyes, Vicente. 1968. Dictionary (of Root Words and Derivations), Aklanon to English. (A Study of the Aklanon Dialect, 2.) Manila: Peace Corps. 401pp. ;20170614;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/14965;Austronesian;x;x;
kamb1299;Kambera;-9.88;120.23 ;;From Symmetry to Asymmetry. An Evolutionary Interpretation of Eastern Sumbanese Relationship Terminology;20170614;;Austronesian;x;;
uabm1237;Atoni (Uab Meto);-9.77;124.14 ;;Schulte Nordholt, R. G. 1981. The political system of the Atoni of Timor. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 60.) 's Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoff. 555pp ;20170614;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/472332;Austronesian;x;;
bann1247;Bannoni;-6.23;155.13 ;;Lincoln, Peter Craig. 1976. Describing Banoni: An Austronesian Language of Southwest Bougainville. Ann Arbor: UMI. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa; 312pp.) ;20170614;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/18369;Austronesian;x;;
bari1288;Bario Kelabit bari1288;3.32;115.43 ;;Janowski, Monica. Being 'Big', Beeing 'Good': Feeding, kinship, potency and status among the Kelabit of Sarawak. In: Kinship and Food in South East Asia. Nordic Institute of Asian Studies. NIAS No. 38. Edited by Monica Janowski and Fiona Kerlogue. 2007.;20170614;https://books.google.de/books?id=ScykJxGVNXYC&pg=PA96&lpg=PA96&dq=kelabit+kinship&source=bl&ots=b6oYHySdrG&sig=OqoGIumbOlPCdywSbgn-6LYy82Q&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwif99qo87zUAhWHKVAKHbHbApoQ6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q=kelabit%20kinship&f=false;Austronesian;x;;
bilb1241;Bilibil;-5.27;145.76 ;;Dempwolff, Otto. 1909. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Sprache von Bilibili. Mitteilungen des Seminars für Orientalische Sprachen 12. 221-261. ;20170614;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/121232;Austronesian;x;;
buka1261;Bukat;1.29;113.25 ;;Shanthi Thambiah. 2007. The emergence of the ethnic category Bhuket: diversity and the collective hunter-gatherer identity in Borneo. In Sercombe, Peter and Bernard Sellato (eds.), Beyond the green myth: Borneo's hunter-gatherers in the 21st century, 91-109. Copenhagen: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies. ;20170614;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/56723;Austronesian;x;;
buru1303;Buru;-3.44;126.63 ;;Charles E. Grimes. 1991. The Buru Language of Eastern Indonesia. Canberra: Dept. of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian Natl. Univ. (Doctoral dissertation, Australian National University; xvi+562pp.) ;20170614;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/155236;Austronesian;x;;
cebu1242;Cebuano;8.39;124.37 ;;Wolff, John Ulrich. 1972. A dictionary of Cebuano Visayan. Cornell University, Southeast Asia Program and Linguistic Society of the Philippines. xx+1164pp. (2 vols.) ;20170614;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/317904;Austronesian;x;;
cham1312;Chamorro;15.23;145.75 ;;Edward R. von Preissig. 1918. Dictionary and Grammar of the Chamorro Language of the Island of Guam. Washington: Government Printing Office. vi+235pp. ;20170614;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/54796;Austronesian;x;;
beka1241;Riuk Bekati' (Dayak);1.33;109.58 ;;Sudarsono, P. D. 2002. Description of the Bakatik Dayak language. (Doctoral dissertation, LaTrobe University; xxvii+545pp.) ;20170614;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/465833;Austronesian;x;;
dobu1241;Dobu;-9.63;150.82 ;;Martin B. Atchison. 1995. Dobuan grammar. Cymru: Joseph Biddulph. 60pp. ;20170616;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/439087;Austronesian;x;;
iliu1237;Ili'uun;-7.84;125.90 ;;de Josselin de Jong, Jan Petrus Benjamin. 1947. Studies in Indonesian Culture II: The community of Erai (Wetar) (Texts and Notes). (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijke Nederlandsche Akademie van Wetenschappen, Adf.~Letterkunde: Nieuwe Reeks, L:2.) Amsterdam: Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers-Maatschappij. 152pp. ;20170616;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/116668;Austronesian;x;;
gadd1244;Gaddang;16.55 ;121.18 ;;Calimag, Estrella de Lara. 1965. A Gaddang word list with English equivalents. (MA thesis, Columbia University; 286pp.) ;20170616;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/12140;Austronesian;x;;
alan1249;Alangan;13.10;121.02 ;;Barbian, Karl-Josef. 1977. English-Mangyan vocabulary. Cebu City: University of San Carlos. 156pp. ;20170616;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/301821;Austronesian;x;;
west2559;Western Tawbuid (Batangan);12.82;121.03 ;;Barbian, Karl-Josef. 1977. English-Mangyan vocabulary. Cebu City: University of San Carlos. 156pp. ;20170616;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/301821;Austronesian;x;;
buhi1245;Buhid;12.64;121.21 ;;Barbian, Karl-Josef. 1977. English-Mangyan vocabulary. Cebu City: University of San Carlos. 156pp. ;20170616;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/301821;Austronesian;x;;
hanu1241;Hanunoo;12.42 ;121.22 ;;Barbian, Karl-Josef. 1977. English-Mangyan vocabulary. Cebu City: University of San Carlos. 156pp. ;20170616;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/301821;Austronesian;x;;
rata1245;Ratagnon;12.28;121.19 ;;Barbian, Karl-Josef. 1977. English-Mangyan vocabulary. Cebu City: University of San Carlos. 156pp. ;20170616;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/301821;Austronesian;x;;
iray1237;Iraya;13.38;120.65 ;;Barbian, Karl-Josef. 1977. English-Mangyan vocabulary. Cebu City: University of San Carlos. 156pp. ;20170616;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/301821;Austronesian;x;;
tady1237;Tadyawan;13.02;121.31 ;;Barbian, Karl-Josef. 1977. English-Mangyan vocabulary. Cebu City: University of San Carlos. 156pp. ;20170616;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/301821;Austronesian;x;;
iban1264;Iban;2.09;112.93 ;;Cultures of the Pacific. Edited by Thomas G. Harding, Ben J. Wallace;20170620;;Austronesian;x;;
iban1267;Ibanag;17.42;121.89 ;;Ibanag indigenous religious beliefs: a study in culture and education / Marino Gatan ;20170620;;Austronesian;x;;
idaa1241;Ida'an;5.29;118.52 ;;Nelleke Goudswaard. 2005. The Begak (Ida'an) Language of Sabah. 107. Utrecht: LOT. (Doctoral dissertation, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; xix+520pp.) ;20170620;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/82814;Austronesian;x;;dbj
mele1250;Mele-Fila (Ifira-Mele);-17.68;168.28 ;;Samuel H. Elbert. no date. A vocabulary of Mele and Fila words. Ms. 18pp. ;20170620;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/321062;Austronesian;x;;mxe
ilok1237;Iloko (Ilokano);15.94;120.99 ;;Agcaoili, Aurelio Solver. 2011. English-Ilokano Dictionary. Quezon City: Cornerstone of Arts & Sciences. 1008pp. ;20170620;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/108643;Austronesian;x;;ilo
ivat1242;Itbayat;20.38;121.97 ;;Yamada, Yukihiro. 1966. A preliminary Itbayaten vocabulary. Quezon: Institute of Asian Studies, University of the Philippines. 244pp. ;20170620;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/108643;Austronesian;x;;ivv
indo1316;Indonesian;-7.33;109.72 ;;;20170621;;Austronesian;x;;ind
ahin1234;Kalinga (Ahin-Kayapa Kalanguya);16.32;120.90 ;Kinship terms may have come from Ilokano;Afable, Patricia Okubo. 1989. Language, culture, and society in a Kallahan community, northern Luzon, Philippines. (Doctoral dissertation, New Haven: Yale University; 599pp.) ;20170621;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/128937;Austronesian;x;;kak
saar1237;Saaroa;23.26;120.71 ;;Chia-jung Pan. 2012. A Grammar of Lha'alua, an Austronesian Language of Taiwan. (Doctoral dissertation, James Cook University; 417pp.) ;20170621;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/309525;Austronesian;x;;sxr
pamp1243;Pampanga (Kampampangan);14.96;120.50 ;;Parker, Luther. 1905. An English-Spanish-Pampango dictionary. Manila: American Book and News Co. 164pp. ;20170621;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/82207;Austronesian;x;;pam
zaba1237;Zabana (Kia);-7.74;158.75 ;;Fitzsimons, Matthew. 1989. Zabana: A grammar of a Solomon Islands language. (MA thesis, University of Auckland; 180pp.);20170627;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/58848;Austronesian;x;;kji
kili1267;Kilivila;-8.73;151.07 ;;Gunter Senft. 1986. Kilivila: The Language of the Trobriand Islanders. (Mouton Grammar Library, 3.) Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. xiii+598pp. ;20170627;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/64260;Austronesian;x;;kij
kuan1248;Kuanua;-4.31;152.11 ;;Fingleton, J. S. 1986. Tolai kiship concepts: correspondence between Kuanua and Tok Pisin terminology. Canberra. 291-312pp ;20170628;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/25770;Austronesian;x;;ksd
lama1277;Lamaholot;-8.36;122.80 ;;Kunio Nishiyama and Herman Kelen. 2007. A Grammar of Lamaholot, Eastern Indonesia: The morphology and syntax of the Lewoingu dialect. (Languages of the World/Materials, 467.) München: Lincom. 188pp. ;20170628;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/32420;Austronesian;x;;slp
mini1251;Minigir (Lunga);-4.32;152.00 ;;Van Der Mark, Sheena. 2007. A Grammar of Vinitiri: An Austronesian language from Papua New Guinea. (Doctoral dissertation, LaTrobe University; 415pp.) ;20170628;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/118332;Austronesian;x;;vmg
maan1238;Ma'anyan;-2.12;115.09 ;;Hudson, Alfred B. 1967. Padju Epat: The ethnography and social structure of a Ma'anjan Dajak group in Southeastern Borneo. (Doctoral dissertation, Ithaca: Cornell University; 598pp.) ;20170628;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/312062;Austronesian;x;;mxe
mang1405;Manggarai;-8.56;120.33 ;;David Hicks. A Relationship Terminology of Asymmetric Prescriptive Alliance among the Manggarai of Eastern Indonesia. Anthropos, Bd. 79, H. 4./6. (1984), pp. 517-521.;;;Austronesian;x;;
mana1295;Manam;-4.08;145.03 ;;Camilla H. Wedgewood. Manam Kinship. Oceania, Vol. 29, No. 4 (Jun., 1959), pp. 239-256.;20170703;;Austronesian;x;;mva
west2555;Western Bukidnon Manobo;7.34;124.77 ;;Richard E. Elkins. Three Models of Western Bukidnon Manobo Kinship. Ethnology, Vol. 7, No. 2 (Apr., 1968), pp. 171-189.;20170703;;Austronesian;x;;mbb
cota1241;Cotabato Manobo;6.39;124.23 ;;Kerr, Harland B. 1988. Cotabato Manobo ethnography. Studies in Philippine Linguistics 7. 125-151. (Publication of Harland B. Kerr 1957 The Cotabato Manobo ..., MA U Sydney). ;20170703;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/51236;Austronesian;x;;mta
mars1254;Marshallese;8.72;167.73 ;;Michael Rynkiewich. Soul, Self, and Society: A Postmodern Anthropology for Mission in a Postcolonial World;20170703;;Austronesian;x;;mah
naka1262;Nakanai;-5.60;150.89 ;;Ann Chowning and Ward H. Goodenough. 2015. A dictionary of the Lakalai (Nakanai) language of New Britain, Papua New Guinea. Ms. 424pp. ;20170704;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/469059;Austronesian;x;;nak
taki1248;Takia;-4.69;145.97 ;;Melcolm Ross;20170704;;Austronesian;x;;tbc
cent2101;Central Melanau;2.52;111.35 ;;A. E. Lawrence. 1933. A vocabulary of Mukah Milano. Sarawak Museum Journal 4. 87-130. ;20170704;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/89467;Austronesian;x;;mel
plat1254;Plateau Malagasy;-19.59;47.12 ;;WOLD;20170704;;Austronesian;x;;plt
mina1268;Minangkabau;4.17;96.25 ;;Lynn L. Thomas. Crow-Type Skewing in Akan Kinship Vocabulary and Its Absence in Minangkabau. American Ethnologist, Vol. 7, No. 3 (Aug., 1980), pp. 549-566.;20170705;;Austronesian;x;;min
mort1237;Mortlockese;7.35;151.62 ;;Odango, Emerson. 2015. Afféú Fangani ‘Join Together’: A Morphophonemic Analysis Of Possessive Suffix Paradigms And A Discourse-Based Ethnography Of The Elicitation Session In Pakin Lukunosh Mortlockese. University of Hawai'i at Mānoa Ph.D. dissertation.;20170705;;Austronesian;x;;mrl
mota1237;Mota;-13.85;167.69 ;;Robert Codrington and Jim Palmer. 1896. A dictionary of the language of Mota, Sugarloaf Island, Banks Islands. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 343pp. ;20170705;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/20301;Austronesian;x;;mtt
motu1246;Motu;-9.67;147.42 ;;Murray Groves. Motu Kinship Terminology. Man Vol. 58 (Aug., 1958), pp. 131-132. ;20170705;;Austronesian;x;;meu
muna1247;Muna;-5.40;122.54 ;;Lydia van den Berg-Klingeman and René van den Berg. Muna kinship terminology. Sulang Language Data and Working Papers: Ethnographic Descriptions, no. 1. 2010.;20170706;;Austronesian;x;;mnb
muss1246;Mussau-Emira;-1.44;149.62 ;;John Brownie and Marjo Brownie. 2007. Mussau Grammar Essentials. (Data Papers on Papua New Guinea Languages, 52.) Ukarumpa: Summer Institute of Linguistics. iv+221pp. (Bibliographie S. 215-216). ;20170706;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/31845;Austronesian;x;;emi
sout2857;Nahavaq;-16.51;167.48 ;;Laura Gail Dimock. 2009. A grammar of Nahavaq (Malakula, Vanuatu). (Doctoral dissertation, Victoria University of Wellington; 300pp.);20170706;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/303389;Austronesian;x;;sns
nang1262;Nanggu;-10.74;165.89 ;;Anders Vaa. 2013. A Grammar of Engdewu: An Oceanic language of Solomon Islands. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Oslo; xxxiv+562pp.) ;20170706;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/318787;Austronesian;x;;ngr
neha1247;Nehan;-4.57;154.20 ;;Glennon, John and Glennon, Arianna. 2005. Nehan-English dictionary. [Manuscript] 240, 49 p. 240pp. ;20170707;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/137204;Austronesian;x;;nsn
nese1235;Nese;-15.95;167.22 ;;Crowley, Terry. 2006. Nese: A diminishing speech variety of Northwest Malakula (Vanuatu). (Pacific Linguistics, 577.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. xiii+81pp.;20170707;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/39695;Austronesian;x;;
vinm1237;Neve'ei;-16.23;167.43 ;;Musgrave, Jill. 2007. A grammar of Neve'ei, Vanuatu. (Pacific Linguistics, 587.) Canberra: Australian National University. x+146pp. (Also as MPhil 2001 Hamilton: University of Waikato). ;20170707;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/35315;Austronesian;x;;vnm
gela1263;Gela;-9.05;160.19 ;;Ingrid Miller. 1975. Gela Syntax. (Doctoral dissertation, University of London; 609pp.) ;20170707;;Austronesian;x;;nlg
numb1247;Numbami;-7.53;147.30 ;;http://faroutliers.blogspot.de/2008/10/numbami-kinship-terminology-png.html;20170709;;Austronesian;x;;sij
biak1248;Biak;-0.95;135.88 ;;Danilyn Rutherford. Love, Violence, and Foreign Wealth: Kinship and History in Biak, Irian Jaya. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol. 4, No. 2 (Jun., 1998), pp. 255-281.;20170709;;Austronesian;x;;bhw
kawi1241;Old Javanese (Kawi);-0.57;110.89 ;;James J. Fox. The Ordering of Generations: Change and Continuity in Old Javanese Kinship. Southeast Asia in the 9th to 14th Centuries. David G. Marr and A. C. Milner.;20170709;;Austronesian;x;;kaw (jav)
paiw1248;Paiwan;22.33;120.81 ;;Hans Egli. 1990. Paiwangrammatik. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz. xi+349pp. ;20170709;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/31302;Austronesian;x;;pwn
pala1344;Palauan;7.34;134.48 ;;Salvator Walleser. 1913. Palau Wörterbuch. Hong Kong: Typis Societatis Missionum ad Exteros. 268pp. ;20170710;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/543201;Austronesian;x;;pau
broo1239;Brooke's Point Palawano;8.84;117.87 ;;Dale Duhé and Linda Duhé. 1996. Menge Beres Pengeldew-peldew (A Phrase Book for Palawano, Brooke's Point). Summer Institute of Linguistics. 74pp. ;20170711;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/112121;Austronesian;x;;plw
pang1290;Pangasinan;15.94;120.36 ;;Rayner, Ernest Adolphus. 1923. Grammar and dictionary of the Pangasinan language Gramatica tan diccionario na salitay Pangasinan. Manila: Methodist Pub. House. 96pp. ;20170711;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/70445;Austronesian;x;;pag
pohn1238;Pohnpeian;6.87;158.22 ;;Rehg, Kenneth L. 1979. Ponapean-English dictionary. (Pali Language Texts: Micronesia, Pali Language Texts : Micronesia.) Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. xxiii+254pp. ;20170711;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/82918;Austronesian;x;;pon
tuka1249;Tukang Besi South;-5.75;123.95 ;;Mark Donohue. 2000. Tukang Besi dialectology. In Charles E. Grimes (ed.), Spices from the east: papers in languages of eastern Indonesia, 181-235. Pacific Linguistics, 55-72. Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. ;20170712;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/179892;Austronesian;x;;bhq
sons1242;Sonsorol;7.47;134.56 ;;Capell, Arthur. 1969. Grammar and Vocabulary of the Language of Sonsorol-Tobi. (Oceania Linguistic Monographs, 12.) Oceania Linguistic Monographs No. Sydney: University of Sydney: Sydney: University of Sydney. 224pp. ;20170712;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/36690;Austronesian;x;;sov
hano1246;Raga (Hano);-15.54;168.17 ;;Masanori Yoshioka. The Story of Raga: A man's ethnography on his own society (II) kin relations. Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts Shinshu University No. 22.;20170712;;Austronesian;x;;lml
reja1240;Rejang (Rejangese) reja;-3.33;102.43 ;;M. A. Jaspan. 1984. Materials for a Rejang-Indonesian-English dictionary. (Pacific Linguistics: Series D, 58.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. 183pp. ;20170713;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/79435;Austronesian;x;;rej
rotu1241;Rotuman;-12.50;177.07 ;;Aubrey L. Parke. Rotuman, Custom, Practise and Change. Coombs Academic Publishing ANU.;20170713;;Austronesian;x;;rtm
rovi1238;Roviana;-8.20;157.41 ;;J. H. L. Waterhouse and L. M. Jones. 1949. A Roviana and English Dictionary. Sydney: Epworth Publishin House. 245pp. ;20170714;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/319882;Austronesian;x;;rug
sais1237;Saisiyat;24.60;121.07 ;;Li, Paul Jen Kuei. 1978. A comparative vocabulary of Saisiyat dialects. Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology 49. 133-199. ;20170714;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/320747;Austronesian;x;;xsy
cent2092;Central Sama;7.00;118.46 ;;http://sinama.org/2014/03/sama-tausug-kinship-terminology/;20170714;;Austronesian;x;;sml
taus1251a;Tausug;5.12;118.88 ;;http://sinama.org/2014/03/sama-tausug-kinship-terminology/;20170714;;Austronesian;x;;tsg
owaa1237;Owa (Santa Ana);-10.83;162.30 ;;Greg Mellow. 2014. A dictionary of Owa: A language of the Solomon Islands. (Pacific Linguistics, 639.) Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. 821pp. ;20170716;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/318883;Austronesian;x;;stn
sata1237;Satawalese;7.36;147.04 ;;Roddy, Kevin M. 2007. A sketch grammar of Satawalese, the language of Satawal Island, Yap State, Micronesia. (MA thesis, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa; 212pp.) ;20170717;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/51878;Austronesian;x;;stw
sika1262;Sika;-8.67;122.38 ;;Hanna Fricke. 2014. Topics in the Grammar of Hewa: A variety of Sika in Eastern Indonesia. München: LINCOM. 104pp. ;20170717;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/320303;Austronesian;x;;ski
sika1261;Sikaiana;-8.38;162.73 ;;Capell, Arthur. 1935, 1936, 1936, 1936, 1937. The Sikayana language: A preliminary grammar and vocabulary and a Sikayana vocabulary. Journal of the Polynesian Society 44, 45, 45, 45, 46. 163-172, 9-16, 67-73, 142-153, 24-31. AND: sikaianaarchives.com/ethnography/chapter-6/;20170717;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/27764;Austronesian;x;;sky
baub1235;Bau-Jagoi Bidayuh;1.54;109.98 ;;http://amangalui.blogspot.de/2012/02/kinship-in-bidayuh-community.html;20170717;;Austronesian;x;;sne
sout2883;Southeast Babar;-7.94;129.80 ;;Mark Taber. 1993. Toward a better understanding of the Indigenous Languages of Southwestern Maluku. Oceanic Linguistics 32. 389-441. ;20170717;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/110693;Austronesian;x;;vbb
sout2869;Southwest Tanna;-19.58;169.36 ;;Nehrbass, Kenneth. 2012. A Comprehensive Comparison of Lexemes in the Major Languages of Tanna, Vanuatu. (SIL e-Books, 34.) SIL International. 266pp. ;20170717;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/312803;Austronesian;x;;nwi
sund1252;Sundanese;-6.90;107.11 ;;Franz Müller-Gotama. 2001. Sundanese. (Languages of the World/Materials, 369.) Munich: München: Lincom. iii+74pp ;20170718;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/47326;Austronesian;x;;sun
bali1278;Balinese;-8.36;115.08 ;;Blair D. Palmer. Production Grammars for the Kinship Terminologies of Burmese and several Indonesian Languages. McGill University, Montreal. March, 1997. collectionscanada.gc.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp01/MQ37156.pdf;20170718;;Austronesian;x;;ban
banj1239;Banjar;0.75;115.79 ;;Blair D. Palmer. Production Grammars for the Kinship Terminologies of Burmese and several Indonesian Languages. McGill University, Montreal. March, 1997. collectionscanada.gc.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp01/MQ37156.pdf;20170718;;Austronesian;x;;bjn
achi1257;Achinese;3.91;96.60 ;;Blair D. Palmer. Production Grammars for the Kinship Terminologies of Burmese and several Indonesian Languages. McGill University, Montreal. March, 1997. collectionscanada.gc.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp01/MQ37156.pdf;20170718;;Austronesian;x;;ace
bata1289;Batak Toba;2.35;99.18 ;;Blair D. Palmer. Production Grammars for the Kinship Terminologies of Burmese and several Indonesian Languages. McGill University, Montreal. March, 1997. collectionscanada.gc.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp01/MQ37156.pdf;20170718;;Austronesian;x;;bbc
nucl1460;Madurese;-7.00 ;113.00 ;;Blair D. Palmer. Production Grammars for the Kinship Terminologies of Burmese and several Indonesian Languages. McGill University, Montreal. March, 1997. collectionscanada.gc.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp01/MQ37156.pdf;20170718;;Austronesian;x;;mad
cent2090;Central Tagbanwa;10.65;119.34 ;;Scebold, Robert A. 2003. Central Tagbanwa: a Philippine language on the brink of extinction; sociolinguistics, grammar, and lexicon. (Linguistic Society of the Philippines: Special Monograph Issue, 48.) Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines. xii+168pp. ;20170718;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/81186;Austronesian;x;;tgt
tetu1246;Tetun Dili (Tetum);-8.58;125.58 ;;Catharina Williams-van Klinken. 2003. Tetun Language Course. Peace Corps East Timor. 340pp. ;20170719;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/52359;Austronesian;x;;tdt
thao1240;Thao;23.83;120.93 ;;Robert Blust. 2003. Thao Dictionary. (Language and Linguistics Monograph Series, A5.) Taipei: Academia Sinica, Institute of Ethnology. viii+1106pp. (Includes English Thao index). ;2017020;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/143591;Austronesian;x;;ssf
tali1259;Talise (Tolo);-9.77;160.23 ;;Crowley, Susan Smith. 1986. Tolo dictionary. (Pacific Linguistics: Series C, 91.) Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. 107pp.;2017020;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/27644;Austronesian;x;;tlr
tomb1243;Tombulu;1.40;124.75 ;;Emmor H. N. Sujadi. Thesis: Tombulu Kinship Terminologies. Nanado State University. 2007 https://de.scribd.com/document/6101850/Tombulu-Kinship-Terminologies;2017021;;Austronesian;x;;tom
tons1240;Tonsea;1.51;125.05 ;;http://makatana.blogspot.de/2009/06/kinship-term-in-tonsea-language.html;2017021;;Austronesian;x;;txs
tung1290;Tungag;-2.52;150.20 ;;Tungag Word List SIL: https://www.google.de/search?q=tungag+kinship&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-ab&gfe_rd=cr&ei=TZNzWY-LLK_VXqPBssgN;2017021;;Austronesian;x;;lcm
pile1238;Vaekau-Taumako;-10.17;166.25 ;;Åshild Næss and Even Hovdhaugen. 2011. A Grammar of Vaeakau-Taumako. (Mouton Grammar Library, 52.) Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 519pp. ;2017022;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/105009;Austronesian;x;;piv
vari1239;Varisi;-6.83;156.66 ;;Harold W. Scheffler. Choiseul Island Social Structure.;2017022;;Austronesian;x;;vrs
mudu1242;Muduapa (Vitu);-4.70;149.49 ;his/her = -na;René van den Berg and Peter Bachet. 2006. Vitu Grammar Sketch. (Data Papers on Papua New Guinea Languages, 51.) Ukarumpa: Summer Institute of Linguistics. 258pp. ;2017024;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/25827;Austronesian;x;;wiv
nage1237;Nage;-8.71;121.31 ;;Gregory Forth. Nage kin terms; A new form of eastern Indonesian social classification. In: Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 149 (1993), no: 1, Leiden, 94-123;2017024;;Austronesian;x;;nxe
woge1237;Wogeo;-3.20;144.09 ;;Ian Hogbin. Wogeo Kinship Terminology. Oceania, Vol. 34, No. 4 (Jun., 1964), pp. 308-309.;2017024;;Austronesian;x;;woc
wole1240;Woleaian;7.38;143.92 ;;Ho-Min Sohn. 1975. Woleaian Reference Grammar. (Pali Language Texts Micronesia.) Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. 316pp. ;2017024;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/140871;Austronesian;x;;woe
woli1241;Wolio;-5.33;122.67 ;;Johannes Cornelis Anceaux. 1952. The Wolio Language: Outline of Grammatical Description and Texts. 11. 's-Gravenhage. (Doctoral dissertation, Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden; 66pp.) ;2017024;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/102411;Austronesian;x;;wlo
yaka1277;Yakan;6.53;122.02 ;;Behrens, Dietlinde. 2002. Yakan-English dictionary. (Philippine journal of linguistics : special monograph issue; 40,2, Philippine journal of linguistics : special monograph issue.) Linguistic Society of the Philippines, Special Monograph Issue, 40. 512pp. (Includes bibliographical references (p. 610).) ;2017025;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/134664;Austronesian;x;;yka
cent2084;Central Cagayan Agta;17.96;121.86 ;;Phyllis M. Healey. 1960. An Agta Grammar. Manila: Bureau of Printing. vi+103pp. (Publication of 1958 MA U Sydney.) ;2017025;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/138026;Austronesian;x;;agt
west2560;West Coast Bajau;6.01;116.12 ;;Miller, Mark T. 2007. A Grammar of West Coast Bajau. University of Texas Arlington, PhD thesis. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Texas at Arlington; xxxiii+464pp.) ;2017025;http://glottolog.org/resource/reference/id/59165;Austronesian;x;;bdr