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81 lines (59 loc) · 3.57 KB

Using data object that includes depends_on


The problem happens where:

  • compatibility is required with both Terraform 0.12.x and 0.13.x
  • data {} block requires an attribute from a resource {} block, like this:
resource google_compute_network initial {
  name                    = "example-vpc"
  auto_create_subnetworks = false

data google_compute_network passthrough {
  name =

  # tf-0.12: Do not use depends_on!
  # tf-0.13: Needs depends_on for this particular case.
  # tf-0.14: Works well both ways.
  depends_on = [google_compute_network.initial]

resource google_compute_subnetwork this {
  name          = "example-subnet"
  network       = data.google_compute_network.passthrough.self_link
  ip_cidr_range = ""

The behavior of the example is:

  • For Terraform-0.12, the consequences are quite dire and need to be documented in the corresponding README document:

    • Never run terraform refresh, it forces a subsequent destroy/recreate of multiple resources. Recover from it by restoring the tfstate from backup. No workaround available, which means that the production environment can never be refreshed to fully re-read the currently existing cloud resources.
    • Every apply will also destroy/recreate all the dependant resources.
    • The workaround is to always use: terraform apply --refresh=false
    • For planning, use: terraform plan --refresh=false
    • Actually tested on 0.12.29.
  • For Terraform-0.13 (actually tested 0.13.6), all works well.

  • For Terraform-0.14+, all is good both ways.

Without depends_on

You can simply remove the depends_on above.

  • For Terraform-0.12 (actually tested 0.12.29), all works well.

  • For Terraform-0.13:

    • The terraform apply just fails (except when the resource exists already).
    • The terraform apply --refresh=false fails in an identical manner.
    • Only some of the types of data objects are impacted, not sure which (e.g. it happens with data.google_compute_network but not with data.google_compute_subnetwork).
    • The workaround is: terraform apply --target google_compute_network.initial
    • The workaround is user-visible and needs to be documented in the corresponding README document.
    • Actually tested on 0.13.6.
  • For Terraform-0.14+, all is good both ways.

Root Cause

Unsuccessful attempt at explaining the root cause: this support thread for 0.13 suggests that the behavior exists because the attribute is marked non-computed, however in our case the attribute data.google_compute_network.passthrough.self_link is seemingly marked computed per the source code.


Thus, the alternative recommendations are (sorted starting from the best one):

  1. Strong recommendation to require the latest GA version of Terraform enforcing it with required_version mechanism.

  2. Test the code with Terraform 0.13.x (a data {} block requiring an attribute coming from a resource {} block), if impacted:

    • avoid this code pattern altogether,
    • alternatively, keep depends_on but drop the 0.12.x compatibility with required_version = ">= 0.13"
    • alternatively, remove depends_on from code and accept that 0.13 will not run cleanly; document the precise workaround commands for users.