Releases: palladiumkenya/kenyahmis-releases
Interoperability Layer v2.0.0
This release introduces IL v2.0.0.
The release major enhancements are:
- Prioritization of prescriptions, dispensing, observation, registration & update to be processed first.
- Porting to MySQL database.
To configure, IL follow below manual.
Installation and Training Materials
Call Helpdesk for any questions 0800 722 440 or email [email protected]
IQCare v2.2.1 - Patch
IQCare v2.2.1-Patch
This patch fixes the following bugs noted after releasing IQCare v2.2.0.
- Pharmacy prescription mapping to the incorrect patient;
- TI mapping as New clients;
- Patient dashboard showing the incorrect regimen;
To get a list of cc numbers of patients affected by the pharmacy bug, run the attached script.
If running IQCare v2.2.0, upgrade to IQCare v2.2.1-Patch.
If running other lower versions, upgrade directly to IQCare v2.2.1-Patch.
IQCare v2.2.0
The new releases introduces:
OTZ Enrollment Form
OTZ form in IQCare
OTZ activity form in IQCare
OVC Enrollment Form in IQCare
OVC Care Termination Form in IQCare
To install IQCare v2.2.0,
Backup IQCare Database.
Unintall IQCare, IQCare Service and IQCare Management.
Install IQCare, IQCare Service and IQCare Management.
Configure IQCare Service.
Run DBMigration.
To download all the Prerequisites, click on the link below
Installation and Training Materials
Contact Helpdesk for any questions 0800 722 440 or [email protected]
KenyaEMR v17.0.4
This a release for KenyaEMR v17.0.4
This release introduces the following:
Adolescent checklist
OTZ Enrollment Form
OTZ activity form
OTZ Reporting Tool
OTZ appointment and adherence report
OVC Enrolment form
OVC Care Termination Form
Bug fixes
Additional of HTS contact delete function
Fix missing data in patient summary (TCA)
Fix bug that prevents stopping regimen.
Fix bug that prevented starting regimen on enrollment date.
Installation and Training Materials
Call Helpdesk for any questions 0800 722 440 or email [email protected]
The kenyaEMRCharts-1.0.5 omod resolves the bug after upgrading to KenyaEMR v 17.0.3. The system tries to load but defaults to a UI Framework error which points to a missing ETL table. The exact error is "*Table 'kenyaemr_etl.etl_current_in_care' doesn't exist ".
KenyaEMR 17.0.3
This a release for KenyaEMR v17.0.3
KenyaEMR v17.0.3 introduces the following new registers:
- Daily Activity Registers.
- IPT Registers.
- ART Cohort Analysis Register.
- Active on ART Line List.
Other features are:
- Addition of mUzima Queue under HIV Testing Services.
IQCare v2.1.1
IQCare v2.1.1
The attached release notes documents the new features, enhancements and bug fixes addressed by this release
To install IQCare v2.1.1,
- Backup IQCare Database.
- Unintall IQCare, IQCare Service and IQCare Management.
- Install IQCare, IQCare Service and IQCare Management.
- Configure IQCare Service.
- Run DBMigration.
To fix existing appointments (addresses categorization of Pending, Missed and Met appointments in both IQCare and IQTools), run the attached script called Fix_Existing_Appointments_Status_From_Oct_2018.
To migrate patient not migrated from Blue card to Green card, run the query attached called Migrate_Stuck_BlueCard_Patients.sql
To download all the Prerequisites, click on the link below
Installation and Training Materials
Contact Helpdesk for any questions 0800 722 440 or [email protected]
IQCare v2.0.0
This a release for IQCare v2.0.0 and IQTools v3.5.7
IQCare v2.0.0 introduces New Features and very important bugFixes as per user request. This release also depicts the new direction in terms UI/UX IQCare is leaning towards.
New Features
Universal Registration
PMTCT (ANC, HEI, Maternity and PNC)
Independent Triage Module
Extension of the Lab Module
Patient Merge Feature
IQTools: New reports and registers
i. Treatment Preparation Register
ii. HTS Lab Register
iii. Referral & Linkages Register
iv. Antenatal Care Register
v. Maternity Register
vi. Postnatal Care Register
vii. Family testing register
vii. HEI Register
IQTools: Reports (HTS, PMTCT, HIV Care & Treatment)
i. DATIM (MER 2.0 Version 2.3 (Sept 2018)
ii. 2016 MoH731
Please refer to the release notes and installation guide for specific details on new features,enhancements ,bug fixes and an update/new installation guide.
To download all the Prerequisites, click on the link below
Installation and Training Materials
KenyaEMR 17.0.2
This a release for KenyaEMR v17.0.2
KenyaEMR v17.0.2 introduces new features, enhancements and bug fixes. Refer to the release notes for details.
The release targets implementations that are already running KenyaEMR v17.0.1
To install KenyaEMR v17.0.2:
• Ensure you have KenyaEMR v17.0.1 installed.
• Backup existing KenyaEMR v17.0.1 database.
• Install the new KenyaEMR v17.0.2.
Follow the link below to access training and installation materials.
Upgrade from KenyaEMR v16.0.x to KenyaEMR v17.0.1
KenyaEMR 17.0.1
This version introduces full orders features and a bunch of bug fixes from KenyaEMR v16.0.2
This package targets implementations running on KenyaEMR 16.0.2 and want to upgrade to 17.0.1
Release Notes for KenyaEMR upgrade from version 16.0.2 to 17.0.1
New Features
- Full orders - drug and lab orders
- Defaulter tracing and a mini defaulter tracing register
- Enhanced DATIM indicators i.e. TX_ML
- TX_CURR Linelists for monthly and quarterly analysis of numbers gained/lost
- Addition of last VL and date to all cohort views
- Added line lists for stable patients
- Added Differentiated care summaries on the facility dashboard
- Added family and partner testing summaries on the facility dashboard
- Introduced a separate HIV Testing Services app on the user home page
- Introduced a separate defaulter tracing app on the user home page
- PMTCT registers i.e. ANC, Maternity, HEI and PNC
- Upgrade of MCH patient forms to latest versions
- Refined conditions under which HTS forms i.e. screening, intial, retest and linkage forms are available for patients
- Added validation for dose and quantity fields for drug orders
- Improved MOH 731 report template
- Added "complete date" for "ever on IPT" in hiv follow-up
- HTS screening form validations for HIV history and eligibility for testing
- improved patient search experience
- Re-introduced RDQA report
Bug Fixes
- Handled null in contact trace list page for "Patient handed to" column
- Resolved issue with Second line ART drugs register (Previously not populating with data)
- Made changes to ANC register to pick available triage data for the patient in a particular visit
- Changed HEI register to base on birth cohorts instead of patients
Installation and Training Materials
IQTools v3.6.1
IQTools v3.6.1 introduces Enhance Adherence Register.
Additionally, the following bugs have been fixed:
- Changes to tmp_PatientMaster to remove the multiple sites.
- Change pharmacy to solve the ARVs dispensed as prophylaxis.
- To correct/Populate a MoH 731 HTS section.
To get IQTools v3.6.1:
- Ensure you have installed IQTools v3.6.0 available here
- Run the attached scripts (IQTools v3.6.1) against your IQTools_KeHMIS database in SQL.
Installation and Training Materials
Call Helpdesk for any questions 0800 722 440 or email [email protected]
KenyaEMR Version 16.0.1
KenyaEMR v16.0.1 Release notes
Fixed Issues in KenyaEMR Module
- Current in care/on ART calculation to include patients with latest TCA within the reporting period
- Added TB screening outcome in green card if screening questions are all marked "No"
- Total Tested and Total Positive indicators in MOH 731
- Display DTG drug in Regimen with DTG component
- Preserve previously input information on edit of HIV enrollment form
- CTX Adherence section not mandatory for clients freshly initiated on ART
- Included marital status, result given, retest period, patient consent, client full names in HTS related registers
- Fixed excel output for MOH 731 report
- Fixed revisits indicator in MOH 731
Issues Pending Fixes
- Last regimen showing null in data tool in cases of regimen change/substitution
New Modules
- P-Smart Module
- HIV Testing Module
- ETL Administration Module