BTSIG-31306: Controller crashes after execution of BASS test cases
BTSIG-29355: [CAP/INI/UTB/BV-01-C] Failed to received PAST
BTSIG-27330: Re: PBP_PBS_STR_BV_03_I
BTSIG-15294: Partial fix - BAP/USR/STR/BV-096: PTS established CIS with greatly reduced transport latency
BTSIG-28272: Fixes BAP/USR/STR/BV-096: PTS established CIS using outranged values from the specification
8617: Crash in PTS dongle running GAP_PA
8535: Periodic ADV issue (Dongle crash)
8444: Unknown response to power control request will not stop llcp timer
8850: Bidirectional CIS fails when trying to Tx and Rx max length PDU
8411: lctrMstBisRxCompletion access BIS context during control sub-event.
8218: Channel selection algorithm 3a not working properly
8311: lctrCenExtInitPawrDisp assert
8225: IUT disconnects due to pending LE_PING always send ping request
8187: Connection Parameter Update Procedure
8145: TSw Times Supported equals 10 us instead of 0 us
7907: PAWR responders generate a PER advert report and report an invalid response slot index on their first subevent.
7952: Scheduler issue - 4 CIS fails to establish on small interval
7891: lctr_isr_cis.c (lctrCisRxPostProcessing) defect
7823: Assess patch for resuming scan in the scan window
7790: The advertiser accepts AUX_CONNECT_REQ and AUX_SCAN_REQ that should be rejected by the filter accept list
7610: Central failed to connect the second peripheral
7532: PalFrcHFTimerSet unbalanced with PalFrcHFTimerClear
7453: Wrong error code on BIG Terminate procedure with certain Create BIG Test parameters.
6740: Empty packets sent with wring LLID
7337: lctrCalculateNse potential divide by 0
7336: Divide by zero in schRmCheckRsvnCapacity calculation
7153: Wrong power control RSSI averaging in long connection interval test
7110: [LL_CON_PER_BV_54] inconclusive check in step 6
7346: can not setup CIS TWS bidir scenario properly
7106: Connection event MD = 1 stop RX
6830: LL/CON/PER/BV-57 Harmony failure
07 Nov 2024