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This describes the steps to set up and configure a GCP project that hosts a receiver of the measurements published by a gbcsdpd instance and a dashboard to view data.

We use Terraform to configure resources in the project but there are still some manual steps required because the created GCP project is self-contained. We store Terraform state in the GCS bucket in the project itself, and are not using for example Terraform Admin Project pattern as described in Managing Google Cloud projects with Terraform thus we need to create and prepare the project for Terraform manually.

One time setup

These one-time setup instructions need to be executed only once and the Maintenance section describes how to make changes to it.


Install and configure:

Setup GCP Project

  1. Source into shell environment. This script sets up $PROJECT_ID, $REGION, $CONTAINER_REGISTRY environment variables and creates terraform.tfvars file.

    $ source
    project id: climate-station-273399
    gcp region: europe-west1
    container registry:

    To restore environment variables after eg. restarting shell just source again and it will use values from existing terraform.tfvars.

  2. Create a project

    gcloud projects create $PROJECT_ID --name="Climate Station"

    If you want to create the project in an organization add --organization=ORG_ID to the command above.

  3. Link a billing account to the project

    gcloud beta billing accounts list
    gcloud beta billing projects link --billing-account=XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX $PROJECT_ID
  4. Enable the Resource Manager API and Container Registry API

    gcloud --project=$PROJECT_ID services enable
  5. Create docker authentication settings for pushing images to the container registry

    gcloud auth configure-docker

    Bazel container_push rule will use it in the next step.

  6. Build and push a metricspusher image to the container registry:

    bazel run --define project=$PROJECT_ID --define registry=$CONTAINER_REGISTRY \
        --platforms=@io_bazel_rules_go//go/toolchain:linux_amd64 \
  7. Create a service account for Terraform, get a key (saved in creds.json) and add it to the project's IAM policy:

    gcloud --project=$PROJECT_ID iam service-accounts create terraform
    gcloud --project=$PROJECT_ID iam service-accounts keys create creds.json \
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --role=roles/owner \
  8. Create a bucket for Terraform state:

    gsutil mb -p $PROJECT_ID -c STANDARD -l $REGION -b on gs://tfstate-${PROJECT_ID}/
  9. Intialize Terraform:

    terraform init -backend-config="bucket=tfstate-${PROJECT_ID}"
  10. Import the Terraform state GCS bucket resource into the Terraform state:

    terraform import google_storage_bucket.tfstate_bucket tfstate-${PROJECT_ID}
  11. Now, after we've finally set up the project and Terraform we can use it to set up all other GCP resources:

    terraform apply

    It sometimes happened to me that this command failed because some resources were not ready. Just retry.

Setup publishing daemon

  1. Name our daemon instance somehow, eg. climate-publisher or pick the hostname of the device it's running on.

  2. Download a service account key for metrics-publisher to authenticate with Google Cloud Pub/Sub from the IAM page and safe it as measurements-publisher-creds.json file.

    gcloud --project=$PROJECT_ID iam service-accounts keys create \
        measurements-publisher-creds.json \
  3. Append following Cloud Pub/Sub sink configuration to your config.toml daemon configuration (see cmd/gbcsdpd for details about daemon setup).

    cat <<EOF >> config.toml
    topic = "measurements"
    device = "$DEVICE_NAME"
    creds = "measurements-publisher-creds.json"
    rate_limit.max_1_in = "2m"

    Don't forget to keep the generated creds file next to the config.toml file.

Finish configuring monitoring dashboard

Terraform also created a "Climate Station" Cloud Monitoring dashboard for all the measurements that you can find at It will populate after deamon starts publishing data.

You can notice that the lines on the graph don't have any friendly names, but MAC adresses of devices publishing data. To set some friendly names on the dashboard:

  1. Add sensors variable to the terraform.tfvars that maps MAC to friendly name, eg:

    sensors = {
      "aa:bb:cc:ee:dd:ee" = "balcony"
      "11:33:55:11:55:11" = "living room"
      "42:66:66:99:00:ff" = "bedroom"
  2. Run terraform apply to update the monitoring dashboard.


This doesn't require any ongoing maintenace, so this section is only useful for doing upgrades of infrastructure or metricpusher image.

Re-setup on a different machine

Once the one-time setup above is done and we would like to make some changes with Terraform from a different machine, we needs to only:

  1. Source providing known values (or copy terraform.tfvars to not have to retype those) to set environment variables (remember about optional sensors field).
  2. Get terraform@${PROJECT_ID} key into creds.json.
  3. Run terraform init -backend-config="bucket=tfstate-${PROJECT_ID}" to initialize Terraform.
  4. Terraform is ready for any plan/apply commands.

Updating the Cloud Run services

Push the new image to the container registry using the Bazel command from setup step 6, and then update Cloud Run service to the new latest image with:

gcloud --project=$PROJECT_ID run deploy metricspusher --platform managed \
    --region $REGION --image $CONTAINER_REGISTRY/$PROJECT_ID/metricspusher:latest