diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index b54d2c7..fa54bc3 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -15,3 +15,8 @@ buildNumber.properties
# Avoid ignoring Maven wrapper jar file (.jar files are usually ignored)
+## IntelliJ IDEA ##
diff --git a/distro/configs/eip-odoo-openmrs/properties/application.properties b/distro/configs/eip-odoo-openmrs/properties/application.properties
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fa4ad6..0000000
--- a/distro/configs/eip-odoo-openmrs/properties/application.properties
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-# *********************** Service-specific properties ****************************************************************
-# The base URL to the Odoo instance
-# The database name to use to log into the Odoo instance
-# The username for the account to use to log into the Odoo instance
-# The password for the account to use to log into the Odoo instance
-# The address type to use for customer addresses in Odoo
-# ************************ Properties to enable syncing of additional customer details *************************
-# UUID for concept that is used to record a patient's weight. It is usually 5089AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
-# Custom property for the res.partner model in odoo
-# Custom property for the res.partner model in odoo to capture customer's date of birth
-# Custom property for the res.partner model in odoo to capture customer's weight
-# Used to turn on or off the route that allows to sync extra patient details like weight and/or date of birth
-# Used to turn on or off the route that allows to sync extra patient details like weight as part of the customer quotation
-# *********************** Properties needed by the 'orders' routes ****************************************************************
-# Custom table to OpenMRS REST resource name mappings
-# *********************** EIP Client shared properties ****************************************************************
-# TODO: Should probably be part of the Docker image
-# The OpenMRS MySQL database port
-# The OpenMRS MySQL database name
-# *********************** General EIP sender properties ****************************************************************
-# Maximum size of each batch of source records to be read by debezium from the binlog files, maps to the
-## debezium MySQL connector property named max.batch.size
-#Enabled Oauth when set to true
-#The client Id of the account
-#The client Id of the account to use to authenticate
-#The client secret of the account to use to authenticate
-#Authentication scope, can be multiple values separated by commas
-# Camel endpoints that need to be notified of DB events
-# A comma separated list of database tables names to watch for changes
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# *********************** Logging Configuration ************************************************************************
-# Uncomment this to use console logging otherwise defaults to the logback.xml file located on the classpath which is
-# configured to log to ${eip.home}/logs/openmrs-eip.log
-# Logging level for the application loggers (all built-in routes and classes)
-# Logging level for ONLY application class loggers
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# *********************** Tomcat Configuration *************************************************************************
-# Server HTTP port.
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# *********************** H2 configuration *****************************************************************************
-# Whether to enable the console
-# Path at which the console is available, defaults to /h2-console
-# spring.h2.console.path=
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# *********************** Configuration of the OpenMRS Web App *********************************************************
-# OpenMRS user credentials
-# OpenMRS base url
-# The results encounter type for all patient result observations
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# *********************** OpenMRS Datasource config ********************************************************************
-# Driver class of the openMRS datasource (should not be changed in a usual use)
-# Dialect of the openMRS datasource (should not be changed in a usual use)
-# Url of the openMRS datasource, you don't have to change this value as long you've set the placeholder property values
-# User name of the openMRS datasource
-# Password of the openMRS datasource
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# *********************** Configuration of the Management database *****************************************************
-# Driver class of the management datasource (should not be changed in a usual use)
-# Dialect of the management datasource (should not be changed in a usual use)
-# Url of the management datasource
-# spring.mngt-datasource.jdbcUrl=jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=30;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000
-# User name of the management datasource
-# Password of the management datasource
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# *********************** Debezium Config ******************************************************************************
-# For details explanations of this properties, please refer to
-# https://debezium.io/documentation/reference/connectors/mysql.html#mysql-connector-properties
-# Maps to the connect property named database.server.id, MUST match the server-id value in your my.cnf file when you
-# enabled mysql binlog, DO NOT change after setting it
-# Unique logical name of the MySQL database server, maps to the debezium MySQL connector property named
-# database.server.name, DO NOT change after setting it
-# Database username for debezium user account you created to access the MySQL binlog, maps to the debezium MySQL
-# connector property named database.user, it's highly recommended to create separate user account as described at
-# https://debezium.io/documentation/reference/connectors/mysql.html#setting-up-mysql
-# Database password for debezium user account you created to access the MySQL binlog, maps to the debezium MySQL
-# connector property named database.password
-# Specifies the criteria for running a snapshot when the connector starts, DO NOT change after setting it, maps to the
-# debezium MySQL connector property named snapshot.mode
-# The 2 properties below are debezium engine specific and are documented at
-# https://debezium.io/documentation/reference/development/engine.html#engine-properties
-# Path to file where offsets are to be stored, maps to property named offset.storage.file.filename, DO NOT change after
-# setting it
-# Path to file where offsets are to be stored, maps to property named database.history.file.filename, DO NOT change
-# after setting it
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/distro/configs/eip-openmrs-senaite/properties/application.properties b/distro/configs/eip-openmrs-senaite/properties/application.properties
deleted file mode 100644
index b0e6a50..0000000
--- a/distro/configs/eip-openmrs-senaite/properties/application.properties
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-# *********************** Service-specific properties ****************************************************************
-# URL to connect to the SENAITE REST API
-# SENAITE username
-# SENAITE password
-# FHIR configuration
-# *********************** EIP Client shared properties ****************************************************************
-# TODO: Should probably be part of the Docker image
-# The OpenMRS MySQL database port
-# The OpenMRS MySQL database name
-# *********************** General EIP sender properties ****************************************************************
-# Maximum size of each batch of source records to be read by debezium from the binlog files, maps to the
-## debezium MySQL connector property named max.batch.size
-#Enabled Oauth when set to true
-#The client Id of the account
-#The client Id of the account to use to authenticate
-#The client secret of the account to use to authenticate
-#Authentication scope, can be multiple values separated by commas
-# Camel endpoints that need to be notified of DB events
-# A comma separated list of database tables names to watch for changes
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# *********************** Logging Configuration ************************************************************************
-# Uncomment this to use console logging otherwise defaults to the logback.xml file located on the classpath which is
-# configured to log to ${eip.home}/logs/openmrs-eip.log
-# Logging level for the application loggers (all built-in routes and classes)
-# Logging level for ONLY application class loggers
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# *********************** Tomcat Configuration *************************************************************************
-# Server HTTP port.
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# *********************** H2 configuration *****************************************************************************
-# Whether to enable the console
-# Path at which the console is available, defaults to /h2-console
-# spring.h2.console.path=
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# *********************** Configuration of the OpenMRS Web App *********************************************************
-# OpenMRS user credentials
-# OpenMRS base url
-# The results encounter type for all patient result observations
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# *********************** OpenMRS Datasource config ********************************************************************
-# Driver class of the openMRS datasource (should not be changed in a usual use)
-# Dialect of the openMRS datasource (should not be changed in a usual use)
-# Url of the openMRS datasource, you don't have to change this value as long you've set the placeholder property values
-# User name of the openMRS datasource
-# Password of the openMRS datasource
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# *********************** Configuration of the Management database *****************************************************
-# Driver class of the management datasource (should not be changed in a usual use)
-# Dialect of the management datasource (should not be changed in a usual use)
-# Url of the management datasource
-# spring.mngt-datasource.jdbcUrl=jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=30;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000
-# User name of the management datasource
-# Password of the management datasource
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# *********************** Debezium Config ******************************************************************************
-# For details explanations of this properties, please refer to
-# https://debezium.io/documentation/reference/connectors/mysql.html#mysql-connector-properties
-# Maps to the connect property named database.server.id, MUST match the server-id value in your my.cnf file when you
-# enabled mysql binlog, DO NOT change after setting it
-# Unique logical name of the MySQL database server, maps to the debezium MySQL connector property named
-# database.server.name, DO NOT change after setting it
-# Database username for debezium user account you created to access the MySQL binlog, maps to the debezium MySQL
-# connector property named database.user, it's highly recommended to create separate user account as described at
-# https://debezium.io/documentation/reference/connectors/mysql.html#setting-up-mysql
-# Database password for debezium user account you created to access the MySQL binlog, maps to the debezium MySQL
-# connector property named database.password
-# Specifies the criteria for running a snapshot when the connector starts, DO NOT change after setting it, maps to the
-# debezium MySQL connector property named snapshot.mode
-# The 2 properties below are debezium engine specific and are documented at
-# https://debezium.io/documentation/reference/development/engine.html#engine-properties
-# Path to file where offsets are to be stored, maps to property named offset.storage.file.filename, DO NOT change after
-# setting it
-# Path to file where offsets are to be stored, maps to property named database.history.file.filename, DO NOT change
-# after setting it
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/distro/pom.xml b/distro/pom.xml
index b27dafe..367a6e2 100644
--- a/distro/pom.xml
+++ b/distro/pom.xml
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@
- 1.4.0-SNAPSHOT
- 1.4.0-SNAPSHOT
+ 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
+ 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
@@ -81,13 +81,13 @@
- zip
+ jar
- zip
+ jar
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
+ 3.2.0
Copy Odoo Initializer add-on
@@ -129,28 +130,43 @@
- Unpack EIP OpenMRS SENAITE routes to a temporary location
- generate-resources
+ prepare-package
- unpack-dependencies
+ copy
- true
- ${project.build.directory}/${eipOpenMRSSenaiteArtifactId}
- ${eipOpenMRSSenaiteArtifactId}
+ com.ozonehis
+ ${eipOpenMRSSenaiteArtifactId}
+ ${eipOpenMRSSenaiteVersion}
+ jar
+ true
+ ${project.build.directory}/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}/binaries/${eipOpenMRSSenaiteArtifactId}
+ true
- Unpack EIP Odoo OpenMRS routes in a temporary location
- generate-resources
+ Copy EIP Odoo OpenMRS JAR
+ prepare-package
- unpack-dependencies
+ copy
- true
- ${project.build.directory}/${eipOdooOpenMRSArtifactId}
- ${eipOdooOpenMRSArtifactId}
+ com.ozonehis
+ ${eipOdooOpenMRSArtifactId}
+ ${eipOdooOpenMRSVersion}
+ jar
+ true
+ ${project.build.directory}/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}/binaries/${eipOdooOpenMRSArtifactId}
@@ -231,46 +247,6 @@
- Copy EIP OpenMRS SENAITE routes
- prepare-package
- copy-resources
- ${project.build.directory}/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}/binaries/eip-openmrs-senaite/routes
- true
- ${project.build.directory}/${eipOpenMRSSenaiteArtifactId}/routes/senaite
- Copy EIP Odoo OpenMRS routes
- prepare-package
- copy-resources
- ${project.build.directory}/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}/binaries/eip-odoo-openmrs/routes
- true
- ${project.build.directory}/${eipOdooOpenMRSArtifactId}/${eipOdooOpenMRSArtifactId}-${eipOdooOpenMRSVersion}/routes/
Copy OpenMRS modules
@@ -367,17 +343,16 @@
- Remove unneeded EIP Odoo OpenMRS PRP and Obs routes
- process-resources
+ Copy OpenMRS config for validation
+ pre-integration-test
+ dir="${project.build.directory}/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}/configs/openmrs/initializer_config" />
@@ -514,4 +489,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index c2e6e00..a15f3be 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -216,6 +216,14 @@
+ mks-nexus-public-snapshots
+ Mekom Solutions Nexus repo for snapshots
+ https://nexus.mekomsolutions.net/repository/maven-snapshots
+ true
OpenMRS Nexus Repository
@@ -279,4 +287,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file