diff --git a/docs/band_price_source.md b/docs/band_price_source.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b9fb3081
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/band_price_source.md
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# Integrate mesh security using band oracle price source.
+## Prerequisites
+- Setup mesh-security consumer and provider chains as [integration_consumer](./integration_consumer.md), [integration_provider](./integration_provider.md)
+- Choose a price source for 2 chains in [band laozi testnet](https://laozi-testnet6.cosmoscan.io/data-sources), [band mainnet](https://www.cosmoscan.io/data-sources)
+You can request 4 symbols on [oracle script id: 360](https://laozi-testnet6.cosmoscan.io/oracle-script/360)
+## Band Price Feeder
+Band oracle price feeder is design base on cw-band. More details could be found in: <https://github.com/bandprotocol/cw-band/tree/main/docs>
+The contract needs some information to instantiate, which is:
+trading_pair: {
+    base_asset: String,
+    quote_asset: String,
+} -> Consumer chain denom is base_asset, provider chain denom is quote_asset 
+client_id: String -> Arbitary string for your request
+oracle_script_id: Uint64, -> The data source's id you choose 
+ask_count: Uint64, -> The number of validator you want to ask (Recommend: 4 on testnet)
+min_count: Uint64, -> The minimum number of validator need to answer to aggregate result (Recommend: 3 on testnet)
+fee_limit: Vec<Coin>, -> Data source fee that you willing to pay (Recommend: 250000uband, which is [{"denom": "uband", "amount":"250000"}])
+prepare_gas: Uint64, -> Gas for running prepare phrase (Recommend: 100000)
+execute_gas: Uint64, -> Gas for running execute phrase (Recommend: 500000)
+minimum_sources: u8, -> The minimum available sources to determine price is aggregated from at least minimum sources (for data integrity) 1 should be ok for testing
+price_info_ttl_in_secs: u64, -> The price only can live in an amount of time, after that, they should be update (Recommend: 60) 
+## Configure relayer
+1. Create config for consumer chain and band chain as usual.
+2. Create path, clients, connections
+3. Deploy band price feeder on consumer chain
+4. Setup channel using port wasm on consumer chain, port oracle on band chain and version bandchain-1
+5. Using contract address as price source in converter contract
+Deploy contract:
+meshconsumerd tx wasm store ./tests/testdata/mesh_band_price_feed.wasm.gz --node $node --from $wallet --home=$home  --chain-id $chainid --keyring-backend test --gas 300000 -y
+band_code_id=$(meshconsumerd q wasm  list-code --node $node --output json | jq -r '.code_infos[-1].code_id')
+client_id=$(yq e '.paths.{$PATH_NAME}.src.client-id' $relayer_home/config/config.yaml)
+init_band_price_feed=$(cat <<EOF
+    "trading_pair": {
+        "base_asset": "OSMO",
+        "quote_asset": "ATOM"
+    },
+    "client_id": "$client_id",
+    "oracle_script_id": "$oracle_script_id",
+    "ask_count": "1",
+    "min_count": "1",
+    "fee_limit": [{"denom": "uband", "amount":"10000"}],
+    "prepare_gas": "40000",
+    "execute_gas": "300000",
+    "minimum_sources": 2,
+    "price_info_ttl_in_secs": 60
+meshconsumerd tx wasm instantiate $band_code_id "$init_band_price_feed" --node $node --label contract-pricefeed  --admin $wallet --from $wallet --home=$home  --chain-id $chainid --keyring-backend test -y --gas 300000
+sleep 7
+price_feed=$(meshconsumerd q wasm list-contract-by-code $band_code_id --node $node --output json | jq -r '.contracts[0]' )
+echo "price feed contract: $price_feed"
+Create channel
+rly tx channel {$PATH_NAME} --src-port wasm.$price_feed --dst-port oracle --order unordered --version bandchain-1 --home $relayer_home --override
diff --git a/scripts/mesh/test_mvp.sh b/scripts/mesh/test_mvp.sh
index ce54b7b6..7dfcc5f9 100755
--- a/scripts/mesh/test_mvp.sh
+++ b/scripts/mesh/test_mvp.sh
@@ -1,34 +1,39 @@
 # !/bin/bash
-killall meshd || true
+killall meshconsumerd || true
+killall meshproviderd || true
 killall rly || true
 # deploy chain 1
 # deploy chain 2
 sleep 7
 # run relayer
-virtual_staking=$(meshd q wasm list-contract-by-code 2 --output json | jq -r '.contracts[0]' )
-converter=$(meshd q wasm list-contract-by-code 3 --output json | jq -r '.contracts[0]' )
-vault=$(meshd q wasm list-contract-by-code 1 --output json --node $node2 | jq -r '.contracts[0]' )
-native_staking=$(meshd q wasm list-contract-by-code 3 --output json --node $node2 | jq -r '.contracts[0]' )
-ext_staking=$(meshd q wasm list-contract-by-code 4 --output json --node $node2 | jq -r '.contracts[0]' )
-test1_provider_addr=$(meshd keys show test1 --keyring-backend test --home=$home2node1 --address)
-meshd tx meshsecurity submit-proposal set-virtual-staking-max-cap $virtual_staking 100000000stake --title "a title" --summary "a summary" --from test1 --keyring-backend test --home=$home1node1 --chain-id chain-1 -y --deposit 10000000stake
+virtual_staking=$(meshconsumerd q wasm list-contract-by-code 2 --output json --node $node1| jq -r '.contracts[0]' )
+converter=$(meshconsumerd q wasm list-contract-by-code 3 --output json --node $node1 | jq -r '.contracts[0]' )
+vault=$(meshproviderd q wasm list-contract-by-code 1 --output json --node $node2 | jq -r '.contracts[0]' )
+native_staking=$(meshproviderd q wasm list-contract-by-code 3 --output json --node $node2 | jq -r '.contracts[0]' )
+ext_staking=$(meshproviderd q wasm list-contract-by-code 4 --output json --node $node2 | jq -r '.contracts[0]' )
+test1_provider_addr=$(meshproviderd keys show test1 --keyring-backend test --home=$home2node1 --address)
+meshconsumerd tx meshsecurity submit-proposal set-virtual-staking-max-cap $virtual_staking 100000000stake --title "a title" --summary "a summary" --from test1 --keyring-backend test --home=$home1node1 --node $node1 --chain-id chain-1 -y --deposit 10000000stake
 sleep 7
-meshd tx gov vote 1 yes --from val1 --keyring-backend test --home=$home1node1 --chain-id chain-1 -y
+meshconsumerd tx gov vote 1 yes --from val1 --keyring-backend test --node $node1 --home=$home1node1 --chain-id chain-1 -y
 sleep 5
-gov_addr=$(meshd q auth --node $node2  module-account gov -o json | jq ".account.base_account.address")
+gov_addr=$(meshproviderd q auth --node $node2  module-account gov -o json | jq ".account.base_account.address")
 echo "gov addr: $gov_addr"
 proposal=$(cat <<EOF
@@ -52,16 +57,16 @@ EOF
 echo $proposal
 echo $proposal > ./scripts/mesh/update_params.json
-meshd tx gov submit-proposal ./scripts/mesh/update_params.json --from test1 --keyring-backend test --home=$home2node1 --node $node2 --chain-id chain-2 -y 
+meshproviderd tx gov submit-proposal ./scripts/mesh/update_params.json --from test1 --keyring-backend test --home=$home2node1 --node $node2 --chain-id chain-2 -y 
 sleep 7
-meshd tx gov vote 1 yes --from val1 --keyring-backend test --home=$home2node1 --chain-id chain-2 --node $node2 -y
+meshproviderd tx gov vote 1 yes --from val1 --keyring-backend test --home=$home2node1 --chain-id chain-2 --node $node2 -y
 sleep 30
 # stake from provider(chain2) '{"bond":{}}'=======bond============
-meshd tx wasm execute $vault '{"bond":{"amount":{"amount": "10000", "denom":"stake"}}}'  --from test1 --home=$home2node1  --chain-id chain-2 --keyring-backend test --node $node2 --fees 1stake -y --gas 15406929
+meshproviderd tx wasm execute $vault '{"bond":{"amount":{"amount": "10000", "denom":"stake"}}}'  --from test1 --home=$home2node1  --chain-id chain-2 --keyring-backend test --node $node2 --fees 1stake -y --gas 15406929
 sleep 7
@@ -74,10 +79,10 @@ account_query=$(cat <<EOF
-meshd q wasm state smart $vault "$account_query" --node $node2
+meshproviderd q wasm state smart $vault "$account_query" --node $node2
 # ===========stake local=============================meshvaloper1w7f3xx7e75p4l7qdym5msqem9rd4dyc4u6ypev
 # '{"stake_local":{"amount": {"denom":"stake", "amount":"190000000"}, "msg":"eyJ2YWxpZGF0b3IiOiAiY29zbW9zdmFsb3BlcjF5OHNzMzR6Y2RncTlnM3l6MDNyZjZrZ3J1ajZ6cGFneGh6ZXFmbSJ9"}}'
-val1_provider_addr=$(meshd q staking validators --output json --node $node2 | jq -r '.validators[0].operator_address')
+val1_provider_addr=$(meshproviderd q staking validators --output json --node $node2 | jq -r '.validators[0].operator_address')
 stake_msg=$(cat <<EOF
 {"validator": "$val1_provider_addr"}
@@ -91,18 +96,18 @@ stake_local_msg=$(cat <<EOF
-        "msg":"$encode_msg"
+        "msg":"$(echo -n $encode_msg| tr -d '[:space:]')"
-meshd tx wasm execute $vault "$stake_local_msg" --from test1 --home=$home2node1  --chain-id chain-2 --keyring-backend test --node $node2 --fees 1stake -y --gas 15406929
+meshproviderd tx wasm execute $vault "$stake_local_msg" --from test1 --home=$home2node1  --chain-id chain-2 --keyring-backend test --node $node2 --fees 1stake -y --gas 15406929
 sleep 7
 # =========extenal============================meshvaloper1f7twgcq4ypzg7y24wuywy06xmdet8pc4hsl6ty
 # '{"stake_remote":{"contract":"cosmos1zwv6feuzhy6a9wekh96cd57lsarmqlwxdypdsplw6zhfncqw6ftqp82y57", "amount": {"denom":"stake", "amount":"100000000"}, "msg":"eyJ2YWxpZGF0b3IiOiAiY29zbW9zdmFsb3BlcjE0cjNhbmRuM3FyaDJ6NzN1eTNhNjZ2YzgyazU1ZHE1ZG04MmFxeSJ9"}}'
-val1_consumer_addr=$(meshd q staking validators --output json | jq -r '.validators[0].operator_address')
+val1_consumer_addr=$(meshconsumerd q staking validators --output json --node $node1| jq -r '.validators[0].operator_address')
 stake_msg=$(cat <<EOF
 {"validator": "$val1_consumer_addr"}
@@ -117,13 +122,13 @@ stake_remote_msg=$(cat <<EOF
-        "msg":"$encode_msg"
+        "msg":"$(echo -n $encode_msg| tr -d '[:space:]')"
-meshd tx wasm execute $vault "$stake_remote_msg" --from test1 --home=$home2node1  --chain-id chain-2 --keyring-backend test --node $node2 --fees 1stake -y --gas 15406929
+meshproviderd tx wasm execute $vault "$stake_remote_msg" --from test1 --home=$home2node1  --chain-id chain-2 --keyring-backend test --node $node2 --fees 1stake -y --gas 15406929
 # Wait a while for relaying tx to consumer chain
 sleep 20
@@ -138,4 +143,4 @@ stake_query=$(cat <<EOF
-meshd q wasm state smart $ext_staking "$stake_query" --node $node2
+meshproviderd q wasm state smart $ext_staking "$stake_query" --node $node2
diff --git a/scripts/mesh/testibc/chain1.sh b/scripts/mesh/testibc/chain1.sh
index f4f8b39b..20bd53a9 100755
--- a/scripts/mesh/testibc/chain1.sh
+++ b/scripts/mesh/testibc/chain1.sh
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ home2=$HOME/.meshd/chain1/node2
 # init chain
-meshd init mesh-1 --chain-id $chainid --home=$home1
-meshd init mesh-2 --chain-id $chainid --home=$home2
+meshconsumerd init mesh-1 --chain-id $chainid --home=$home1
+meshconsumerd init mesh-2 --chain-id $chainid --home=$home2
 # keys add
-meshd keys add val1 --keyring-backend test --home=$home1
-meshd keys add val2 --keyring-backend test --home=$home2
-meshd keys add test1 --keyring-backend test --home=$home1
+meshconsumerd keys add val1 --keyring-backend test --home=$home1
+meshconsumerd keys add val2 --keyring-backend test --home=$home2
+meshconsumerd keys add test1 --keyring-backend test --home=$home1
 # Change parameter token denominations to stake
 cat $home1/config/genesis.json | jq '.app_state["staking"]["params"]["bond_denom"]="stake"' > $home1/config/tmp_genesis.json && mv $home1/config/tmp_genesis.json $home1/config/genesis.json
@@ -26,25 +26,25 @@ cat $home1/config/genesis.json | jq '.app_state["meshsecurity"]["params"]["epoch
 cat $home1/config/genesis.json | jq '.app_state["mint"]["params"]["mint_denom"]="stake"' > $home1/config/tmp_genesis.json && mv $home1/config/tmp_genesis.json $home1/config/genesis.json
 # Allocate genesis accounts (cosmos formatted addresses)
-val1=$(meshd keys show val1 --keyring-backend test --home=$home1 -a)
-test1=$(meshd keys show test1 --keyring-backend test --home=$home1 -a)
-val2=$(meshd keys show val2 --keyring-backend test --home=$home2 -a)
-meshd add-genesis-account $val1 1000000000000stake --keyring-backend test --home=$home1
-meshd add-genesis-account $val2 1000000000000stake --keyring-backend test --home=$home1
-meshd add-genesis-account $test1 1000000000stake --keyring-backend test --home=$home1
+val1=$(meshconsumerd keys show val1 --keyring-backend test --home=$home1 -a)
+test1=$(meshconsumerd keys show test1 --keyring-backend test --home=$home1 -a)
+val2=$(meshconsumerd keys show val2 --keyring-backend test --home=$home2 -a)
+meshconsumerd add-genesis-account $val1 1000000000000stake --keyring-backend test --home=$home1
+meshconsumerd add-genesis-account $val2 1000000000000stake --keyring-backend test --home=$home1
+meshconsumerd add-genesis-account $test1 1000000000stake --keyring-backend test --home=$home1
 cp $home1/config/genesis.json $home2/config/genesis.json
 # Sign genesis transaction
-meshd gentx val1 900000000000stake --keyring-backend test --chain-id $chainid --home=$home1
-meshd gentx val2 100000000000stake --keyring-backend test --chain-id $chainid --home=$home2
+meshconsumerd gentx val1 900000000000stake --keyring-backend test --chain-id $chainid --home=$home1
+meshconsumerd gentx val2 100000000000stake --keyring-backend test --chain-id $chainid --home=$home2
 cp $home2/config/gentx/*.json $home1/config/gentx/
 # Collect genesis tx
-meshd collect-gentxs --home=$home1
+meshconsumerd collect-gentxs --home=$home1
 cp $home1/config/genesis.json $home2/config/genesis.json
 # Run this to ensure everything worked and that the genesis file is setup correctly
-meshd validate-genesis --home=$home1
+meshconsumerd validate-genesis --home=$home1
 # change app.toml values
@@ -67,11 +67,11 @@ sed -i -E 's|allow_duplicate_ip = false|allow_duplicate_ip = true|g' $VALIDATOR2
 sed -i -E 's|prometheus = false|prometheus = true|g' $VALIDATOR2_CONFIG
 sed -i -E 's|prometheus_listen_addr = ":26660"|prometheus_listen_addr = ":26630"|g' $VALIDATOR2_CONFIG
-node1=$(meshd tendermint show-node-id --home=$home1)
-node2=$(meshd tendermint show-node-id --home=$home2)
+node1=$(meshconsumerd tendermint show-node-id --home=$home1)
+node2=$(meshconsumerd tendermint show-node-id --home=$home2)
 sed -i -E "s|persistent_peers = \"\"|persistent_peers = \"$node1@localhost:26656,$node2@localhost:26656\"|g" $home1/config/config.toml
 sed -i -E "s|persistent_peers = \"\"|persistent_peers = \"$node1@localhost:26656,$node2@localhost:26656\"|g" $home2/config/config.toml
 # Start the node (remove the --pruning=nothing flag if historical queries are not needed)
-screen -S mesh1-node1 -t mesh1-node1 -d -m meshd start --home=$home1
-screen -S mesh1-node2 -t mesh1-node2 -d -m meshd start --home=$home2
\ No newline at end of file
+screen -S mesh1-node1 -t mesh1-node1 -d -m meshconsumerd start --home=$home1
+screen -S mesh1-node2 -t mesh1-node2 -d -m meshconsumerd start --home=$home2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/mesh/testibc/chain2.sh b/scripts/mesh/testibc/chain2.sh
index 940e9d6b..59703063 100755
--- a/scripts/mesh/testibc/chain2.sh
+++ b/scripts/mesh/testibc/chain2.sh
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ home2=$HOME/.meshd/chain2/node2
 # init chain
-meshd init mesh-2 --chain-id $chainid --home=$home1
-meshd init mesh-2 --chain-id $chainid --home=$home2
+meshproviderd init mesh-2 --chain-id $chainid --home=$home1
+meshproviderd init mesh-2 --chain-id $chainid --home=$home2
 # keys add
-meshd keys add val1 --keyring-backend test --home=$home1
-meshd keys add val2 --keyring-backend test --home=$home2
-meshd keys add test1 --keyring-backend test --home=$home1
+meshproviderd keys add val1 --keyring-backend test --home=$home1
+meshproviderd keys add val2 --keyring-backend test --home=$home2
+meshproviderd keys add test1 --keyring-backend test --home=$home1
 # Change parameter token denominations to stake
 cat $home1/config/genesis.json | jq '.app_state["staking"]["params"]["bond_denom"]="stake"' > $home1/config/tmp_genesis.json && mv $home1/config/tmp_genesis.json $home1/config/genesis.json
@@ -25,24 +25,24 @@ cat $home1/config/genesis.json | jq '.app_state["slashing"]["params"]["signed_bl
 cat $home1/config/genesis.json | jq '.app_state["mint"]["params"]["mint_denom"]="stake"' > $home1/config/tmp_genesis.json && mv $home1/config/tmp_genesis.json $home1/config/genesis.json
 # Allocate genesis accounts (cosmos formatted addresses)
-val1=$(meshd keys show val1 --keyring-backend test --home=$home1 -a)
-test1=$(meshd keys show test1 --keyring-backend test --home=$home1 -a)
-val2=$(meshd keys show val2 --keyring-backend test --home=$home2 -a)
-meshd add-genesis-account $val1 1000000000000stake --keyring-backend test --home=$home1
-meshd add-genesis-account $val2 1000000000000stake --keyring-backend test --home=$home1
-meshd add-genesis-account $test1 1000000000stake --keyring-backend test --home=$home1
+val1=$(meshproviderd keys show val1 --keyring-backend test --home=$home1 -a)
+test1=$(meshproviderd keys show test1 --keyring-backend test --home=$home1 -a)
+val2=$(meshproviderd keys show val2 --keyring-backend test --home=$home2 -a)
+meshproviderd add-genesis-account $val1 1000000000000stake --keyring-backend test --home=$home1
+meshproviderd add-genesis-account $val2 1000000000000stake --keyring-backend test --home=$home1
+meshproviderd add-genesis-account $test1 1000000000stake --keyring-backend test --home=$home1
 cp $home1/config/genesis.json $home2/config/genesis.json
 # Sign genesis transactions
-meshd gentx val1 900000000000stake --keyring-backend test --chain-id $chainid --home $home1
-meshd gentx val2 100000000000stake --keyring-backend test --chain-id $chainid --home $home2
+meshproviderd gentx val1 900000000000stake --keyring-backend test --chain-id $chainid --home $home1
+meshproviderd gentx val2 100000000000stake --keyring-backend test --chain-id $chainid --home $home2
 cp $home2/config/gentx/*.json $home1/config/gentx/
 # Collect genesis tx
-meshd collect-gentxs --home $home1
+meshproviderd collect-gentxs --home $home1
 # Run this to ensure everything worked and that the genesis file is setup correctly
-meshd validate-genesis --home $home1
+meshproviderd validate-genesis --home $home1
 cp $home1/config/genesis.json $home2/config/genesis.json
 # change app.toml values
@@ -71,11 +71,11 @@ sed -i -E 's|tcp://|tcp://|g' $VALIDATOR2_CONFIG
 sed -i -E 's|allow_duplicate_ip = false|allow_duplicate_ip = true|g' $VALIDATOR2_CONFIG
 # peers
-NODE1=$(meshd tendermint show-node-id --home=$home1)
-NODE2=$(meshd tendermint show-node-id --home=$home2)
+NODE1=$(meshproviderd tendermint show-node-id --home=$home1)
+NODE2=$(meshproviderd tendermint show-node-id --home=$home2)
 sed -i -E "s|persistent_peers = \"\"|persistent_peers = \"$NODE1@localhost:26666,$NODE2@localhost:26666\"|g" $home1/config/config.toml
 sed -i -E "s|persistent_peers = \"\"|persistent_peers = \"$NODE1@localhost:26666,$NODE2@localhost:26666\"|g" $home2/config/config.toml
 # start
-screen -S mesh2-node1 -t mesh2-node1 -d -m meshd start --home=$home1
-screen -S mesh2-node2 -t mesh2-node2 -d -m meshd start --home=$home2
\ No newline at end of file
+screen -S mesh2-node1 -t mesh2-node1 -d -m meshproviderd start --home=$home1
+screen -S mesh2-node2 -t mesh2-node2 -d -m meshproviderd start --home=$home2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/mesh/testibc/config.yaml b/scripts/mesh/testibc/config.yaml
index ab87fa2f..05ec1d9f 100644
--- a/scripts/mesh/testibc/config.yaml
+++ b/scripts/mesh/testibc/config.yaml
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ chains:
         type: cosmos
-            key-directory: /Users/phamminh/.relayer/keys/chain-1/
+            key-directory: [Your directory/keys/chain-1]
             key: key1
             chain-id: chain-1
             rpc-addr: http://localhost:26657
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ chains:
         type: cosmos
-            key-directory: /Users/phamminh/.relayer/keys/chain-2/
+            key-directory: [Your directory/keys/chain-2]
             key: key2
             chain-id: chain-2
             rpc-addr: http://localhost:26667
diff --git a/scripts/mesh/testibc/config_band.yaml b/scripts/mesh/testibc/config_band.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3bfc3dc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/mesh/testibc/config_band.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+    api-listen-addr: :5183
+    timeout: 10s
+    memo: ""
+    light-cache-size: 20
+    consumer:
+        type: cosmos
+        value:
+            key-directory: scripts/relayer/keys/chain-1
+            key: key1
+            chain-id: chain-1
+            rpc-addr: http://localhost:26657
+            account-prefix: mesh
+            keyring-backend: test
+            gas-adjustment: 1.2
+            gas-prices: 0.01stake
+            min-gas-amount: 1000000
+            max-gas-amount: 0
+            debug: false
+            timeout: 20s
+            block-timeout: ""
+            output-format: json
+            sign-mode: direct
+            extra-codecs: []
+            coin-type: 118
+            signing-algorithm: ""
+            broadcast-mode: batch
+            min-loop-duration: 0s
+            extension-options: []
+            feegrants: null
+    band:
+        type: cosmos
+        value:
+            key-directory: scripts/relayer/keys/band-laozi-testnet6
+            key: testnet
+            chain-id: band-laozi-testnet6
+            rpc-addr: https://rpc.laozi-testnet6.bandchain.org:443
+            account-prefix: band
+            keyring-backend: test
+            gas-adjustment: 1.2
+            gas-prices: 0.01uband
+            min-gas-amount: 1000000
+            max-gas-amount: 0
+            debug: false
+            timeout: 20s
+            block-timeout: ""
+            output-format: json
+            sign-mode: direct
+            extra-codecs: []
+            coin-type: 494
+            signing-algorithm: ""
+            broadcast-mode: batch
+            min-loop-duration: 0s
+            extension-options: []
+            feegrants: null
+paths: {}
diff --git a/scripts/mesh/testibc/faucet.js b/scripts/mesh/testibc/faucet.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7f009893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/mesh/testibc/faucet.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+async function getFaucet(address) {
+    const body = {
+      address: address,
+      amount: '100',
+    }
+    let options = {
+      method: 'POST',
+      headers: {
+        'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8',
+      },
+      body: JSON.stringify(body),
+    }
+    // See https://docs.bandchain.org/develop/api-endpoints#laozi-testnet-5
+    let response = await fetch(`https://laozi-testnet6.bandchain.org/faucet`, options)
+    console.log(response)
+  }
+const address = process.argv[2];
diff --git a/scripts/mesh/testibc/instantiate.sh b/scripts/mesh/testibc/instantiate.sh
index 599e4756..e2f06273 100755
--- a/scripts/mesh/testibc/instantiate.sh
+++ b/scripts/mesh/testibc/instantiate.sh
@@ -7,22 +7,18 @@ chainid2=chain-2
-test1=$(meshd keys show test1  --keyring-backend test -a --home=$home1)
-val1=$(meshd keys show val1  --keyring-backend test -a --home=$home1)
-test2=$(meshd keys show test1  --keyring-backend test -a --home=$home2)
-val2=$(meshd keys show val1  --keyring-backend test -a --home=$home2)
+test1=$(meshconsumerd keys show test1  --keyring-backend test -a --home=$home1)
+val1=$(meshconsumerd keys show val1  --keyring-backend test -a --home=$home1)
+test2=$(meshproviderd keys show test1  --keyring-backend test -a --home=$home2)
+val2=$(meshproviderd keys show val1  --keyring-backend test -a --home=$home2)
 # # #=======bootstrap contract consumer
-meshd tx wasm store ./tests/testdata/mesh_simple_price_feed.wasm.gz --node $node1 --from $val1 --home=$home1  --chain-id $chainid1 --keyring-backend test --fees 1stake -y --gas 10059023
+meshconsumerd tx wasm store ./tests/testdata/mesh_virtual_staking.wasm.gz --node $node1 --from $val1 --home=$home1  --chain-id $chainid1 --keyring-backend test --fees 1stake -y --gas 10059023
 sleep 7
-meshd tx wasm store ./tests/testdata/mesh_virtual_staking.wasm.gz --node $node1 --from $val1 --home=$home1  --chain-id $chainid1 --keyring-backend test --fees 1stake -y --gas 10059023
-sleep 7
-meshd tx wasm store ./tests/testdata/mesh_converter.wasm.gz --node $node1 --from $val1 --home=$home1  --chain-id $chainid1 --keyring-backend test --fees 1stake -y --gas 10059023
-sleep 7
-meshd tx wasm instantiate 1 '{"native_per_foreign": "0.5"}' --node $node1 --label contract-pricefeed  --admin $val1 --from $val1 --home=$home1  --chain-id $chainid1 --keyring-backend test --fees 1stake -y --gas 3059023 
+meshconsumerd tx wasm store ./tests/testdata/mesh_converter.wasm.gz --node $node1 --from $val1 --home=$home1  --chain-id $chainid1 --keyring-backend test --fees 1stake -y --gas 10059023
 sleep 7
-price_feed=$(meshd q wasm list-contract-by-code 1 --node $node1 --output json | jq -r '.contracts[0]' )
+price_feed=$(meshconsumerd q wasm list-contract-by-code 1 --node $node1 --output json | jq -r '.contracts[0]' )
 echo "price feed contract: $price_feed"
 init_converter=$(cat <<EOF
@@ -36,13 +32,13 @@ init_converter=$(cat <<EOF
-meshd tx wasm instantiate 3 "$init_converter" --node $node1 --label contract-converter  --admin $val1 --from $val1 --home=$home1  --chain-id $chainid1 --keyring-backend test --fees 1stake -y --gas 3059023 
+meshconsumerd tx wasm instantiate 3 "$init_converter" --node $node1 --label contract-converter  --admin $val1 --from $val1 --home=$home1  --chain-id $chainid1 --keyring-backend test --fees 1stake -y --gas 3059023 
 sleep 7
-virtual_staking=$(meshd q wasm list-contract-by-code 2 --node $node1 --output json | jq -r '.contracts[0]' )
+virtual_staking=$(meshconsumerd q wasm list-contract-by-code 2 --node $node1 --output json | jq -r '.contracts[0]' )
 echo "virtual staking contract: $virtual_staking"
-converter=$(meshd q wasm list-contract-by-code 3 --node $node1 --output json | jq -r '.contracts[0]' )
+converter=$(meshconsumerd q wasm list-contract-by-code 3 --node $node1 --output json | jq -r '.contracts[0]' )
 echo "converter contract: $converter"
 # 1:mesh14hj2tavq8fpesdwxxcu44rty3hh90vhujrvcmstl4zr3txmfvw9sysl6kf
@@ -50,13 +46,13 @@ echo "converter contract: $converter"
 # 3:mesh1qg5ega6dykkxc307y25pecuufrjkxkaggkkxh7nad0vhyhtuhw3stmd2jl
 # # #========== bootstrap contract provider
-meshd tx wasm store ./tests/testdata/mesh_vault.wasm.gz --from $val2 --home=$home2  --chain-id $chainid2 --keyring-backend test --node $node2 --fees 1stake -y --gas 10059023
+meshproviderd tx wasm store ./tests/testdata/mesh_vault.wasm.gz --from $val2 --home=$home2  --chain-id $chainid2 --keyring-backend test --node $node2 --fees 1stake -y --gas 10059023
 sleep 7
-meshd tx wasm store ./tests/testdata/mesh_native_staking_proxy.wasm.gz --from $val2 --home=$home2  --chain-id $chainid2 --keyring-backend test --node $node2 --fees 1stake -y --gas 10059023
+meshproviderd tx wasm store ./tests/testdata/mesh_native_staking_proxy.wasm.gz --from $val2 --home=$home2  --chain-id $chainid2 --keyring-backend test --node $node2 --fees 1stake -y --gas 10059023
 sleep 7
-meshd tx wasm store ./tests/testdata/mesh_native_staking.wasm.gz --from $val2 --home=$home2  --chain-id $chainid2 --keyring-backend test --node $node2 --fees 1stake -y --gas 10059023
+meshproviderd tx wasm store ./tests/testdata/mesh_native_staking.wasm.gz --from $val2 --home=$home2  --chain-id $chainid2 --keyring-backend test --node $node2 --fees 1stake -y --gas 10059023
 sleep 7
-meshd tx wasm store ./tests/testdata/mesh_external_staking.wasm.gz --from $val2 --home=$home2  --chain-id $chainid2 --keyring-backend test --node $node2 --fees 1stake -y --gas 15406929
+meshproviderd tx wasm store ./tests/testdata/mesh_external_staking.wasm.gz --from $val2 --home=$home2  --chain-id $chainid2 --keyring-backend test --node $node2 --fees 1stake -y --gas 15406929
 sleep 7
 msg=$(cat <<EOF
@@ -69,15 +65,15 @@ init_vault=$(cat <<EOF
     "denom": "stake", 
     "local_staking": {
         "code_id": 3, 
-        "msg": "$encode_msg"
+        "msg": "$(echo -n $encode_msg| tr -d '[:space:]')"
-meshd tx wasm instantiate 1 "$init_vault" --label contract-vault --admin $val2 --from $val2 --home=$home2  --chain-id $chainid2 --keyring-backend test --node $node2 --fees 1stake -y --gas 3059023 
+meshproviderd tx wasm instantiate 1 "$init_vault" --label contract-vault --admin $val2 --from $val2 --home=$home2  --chain-id $chainid2 --keyring-backend test --node $node2 --fees 1stake -y --gas 3059023 
 sleep 7
-vault=$(meshd q wasm list-contract-by-code 1 --output json --node $node2 | jq -r '.contracts[0]' )
+vault=$(meshproviderd q wasm list-contract-by-code 1 --output json --node $node2 | jq -r '.contracts[0]' )
 echo "vault contract: $vault"
 init_ext_staking=$(cat <<EOF
@@ -97,11 +93,11 @@ init_ext_staking=$(cat <<EOF
-meshd tx wasm instantiate 4 "$init_ext_staking" --label contract-externalstaking --admin $val2 --from $val2 --home=$home2  --chain-id $chainid2 --keyring-backend test --node $node2 --fees 1stake -y --gas 3059023 
+meshproviderd tx wasm instantiate 4 "$init_ext_staking" --label contract-externalstaking --admin $val2 --from $val2 --home=$home2  --chain-id $chainid2 --keyring-backend test --node $node2 --fees 1stake -y --gas 3059023 
 sleep 7
-ext_staking=$(meshd q wasm list-contract-by-code 4 --output json --node $node2 | jq -r '.contracts[0]' )
+ext_staking=$(meshproviderd q wasm list-contract-by-code 4 --output json --node $node2 | jq -r '.contracts[0]' )
 echo "ext_staking contract: $ext_staking"
 echo "Finish instantiate steps"
diff --git a/scripts/mesh/testibc/rly.sh b/scripts/mesh/testibc/rly.sh
index ba92bc36..5ee649a5 100755
--- a/scripts/mesh/testibc/rly.sh
+++ b/scripts/mesh/testibc/rly.sh
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+rly config init
 cp ./scripts/mesh/testibc/config.yaml $HOME/.relayer/config/
@@ -8,8 +9,8 @@ rly_wallet_1=$(rly keys show consumer key1)
 rly keys add provider key2
 rly_wallet_2=$(rly keys show provider key2)
-meshd tx bank send test1 --keyring-backend test $rly_wallet_1 10000000stake --node http://localhost:26657 --fees 200000stake -y --home $HOME/.meshd/chain1/node1 --chain-id chain-1
-meshd tx bank send test1 --keyring-backend test $rly_wallet_2 10000000stake --node http://localhost:26667 --fees 200000stake -y --home $HOME/.meshd/chain2/node1 --chain-id chain-2
+meshconsumerd tx bank send test1 --keyring-backend test $rly_wallet_1 10000000stake --node http://localhost:26657 --fees 200000stake -y --home $HOME/.meshd/chain1/node1 --chain-id chain-1
+meshproviderd tx bank send test1 --keyring-backend test $rly_wallet_2 10000000stake --node http://localhost:26667 --fees 200000stake -y --home $HOME/.meshd/chain2/node1 --chain-id chain-2
 sleep 3
@@ -25,12 +26,13 @@ rly tx connection demo
 sleep 10
-converter=$(meshd q wasm list-contract-by-code 3 --output json | jq -r '.contracts[0]' )
-ext_staking=$(meshd q wasm list-contract-by-code 4 --output json --node tcp:// | jq -r '.contracts[0]' )
+converter=$(meshconsumerd q wasm list-contract-by-code 3 --output json --node http://localhost:26657 | jq -r '.contracts[0]' )
+ext_staking=$(meshproviderd q wasm list-contract-by-code 4 --output json --node tcp:// | jq -r '.contracts[0]' )
 rly tx channel demo --src-port wasm.$converter --dst-port wasm.$ext_staking --order unordered --version '{"protocol":"mesh-security","version":"0.11.0"}'
 sleep 5
-screen -S relayer -t relayer -d -m  rly start demo
+echo "abcxyz"
+# screen -S relayer -t relayer -d -m  rly start demo
 sleep 5
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/mesh/testibc/rly_band.sh b/scripts/mesh/testibc/rly_band.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ecdbd12a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/mesh/testibc/rly_band.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+rly config init --home ./scripts/relayer
+cp ./scripts/mesh/testibc/config_band.yaml ./scripts/relayer/config/config.yaml
+rly keys add consumer key1 --home ./scripts/relayer
+rly_wallet_1=$(rly keys show consumer key1 --home ./scripts/relayer)
+# rly keys add band testnet --home ./scripts/relayer
+rly_wallet_2=$(rly keys show band testnet --home ./scripts/relayer)
+meshconsumerd tx bank send test1 --keyring-backend test $rly_wallet_1 10000000stake --node http://localhost:26657 --fees 200000stake -y --home $HOME/.meshd/chain1/node1 --chain-id chain-1
+node ./scripts/mesh/testibc/faucet.js $rly_wallet_2
+sleep 3
+rly paths new chain-1 band-laozi-testnet6 demo-band --home ./scripts/relayer
+sleep 5
+rly tx clients demo-band --home ./scripts/relayer --override
+sleep 10
+rly tx connection demo-band --home ./scripts/relayer
+sleep 10
+test1=$(meshconsumerd keys show test1  --keyring-backend test -a --home=$home1)
+val1=$(meshconsumerd keys show val1  --keyring-backend test -a --home=$home1)
+meshconsumerd tx wasm store ./tests/testdata/mesh_band_price_feed.wasm.gz --node $node1 --from $val1 --home=$home1  --chain-id $chainid1 --keyring-backend test --fees 1stake -y --gas 10059023
+sleep 7
+client_id=$(yq e '.paths.demo-band.src.client-id' ./scripts/relayer/config/config.yaml)
+init_band_price_feed=$(cat <<EOF
+    "trading_pair": {
+        "base_asset": "OSMO",
+        "quote_asset": "ATOM"
+    },
+    "client_id": "$client_id",
+    "oracle_script_id": "$oracle_script_id",
+    "ask_count": "1",
+    "min_count": "1",
+    "fee_limit": [{"denom": "uband", "amount":"10000"}],
+    "prepare_gas": "40000",
+    "execute_gas": "300000",
+    "minimum_sources": 2,
+    "price_info_ttl_in_secs": 60
+meshconsumerd tx wasm instantiate 1 "$init_band_price_feed" --node $node1 --label contract-pricefeed  --admin $val1 --from $val1 --home=$home1  --chain-id $chainid1 --keyring-backend test --fees 1stake -y --gas 3059023 
+sleep 7
+price_feed=$(meshconsumerd q wasm list-contract-by-code 1 --node $node1 --output json | jq -r '.contracts[0]' )
+echo "price feed contract: $price_feed"
+rly tx channel demo-band --src-port wasm.$price_feed --dst-port oracle --order unordered --version bandchain-1 --home ./scripts/relayer --override
+sleep 5
+screen -S relayer -t relayer -d -m  rly start demo-band --home ./scripts/relayer --debug-addr localhost:5184
+sleep 5
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/relayer/config/config.lock b/scripts/relayer/config/config.lock
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/scripts/relayer/config/config.yaml b/scripts/relayer/config/config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d455257e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/relayer/config/config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+    api-listen-addr: :5183
+    timeout: 10s
+    memo: ""
+    light-cache-size: 20
+    band:
+        type: cosmos
+        value:
+            key-directory: scripts/relayer/keys/band-laozi-testnet6
+            key: testnet
+            chain-id: band-laozi-testnet6
+            rpc-addr: https://rpc.laozi-testnet6.bandchain.org:443
+            account-prefix: band
+            keyring-backend: test
+            gas-adjustment: 1.2
+            gas-prices: 0.01uband
+            min-gas-amount: 1000000
+            max-gas-amount: 0
+            debug: false
+            timeout: 20s
+            block-timeout: ""
+            output-format: json
+            sign-mode: direct
+            extra-codecs: []
+            coin-type: 494
+            signing-algorithm: ""
+            broadcast-mode: batch
+            min-loop-duration: 0s
+            extension-options: []
+            feegrants: null
+    consumer:
+        type: cosmos
+        value:
+            key-directory: scripts/relayer/keys/chain-1
+            key: key1
+            chain-id: chain-1
+            rpc-addr: http://localhost:26657
+            account-prefix: mesh
+            keyring-backend: test
+            gas-adjustment: 1.2
+            gas-prices: 0.01stake
+            min-gas-amount: 1000000
+            max-gas-amount: 0
+            debug: false
+            timeout: 20s
+            block-timeout: ""
+            output-format: json
+            sign-mode: direct
+            extra-codecs: []
+            coin-type: 118
+            signing-algorithm: ""
+            broadcast-mode: batch
+            min-loop-duration: 0s
+            extension-options: []
+            feegrants: null
+    demo-band:
+        src:
+            chain-id: chain-1
+            client-id: 07-tendermint-0
+            connection-id: connection-0
+        dst:
+            chain-id: band-laozi-testnet6
+            client-id: 07-tendermint-1186
+            connection-id: connection-1029
+        src-channel-filter:
+            rule: ""
+            channel-list: []
diff --git a/scripts/relayer/keys/band-laozi-testnet6/keyring-test/cd3d523f4e2c63141401e1689b533f3ac7a0aee2.address b/scripts/relayer/keys/band-laozi-testnet6/keyring-test/cd3d523f4e2c63141401e1689b533f3ac7a0aee2.address
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dddf54e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/relayer/keys/band-laozi-testnet6/keyring-test/cd3d523f4e2c63141401e1689b533f3ac7a0aee2.address
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/relayer/keys/band-laozi-testnet6/keyring-test/testnet.info b/scripts/relayer/keys/band-laozi-testnet6/keyring-test/testnet.info
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..345114fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/relayer/keys/band-laozi-testnet6/keyring-test/testnet.info
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/relayer/keys/chain-1/keyring-test/cf32d005beaf5b86be3a4eac78fa258909b4be2c.address b/scripts/relayer/keys/chain-1/keyring-test/cf32d005beaf5b86be3a4eac78fa258909b4be2c.address
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ea36ec3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/relayer/keys/chain-1/keyring-test/cf32d005beaf5b86be3a4eac78fa258909b4be2c.address
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/relayer/keys/chain-1/keyring-test/key1.info b/scripts/relayer/keys/chain-1/keyring-test/key1.info
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3a13837d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/relayer/keys/chain-1/keyring-test/key1.info
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/testdata/copy_local_wasm.sh b/tests/testdata/copy_local_wasm.sh
index 1e47a731..4c0bc852 100755
--- a/tests/testdata/copy_local_wasm.sh
+++ b/tests/testdata/copy_local_wasm.sh
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ command -v shellcheck > /dev/null && shellcheck "$0"
 echo "DEV-only: copy from local built instead of downloading"
-for contract in mesh_external_staking mesh_converter mesh_native_staking mesh_native_staking_proxy mesh_osmosis_price_provider mesh_remote_price_feed mesh_simple_price_feed \
+for contract in mesh_external_staking mesh_converter mesh_native_staking mesh_native_staking_proxy mesh_osmosis_price_provider mesh_band_price_feed mesh_osmosis_price_feed mesh_simple_price_feed \
 mesh_vault mesh_virtual_staking ; do
 cp -f  ../../../mesh-security/artifacts/${contract}.wasm .
 gzip -fk ${contract}.wasm
diff --git a/tests/testdata/mesh_band_price_feed.wasm.gz b/tests/testdata/mesh_band_price_feed.wasm.gz
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..357ec578
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/testdata/mesh_band_price_feed.wasm.gz differ
diff --git a/tests/testdata/mesh_converter.wasm.gz b/tests/testdata/mesh_converter.wasm.gz
index 65c15585..85925eaf 100644
Binary files a/tests/testdata/mesh_converter.wasm.gz and b/tests/testdata/mesh_converter.wasm.gz differ
diff --git a/tests/testdata/mesh_external_staking.wasm.gz b/tests/testdata/mesh_external_staking.wasm.gz
index 41b51f7c..292a1bc6 100644
Binary files a/tests/testdata/mesh_external_staking.wasm.gz and b/tests/testdata/mesh_external_staking.wasm.gz differ
diff --git a/tests/testdata/mesh_native_staking.wasm.gz b/tests/testdata/mesh_native_staking.wasm.gz
index 92665068..4ad4a956 100644
Binary files a/tests/testdata/mesh_native_staking.wasm.gz and b/tests/testdata/mesh_native_staking.wasm.gz differ
diff --git a/tests/testdata/mesh_native_staking_proxy.wasm.gz b/tests/testdata/mesh_native_staking_proxy.wasm.gz
index 448bc9e5..4a272fcd 100644
Binary files a/tests/testdata/mesh_native_staking_proxy.wasm.gz and b/tests/testdata/mesh_native_staking_proxy.wasm.gz differ
diff --git a/tests/testdata/mesh_osmosis_price_feed.wasm.gz b/tests/testdata/mesh_osmosis_price_feed.wasm.gz
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2250359b
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/testdata/mesh_osmosis_price_feed.wasm.gz differ
diff --git a/tests/testdata/mesh_osmosis_price_provider.wasm.gz b/tests/testdata/mesh_osmosis_price_provider.wasm.gz
index 447dc050..cb369462 100644
Binary files a/tests/testdata/mesh_osmosis_price_provider.wasm.gz and b/tests/testdata/mesh_osmosis_price_provider.wasm.gz differ
diff --git a/tests/testdata/mesh_simple_price_feed.wasm.gz b/tests/testdata/mesh_simple_price_feed.wasm.gz
index 63761789..6f99efaa 100644
Binary files a/tests/testdata/mesh_simple_price_feed.wasm.gz and b/tests/testdata/mesh_simple_price_feed.wasm.gz differ
diff --git a/tests/testdata/mesh_vault.wasm.gz b/tests/testdata/mesh_vault.wasm.gz
index 583a23b3..2a6e5725 100644
Binary files a/tests/testdata/mesh_vault.wasm.gz and b/tests/testdata/mesh_vault.wasm.gz differ
diff --git a/tests/testdata/mesh_virtual_staking.wasm.gz b/tests/testdata/mesh_virtual_staking.wasm.gz
index 236b2108..0bc19308 100644
Binary files a/tests/testdata/mesh_virtual_staking.wasm.gz and b/tests/testdata/mesh_virtual_staking.wasm.gz differ
diff --git a/tests/testdata/version.txt b/tests/testdata/version.txt
index f536e9e0..66a6ad6a 100644
--- a/tests/testdata/version.txt
+++ b/tests/testdata/version.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@