This method will parse the cli arguments and return a struct of the following:
- A struct of the optionspositionals
- An array of the positional arguments
The options can be provided in the following formats:
- A boolean option--option=value
- An option with a value--option="value"
- An option with a quoted value--option='value'
- An option with a quoted value-o=value
- A shorthand option with a value-o
- A shorthand boolean option--!option
- A negation option
For example, the following cli arguments:
--debug --!verbose --bundles=Spec -o='/path/to/file' -v my/path/template
Will be parsed into the following struct:
{ "options" : { "debug": true, "verbose": false, "bundles": "Spec", "o": "/path/to/file", "v": true }, "positionals": [ "my/path/template" ]
- Options are prefixed with --
- Shorthand options are prefixed with -
- Options can be negated with --! or --no-
- Options can have values separated by =
- Values can be quoted with single or double quotes
- Repeated options will override the previous value
This function does not accept any arguments