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Tobias Stephan tobiste

Lakehead University Thunder Bay, ON

Éric38fr Eric38fr
I am a martian, a "gale‘rian" rockologist. Hwv, partof me partof time lives on Earth where I crunch numbers & pebbles & try understand why, and if i can't, how. péri-Grenoble (France)

Bruno Alemao Monteiro brunoaugustoam
PhD Candidate in Earth and Planetary Sciences. Msc. in Computer Science and Geologist

McGill University Montreal

Marco AcZ marcoaaz
I like MatLab and Python to solve data mining challenges in Geology and mass spectrometry imaging.
Philip Hartmeier Philipsite
PhD student in Metamorphic Processes. 🪨🔬 Interested in metamorphic petrology, phase equilibrium modelling, machine-learning applications and more...

University of Lausanne Switzerland

Pierre Lanari lanari
Associate Professor in Metamorphic Processes / Computational Petrology

University of Lausanne Lausanne

Paulo Castellan Medeiros paulo-castellan
Dev Jr.| Ruby | Python | HTML | CSS | JS
Gabriel Monaco Ribeiro da Silva gabrielMonaco
Brazilian geologyst guy who started to learn code by himself

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Porto Alegre, Brasil

Morgan Williams morganjwilliams

CSIRO Mineral Resources VIC, Australia

Joshua Laughton JoshuaLaughton
Modeller and dater of rocks 🌎🌋❄️☄️

Geological Survey of Canada Ottawa, Ontario, Canada