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Adrian Kieß adriankiess
Adrian Kieß is a programmer and administrator. He is currently taking part in the history seminar at the University of Leipzig.

@kiess-onl Leipzig, Saxony, Germany

Ivan Costa ivanocj
Father 👨‍👧 | Nerd 🤓 | JVM fanatic ☕️ | ETL Guy

Aucupo Software Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Felipe Alfonso González felipealfonsog
Computer Science Engineer (Ingº en Informática). Unleashing innovation by crafting visionary solutions with precision and cutting-edge tech expertise.

@nymexhub @novacsec @community Santiago, RM, Chile

Lev V. Babchenko gourytch

Teracloud ApS Copenhagen, Denmark


Washington D.C. Metro Area

David Robertsson drobban

Release finans AB Sweden, Umeå

Paolo Pisati piso77
Happiness is NO!
Austin austintatiousness
Software Engineer, School Admin