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Yukun Li HEHUA2005
A dev

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Chinese Shanghai

MOMO momo-yh

Wuhan university

曹哲 CZtheHusky
Zhe Cao SJTU

上海交通大学 上海

Aman Arora amanarora9848
PhD Candidate at the Space Robotics Group SpaceR, University of Luxembourg GSoC'22 @automotive-grade-linux

@snt-spacer, University of Luxembourg Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Jung Yeon Lee curieuxjy
Robotics & AI


Ruiqing Tang RuiqingTang
Programmer will write code for coffee

USTB Beijing

Life is a game – at least in theory.

Aarhus Universitet Denmark

Jialong Wu Manchery
Ph.D. Student @thuml, School of Software, Tsinghua University

Tsinghua University Beijing

Zhi-Bo Liu zhibo-liu
Reinforcement Learning, Medical AI, Green AI, Art AI. @XjtuAI

Boyuu AI Lab Xi'an, China

Shengchao Hu charleshsc
Ph.D. student in @ SJTU & @ NTU. Did Research in @Thinklab-SJTU, @PJLab-ADG, @OpenPerceptionX

SJTU Shanghai

tinyzqh tinyzqh
I am a PhD at UEC in Japan. MS. in Northeastern University. Worked @ Baidu @ InspirAI.

The University of Electric Communications China

Wenhao Chen CWHer
MMath at UWaterloo. B.S. of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Previous FTE at @hpcaitech. Previous Intern at @microsoft Research Asia, SRG.

University of Waterloo Waterloo, ON, CA

Liu Zichuan zichuan-liu
Aspiring data scientist in between jobs

MSc at Nanjing University | Formerly Interned at Microsoft Reaseach Asia and Alibaba DAMO Academy Wuhan, China

Chufan Chen chufanchen
I'm a master's student at Zhejiang University. Teach me anything!

Zhejiang, China