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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Tim Acosta timacosta
Android Developer @ Rindus

Rindus Tenerife

Luca Rossi Jameido
Present: Android eng @Subito-it - Future: who knows? - Past: Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Xamarin dev (those were the dark times)

@Subito-it Milan, IT

Muhammed Thasneem P thasneemp
Software engineer, 10 years experience in development. Specializing in developing Android apps, but curious about everything. I love solving hard problems

Nagarro Dubai, UAE

Eremite's Point 3r3m1t3
[prototype] A non-profit informal scientific & business dating club & lab. Please, feel free to explore the capabilities and develop the idea.

Umbrella Int. Glocal

Dawid xair0
An average student with above-average ambitions.

VoidCode | VoidCraft | VoidVision Earth

Aleksandr Riakhin alexryakhin
iOS developer. I used to play the trumpet before I started to learn how to code

KODE Montenegro

Adam Z. adamzaorski

Corporate Growth @ Revolut

Karol Lisiewicz klisiewicz
Flutter Developer


James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Javier Cortés Pérez Ailakks
games client + server modder, web frontend + backend & native android apps developer :octocat:

@beatcorp Spain

Saúl Moreno Abril asam139
Fan of Combine & SwiftUI 😍😱🤣🤯 Swift & Objective-C lover 🥰😌🤤🥺

Granada, Spain

mayur kumar Mayurkumar7
Mobile Developer [ Android Developer ] , Backend Developer [ Spring Boot ( java ) ], Blockchain Developer

Mumbai Maharashtra

Jan R. Biasi janbiasi
Senior Software Engineer, co-founder of @seekme-io, passion for electronic music.

St.Galler Kantonalbank AG | @stgallerkb Switzerland

Orestis Pantazos pantazos
Founder of @Project-BluminG

@Project-BluminG Athens, Greece

Mao mao1910
Not a Full-Stacker



@shopify Antarctica

Mantelis mantasjasikenas

Kaunas University of Technology Kaunas

Diomidis Papas diomidispapas
London based software engineer. Head of iOS Engineering at Revolut. Previously, an iOS Engineer at Deliveroo, Hailo

London, United Kingdom

Evgeny Hramov hram

Nexign St. Petersburg

Suhan Tudor suhantudor
Senior software engineer


Hleb Ramniou glebremniov
I code things

Vilnius, Lithuania

nyinyiz nyinyiz
Developing Cutting-Edge Applications Through a Fusion of Coffee and Creativity

Bangkok, Thailand

David Debre gipsey

Budapest, Hungary

Cristiano Arêdes cristianoaredes
Mobile Architect - iOS/Android with Flutter, Swift, Xamarin and Cordova/Ionic. São Paulo

GANNOUNI Mohamed GannouniMohamed
FullStack #JavaScript developer ( React, React Native, Node ... )

@oyez Paris

Dávid Zsámboki ddyfedd
Technical Writer, Content Developer

Revolut Budapest, Hungary

Victor Socaciu vykut

Apple Developer Academy

Jose Canseco NomadMovement
Reddit : … Nomad Movement Site : #DigitalNomad

Nomad Movement Tokyo

Igors Vaitkus unlitdev
Senior Data Engineer


Behruz Bahromzoda behruzbahromzoda97 Tajikistan

Salvatore Piras salpiras
Android @LHV-UK

LHV Bank Cambridge, UK

Alexandr alexandr7035
Android Developer | Web3
cumsoft cumsoft
CLT, XR & Hybrid Kernel Dev

cumsoft New York, NY