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15 repositories
Public mirrorethercat-slaves
Public archiveGeneral EtherCAT slave code for the March exoskeleton 🤖arduino-master
Public archivegait-generation
Public archiveRobot agnostic rqt plugin which allows the user to create joint trajectories 📈tutorials
Public archiveA centralized documentation repository for the March exoskeleton 📘simulation
Public archiveGazebo simulation of the March exoskeleton 🖥️- The main repository of the March exoskeleton 🎛️
Public archiveros_control compatible hardware interface to send commands to the March exoskeleton 🦾input-device
Public archiveEmbedded software for the input device embedded in the crutch 🕹️gait-files
Public archiveA collection of gait files to run on the March exoskeleton 🏃.github
PublicCommunity health files for the @project-march organization 💙🦿ethercat_grant